HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF 'TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THI
5th DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 19.56.
Mayor Purcell called the •eting to order and asked for Roll Call.
~m.T1 Braun, McCabe, Mclellan, Nies, Par ker, Purcell, Scott and Woods•
** ReYerend Stowell Sandmeyer .of the En glewood Methodist Church gave the Invocation • ...
CouncilJftan Braun, Moved)
McCabe, Secorxied) That the Minu tes of t he rrevious meetings be approved as
AYES1 Braun, McCabe, Mc~ll.an, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods.
NllSs None.
coancu.n Rapp entered aNI vas seated with the Council.
Mr. Richard C&tron asked the Council for permission to place benches at the bus stop•, the benches
would carry advertising and t he City would be paid 5% of g ross receipts.
CoancilMn Parker, Moved)
Braun, Seccnied) To receive the propoul and refer it to the City Attorney
for legality.
AIESr Braun , McCabe , McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NilS1 Hone
Mr. Richard L. Mark, owner of the building site at Broadway and w. Girard stated he wanted to get a
bui.lding permit and has leased p arking space from Shoppine; Centers Incorpora ted1 in order to becane
eligible urxler the new zoning code, but elgibili ~ would have to be determined by the Council.
Councilman Braun, Moved)
Woods, Seconded) That Mr. hark be given a building pennit if the sub-lease was
approved by the City Attorney.
AYBS1 Braun, McCabe , McLellsn, Nies, Purcell, Scott and Woods.
DYS r ParkBr and Happ.
Mr. Fred c. U1rich1 Bonde buye r vi th Peters, Writer and Christensen, Inc. and also representing
Boettcher and Cmpal\J', Bosworth, Sullivan and Campany and the Coughlin and Ccmpal\Y, stated they
wre p-epared to purchase the $150 1 000.00 water extension bonds, being sold by the City or Engle-
,ooo. sso,ooo.
turity 1977
• 1978
Interest rate 3.10
" 3.15
" 3.20
and p-eaented the resolution authorizing the same.
~, Ordinance Ho. 15, Series of 195L, of the City of Englewood, Colorado, authorised
the issuance or 11,000,000 or t he ne gotiable COU!JOn Water Extension Bonda or said Ci~ ; and
WHEREAS, the Cit7 has heretofore issued $225,000 of the bonds so authorised, such bonds
bearing date June 1 1 1954 and December 1, 1955J and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to issue 8150 1 000 of the bonds m> authorized tor the
parpoaea specified in said Ordinance No. l5J
Section 1. '!hat for 1he purpose of providing funds for supplying water and for extending and
blprcn1.ng the Englewood Wa terworka System 1 the City shall is sue negotiable coupon bonds in the
principal aount of llSo,ooo pqable in ls.wful money of t he United States or Amrica, consisting or
lSO bonds in the dencaination or $1,000 each, numbered 626 to 775, inclusive, bearing interest
p1.1able on the first dq or June and the first day of December each year, a evidenced by interest
coupons to be attached to said bonds. Said bonds shall be dated December 1 1 and shall mature en
Dec1 ber 1 1 as !ollowt
Interest Rate
Said bonds shall be redeemable at .he option of the City on December 1 1 1969 1 and on any interest pqaent
date thereafter in imerae numerical order. Said bonds and the coupons to be attached thereto shall
be pqable at the office or the City Clerk, ex-officio City Treasurer, in Engle wood, Colorado, shall
be signed by t he Mayor of said City and attested and countersigned by the City Clerk, ex-officio City
Treasurer, under the official s Aal or said City, and shall be recorded in a book to be kept by the
ity Clerlt tor that purpose. All coupons sh all bear t h e f acsimile signature or the City Clerk,
mc-of't'icio Cit7 Treasurer.
