HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes' I ' ,,. REGULAR ~TING OF THE CIT? COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EtllLEWOOD, COLORADO, H&'LD MONDAY, THE 18th DAI OF JUNE A. D. 1956 Mqor Purcell called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ****** Councilllan Edward s. Scott gan the In.ocation. ****** Mayor Purcell uked tor Roll Call PRESENT: Braun, McLellan, Purcell, Scott and Woode ABSENT: McCabe, Nies, Parker and Rapp ****** Councilman Parker entered an1 waa seated with Council. ****** Hearing was held on the granting or a Drug Store Liquor Lidense tor the Park-11-Sbop D"& 1 ocated at .3.370 South Acoma and owned b7 Mr. Daniel M. Caulfied. "Police Report waa Read.• Attornq Willi• Boclan represented Mr. Caulfield and gave a sWJD&ry of the operations; he also presented snen petitions requesting that the License be granted. Ma7or Purcell asked for aDJOD8 to apeak wbo were in opposition to the granting or the License: Councilman Parker atated that he felt the need• ot the neighborhood were adaquatelT met. There was no other opposition. Whereupon the Ma70r asked that a wte be taken. Councilman Woods moved) Mclellan Seconded) That a liquor license be granted to the Park N Shop Drug AYES: Braun, McLellan, Purcell, Scott an1 Wood.a NAYS : Parker ABSENT: McCabe, Nies, Rapp ****** Hearing wu held on the transfer of liquor license for the Gl&as Bottle Liquor Store, .3439 South Btoadlf&7 1 owned b7 Martha E. Davis to Mr. H. A. Anderson and Mr. Charles H. llein. A report ot the inftatigation made b7 the Police Department was read , and after due conaideration, Councilaan Parker moved) Braun Seconded) That the transfer be granted. AYES: Braun, Mclellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****** Letter WU received and reaa from the Rlice Magistrate, HQC!n A. Swearingen asking that he be allowed to take two weeks vacation conmencing Ju17 9, 1956. Council.Jlan Woods moved) Braun seconded) That Mr. Swearingen's request be granted and that the M1L7or be authorized to appoint someone to serve it it became necessary to do so. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****** A_ petition waa presented from the 2700 block South Sherman and the 3400 .block South Sheraan re- questing a change in the parking restrictions. Councilllan Scott moyed) Woode seconded) 'ftlat the petition be received and action be taken prior to the final approval or changes to be made to the park- ing Ordinance. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****** Attorne7 presented and read the prepared lease agreement with the Lions Club tor the m1niature railroad. Councilman Woods moved) MeLellan seconded) To accep:, the lease agreement, but that the insurance clause 11R1St read 100/.300 thousand it obtainable. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott am Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****** Councilman Braun moved) Parker seconded) That the transfer ot the Bus Franchise troa Mr. Bussard to Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Mears be heard on Jui,. 2, 1956, and that the Cit7 Manager inatruct Mr. T. O. Mears to have the Ordinance available at that time. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and WoOc:ls NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ,, ****** The following Ordinance was presented and read. ORDINANCE NO. ll.. SERIES OF 1956 . AN ORDINANCE RIDULATING TRAFFIC AND PROVIDING FOR PARKING SPACE AND TIME LIMITATIONS ON STREETS WITHD TH! CITY OF EJiGL~~ooo, COLORADO; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOHS 'DIEREOF; AND IP PEALING SECTIC.S .31, .32, and .3.3 OF ORDINANCE HO 1 SERIES OF 19.37, SECTION 1 OP ORDINANCB NO. 2 SERIES OF 1949, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORIJINANGm IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Councilman Woods moved) Scott seconded) That the above Ordinance just read be introduced and passed on second reading as OrdinmMl• Ho. 1.3 Series ot 1956, and ordered published in the Bnglewood Presa. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****"** Mr. B. B. Wright ot 2900 South Bannock and Mr. Richer ot 2919 South Cherokee and senral otllers asked that the parking restrictions be ch~ed. Council.11an Parker moved) Br 11 un Seconded) That petitions be prepared and presented prior t.o an:l in time that an Ordinance amending Ordinance Ho. 13 Series of 1956 might be presented on Jui,. 16th, 1956. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: None ****** A Bill tor an Ordinance establishing a business and occupational license was presented and read in tull. A Bill FOR AN ORDINAM:E ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING MDllICIPAL REVENUE AND LICENSING AND RIDULATING THE CARRYING Oli '.OF ALL BUSDIKSS, TRADIS, OCCUPATIONS, All> PROFESSIONS WITHIN THE CITr OF ENGLEX>OD, COLORADO, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATial THERE- OF; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9, SERIES OF 1925, ORDINANCE NO. 16, SERIIS OF 1926, ORDIHAllCE IO. 1, SERDS OF 1938, ORDINANCE NO. 1, Sl!:RUS OF 1940, AND ALL aniER ORDINANCF.S 00 PARTS Cl ORDINANCES IN OOllFLICT HEREWITH. WHERlliS, due to the " increase in the cost of Cit7 goverrnent occasioned b7 th• obligation to provide additional. and improved services, and to generall,y rising unit coats in all eerri.cee, there mast be additional revenue provided; and WHERIAS, existing regulations concerning occupational taxes, fees and licensee tor certain businesses, occupations, trades and proteaaions are determined to be highl7 inequitable; IOI THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED b7 theCit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado: S!otion l, That a business and occupational license tax be and the sw is hereb7 levied upon and shall be collected from ever,-person, firm or corporation located within ttie Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, and ex81'Cising the privilege of car rying on or engaging in the businesses, trades, occupations or professions hereinatt•r enumerated. Each of said license