HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR MEITIHG Cl THE CITY COOICD. "THI CITr OF ENGLEWOCI>, OOLORADO, IBID MONDAY, THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.O. 1956, AT 8:00 P.M. ********** called the .-.ting to order, since th• Ma701t . and ·vice-M&JOr were abaent. ********** R9Teread Strong ot the .inglM«>od Presbyterian Church gave the invocation. ********** COQllcil.aa Ni•• called tor roll call: PRSSlllT: Braun, McCabe, Ni••, Rapp, Scott and Woods. ABSBllT: McLellaa, Parker and Purcell. ********** Counc1l•n Rapp was selected to take th• Chair as Mqor pi'!o-t•. ********** Couac11un Mc:Lellan entered and wu ••tad with th• Council. ********** C-.nication waa read tro11 the Planning Collllliaaion, rec•• anding the reselling et Block 1 and the west i of Bleck 2,S. G. H&lll.in'• addition tr• preaeat R-2-B Diatrict te ~l Di•trict. Couacilaaa Niea JMW•d) Brau ••coaled) that th• above recomendationa be accepted, that the propert.7 be pe•ted, and that a blaring be adnrtiaed t.e be held Monda7, December 17th, 1956, at 8:00 P.M. ADS: Brm, McCabe, McLellu, Niea, Rapp, Scett and Woeda. llYSI lene. ABSllT: Parker and Purcell. ********** It ... recOllll9nded b7 th• Cit7 Planning Cllld.1aion that a j•iat Cit7 Couacil-Cit7 Pl .. nina Cellliaaion ••11ien be held u aoon as poaaible. Comlcilw liea mned) Scett aecendecl) that an into:naal joint ••ting be held Mondq, Jaau&rJ 28th, 1957, at 8:00 P.M., in th• Couacil Chamber. AIBS: McCabe, Mc:Lellan, Niea, Rapp, Scott ard Woods. DYS: Brama. ABSBN'I' : Parker and Purcell. ********** The report bJ the Chief of Polle• on calla to liquor outl•t• -presented ad tiled. ********** Cit.7 Maaac•r ltudd. and Couaci1-Braun reperted on their meting with th• State Higb- 11&7 c-i••i••· * .. * * * * * * * * The fellowing •rdi-c• waa presented and read in full; ORDINANCE 10. SERIES OF 19 __ _ Al Oll»IIAllCI AJllllDim SBCTIONS 7 aad 9 OF ORDIHANCE NO. 13, SiRIIS 01 1956, ltlTITim> •o ORDDUCI RBGULATDG TRAFFIC AMI> PROVIDING FCJl PARKING SPACE AID TIMI LIMITATIOIS 01 STRllTS WI'ftlD THE CITY OF BIGLEWOa>, COLORADO•, AS TO ALL-NIGHT PARIIJD ARD TBMPOIWlI DISICllATICJI OF STRllTS OH WHICH THERE SHALL BE NO PARIIHG FCB THI PUBPalK OF THE SftllT CLU.IDG PROGRAM, AND REPEALING ALL CllDINANCIS AND PARTS Cl ORDINANCD II OOIFLICT HIRB- WITR. Ceuac11u• Mc:Lellu mwd) Ni•• seconded) that Ordinance No. S•ri•• of 19 , juat rud, be intreduced and paaaed oa ••oond read1wg u Ordiwc• No. 27, Series ot 1956, and •rd•red publiat.d ia Th• Bllgl9W90d Herald and Enterpri••· A!BS: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Rapp, Scott and Woods. llA!S: leM. ABSINT : Purcell and Parle er. ********** I I I I I I I . I The fellowing Bill wu pr•••nt•d and read ill full: A BILL Pat Al ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRICTING THI ~TABUSHMENT, Mlll'l'INAllCB, OPIBlTIOI, All> FDWICI!ll OF RIFUSE OOLLBX:TI<JI SIS'l'Dl5 ARD REFUSE DISPOSAL METHOOS: THI STalAGI, COLtECT- ICJI AJID DISPmAL OF RIPUSI: THE ESTABLISltmiT AID BHFORCIMDIT OF KICISSARI AID PBOPBI RIOULATIOIS Fat THI STCIWJB, COLLICTICJI, AID