~eotion 2. Said bonds and the coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantially the fora in
aaid Ordinance Ho. lS, except that the date of the ·bonds: authorised by this Resolution shallm
O.Omber-1 1 19SS, and the redeemable date thereof shall be December 1 1 1969 1 as hereinbetore
Section lJ lhtn said bonds han been duly executed the City Clerk shall deliver the s8M to Petera,
Writer and Chriatenaen, Inc. and associateda, of Denver, Colorado, on receipt of the agreed purchase
Section 4. Tbe intere•t due on said bonds in the year 1956 shall be advanced tran the wter or al\T
other tund an.ilabl.e there tor. For the purpose of reimbursing such fund and meting the intereat
accruing on aid bonda propmptly and as the same becomes due, and for the purpose of providing for
the ultimate paymnt al'Ki redemption of said bonds to be issued there shall be lnied on all the
taxable property in aid City, in addition to all other taxes, direct annual taxes in each or the
19ars 1956 to 1978 1 inclusive, sut!icient to make such reimbursement and pay such interest and
principal a the same becane due and payable, re11pective]3. Said taus, when collected, shall be
deposited in a specia:L tund to be knOllll as "City of En glewood Water Extension Bond Fund, 1956• and
such tu.nd shall be applied solely to the purpose or the payment of the interest on and principal
or said bonds, and tor DO other purpose whatever until the indebtedness so contracted under the
Ordinance, both principal and interest, shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged, but
nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent said City fran app~ any other
tunda or revenues that may be in City Treasury and available for that purpose, to the payment ot said
interest or principal, as the same respectively mature, 111d upon any such payments, the leV7 oir
leTiea herein i:r ovided may the reupon to that extent be diminished. The sums herein provided to
t the interest on said bonds and to discharge the principal therof when due, are hereby
appropriated for that purpose, an d said amounts for each year shall also be included in the annual
budget and the appropriation bills to be adopted and passed by the City Council of said City, in
each 19ar, respectively.
Section 5. It shall be the duty of the City Council of said Ci.ty, annually, at the time and in the
manner p rorlded by law for le vying other City taxes, if such action shall be neoeaaar.r to etrectuattt
the prori.aiona or t his Resolu tion, to ratify and carry out the provisions hereof w1 th 'reference to
the l8¢ng and collection of taxe1JJ and said City shall levy, certify and collect such taxe• in the
mer prOYided by ~ • for the ourpose of creating a fund for the payment of the principal of said
bonds and ainterest theron, and such taxes-, when collected, shall be kept for and a ··plied only to
the payment of the interest on and principal of said bonds, as hereinabOV'e specified.
Section 6. After said bonds are issued, this Res olut ·on shall be and remain irrepealable until said
bonda and t he in ~erest thereon shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged.
Section 7. 'nlis Resolution, 1.Mmediately on its passage, shall be recorded in the Book of Resolutions
ke pt for that purpose, authenticated by the signa t ures of the Mayor and Clerk.
Section B. By reason of the !act that said improvements and extensions are imperative]3 needed in
order that the City and its inhabitants may be properly and adequately supplied with water, it is
hereby declared t hat an emergency exists, tha t the Resolution is necessary to the immediate preser-
vation or the public pe a ce, health a nd safety, an d i t shall be in full force and effect immediately.
ADC PTED AND APPROVED this 5th day of March, A. D. 1956.
A'M'E.5T s
J. L. Ba rron
ci t y cie!'k
Councilman Pa rke r, Moved)
Richard J. Purcell
Hay or
Woods, Seconded) That said Resolu t i on, introduced and read in full at this meeting,
be passed e.nrl a dopted as read.
AYES1 Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, t'arker, Purcell, Ra pp, Scott and Woods.
NAIS1 None
BSEN T : None.
i f-:}
• Gordon Hoeye representing a fact finding group from the Scenic View area on the possibility ot
annexation to the City of En glewood, questions were asked and answered, then it was suggested that
he prepare a plat and rr er;·~nt i t to t he Planning Canmission for further stud;y and recommendations.
Counc i l.JTian Scoff asked to be excused at t his time.
Mr. Long repesenting Mr. KcAull.y asked that Mr. McAul ly be allowed to construct a transmission tower
in his yard a t L297 s. Sherman, his previous pennit given in 1951 or 1952 was tor tower extended from
the roof or his house. 'lbe new tower would be s et in concrete base and would be about 78 feet high.
Councilman Rapp , Moved)
Woode, Seconded) '!hat Mr. McAu l l.y be allowed to build the tower.
ilES1 Braun , McCabe, McLellan1 Nies , Parker, Purcell, Rapp and Woods.
NAYS1 None
ABS!N T 1 Scott.
Petitions wre presented for paving on West Na ssau Way from s. Fox to s. Hi1ron Streets; and ori s. Elati
Street f'ran w. -Stanford to w. Tufts Avenue.
Councilman Braun , Moved}
Nies, Seconded) To receive the petitions and refer them to the City Attorney.
AYES: Braun , McCabe, Mclellan, Nie s, Parker, Purcell, Rapp and Woods.
AYS 1 None
ABSENT: Scott.
CouncilJnan Scott entered an d was seated with the Council.
carwrrunication fran Attorney vbn Bodan was read stating t hat Mr. Finer wanted to purchase a small
triangular track of land east of Broadway and adjacen t to the Hampden Right or Way.