tax amounts shall be pqable according to th• amoant speci- fied tor the group in which said business, trade, occupation, or profession ia claasitied, as hereinatter set tort.h, unless otherwise specifically stated, being the amounts pa,able as a business and occupational license tax for exercising the privilege ot carrying on or engaging in such business, trade, occupation or I I I I I un. profession aentioned for each calendar year. It shall b~awtul tor any person, firm, or corpor- ation to car17 on or engage in any business, trade, occupation, or profession within the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, without haying first paid the license tax therefor, as prori.ded herein and harlng complied with the tenu bereor. Section 2, DEFINITIONS: For the purpose ot this Ordinance certain words and phrases are defined and certain provisions shall be construed as herein set out, unless it shall be apparent tram their context that a different meaning is intended. 1) AdJacent bu11ne11 unit.1: Shall be construed to mean lots or building• owned, rented or leased b7 a single person, firm, or corporation and adjoining one another or being separated by nothing more than a public street or all97 used in c&r171ng on the business, trade, occupation, or profession. In cues ot such separation, the lots inYolved or buildings, lllLlst be located directl7 across the separating public street or alley. 2) Circu1: Means any exhibition in which seats for spectator• are arranged in tiers 1 and in which are shown teats of horsemanship, balancing, tumbling, Yaulting, where clowns and/or acrobats, wild animals, and performers and actors entertain the audi- ence. 3) Carnival: Means any comnercialized merry-making, whether upon a piblic street or otherwise, wherein t.here Us any performance or aey exhibition or arrr kind or char- acter, or concession or group or concessions, tests or skill, ard/or merry-go-round, ferris wheel, or animals, clowns, and side shows of any kind. 4) Ityerant: Any person as hereinafter defined, not having a permanentl1' established place of business within the City of Englewood. 5) Person: Shall be construed to mean domestic and foreign corporations, associations, 81Ddicates, joint stock companies, firms, partnerships of every kind, trusts, soci- eties and individuals. 6) aus1nesa: Shall be construed to mean and include trades, occupations, professions and all and every kind of calling or enterprise carried on for profit or livelihood, whethor or not specifically enumerated herein, carried on by a person on his own be- half and not as the employee of another. Section 3, STANDARD SCALE : The starxiard scale hereinafter referred to in fixing the license tax for persons already in business sh all be on the basis ot the average number or people engaged in the operation of the business during the preceding calendar year unless otherwise speci- fied. To determine the average number or employees, the total number ot man-hours worked in the establishment during the year shall be divided by the number of man-hours required of one customa rily s chedu led fu l l time emp l oy ee in the establishment for the tax base year. If the compute d figure contains a f r a ction of on e-hal f or le 3s t han one-half, such fra ction shall be dropped ; if the comput ed fi gure contains a fra ct i on of more than one-half, such fraction shall be construed to be one d.ld:Li 0na l emp l o y ~.~. :._ b u s i r,cs ~ whi ch h a s an employee or employees wh o do no t work ;-;1orc th.:1.i1 a co lle ct i vc an.i c'J.:i .,l._ Li ve total of 1 040 :r.1an -hour s du ring the y ear, sha ll not count. said em pl oy e e s i n comput .in6 the tax . Th e fol lowing tables shall be used in computing the a nn ual tax f or e a ch of t oe bu s i ness e s hereinafter classified. TABLE I : 'J0 .00 for the fir s t own e r , partner , ~a n ~~e r or em ploye e ~lus i 1 0 .oo f or each addit ional 1 01ee ~~ ~o 3 .Ji d.mum number of taxable employee of J6.· No tax on employees over the number or 36. TABLE II: $15.00 for the first owner, partner, manager or employee plus IJ900vfor each additional employee up to a maximum number of taxable employees of 36. Ho tax on employees onr the number or 36. Section 4, BUSINESSES AND PROFES SI ONS TO BE LICENSED: Every person engaged in any or the following businesses, trades, occupations, and professions, and/or operating any of the following institutions or est ablie~s shall pay the license tax hereinafter specified, in accordance with the hereinalOwe tables as specified, which shall be annual unless otherwise stated: GROUP A: MERCHANDISING LICENS!;S: Table 1 above: Appliance Repair (all types); Auction Houses; Automobile Bus Firms; Automobile dealers (new cars); Automobile dealers (used cars); Automobile parking lots an1 storage gar@&es; Aut01DObile repair (garages and body shops), where a repair operation is conducted clearl1' as a service unit for a new or used automobile sales function, it shall be considered a part thereof; Aut0110bile suppl.7 sales, retail only, where an autcmotive suppl.7 sales operation is conducted as a c~ bi nation wholesale anl retail operation, Table I shall a~ pl.J. Where the business is operated clearl.J as a service function for an automobile sales operation, it shall be considered a part thereof; Banke, loan companies, and savings and loan associations; Cleaners 1 d7ers 1 anl laundries; Clothing shops (men's ani/or women's) Christmas tree dealers -$25.00 per selling season as speci- fied by Ordinance No. 10 1 Series of 1949; Dairy products (Sales onl.)r) Table I, •••• purely manufactur- ing and/or wholesale operation, Table II); Dancing schools; Departaent stores; Drug stores (If also selllng alcoholic beverages ot ~ t1]>9 see Section 17 ot this Ordinance); &aplo1119nt agencies; Feed stores and supplies: llower ahope; Frosen tood lockers; Fumiture stores; Girt. shops; Grocery stores and super markets; Hardware stores; Hatcheries; Hobbf shops; Interior decorators; Jewlry stores; Junk dealer•; Liquor storea (See also Section No. 17 of this Ordinance); Lockeaith; L11Rber