HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes/, RE'lJLAR 1 'IETING OF T''E CITY COUNCIL CF TJfS CITY OF ~GLFlVOOD, COL(RAD0 1 HELD ON t::WDAY 1 THE 16th Dl\Y OF JULY A. D. 1956 llayor Pu.rcell called the meeting t.o order at 8100 P.M. ****** Reverend Glen Sheilds of the Free Methodist Ch-..irch gave the invaocation. ******* Jlayor Purcell called for Roll c~11. PRESBNTallcCabe, ?.lcLellan, Neis, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. Affi~Tt Braun. *~'**** The following Ordinance w~s introduced and readt AN CRDINANCE CREATING AN D 1PROVIMENT DISTRI CT IN THE CITY OF ENO.LENOOD, COLCRADO, TO Bl KNOIN AS PA VINO DISTRICT NO. 6 1 QR!)l~l UN r. THE CONS 'l'RUCTION 'nlEREIN IF STRBET DIPB()-. vmlENTS, PROVInIN11 FCE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF 1'HE DISTRICT IN PA'OIBNT FCll SAm Dl?RJi/D'INTS, AIJTHtll~r ·o THE i\D'IANCI OF A PA~T OF THE PROCEEDS OF TRI CITY CIOARETTI ARD TAMCCO TAX TO SA.ID PAVDTO DIS'.'RICT FJND AND DECLARING AN FJlr.RGENCY. Councilman Parker, moved) Rapp, seconded) That Ordinance No. _, Series or 19 _, just read be introduced and passed on second reading as Ordinance No. 16 1 Series of 1956, anti ordered published in the Englewood Press. A!IStllcC&be, UcLellan, Neis, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. 'NAYSa None AI5ENT1 Braun ******* The following bids were received for construction or Paving District No. 61 West.em Paving and Cons~ru c tion Co. Bran.."lon Sand and Oravel Co. Peter Kinit Sons Ccmpany Counailman Rapp, m~ved) ~272,800.72 276,07$.62 274,420.17 • Nies, seconded) That. the bids be receiied and referred to the Ci ty Manager for tabulation-analysis and report at a later time in this session. A YESallcCabe 1 Mc.Lellan, Nies 1 Parker, ·:-Purcell, Rapp, Scott ant Woods. llYSt None 4BSEMT1 Braun ******* The following Bide were received for Sanitary Sewer Kxtension 149 anti 1501 Pascal and Brandon Lakewo~ Sewer ~onat. Navajo Sewer Const. Councilman Parker, aoftd) 149 $1,724.20 149 1,450.50 149 2,202.32 1150 11,312.70 1/50 1,302.00 none McCabe, secJnied) That the bids be received and re rerred to the City Manager for tabulations-analysis and reoort later in this session. AYBSa McCabe, McLellan, Neis, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Hoods NAYSt Noae A BSIOrr I Bra :m * * n ;, * * * * The City Manager stateJ th3t he h3d received the bids for the purchase or PaTina District Bonds and requested that they be received and remain unopened U."ltil the meet-tna of the Council, August 6, 1956, and that that bidders be so notitied. AYESt McCabe, llc.Lellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott an1 Woode U.ISt None ABSENTt Bra\Ul ****U·** Protest.a were receive1 on the parking Ordinance and the following citizens presented pettitions or sp~ke in reference to the same. B. B. Wright Chu. Johnaon Kenneth Loclmer llrs. lilma ldom 2700 s. Baanock 270S S. Linc)ln 3075 s. ~hennan 2800 S. Acoma St. They were thanked by the llayor for t.heir collrt.esy and were told that the li!ty Manager I I I I and Cheif of Police would try to work out a soluti'Jn that wo .1ld be satisfactory. ***** llr. u. o. Shivers aske ~ that a portion or Logandale Boulevard be V.JCated, same being at llmsf'eild Avenue and So. &ox Steaet. Council.can Nies, moved) UcLellan, sec onded) That the abo~e reque ~t be received and that the Planning Conniaaion be notif ied. AYISa McCabe, UcLellan, Nies, Parker, .Purcell, Rapp, Scott and 0 oods. HAYSI None AOO M 1 Braun ******* llr. Chas. Wagner, 2162 E. Dartmo ·ith Ave. 1 Dr• Freman, 2292 I. Dart.mouth, and llr. i'h~s Patton, 22)2 I. Dartmouth, stated that something should be done about heavy trucks on B. uartmouth, as