Councilman Parker, Moved)
Rapp, Seconded} A plat be prepared and oresented to the Council.
AYES: Braun, McCabe , ?foLellan, Nies , Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scoot and Woods.
HAYS: None
A plat of Preston sub-division, "located at w. La y ton Street and Bell Isle Drive" approved by the
planning cCllD!lission was presented for a p!1 r .oval. ·
Councilman Braun, Moved)
oods 1 Seconded) 'Ihe plat be approved and accepted by the City.
AYF.S: Braun, f1 cCabe, McLellan, Nies , Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and woods.
NAYS : None
ABSENT : None .
x_u .,. .... .<
Attorney Bob Kelley renresenting Mr. Clark asked for anproval of a plat near E. Bates Avenue and
s. &nerson Street which woul~ exclude lots 1 to 5 and lot 13, which was approved by the Planning Conniesion.
Councilman Scott,Moved)
Braun, Seconded) To approve and acce pt the new plat which would exclude lots
1 to 5 and 13.
~s Braun , McCabe , 1'l cLe llan, Ni es, Parker, Purcell, Rnpp, Scott and Woods.
NAYSs None
following Resolu ti.on wa s presented and r ead in full.
· ··mEAS, since it's very existence, the City of Englewood has ha d within it's borders and
continuine in extenuation, as those borders have been changed or altered, certain natural drainage
courses and/or c ha nnels, and,
WH~S, no practical building re strictions have been he retofore imposed by the City Council
of Englewood in respect to construction within the se draina ge areas, and,
WHEREAS, new constru ction has so increased wi thin t he oast ten years that it has now encroached
into these natural drainage courses and is continuing such encroactunent, and,
WIEREAS, the City of En glewood, since November, 1955, has had it it's possession a "Proposed
Drainage Plan" prepared by 1,;onsul ting En gineers Ripple and Howe, Inc., and,
WHERLAS 1 this plan offers solutions to En g lewood'~ storm drainage problems.
NCM, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED that to both insure the orderly growth and detelopnent of
the City and it's quicker consideration of ways and me a ns to put into effect the aforementioned
•proposed Drainage Plan", no further construction be pennitted in or anlong any natural drainage courses
within the city limits without City Council sanction where, in the opinion of the Englewood Planning
Ccmniasion or the City Engineer, such cons t tuction would either contribute to fiood conditions along
such c ourae or be subject itself to flood hazard by reason of such location.
Councilman Scott, Moved)
Braun, Seconded) To adopt t h e above Resolution.
AIESt Braun, McCabe, 1'1cLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
HAYS: None
A~T : None.
The Color~do Central Power Canpany asked for an easement over and across City owned land on the south
side of w. Union Ayenue and iJTlnediatley south of City Water intake station, for install.a tion of a
high voltage line to the Glen L. Na rtin Plant. They propose a fee of $260.00.
Councilman Braun, Moved)
McCabe, Seconded) To pennit easement to the Colorado Central rover Compaey.
1!111 Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra pp, Scott and Woods.
IAJS' None
** Coun cilman Nies stated the Board of Education was willing to pay one-half the cost tor an appraisal
of certain properties on s. Lo ga n Street if the City wished to have the a p praisal made. "This is in
line with the project of widenine s. Logan Street between E. Jefferson and E. Kenyon Avenue."
Councilman Ni es, Moved)
Wood8 1 Seconded) The City pay one-half t he cost for the appraisal of certain
property on S. Lo gan St.
AYF.S: Braun, McCabe, l1i.c Lellan, Nies, .P arker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None
Councilllan Scott pntsented and there wa s r ead the followin~ Resolution.
~s, the City of En glewood, Colorado, contemplates issuing Street Improvement Bonds, and,
WHEREAS, the bond buyers require a guare.ntee by the Mu rtl.cipali ties issuing the bonds or an
Ulount equal to 20% of the issues sold to be eannarked to take care of deliquent pa)'l'l8nta.
Now, 'IHmEFmE, B E I T RES OLVED by the Cicy Gouncil of the City or Englewood, Colorado, thia
5th day of March, A. D. 1956, that an amount of the budgeted street fund equal to 20% of the estilllated
n.lue of pa'Ying petitions ir eeented to 1he Council by April 1 1 1956, be earmarked and set aside speci-
tically for the purpose or underwriting the paving projects accepted to that date.
Councilman Scott, Moved)
Braun, Seconded) That the above resolution presented and read in full be passed
and adopted.