companies and stores; Machine shops; Mort.uaries anl funeral parlors; Moving transfer and storage tirma; Music stores and instruction; llewapaper anl printiJw semcee; Nursery and tree service; Paint and Wallpaper stores; Pawnbrokers; Pet shops and supplies; Photographers, resident (See Group G; this section tor itinerant photographers); Photostating and engraving; Radio broadcasting stations; Radio and television sales and service; Record sales and recording; Rental agencies, real personal propert.7; Semce stations; Sewing Machine service and sales; Sheet metal works; I I I I I Shoe repair and shoe shin• shops; Shoe stores; Sign makers; Sporting goods and gun shops; Stationers; Tailor shops; Taxi cabs ($25 per single cab as specified under Ordinance 2 1 Series ot 1942); Taxidermists; Tire and nibber sales; Towel, apron and unitona supply service; Trailer sales am rentals; Upholstery service; retail; Variet7 stores; Wrecking ;yards; GROUP B: HEALTH AND SAfl.'TY LICENSES: Table I above: Ambulance tirma; Apartment houses (two or more rental units); Bakeries; Barber shops; Bath and massage parlors; Beaut7 shops; Confectioners (Where manufacturing or wholesale 01117, Table II shall applJ'); Convalescent and rest homes; Hearing aid sales, service and examinations; Kennels ani pet hotels; Hotels and hotels; Police and detective service (private firms); Restaurants, cates, and drive-ins (It also selling Alcoholic beverages ot an7 t;ype see Section No. 18 ot this Ordinance); Rubbish and trash removal; Slaughter houses and poultry processing; Vermin exterminators and pest control; GROUP C: PROFESSIONAL AND SEMI-PROFESSIONAL LICENSES: Table I shall apply in fixing the license tax on the tollow.1.ng persons or tiras: Accounting firms (CPA and/or bookkeeping) Architecture and des1gning !inns Attorneys and Law Finns Chiropractors Dentists Engineering tirms Insurance agencies Investll8nt counseling agencies Laboratories Osteopaths OptOMtrists Real Estate agencies Surgeons Veterinarians GROUP D: CC*TRACTOR LICENSES: All persona or firms pertora:ing UJ¥ and &1.1 t1J>8e ot contractor eerricee within ih• Cit7 llmits ot Engl•lilOOd in &f17 amount shall be subject to the tax on the following basis: Tip! ot contractor Cu defined b7 the Englewood Building Code, Ordinance #1, Seri•• 1943, Ordinance 12, Seri•• 1953 and Amend- 89Dta thereto. ) General Contractor • • • • • • • • General Contractor Lillited • • • • •• • • • • • • • Jobbing Contractor • • • • • • • • Sub-Contractor • • • • • • • • • • Special Contractors: AFµpt (it con- tractor based within Englewood Citx 11•1ts.) • 60.00 ,· . $ 50.00 • 20.00 • 20.00 Electrical Contractors. • $ 20.00 (Claes A) Plumbing Contractors. • • $ 35.00 Drain Laying Contractors • $ 35.00 Amount (it con- tractor baaed outside inglhOod City Lilli.ta.) • • • • 75.00 65.00 30.00 30.00 $ 35.00 • 60.00 • 60.00 The abon Ht torth tax rates are in addition to any other taxes and tees due the Cit7 ot Englemod under other Ordinances ot said City. GROUP E: COMMERCIAL AMlJSi){ENT LI~SES: (Sub-group 1) Resident amusement enterprises; Persona operating the following general amuse- ment enterprises within the City of Englewood shall be taxed according to Table I above: Amusement 11&ehine tinu (exclusive of "Jukebox" and •chanical amus ... nt devices under the provision of Ordinance Ho. 26, Series ot 1954, which lertes a fee or $25. 00 tor each machine of the atoreaentioned t1P8); Billard• and bowling; Gold courH, both standard or miniature; Shooting galleries; Theaters and mori.ng picture houses; Theatrical and radio am television agencies and serYicea. (Sub-group 2) Itinerant amusemnt enterprises; Persona operating the tollowing amusement enterprises shall pay the tax for the period indi- cated within the City ot Englewood: Carnival $100.00 for the first dq, $50.00 tor each addi- t tional dq, pa7abl• in advance; Circu1 1100.00 for the tirat dq, $50.00 tor each addi- tional day, payable in advance; Itinerant show (other than carnival or circua) 1 150.00 tor the first day, $25.00 tor each additional dq, payable in ad.Yance. GROUP F: WHOLESALE ANO MANUFACrllRING LIC~SES: A manufacturer within th11 Ordinance shall be conatrued to b• a person or persona mo hold• or purcbuea personal prope~7 tor the purpose ot adding to th• value thereot b7 &ft1 proceaa ot anutacturing, refin- ing, or bJ combination ot ditterent materials, or who shall purchase and Hll articles such as he aanutacture1. A wholesales within this Ordinance shall b• constl'Hcl to •an a person or persona who purchase materials tor resale to.retail or jobber outlets onq. It m7 i-rt ot a pr1-rUT M'loleaale or manufacturing buainesa shall inwln the aelling ot said material.a to the ultimate consumer at the current retail 'rate, such buin•• shall be considered a combination wholesale-retail operation and eubject to thia tax under Table I ~"· Th• tax tor surei, wholesale am manufacturing t1nu shall be according to Tabbl• II above. I I I I ~ I . . Greenhouse operations shall be construed to be included in this group • GROUP G: PEDDLm'S LICENSES: A peddler within the meaning intended in this Ordin- ance shall be construed to be 8117 itinerant person or persons who engage in, or conduct the buaineee ot going troa house to house, place to place, or in or along the streets within the Cit7 ot Englewood, selling or ottering tor sale at retail and making immediate or later deliver"7 ot &n7 goods, wares, •r- chanclise, serYice or &nJthing ot Yalu• in the possession ot the itinerant pedcller or tor which he is an authorised selling agent, to persona other than manufacturers, wholesalers, jobbers or retailers in such c<JllllM>ditiea. All peraona engaged in such business must first obtain fr011 the Cit7 Clerk an official re- ceipt showing that such person has paid the City of Englewood the license tax hereinatter speditied tor the period indicated, and is, therefore, authorized to peddle said good.a or serYices. An7 person or persona 91lbject to a business or occupational tax under &nJ other section ot tlia Ordinance shall be exempt tram J>&7ing the peddler tee