it was not built to handle heavy loads ""nd t ha t a stop sign at Ddtmouth .... nd Vine ·would be a big hel~ as it wouls slon them do ~n an d discourage us e of the Street. The7 also arar1J d that the water pressure was so low they were unable to use dish washers and asked that a pressure pump be placed in that area. The llayor stated that the City Uanaaer -..ould study their problems. *~'**** * llr. Ray wdltig presented a aimed lease for the opera tion of the Minature tratn in the '°'ity Park. Counailman Nies, mov ed ) Woods, seconded) 'ihat th~ lease be accepted and the llayor and City ~lerk be authorized to sign. AYES: llcCabe, Vclellaa, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra op, Scott and ~ooda. NA YS: None Abaentt Braun ****** llr. Chavez asked tha City to pUJllf) the alley in theJJOO block of South Ogden as it is a health ~ard and stated tha t. he would be willing to pay half the cost or the pump. Co..incilman Parker. mov e d) • Woods, seconded) That the ity Purchase a pump for emergency use on th& ~ity property. AYBSallcCabe 1 llcLellan Nies, Parker, Purcell, la )p, Scott and Woods. Mayas None ABSENTS Braun ******** A lettdr was received and read r~ llr. a,o. Cummings in regards to the possible annexation of the territory, adjacent to t he wouthwest Boundries of En e lewo,xi. Councilman Ra :J p, ll oved) , KcCabe, secon ded) That the letter Le receive d and referred to the City Uanager for study a nd recc0111Dendations. AYISt McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra p p, Scott 3nd Woods. NAYS1 None ABS!RT1 Braun ****** Counc11een Nies ga ve a brief re port on the study beiflg mad e on the Home Rule and asked each ot the Counc1_lwn to fumiah the names of five pe.Jple who woul l t e intereste1 in helping to promote interes i.. in a Home '1\lle Charter. ****** l'he f ol owing Ordinance was presented and reads AH (JU)IN AN CE ESr.BLISHINO A DUSINES S AND OCClJPATIJ NA L LIC F:NSE TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING irJN I CIPA L REVENUE AND LICENsr G A ~m REr,{J .Lrt TI Nrr THE CAR RY IN G OF n..LL BUSINESS, IRADES, OCCUPATIJNS AND ?R OFESSI l'JS WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGU:ff J ~D, CO L.1RA D0 1PRO IIDINO ?ENALTIES FCR THE vm<lLATION THEREOFs ANB REPEALI NG CEDDI&MCE NJ,9, sinn:s or 192S ORDINArICE NO. 16, SERIES OF 1926, Clt!lINANCE NO. 1, s ~:IES OF 1938, J!!D~JA :L:E NO. l,snn1.s OF 1940, AND ALL OTHER ORDINAN~ AND PA.TI'S OF O:IDilWJC.ES m CO?JFLICT HSRJ-;., I TH. Attorney ~ichard Simon 1 representi ~g the National Association er Direct Selling COlllpanies, pres e nted objec ~ions and presented printed copies of same to all Councilmen, stating that the part of the Ordinance designated as Group G, is unlawful insofar as it may a pply where orders obtai ~ed are suuject to a ceptance or rejection after soliciJ.ation within the stat.e ot orders for poods by the a .. ent of a foreign •nufac~urer orCorporationa, whether by sample or otherwise, and the sh pment of goods pursuant to such orders tlJOID another State to purchasers constitutes interstate commerce. Many other direct selling salesman were heard, and after due consideration, Councilman Parker, moved) Scott, seconded) That Ordinance No. , Se•ies of 19 1 just read be be introduced and passed on seconareading as Ordinance No.17 1 Se.ries of 19S6 and ordered published in the Englewood Press. AYESa llcCabe, UcLallan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. NAISa lfone ABSENTa Braun ****** The follow:tn r? !:ill for an Ordinance w s presented ani read in full. A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AM~D ING JR.DniANCE NO. 13, $!