DISPOSAL OF REFUSB: All> THI FIXDG All> mvt- IIG " RIPUSI SIRYICI CHARGES; Pll>VIDDIG PDALTIIS FCJl THE VIOLATICll THIBIOF AID RllllDIIS POI THI •POftClllDl'.l' THIRIOF, All> REPIALDG ORDDWICZ NO. 1, SIRIIS OF 1918, AS AMllDID BY ORDillAll:B RO. 6, SERIES OF 1922, atDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1928, AS AMD>ID BI CBDDl- AlfCI RO. 3-A, SERIES OF 1947, CIU>INANCI NO. 10, SERIES OF 1924, 00 ALL OTHBR ORDDWfCBS AID PARTS Cl ORDINANCES IN Cc:m'LICT HBRDII'ftf. BB IT ORDAINED BY 'nlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGIEl«>OD, COUJW>O: Section 1. DKFDITIONS. For the purpoaes ot this Ordinance, the following wrda and phru•• aball haft the •••1 nae ucriW to thea in thi• ••cti••: CCIOIERCIAL PROPIRl'Y aball •u all buiaesa enterpriMa, public bnildiaga, apart.Mat houaea, ad mltipl• dwllinge contaiaing three er •re tllii.q 11111.ta. RKSmBICIS •hall •aa all dwll.1nga ceataiaing ••t more tbaa tw tui.17 wait•. PIBS<ll •hall ... 887 wtitutien, public •r priY•t• corperati•, imi'Yidual, part,•r•hip, _. ott.r •Dtit7. PlllllISa ahall •an lud, buildhga, or other atNctw••, nhicl••, or part• thereet, upea er ill which r•t'UM is .t.ered. RIP'USI aball -all Hlid wut•• ot a o._,.1 t7, inclucH • garbage, ubea, rubbiah, atreet. cleuiap, and aolld •rket and induatrial wutea, but Mt iaclud- 1.Jtg becl7 wut••· Secti• 2. The Cit.7 Maaqer i• autberis•d am directed, b7 iapl-.ting and entero- 1.ng th• prerlaieu ot tbia Ordinillc•, to cont.rel the •t•r•, collecti•, aad diape•al et rer. .. withia tt. Cit7 et Bngl-ed, Colorme,t• prnid• a public retua• c•ll•cti• and retu.. cliapeaal Mnioe ter pr-1.M• vi thia th• Cit7 .. that tbe t11>9 ud uaual quatit7 ot retua• cu be aat•l.7 ud «1}*'1tinal.7 hadled bJ auch public retua• cel- locst.i• aad retue cliapeaal ••nioe, ud./or te appren aad regulate th• ••tabllatm.at., w1••••o•, ud eperatis:i et prin.t• ret'UM cell•cti•• q.t.w ad retua• diapeaal mt.bed•. PART I. CCIOBRCIAL COIJ.ECTION Sectiea 1. MBTHa> OF COLIBCTICll. C1•eroial r•tu•• collecti• ad diapeaal ahall be bewiled b7 priYat• coll•ctioa and diapoaal ••nice•J preridod, bwner, that thia pre'Yiai• ahall •t prehibit th• Cit.7 Mempr troa uaing Cit7 eqaii-nt aad per•wl tor tbe oollocti• er diapooal ot c-rcial retuM. It •hall be ualawtul ter UT pez-.;. •• whe dee• aot peaana a cent.ract with the Cit7 ot Bnglew1d. t• eagap in the buai- wa et ca•1rcial ret'UM cellectien or retua• diapeaal ter c1mpeuation ia th• Cit7 ot -.in11d. Such coatract• ahall b• lillitod t• persona hari.Jtc pnper eqaip••.t. ad pen1•el to c•ll•ct ud di•pn• ot r•!UM ia accerdance with th• prni•i-et t.bia Ordiaa•, and the •t.hod et diepeaal uaod •hall be i• aooerdaaoo with tbe ~t• ot tld.s Ordimco and UT repl.at.iou pi 1• •lgatod hereuder. The Cit7 Comacil 11&1, bJ' apprepriat.e reHluti•, authorise the 11AJ9r ud Cit7 Clerk, •• behalf et tbe Cit7, to eat.er iato a oeatract with a prin.te retua• oellectiea and di•peul aenice, ter pri- nt.