herein specified, but shall be required to obtain the aboft mentioned receipt. tor the adainiatrative cost ot one dollar (i l) in order to be legall.7 authorised to engage in residential door to door pedclling. The tax for itinerant peddler's under this section shall be aa fol- lows: Peddlers ot books, periodical (other than newspapers) household wares, brushes, coe- Mtica, utensils, produce, building repair reroodeling an:l all peddlers of &117 goods or serYices not speciticall7 coyered herein shall be subject t.o a tax ot $25.00 tor each peraon so engaged for three months. Itinerant photographers shall be subject to a tax ot 150.00 each for one month. GROUP H: ITINERANT RESIDENTIAL F«:>UTE DELIVERIES: Aiq and all deliveJ-7 vehicles which selLand deliver foods, goods, or serYicea at retail prices direct to residences in thl City of Englewood, and which are representing businesses or firlla located outside or the Cit7 limits, shall be subjec~ to a tax of $10.00 tor each deliveJ-7 nhicle so engaged. (Examples ot such an operation are dairies, drJ clean- ers, and laundries and home bak•r"7 deliveries.) GROUP I: RENTAL UNITS Sub-group l : Reaidential rental unit• Af17 person who nnts, leases or otherwise prOYides two or moN residential unite tor hire shall be subject to a tax or $5.00 per unit per ,ear. Sub-group 2 : Coaaerci&l rental unitp 'lbt •peaoa~wbO Ntlt•~ leu• .. 't ~or otherwise provides aDJ nUllber of cmmePCial rmtal units for hire shall be subject to a tax of $5.00 per unit per ,ear. This tax shall not be construed to be a tax on persons who pq rent to occuP7 Nntal units owned or leased tor rental purposes by other parties. Section 5, BUSINESSES NOT SPECIFIED HEREIH: It is the intent ot this Ordinance that all incom-pro- clucing bueimeeee, trades, occupations, and professions located and pertormd, within the Cit7 ot Kn- glewood shall be subject to a business and occupational tax under this Ordinance. Therefore, in &fr/ cue or cases, wherein a particular enterprise is not speciticall7 named heNin, it shall be the clut7 ot the City Clerk-Trea911rer to classif7 and tax such enterprise, subject to the approYal ot the Cit7 Manager. Stction 6. SEPARATE TAX FOR EACH SEPARATE BUSINESS UNIT UNDER SINGLE OWNU: In cues wbeN a busimss ie operated as separate units in different locations, under the s-owner, eyen ·through aiailar in nature, each such separate until shall be subject to a separate and 1\ill tax under this Ordinance. Station 7. BUSINESSES OF DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATED IN ONE UNIT BY SIHGLE OWNER: In cues wher.e seftral busineseee aa classified herein, are operated b7 the s&M owner in the s•• or adjacent business uhite, and wh•N one is clearl.7 an adjunct to the other, the license tax •7 be cmpated on the two or mN busineeeea as being one business. In such cases where the separate units tall into groups or differing license tax rates, the higher rate shall prevail tor the entire operation. S.ctiqn 8. PERIOD OF LIC~SES: All licenses shall cover a period ot one 79ar beginning JanuaJ-7 l ot each year and ending December 31 ot that year, unless otherwise herein provided. S.ct.iqp 9. METHOD OF COLIECTION: The City Clerk Treasurer shall be charged with the adllinistration and collection ot tax.ea authorised under this Ordinance. It shall be bis dut7 to notify ever"7 known business, trade, occupation and professional enterprise in operation within the Cit7 of Englewood prior to Dec•ber 1 ot each year, with the exception or the year 1956, during which 19ar such noti- fication shall be accom plished as expeditiously as possible. Said not.itication shall include tull instructions as to procedures tor rmittance of the tax due, methods ot tax coapu.tation and penalties prorlded. Lack of receipt ot such notification in any year shall not relien 8J17 person •D&aci"8 in a business as defined hereunder from the liability of paying such tax and coapl.71ng with all other requirements or this Ordinance. S,ct1p 10. APPLICATION FOR LICEHSE: Applications for licensee hereunder shall be ude on unitora tol'IUI provided without charge by the Cit7-Clerk Treasurer. Each applicant tor a license, where the amount ot the tee therefor is based upon the average number ot employees, shall include in hie applica- tion a sworn stat-rt. ot the true nuaber ot employees for the previous c&l.endar 7•ar ccmput,ed ill accordance with Section No. 3 abon usi~ as a basis therefore his pqroll books and records. All. iD- fol"lllltion so obtained shall be confidential and shall not be made public or used by the Cit7, exclpt 281 tor the purpo.. ot establishing a correct basis tor fixing and collecting th• licenses herein pro- rlded tor. City otticers or employees shall be authorized access to said tigures only on a •need to know" baaia, and any City ofticer~or eapl.opee disclosing contidential intol"ll&tion under this aection shall be subject to 1wmed1ate diaiss&l. S.ctiop ll. DISPLAY OF LICENSES: Upon receipt or license tax papent due hereunder, the Cit7 Clerk-Treasurer shall isau• a cert.iticate separate from the tax receipt, which shall indicate that said llcmae tax bu been paid tor the specified tax year. .Each licmse certiticate issued here- under shall at all ti.Ilea while in force be displayed in a conspicuous place in the place of busi- ness or profesaion&l office authorized to be conducted, and shall be removed after expiration thereof. Section µ. HEW BUSINESSES: A. new business shall compute the tax upon the estimted number ot emplo7ees for tt. current year in which the business is to be started. It the business is be- gun subsequent to Janua17 l of ~ 7ear, the tax required shall be prorated on a aonthl.7 baais tor the remaining portion of the year, but no refund sball be made to any person who discontinues 8DJ &DJ business during the 19ar. All prorated taxes provided tor in this paragraph shall be due and ~able upon the beginning of business and shall become delinquent thereafter. S.ctiop ll• TRANSFER OF LIC&NS&-PROCIDURE: No license granted or issued unler any pro'Yisiona ot thi• Ordinance shall