<~R IES or 1951, AND ORDINANCE NO.lb,SF.RIES OF 1951, BY STRIKING l'HER.EFRO ~~ WHEREIER rm; SAME APP&illS, l'HE WORDS"WILDING INSPECT~" AND SJBSTITUTIHO THIRKFCltE THE WORDS "CITY ENGIN t~"• BE IT ORDAINED BY fHE CIT ! COJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENG.LEW )JD, COLORAD01 Section 1 • Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1951, and Ordinance No. J.4 1 Series ofi9Sl, are hereby amended by striking therefrom the words "Bu ildinf Inspector", wherever aaidllord appears in said Ordinances, and substitAlting theref ~r, the words City Engineer". Section 2. 'nle "'ity "-ouncil hereby tinds, det.errdnes, and declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the inlllediate preservation or tha public peace, health, safety and convenience. Sectio£il· In the opinion o f Jhe City CJuncil an emer gency exists; therefore this Ordinance shill e effect and be in force f rom and after its final passage and publication. Passed on First Rea11ng by the Citv ,,_ ouncil of the City or Inglewood, Colorado, this /(' th day ot July A. D. 1956, and ordered published in the Englewood Presa. Vayor Attestt Cltj Ciirk Councilman llcCabe, moved) Rapp, seconded) That the above bill just read bit passed on the first reading am ordered published in the Inglewood Pre••· .lYBS1 McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purce .l, Rapp, Scott and Woods. NAYSs None 4BSENT1 Braun ****** The followig resolution was presented and read in fulls RISOWTION 11HBREAS 1 Ordinance No.lS, Series of 1956, of the Ordinance of the City ot fnglewood.nColorado, was finally passed and approved on July 2 1 1956, and is now in full forcw and etfecti and WHIRBmJ, said Ordinance prescribes rules ans regulations for the operation and maintenance ot the Water System of the City of Englewoods and I I I I I WHIRIAS, said Ordinance provides, in part, by subparaeraph(I), Paragraph 25, subsection A or Section 2 thereor, that the cost or changeover fram ierivate lines to City lines shall be, from time to time, established by resolution of the City ouncil; and WHERElS, no schedule for changeover has heretofore been established by the City wouncil. rm, 'l'HIRBFCRB,be it resolved by the Ci1.y 6ouncil of the City Of Englewood, Colorad, this 16th day or July, A.D. 1956, that the charge for changeover from a provate line now served by &117 otheramicipal water system to the mains or the C.ity or Inglewood, Colorado, shall be 11100 for total tront footage tor an existing developed property, up to and including 82t feet or .tront6 age, plusl2S.oo tapping fee( total for each actual ta pping operation)J and that normal ratea per front foot and that the charge for changeover from a private line now served by the lngl ... w.)()d Water Systc to the maina or t he City it ln'lewood, ~olorado, shall be ritt;r(50) cents per tront foot of property, plus 125.00 tap'J ing fee (total for each actual tapping tperation). A f'ront foot shall be deemed to cover the d ..:pth of not more than 140 feet. Passed and Adopted by the City Counc ·.1 of the City of Englewood, Colorado this 16th day or June A.D. 1956. Councilman McCabe, noved) Rapp, seconded) 'nlat the ~bove resolution just read be approved and adopted. A!BS1 McCabe, McLellan, Nies,Parker, ?urcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. HAYSI None ABSENT I Braun. ****** 'nle following Resolution was presented and read in fulla RISOLUTION WRBREAS, Ordinanee Ho, 15, Series of 19'6, of the Jrdinances of the City of J:nglewood, Colorado was f1.nally passed dnd app r oved on July 2, 19'6, and is now in full force add ettectJ and WHBREAS, said Ordinance prescribes rules an1 regulations for the pperation and maintenance of the Water Syatm ot the City