• cell•cti•• et c-.rcial retua• u dncribod herein, t•r auch period• and upoa ncb term •• tlw reaoluti• ll&J direct. Secti• 2. LICllSI RIQUIREMDITS. (a) Bn17 pera• deairing te agap 1a the col- lecti• ud diapeaal ot c-rcial retua• ahall b• th• evner ot a pend.t trm the Pub- lic Utiliti•• ec-1.aai•• ot tlw Stat• ot Colera:l•, and ahall charge ewaore aad eporatera et 01•1rcial prepert.1•• ao •re thaa auch atandard rate tor collecti• et retuo u ll&J be pend.tted bJ th• Public Utiliti•• C-1.aaion ot the Stat• ot Celorado, plua a re-a- able fH fer Mnicea at the Cit7 cliapeaal •ite. (b) Aa7 priYat• cell•cti•n and dispoa&l. ••rric• engagiag ill ce••rcial retua• cell•cti•~ umer oeatract with the Cit7 et lngl•wod, shall cell•ct. tb9 rat• mreiU.- tore Mt forth trea each oemmrcial --r •errlcod, b7 imirldual ceatracta witb ••ob nob imirldual c-rcial ..... PART II. RISIDBNTIAL COIJ.ECTI<li Secst.iea 1. METHOD OF CCIJ.JlCTI<ll. The Cit7 Manager ia authorised te uae cit7 equip- •at. ad per .. aa•l tor t be cellection er diape1al ot re11deatial retuae. In lieu thereof, tho Cit7 Couacil 11&7, b7 apprepriate roaolutioa, autheri•• th• lla79r am Cit7 Clerk to eat.er iato a ceat.ract •• beh&lt •t the Cit.7, vi.th a priYate reh•• cellecti• ud dia- peeal aomce, r_. th• MM11q •t reaid•ntial retuae, u deacribed herein, ter •uch pel"- iod• am upea such teru u th• reMluti• 11q direct. Secti• 2. SIRVICE CHARGBS. (a) Retuae Mrrice charge• withia the Cit.7 ot Blrglewed ter the purpo•• et tiuacing th• eatabllit.lnt, aaiateauc•, ud eperati• et ret'UN cel- lecti•• .,..t-. •r ref\I•• diapeaal aethede fflf' re•id••c•• are hereb7 lorlod ill accordaaco with the following echodul•: Resideacea, as de tined in thi• Ordinance: At a monthl7 rate t• be ti.Dd b7 resolution or the Cit7 Couacil. (b) Retuae ••rri.c• charges, as pNrlded by this section, shall be pqable quarterl.7, 1a adnace, t• the Cit7 ot Bllgl.ewed. PART III. GENmlAL PROVISIONS Sect.ien 1. PROHIBITICllS. (a) Th• owner or hi• agent, er the eccapaat, et .-., .,.._ 1••• With!ll the Cit7 '' &lglewed •hall be re•ponaible tor the aanitar,r cenditlea et th• preai•s ecaupied bJ hill, and it shall be ualawtul tor U7 per••• to place, d••it, er &l.lMr te be placed er depeaited oa hia prai.a•• &ll7 retua•, except, u deaipated bJ the term et thia Ordiaaace. (b) Ar, pereea reapenaibl• tor r•f'1•• en praiaes aot ••l"ftd b7 th• retua• cel- leeti• a19t-ot the Cit7 et laglewod, er ter retu•e not acceptable tor cellecti•• b7 the Cit7 ot BJtcl•wed, •hall Mk• arr....-&• tor the cellecti•• aad diapeaal ot auch retua• with a retua• cellect.w whe belda a ftl.id penait iasued by the Cit7 Clerk et the Cit.7 et Bllgle"9ed. Seoti• 2. INSPECTI<ll. The Cit7 lla•aa•r, or hi• agent, att•r ideatitJbg hiuelt, •hall ban the pwer te eater at reaa•abl.e ti.ms upon print• er public prepert.1 .t•r the purpea• et iupeAiag ud iDnt.iaathc ce.titieaa relatbg to the eatwo-at •t the prenaio•• ot thia Ordinaace. Seeti• l. RBDULATICllS. The Cit7 lla•apr ia hereb7 authorised ud directed te p1"9mllgate nch repl.ati•• u .., be •c••MIT ter the :lapl-tati .. aad eatwc..