be in an7 manner transferred or assigned, nor shall it authorize arq person other than the person naMd in the license to carry on the business therein nam or to transact such business in &fl7 place other than the place or location therein named without the written consent ot the Cit7 Clerk-Treasurer endorsed thereon. At the time such license is assigned or tranaterl"9d or the place for carl'J'ing on of such business is chang .. , the person app1Jing tor such transter or change shall J>&7 to the Cit7 of Englewood a tee ot $5.00 for each assignment or tranater. S!ctiqp 14. LICIMSE DOES Nor PERMIT BUSINESS O'ftiERWISE PROHIBITED: The papent tor a license re- quired b7 the proviaions of this Ordinance and its acceptance by th• Cit7 and the issuance ot a li- cense to arq person shall not entitle the holder thereof to conduct any business in or on an7 building or preaiaea designated in such license in the event that such building or premises is situated in a locality in which th• conduct of such business is in violation ot aey law, or Ordin- ance, nor to con:luct &JV buaineaa for which a permit is required as a prerequisite to the conduct ot such business, noe to conduct &JV illeg&l or unlawful business. S!qtiSll 15. .ENFORCllllNT: Arrt person, firm, corporation or association who tails to comply with &ft7 oth the tenu ot this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be tined in a awa not exceeding three hundl"9d doll.ara (l)OO.OO), or be iq>riaoned tor a period ot not exceeding ninety (90) days, and upon au.ch conviction, &JV license or licensee which such parties so convicted uy hold under ard b7 Yirt.ue ot &rrf ordinance ot tb9Cit7 of ~nglewood tor the sake ot cigarettes, alcoholic beftr1&9a 1 pertorming construction or repair work ot any kind, or tor conducting or engaging in &IJ1' business, trade, occupation, or profesaion, sh&ll immediately be revoked, and such person, fira, corporation, or association shall not be eligible to obtain any new license until .full J)8l1a•nt of said license tax has been made. S!ctipp 16. LICBNSE TUPA.DRS UNDER Jit>RMER LICENSE TAI EXEMPT UNTIL Jan 1, 1957; Arq and all business••, t radea, occupations, or professions whic h have paid the license fees established tor the 79ar 1956 b7 Ordinance No. 9 1 Series of 1925, titled "An Ordinance Establishing License Fees and ProYiding tor the Regulation of Various Businesses and Amusements so Licensed and Providing tor the Manner or Collecting the Same wit.bin · the Limits of the City of 1'nglewood, Colorldo1 • __ and ._ndmnta thereto, sh&ll be totally exempt from pqing any further license under this UrcUJr ance until January 1, 1'157. S!ction 17. PORTION OF LIQUOR TAI CREDITABLE: Enterprises which are subject to, am han paid tt. Cit7 of Englewood Liquor occupation tax under Ordinance .No. 5, Series ot 1948, entitled •An Ordinance Relating to the Iapoaing or an Occupation Tax upon Those ,b;ngaged in the Sale of Retail ot Intoxicating Liquon and to Secure a Proper Distribution or th• Burden ot Taxation,• and -nd- mnta thereto proYided by Ordinance Ho. 7, Series of 1953, shall be al.lowed to credit one-fourth (t) of the amount ot said liquor tax toward the amount pqable under this Ordinance. It such credit ahoaa.d mre than the •aunt norully due hereun:ier, no rebate or re.t\lnd shall be due the taxpa79r. S!ctim lS• WHEN PiWUT PREREQUISITE TO LICENSE: No license shall be issued hereundv vt.n the proYisions ot some other Ordinance of the City ot Englewood requires a pendt to be obtained u a pre-requisite to engaging in or conducting such business until such permit is tirat applied tor ard obtained. ADJ licmae issued in rlolation of the provisions ot this section shall be wicl, Section 19. NOT A TAX ON EMPLOYEES: An employee is declared to be exeapt trom the tax 1.llpoaed b;p this Ordinance. Section 20. ORDINANCES HEREUNDER R.EPEALID: Ordinance No. 9, Series ot 1925 1 Former Business License Tax Ordinance No. 16, Series or 1926, dealing with automobile camps Ordinance No. 1, Series ot 1927, dealing with automobile bussea. Ordinances No. 1, Series ot 1938, dealing with used car lots and Ordinance No. 1, Seri•• ot 1940, dealing with firewood sales, am all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are here- by expressly repe&led. Seq\1oa 21, It any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ot this Ordinance is tor any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decisions shall not affect the validity ot this Ordinance. The Cit7 Council hereb7 declares that it would.have passed this Ordinance, and each section, sub- section, aentence, clause or phrase thereot, 'irt-eapective ot the tact that &n7 one, or 8ZJ.7 uction, subHction, clause or phrase be declared unconstitutional. The tax herein proYidecl shall not appq to the operation ot any business ex•pt by Feder&l or State Law. Sectc1on 22, The City Council hereby finda, determines and declares thi• Ordinance is necessary tor the inllediate preservation or the public,peace, health, satet7 &Di convenience. I I I I ·1 • S!cti• 2l. In the opinion or the Cit7 Council an wrgenc7 exi•t•J therefor•, thi• Ordinance shall t~• ettect and b9 in tore• rraa and after its final passage and publication. Passed on First Reading b7 the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot AW1gl•wood, Colorado, this 18th dq ct J99e , A. D. 1956, and ordered published in the Englewood Presa. AT'rJ:.ST: ,..or eft.7 Clerk Councllun Scott moved) Woods eeconded) Tb accept. and adopt the above Bill tor an Ordinance on 1'1 rat reading with corrections aa mid•, and or- dered it published in the ingl.ewood Presa. AYES: Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott. am Woods NAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp ****** Cit7 Manager presented a letter from Attorne7s Thurman, Gregoey and West, stating the intent to wit.tdraw the propert7 ot Mr. Davolt from Paving District No. 6. The letter was referred to the Cit7 Attorne7. ****** The tollowing Bill tor an ordinance was presented and read in fUl.l. A BILL A BILL FOR AN ORDINANC& C~ATING AN IMPROV1!21ENT