Of &l glewoodJ and WHF.REAS, said Ordinance provides, in part, by subparagraphs (b), (c), Paragraph 2S, subsection A of Section 2 thereof, that the City •Yi without petition, construct a •in or sufficient sise to serve the area served by an inadequite line, when, in it's opinion, theline 1a causing undue hardships upon the users of said line or 6n the CityJ and WHBRBAS, undue hardships will accrue to the City and the owners connected to the present private lines in certian locations because of imr.tinent street paving construc~ion in said locations if connection is not now made to the City water lines. HCJI', THEaEFClll, be it resolved by the aity C"'1ncil of the City of Inglewood, Coloardo, this 16th day or July, A.D. 19$6, that 'l ll service connections to the present small printe w.~ ter lines in the following locations be changed over to City mains at ~nee, because or imninent street paving construction in said locations, and that charges be made according to the schedule in the current reso Luti.Jns cevering such charges, and that the same be collected by the •ter Department of the Citya On South Ogden Street between Eastman Avenue and last Floyd Avenue. OnSouth Emerson Street between last Ea s tman Avenue and East Girard Avenue. On South Corona Street between East Floyd Avenue and East Girard Avenue. Un South Galapago Street between West Oxford Av dnue and West Princeton Avenue. On last Chenango Street between South !:)road.vay and South Pennsylvania Street. PASSED am ADO? rED by the City Council of the City of l'.nglewood, wolorado, this 16th day or June A.D. 1956. Councilman Parke r, moved) Woods, sec()nded) '.l.'hat th : aOO. resolution presented and read in full be passed and ado?ted. AYES1 McCabe, llc~llan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp 1 Scott am «o ods. NAYS1 None ABSENT: Braun The following resolution was present.fld dnd rea l in fulls RES )illTION WHER~, ~rdinance No,lS, Series of 1956, of t~e Ordinance of the City of Englewood, volorado, was finally passed and ap prove J on July 21 1956, and is n:m in full force an:-1 tlffect; and WBIRIAS, :;a id 1o.1r dinance prescribe s rules and regulations for t he operati0n and maintenance or the Water Syst:em of t he City .Jr mglew?od; a.M WJDlllAS, said OrdL"l&Dce prescribes in part, by subpara ~hraphs, {a), {b), (c), 9aragraph 25, subsection .A. of Section 2·, t hereof 1 tha t the Ci tv may require connection of water users to • City Main in the event an inadequ it.e line:-·is ·causing· undue· hardship on the users or said linee, or on the "'ity; and · WHERMS , because of existing low pressure and inadequate supplv from a private line on ~outh Pennsylvania Street betwe ~n East Cornell and ~st. Comell Atlenue 1 a hardship to the users ~ NOO, THEREF O~, be it resolved by the Cit \r Council of the City bf Enclewood, "'olorado, this 16th day of July, A.D. 195 6, that a City "at.er main be c onstructed in said area all at once, an1 that all service connections t o I.he small private water lines be change i over to said City main at the time of cons t ruc tion, and tha~ chargJ S be made therefor according t o tha applicable schedule in the current resolution, and be collec~ed by the Water Dep a rtment of the City of Englewood. PASSED and ADJ PTED by the ~ity co unc il of the City of Englew~od 1 ~olorado, this 16th day of July A.D. 1956. Coun cilman Mcls llan, moved) Rapp, seconded) ·h~I.. t he a u Jie re~olution pa .sad and adopted. present~d and read in full be n.YES1 McCabe, ltc.Lellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Ra 9p 1 Scott and -•oods. NAYSs ••one ABSENTs Braun ****** 1'he f ollawinf ~111 for an Or d inance was prese nted and read in full: A BILL FOR AH JRDINANCK VA.CA rING THAT PJRTIJN )F LOGANDrtLE BOJLE:/A -t J DESCRIBED AS1 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON l 'H t;; N~FTLilJE 0 M:,NSFEILD AVDH E v'iHE CH POINT !l) 91.67 FJo;ET EAST,OF THE SO'J~T CORNER OF LOT 25, BLJCKl.6 , LOGt\NDA.!31 THENCE EAS T J.).JJ FEET ~ORE OR USS, TO TP.E W.