AYES: Braun , McCabe, McLella.n 1 Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra pp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None
ABSENT : None•
Councilman Braun, Moved)
Rapp, ii>econded) That nominations be accepted for one member to the Water Boa.rd.
A~: Braun, McCabe, Mc.t.llan, Nies 1 Parker, Purcell, Re pp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None
Richard L • ..,a nta and Jack C. Robbins were selected and nomina t ions were closed and upon vote.
Richard L. rlanta was selected to serve on the Board.
There •s presented and read in full Ordinance No. , Series of 19 1 AN CRDINANCE AU'!HORiznrn
niE EXCHANGE OF PA RTS OF LOTS 26 and 271 Block 1 1 Hl'ggrns En glewood Gardens, Arapahoe Count7, Colo-
rado, Ollned b7 the City of Eng lewood, for a part of Lots 28 and 29, Block 1, Higgins Englewood Gardens,
Arapahoe Connt7, Colorado, For highway right-of-way purposes, and authorizing the Mayor and Cit7 .
Clerk to excute a deed therefor-.
. Councilman Parker, Moved)
Braun, Seconded)
. .
That Ordinance No. 1 Series of 19 1 just read be introduced
and ~ssed on second""reading as Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1956,
and ordered pu blished inthe En gl ewood Press.
AYES: Braun, McCabe, NcLell.an, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None
City 4 ttorney stated the paving petiti..on for Ogden street between Bates and Dartmouth Avenuea was
not canplete.
Councilman Rapp, Moved)
Parker, Seconded) That the petition be returned to the City Manager.
il!Ss Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
HAYS: None
ABSENT s None•
There was presented and read in full an assignment of the Jack Janowi tz lease on the Atchinson Ranch
to the Glen L. Martin Canpany.
Councilman Rapp, Moved)
Parker, Seconded) That the assignnent of the Jack Janowits lease on the Atchinson
Ranch to the Glen L. Martin Company be approved and the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to sign.
AYF.S: Braun, McCabe, Mclellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra.pp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None.
City Manager stated Jefferson County wished to rerwte Highway 75 and the Platte Canyon Ditch and
requested a quit claim deed.
Councilman Braun, Moved)
Scott, Seconded) That a letter of approval be written and the quit claim deed
would be prepared when correct legal descriptions were avail.able.
(copy of letters· are in Clerk's file.)
AYE.5s Braun, McCabe, McLellan; Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NAYSs Hone
The following resolution was presented and read in full.
WHEREAS, the City of En g lewood, ~olorRdo, is now included with .. the boundaries of the proposed .
Blue River South PJ.atte Connrancy District; and,
WHEREAS, it is th e opinion of the City Council of the City of Englewood that there is very
1ittle prospect of any benefit accruing to the citizens of the City of Englewood or the municipality
fran inclusion in said District) and,
WIEREAS, the citisens of the City of Englewood will be subject to the taxation of said
District, if the City is included within the boundaries thereof.
HOW, THEREFORE, BE :IT RESOLVED b7 the City ~ouncil of the City of EnglP.wood 1 Colorado, this .5th
day of March, a.. D. 1956, that the City of Engl-wood opposes its inclusion within the proposed
Blue Rinr S°'1th Platte Conservll?lcy District, and that the said District shall be notified by the
Mayor that the City requests that it be excluded from said District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney and Water Board Attorney are authorized and directed
to take such steps as they may deem necessary in coopera t ion with other persons and municipalities:
to oppose the inclusion or the City within the said Districtr and if necessary to oppose the
formation and inetituion of t he said District by petition, law suits, or otherwise, and to expend such
SUMS as may be necessary therefor, not to exceed $J500e00e
BE IT FURTHER ~OLVED that any and all ar.tion of the Council of the City or Englewood and
the officers and employees ot the City in conformity with this resolution prior to the passage thereof
is hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed.
Councilman Parker, Moved)
Br aun, Seconded) That the above resolution be accepted and adopted.
AIES: Braun, McCabe, McLellan1 Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
HAYS: None
Approved bills were presented for payment as follows:
General Fund
:ater Fund
Disposal Plant Fund
Sewer District Fund
Grand total all Funds:
Councilan Rapp, Moved)
Nies, Seconded) The a noroved claims be paid.
AYES: Braun, McCabe, MeLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None
There being no further busine s s to cane before the Council.
Councilman Braun, Moved)
Mc~ellan, Seconded) To adjourn.
AYES: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods.
NAYS: None.
'lbe Minute• of the Meeting of the City Counci~~!:2:. e.City of En glewood, Colorado, held this 5th
day of March, A. D. 1956, s tand a pp roved as i'l'A _ this 2nd day of April.
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