DISTRICT IN THE CITf OF ~GLIWOOO, COLORADO, TO BE DCMH AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 6, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION THEREIN OF STRUT IMPROVEMBNTS, PROVIDING FOR 'ftlE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE DISTRICT IN PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVDIBNTS, AUTHORJlir. ING THE ADVANCE OF A PART <6 'nfE PROCEEDS OF THE CIT!' CIGARETl'E AND TOBACCO TAX TO SAID PAVDIO DISTRICT FUMD AND DECLARIIG AN EMERGENCY. WHERIAS, The Cit7 Council ot Englewood, Colorado, pursuant to the provisions ot •An Act Relating to · Local lmproftlmnta in Cities and Towns", approved April 9, 1923, and upon the requisite petitions subscribed by tt. owner• ot a majorit7 ot the frontage to be assessed tor ti. local iapro~ta hereinatter described, hereb7 finds and determines that there exists a neceeeit7 tor the creation ot Paring District No. 6, in said Cit7, and the construction therein or certain etreet improve- aente, u described ld.t.h said Act; and WHimBAS, the Cit7 Council has heretofore directed the Cit7Engineer to prepare plans, specifications, maps, an:l schedules in accordnace with said Act; and WHEREAS, th• Cit7 Engineer has aade his report in the premises, and has tiled with the CJ.erk ot said Cit7 all maps and certiticatea or his surve7, as well as schedules, plans, apeciticationa, apprmd•- tiona or coat, and all other matters and things in complete form and substance asb7 law required; and lliERKAS, th• said report so mad• and filed, together with details, speciticationa, estimates, ape, aM echedul••, are mreb7 approved and adopted b7 said City Council; an1 WHEREAS, the Cit7 Council directed the Cit7 Clerl< to publish in , a newapaper ot general circulation in said Cit7, notice ot proposition to create said Diet.riot, and tat on Jum 4, 1956, at 8 o'clock P.M., all complaints and objections that mi&ht a. aad• in writillc con- cerning the propoaed illprov .. nte by the owner or owners or &IJ1' real est.ate to be aeaeaMCI, or UV' person or persona int•re.ted general.17, would be heard am detenained b7 the Cit7 Council ot Hid Cit7 ot EaglhOod, before final action or said Council thereon, and that atter th• determnation of all ce>11pla1nt.• and objections was made, said City Council would take up and conaid•• and ordinance creating said District and ordering the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, the Cit7 Clerk, b7 advertis .. nt tor a period or more than twent7 (20) da79 prior to said 4th dq ot June, 1956, gave notice in form and substance or tbe matters and things abon •ntioned aa ordered to be given, in all respects in accordance with law and said order; and WHKR&AS, at the tiae and place specitied in said notice, The Cit7 Council •t in open session tor th• purpoe• ot hearing 8ft7 objections or protests that might be made against said illprcw1a1nta; ltlll \ WHIRIAS, the Cit7 Council heard and considered all protests and objections ud• or tiled againA tM propoeed illlproT_,te, and onrruled am denied each and eveey protest and objectiona • .... ~tiled; n and WHIREAS, the Cit7 Council h•r•b7 finds and determines that a general public l*1'flt. will accrue to the Cit7 tram the proposed improftmllnta and that such benefit will be ot the monet.&17 Y&lue herein- after set tort.h; THERIFORI, BE IT ORDAINKD BY 'nlE CITY COUNCIL OF 'DiE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT 283 Section 1. Said illproYWnt1 hereinbetore ~scribed an:l referred to, cona11ting ot ltreet illproT•••nts, all u in th• petition tor said improv•ents set forth am described, wre dul.T ordered alter notice dul7 giTeD and hearing dul.7 held, and t.hatthe petition was presented to said Cit7 Council, ad that said petition was Rbacrib9d by the required number of owners, all as required b7 law. Section 2. Said 111lpronmnt1 1ball consi1t ot necessary grading and excaTat.ian, paY.l.rw with •ix-inch ccmpacted graftl bu• course, with two-inch aspahltic concrete aurtace, and concrete val.k1, cUl"bs, and pttere, where not alread7 installed, together with appurtenances and incidmtala on the following streets and aTenue1 in the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado: OI - s. Race E. East.Mn s. Bmraon s. Hmboldt s. Corona s, Corona S. FOX S. FOX W. IASSAU WAY S. ILATI S. JASON S. IRCA W. LAITOH I. LAITClf S. WASHitllTON E. OORNILL B. DAR'IKOUTH s• I. DAR'MXJTH S. DBLAWARI S. GALAPAOO S. GALAPAGO S. GALA.PAGO S. OGD&H S. OGDEN W. TUFTS w. UllIC»I W. CHEllANGO E. CRllAHGO w. GllAtl) S. PINllSILVANIA S. HUIK>N S. HURON S. HUll>B S. PEARL S. GILPII s. HIGH S. WILLIAMS W. STANJIORD FRClf - s. SIDi OF .E. EAS'IMAN W. SIDE OF S. GILPIN N. SIDE OF E. GIRARD S. SIDE OF E. DARTMOUTH S. SIDE OF E. DARTMOUTH S. SIDE OF E. FLOYD 3. SIDE OF W. DAR'MJUTK S. SIDE OF W. TUFTS W. SIDE OF S. FOX 3. SIDE OF W. STANFORD N. SIDE OF W. UNION S. SIDE OF W. JLAJ!l'DN }!;. SIDE OF S. HURON E. SIDE OF S. WASHINGTON S. SIDE OF E. UNION E. SIDE OF S. CORONA E. SIDE OF s. MARION W. SIDE OF S. FRANKLIN S. SID~ OF W. CORNELL S. SIDE OF W. RADCLIFFE 3. SIDE OF W. GRA.t1> S. SIDE OF W. OXFORD N. SIDE OF E. GIRARD N, SIDE OF E. CORNKIJ. W. SIDE OF S. DELAWARE E. SIDE OF 8. FOX W. SIDE OF S. FOX E. SIDE OF S. BROADWAY .W. SIDE OF S. ELATI S. SIDE OF E. LAYTON S. SI DE OF W. MANSFIEID 3. SIDE OF W. STANFORD S. SIDI!: OF W. KENYON S. SIDE OF E. UNION S. 3IDE OF EA DARTMOUTH S. SIDE OF ~. EASTMAN S. SIDE OF E. DARTMOUTH W. SIDE OF 3. GALAPAGO !Q N. SIDE OF E. FLOYD E. SIDE OF S •. RACE s. smE OF E. DARTll>tJTH N. SIDE OF E. EASDUN N. SIDE OF E. EASTMAB N. smE OF E. GIRARD N. SIDE OF W. EASTMAN N. sm& OF w. UNIOH I. SIDI OF S. HURON •• smE OF w. TUFTS N. SIDI or w. LAYTON N. SIDE OF W. CHBNARGO E. sm1 or s. KALAMATH W. SID& OF S. PEARL N. SIDI OF E. LAI'l'Oll w. smE OF s. DOWIOO W. SIDI OF S. FRANILII w. sm1 OF s. RACE N. sm& OF w. EASTMAN N. SIDI OF W. CHENANGO N. smE CF WEST BELLVIEW N. S mE OF W. PIWfCTOli S. SIDE OF EAST DARTll>UTR Sl 3IDB OF E. BATES E. SIDE OF S. HURON E. SIDE<»' S. HBRON W. SIDE OF S. GALA.PAGO W. SIDE OF S. PENNSYLVAllIA E. SIDE OF S. HUROI N. SIDE OF