&5T LINE OF SCJJTH FOX SmEET Ef.'l'U D ·.:D SOOTH : r ~:CE NORm ALJN'1 K(T~!D~D w~,.. L~E J~ SOTrH FOX, A DISTANCE OF 70FEET TO A POINT S FEET S:xJTH OF THE NJRH l~ST CJR~JER OF LJT 27, BL:>CK 16, LJr.A_NDALE: THENCE SOIJ~STERLY ON . A SIRAIGH T LINE 77.53 F El'~T r o P)INT OF BEGIN'lilH1, PIJRSU ANT TO CHA?rER 217, CHA ~>Tm LA.WS OF COLCJW>O, l9Jd, AND RBSBRIDG EIIS I'ING &\SnmNTS AS SET FORHT I N ~ID S ES SION LAWS. BE IT OBTAilraD TI !:; CIT Y CClJ NC I L OF THS CIT '{ OF Jo1J'iLE.'iJOD1 COLJRAD01 Section 1. That j)ortion of Lo gandale Dou le'lard dcs ctibed ass Be e inning at a point on the No:tth Line of llans feild Avenue, wh ic h po i nt is 91.67 feet 6ast of the wouthwes~ corner of lot 25, Block 16, LogandaleJ thence East 33.33 feet, more or les s , to t.he ~est line of ~outh ~ox Stre et a distance of 70 feet to a point 5 feet south of the Northeast camer of Lot 27, ~lock ·16, ~ogandale; thence Southwesterly on a straight line 77 .53 feet. t.o poi t of beginning, is located e ··i tirel7 within the city limits of the Gity of lne;lewood, ~olomado 1 and doe s not c onstitute a boundary line between said City and any county or ot her municipality. Section2. That the vacation of said p~rt.ion of Logandale !:s o11 levard will not leave any adjourning lind without an established publi c read connec ~in g s a id land with another es ablished road. Section ). ~hat the po rtion of Logand~le Dou levard described as: Be ~innign at a point on the &iii line of iianafeild Ave nu e, which point is 91.67 feet East of the .Jouthwest comer or Lot 2S, olock 16, Logandale; thence l!;ast 33.JJ f eet, more or less, to the West .~ine of South iaxStreet extended south; thence No rth alonr, said e x ~e 1 d ~West ~ine of South Fox Street a distance of 70 feet to a point Southwes t~rl y on a straight line 77.53 feet to a point of beginni(lg,, be, and it is hereby, declared vacated, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 217 1 Session Laws or Colorado, 1949, and title to said vacated roadway shall vest in the owners of abutting land as pro'lided by atatute. Section 4. That the City of &l glewood expressly reserves for conti.~ued use or existing rights or way or easements for sewer, gas, water, or si:niliar p i pe lines and appurtences, for ditJches or eanals and appurtenances, for electric tele phone an d simii.r lines and ap purtenaneee. Section 5. 'nle ~ity eouncu hereby finds, determines an1 declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the LIDediate preserva~ion of the ?Ublic peace, health, safe ty a nd convenience. I I I I . I I Section 6. In the opinion of t he ~ity Council, an emer genc y exista; therefore~ this Ordinance shal1 take effect and be in force from and after its final passage and Publication. PASSED on First Reading by theCity Council of the City of &lglewood, Colorado, this 16th day or Ju~. A.D.1956, and ordered published in ~he ~nglo~ood Press. Councilman McCabe, moved) Parker, seconded) ·~at the above bill just read be passed on first reading and orJered published in ~he inglewJJd Press. A~1 McCabe, YcLellan, Nies, Pa rker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. HAYS None ABS~T1 Braun Councilman Parker, moved) McCabe, secon 1ed) ******* That;, the bid of the We u tern Paving Conatructi.Jn Company in the amo unt of $272,800.72 for Baving District No. 6, be acce pted and