E. GRAND N. smE OF w. OXFORD N. SIDE OF W. LAYTON N. SIDE CF W. LEHIGH N. SIDE <:a E. LAI'l'a. N. SIDE OF E. EASTMAN N. SIDE OF E. FLOYD N. SIDE OF E. EASTMAM W. SIDE OF S. HUROR Section 3. Said District shall be known as and the same is hereby designated Paring District No. 6, Englewood, Colorado. Sect.ion '· The construction or the street improvements in an1 for said District, as shown b7 the plans, specifications, and maps thereof, prepared by the City ~ngineer :ind approved b7 the Cit7 Council of said Cit7, and now on file in the office of the Cleric of said Cit7, be and the same is hereb7 authorized. and ordered, the material. to be used in the construction ot said street improYe- mants to be in accordance with such maps, plans and specifications. Section 5. By virtue of am in pursuance of the aforesaid law, local illlproT•ent bonds ot the City shall be issued for the purpose or paying for the local improvements in thia ordinance described and provided to be constructed in said Paving District, in an amount not to exceed the cost ot said im- provements, including engineering and all incidental. expense, as in said law provided.. Section 6. Said bonds shall be dated Juli 1, 1 J56, shall bear the name of the district improTed, shall be payable to the bearer eleven (11) years from and after the date thereof, subject to call and prior payment as by law pro vided, shall be subscribed by the Mayor, attested and countersigned by the City Clerk, ExOfficio Treasurer, under the seal o f theCity, shall be payable out of moneys collected on account of the as sessmen ts made for i mprovem ents, a nd from t he proceeds of cigarette · and tob acco truces, as hereinafter provided, s hall bear intere st at a rate or rates to be fbced by .::i. :l ~;:;o l~tion of the c..:.~;, ~0 1:.nc ~l, not exceeding six per c entum (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, a s evidenced by coupons to be attached to said bonds, a l.tested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk, Ex-Officio Treasurer, evidencing said interest , shall be in the denominations of one thousand dollars (il,000.00) each and shall be nwnbered consecutiv~ly from one upward. The principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer. Section 7. Said improvement bonds shall be sold after n otice of sale as by law provided, am the City Cleric, Ex-Officio Treasurer shall make and preserve a record of all bonia issued hereunder ina suitable book kept tor that purpose. Section 8. Said bonds an:i the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantiall7 the following form: STATE OF COLORAOO ****** UNITED STATl!;S OF AMERICA CITY OF BNGL.!.""'WOOD PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 6 COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE I I I I I ·1 I ,, No •. ___ _ 11,000 The Cit7 of Englewood, in the County of ArapaHoe and State ot Colorado, tor value received, acknowledges itself indebted and hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof the 8\111 ot ONE lliOUSAND DOLLARS in lawful mone7 of the United States of American, on the 1st day of J\ll7, A. D. 1967, subject to call and P&JDlent., as evidenced by the coupons attached hereto, pa7able semi-annuall.J on the tirat dq of Januar;y and the first day of Jul7, each year, principal and interest being paf&ble at the office of the Cit7 Treasurer on presentation and surrender or the attached coupons and •this bond aa th91 severall7 become due or are called for payment. This bond is issued tor the purpose of paying the cost of street improvements in ParlngDiat.rWt. No. 6, in the Cit7 Of Englewood, Colorado, by virtue of and in full contormit7 with the Act ot the General Assabl.y or the State of Colorado, entitled "An Act relating to local JeproT-.ita in cities and towns," approved April 9, 1923, and an ordinance of said Cit7 duq mopted, approved, publiahed an1 made a law or said Cit7 prior to the issue hereof. . This bond is p&Jable out ot the proceeds of special assessments to be l6vied upon real eatate situated in the Cit7 or Englewood, Colorado in said Paving District No. ~' apecial.17 benetitt.ed b7 aaid illproveaenta, which assessments so to be levied, with accrued interest, are b7 the said Act Mde perpetual liens on said real estate in the respective amounts to be apportioned thereto an1 assessed bf an ordinance of said Cit7, an:i is also payable out of part ot the proceeds or the cigarette and tobacco tax of said Cit7. It is hereo7 certified and recited that the total issue of bonds ot said Cit7 tor said District, including this bond, does not exceed the amount authorized bf law; that eve17 requirement or law relating to the creation of said Paving District No. 6, the making of said local improv .. nts, an1 the issue of this bond, has been full7 complied with b7 the proper otticers ot said Cit7, and that all conditions required to exist, and things required to be done precedent to am in the issue ot this bond to render the same lawful and valid, have happened, been proper~ done and performed, 0ani did exist in regular time, form and manner, as required b7 law. For the pay1111nt of this bond and the interest thereon the City pledges all of its lawful corporate powers. INTESTDDJI WHEREOF, TheCit7 or ~nglewood has caused this born to be subscribed by its Ma70r, ·attested and countersigned b7 the Cit7 Clerk, Ex-Officio Treasurer under the seal of the Cit7, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed with the facsimile signature ot the Cit7 Cleric, Ex-Officio Treasurer, tha lat day of July, A. D. 1956. ****** (Form ot Coupon) No. ___ _ f, ___ _ On the first da7 or ~~aey , A. D. 19_, the Cit7 of' Englewood, Colorado, will pq to the bearer DOLLARS in lawful moner ot the United States ot Amrica, at the office ot the City Treasurer, in Englewood, Colorado, being six months' interest. on its local improv .. nt bond issued for the construction of local improvmaents in Paving Die- trict. Ro. 6, Englewood, Colorado, provided the bond to which this coupon is attached shall not haft been thereto.fore called for payment or paid. Attached to bond Jul7 1, A. D. 1956, bearing No. ___ _ (Faacimile Simatun) _ City Clerk, ExOrrico Treasurer ****** Sectian 9e The City Clerk, Ex-Officio Treasurer, is hereby authorized and directed to have printed such bonds ., -.y be reguired to meet the actual cost of said improvements, as herein provided, and when •td bonds are prpeared, to issue the same as hereafter directed by the City Council. Section 10. In order to pay the monetary value of the general public benetit which will accrue to the Cit7 tram the proposed illprovements, each year for 10 years there shaU t:e advancedft-om the proceeds of the cit7 cigarette and tobacco tax to the special improvement fund of aiad District No. 6, 2% of the total principal UIO\mt of bonda issued for said Diatrict, provided, however, that when aid bonds and the interest thereon shall bt fully paid or money is on hand tor that purpose, no further advances shall be made. When •id bonds and the interest thereon shall be fully paid, the City shall be reillbursed for such advances froa special assess11e11ts thereafter collected. Section 11. Moneys transferred, as in Section 10 hereof provided, shall be prOlllptly applied in thtt paJ119nt of bondB issued for said District and interest on such bonds. Section 12. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to advertise for bids to construct such illprOYements 1n four (L) consecutive weetly issues of 1 a newspaper of general circulation published 1n such City, such advertisement to run concurrently with the publication of' this ordinance. Section 1). a,-reason of the fact that the completion at the --.rliest possible date of the improve- ments described in and contemplated by this Ordinance is necessary to the 1-diate preservation of the public satet71 it is declared that an emergency exists a rd that this Ordinance shall take effect five (S) daTS after its final publication. Section l.l,J All ordinances, or parts thereof, in confU.ct herewith are hereby 2epealed. Thia ordinmce, after its final passage, shall be recorded 1n a book kept for that purpose, shall be authenticated by the signature ot the Mayor and City Clerk, shall be published in said lit7, and after becoming effective, shallbe irrepealable until the bonds of said District shall be paid 1n tun. Introduced and read this 18th day of' June, A. D. 1956. (to appear in final publication:) FINALLY ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 18th day of June, 1956. (SEAL) A'M'E.ST c1t7 Clerx Comcilman Braun, moYed) 14iYor McLellan, seconded) That the above bill be passed on first reading and ordered published in the Englewood Preas. AYBS1 Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. NAISr None ABSBNTdlcCabe, Nies, and Rapp. ****1Hf+* Comcilan Braun, 110ved) McLellan, seconded) That Attorney Richard Graham appear as Comcil with City Attorney Joe Esch in the Court proceedings regarding the annexation of property west of Santa Fe and North of Dartmuth same kaving been annexed by Ordinance No. 7, Series of 19.56. Ams Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and woods. NAISI Hone ABSEN'l's McCabe, Nies and Rapp. The tollowing Resolution was presented and read in fulle RmOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of F.ngl.ewood has previously requested mcclusion from the proposed Blue River-South Platte Water CanaerYancy District, which request has been deniedJ and WJEREAS, The City ot Inglewood is a party in Civil Action No. 1Jl2L in the District Com-t in and tor the Co1Dlt7 of' Weld and State of Colorado, entitled "In the .Matter of' the Petition ot Blue River-South Platte Water ~onaer.ancy District. WClf, THJRD'ORE, BE IT R.Fl>OLVED by the City Co\D'lcil of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 18th div of June, A. D. 19S6, that the Water Board Attomey and the City Attome7 are hereby authorided1 in their discretion, to file with the District Court in and for the County ot Weld and State ot Colorado I , I I I I I a petition tor the exclusion of the City of Englewood from the proposed Blue RiYer-South Platte Water Conservancy District. Councu.n BralDl, moved) McLellan, seconded) That the a bove Resolution be approved am adopted. AYFSI Braun, McMellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. NAYSr None ~ ABSENTr McCabe, Nies and Rapp. ****":l IUUI JU 111111 The City Attorney stated that the court costs in the Blue River-South Platte Water Consen&11C7 District.Case being held in Greeley could cost more than the amount of llltSO.oo previousll' approved by the Ci_~ Council. Councilm.n Scott, moved) ... BralD'l, seconded) That. the amount be raised from $.3L5o.oo to $5000.00. ' · A~rBraun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. NJ.YSr none ABSBNTr McCabe,.Nies and Rapp. ***~ !I If If If If If If .. Engineering esti.Etes were received on Sanitary Sewer District No. 1'9, between i.tqette " and HUllboldt, Eastman Ave. to noyd Ave • • Sanitary S899r District No. So from Denver line on East Yale Ave. extending south on Clarkson Street appros1•tely .350 feet. · Council.an Parker, moved) Braun, seconded) 'l'hat the estimates be received and that adverti-nt tor bids be made and that b ids be received at 8100 P. M. on July 16j;h. A~r Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. NA?Sr None ABSINTr McCabe, Nies and Rapp. Councilman Parker, moved) Scott, seconded) That the City Attorne7J rewrite the lease with the Lions Club for the minature train, by additions thereto, \o include the the provisions that any physical changes lll8t be and chenps 1ll admittance charges must be by con1ent of the Cit1 Council. AYES1 Braun, McLellan, Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. NAIS1 None ABSENTr McCabe, Nies and Rapp. llllllUUlllllllUIUlf Counc1l•n Braun, moYed) McLellan, seconded) ~o adjourn to 8100 P.M. Monday July 2, 1956 AYES: Braun, Mci.ellan1 Parker, Purcell, Scott and Woods. RAYS: None ABSENT: McCabe, Nies and Rapp. * ·~HH~»*** The Minutes ot the Meeting of the c1lf:_~or the City ot ~lewood held this Lth dq ot June, A. D. stand approved as_ ~~ ___ ~his 2nd day of July' , 19S6. Ma7or