the followine Resolution presented and read be adopted. RF.SOWTIJN Awar d ing Contract to the lowest and best bidder for the construction of Street Improvements for Paving District No. 6 of the City or Englewood, Colorado. WH~S, Ordinance Ilo. 16, Of the City of Inglewood, Colorado, finally pa .sed and adopted on the 16th day of July,1956, creatine aa Improvement District in the City of Englewood, Colorado, to be known as Pavi ~c District No. 6, provided that the ~ity Clerk of said City was authorized to pub lished notice ·to contractors to submit bids for the construction of improvements insaid Paving District No.6: and · WHEREAS, such notice to contr a~tors has been puLlished in four consecutive weekly issues of ~he D01800D •-, a ·newspaper of general circulati'Jn published in said City; and WHERElS, it appearing that the bid or Western Construetion ~ompany, in the amount of 12291 141.91 was the le"'99t an• best bid received; NJI, THIR.M!FClt!, be it resolved by the City Council of theCity of Englewoodl Colorado that the City Council hereby finda and determines that the Western Paving Construction liornpany in the amount or 229,141.91 was the lowest and best bid for construc t inl said improvements in ~aid Pawing District br,and t~e same is hereby awarded to the said "nestern Paving Construction '-'an pany. AYIS1 McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott amd Woods. HAYSI None ABSENT1 Braun ******* Since t he con Lrac t with 'tlestem Paving Construction ~ompany awarded 1n the above Resolution, cover. items under Section "A" in the advertising, and since the b id of the Western Paving Conak'uction Oo. on the items under Section "B" was also the lowest and best bid thereon, it was moved by Councilman Parker and seconded by Co.mcilman McCabe that t r.e contract with Aid Company be extended to cover Section "B" al.so. AYKS1 McCabe, Uc~llam, Nies, Parl<:er, Purcell, Rap p , Scott, a~ Woods. NAYS: N .me ABSEJlT: Br aun ******* Councilman McCabe, moved) McLellan, seconded) 'l'hat the bid of Lakewood Sewer Contractors be accepted as thelawest and best bid for the constru._ction of Sanitary Sewer Extension No,49 in the amount or '1,4S0.50 and Sanitary Sewer Extension No.50 in the amount or IJ,1 302 1 00. AYISa McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. HAYSI None ABSENT1 Braun ******** Co uncilman ttco\tr 1 mo ved) INC.bi ., ~conded) That the Liability Insurance on the Jlierr)"-go-round, placed in the City Park by the Sertoma Club be 2S-So and that they be given one week to comply, mid that the llayor and City ~lark be authorized to sign when completed. AYF.81 McCabe, Mcr.J.lan,Nies, Parker,Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods NAYS: None ABS EN T: Bram ********* Jlr, Rudd stated that certian ammendments needed to be made to the present sewer ordinance. \;> Councilman Scott, Woved) McLe l lan, Seconded) That the prooer amendments be drafted and presen ~ed to the council for adoption. AY~;sz McCabe, McLellan, Nies,Parker, ~rce l l, Rapp, Scott and ~oods NAYSa None ABSENTa Braun ********* Councilman McLeL.an, moved) Woode, seconde d ) That steps be taken to hire aa assistant Engineer at once. AYES: McCabe, ll cLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and l'ooda NA.YS1 none A~EUT: Braun *·X·-11·****** '!here being no furtt.r business to come before the Council. Councilman McCabe, moved) McLellan, sec~nded) ~o adjourn to 8:00 P.M., Monday August 6, 1956 .lYF.S a ...,cCabe, Mc Lellan,Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott, and W'ooda H.lISa None ABSENTa Braun. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ll•or ~~~ ......... ----- ~· IBirron, City ·1erk I I I I