- et thia Ordinaace. ill auch regul.at.i•n• u apprond b7 the Cit7 Coaacl, aball be pab- liabed ter tw c ... ecutin welkl.7 pabllcatieu ia a MVapaper with ge•ral ciNUlatia, pabliabed withia the l:laita ot the Cit7 et lllglewed, after which such regulatieaa •hall bee .. part et thi• Ordimace. Seoti• lt-PINAi.TIES AND RIOlll>Ia. (a) Aa'T peraea whe ahall Tielate uq pNTi.- ie• et thi• Ordinaaoe, w et an7 regulation prmulgated purauaat te Seoti•• 3 hereet, upea ceaTictiea •ball be puiahed bJ a tin• 110t to uceed t300.00, er :lapri. .. -at tw •t •r• thaa 90 da19, ud each dq' • failure te ce11plJ with uq prerlaia et auch Or- diaaac• aball cen•titute a ••parat• Tielatiea. (b) Tm Cit7 ot lnclewed, CNerade, _, at it• epti•, preceect bJ iajuaotia, abateMDt, auit ter cellectiea, or &ft1 ether legal actioa it _, dHa MlTiaabl• tw the eat•rc-•t et thi• Ordinaac• ud cell•eti• •t the r ... prnided ter thereia; prnid• that, such electioa •hall aot in uq W7 be d.._d a wai ftr et or releue ot UJ peraea tr.a the peaalti•• prerlded fer hereiaabne ia thia aectiea, aad ceaTictiea thlreud•r •ball aot preehad• tba Cit7 et lllcl•••d trm preoMdiag with aa7 other legal aoti•• w actieu that it M7 d-adTiaable. Sectiea 5. RBPKAL CLAUSE. Ordiaance Ne. 1, Series ot 1918, u waded b7 Ordim- ce le. 6, Seri•• ot 1922, Ordinance No. 8, S•ri•• ot 1928, as ameladed bJ Ordi.naaof le. 3- A, Seri•• ot 1947, Ord1-o• le. 10, Seri•• ot 1924, ud all other Oidiaac•• &ad Part.a et Ordinaacea 1a ceatlict with thia Ordinaace are h•rebJ repealed. Secti•• 6. SEVIRABil.ITY •. Should &ft7 section paragraph, eeateace, clause, or phrase ot this Ordinance be declared unconatitutional or inYalid tor UJ reaaen, th• remai.Bder ot •uch Ordinaace shall not be affected thereb7. Sectiea 7. The Cit7 Couacil hereb7 tinde, determin•• and declare• that thia Or- diaaace i• nec•••ar.r tor the 1·1d1at• preeervatioa ot the public peace, health, aatet7 aad cen.,.aieace. Sectiea 8. Ia the epinion ot the Cit7 Couacil u ••rgeac7 mata J theret .. e, tbia Ordiaaac• shall take ettect. ant be ia terce troa ad after its tiaal paaup aad ·publio-ati••· Puaed on First Reading bJ the Cit7 Cowacil ot the Cit7 ot Baglewed, Colerade, thia 19 d&J ot Nonaber, A.D. 1956, and ordered published in the Byl•wod Her.ad ud Bat.•rpri••· . Ma79r ATDST: Citi-Clerk The ••tiag wu thla epeaed te the public ae that UJ9M whe wiahed t• apeak fer er agaiut the Bill aeuld be heard. Mr. Jaok Palmr et 33 But Haapd•• th• &eked '*' a • .. 'burE.ltg• rule wu •t iacluded. Wbereupea, Mr. Rudd stated that atter thia Ordiaaa• wu 1a effect fer a tfltl ••tha peepl• wuld •t waat t• bura ad if •c••a&rJ th• reatriot-1•• ceuld be added later. lfr. Al H1Y9l7, ot 5025 s. Hurea, wated to kaow 1! •ld peepl• wbe wre en •ld ap ai•iatuc• woald haft to P&J the charpa ter truh ad garbac• diapeaal. He wu teld that up• oa eld ... uaiatano• with a Y9ritied cla:la u •bawa bJ the Ceuat7 recerd• wuld Ht. be charpd. I 1· I I I 'I Mr. Hiftl7 th• waat.ed te kaow it peepl• hari.ng g~e diape•al• wou1d -ft te P&7 the ·-rate. It vu upl•1eed te hill that thq wu1d pq the aw rate am wbT. Mr. Hettaa, of 5065 S. Hurea, lt.atecl that h• would rather hudl• hi• -truh. It vu explaiaed te Mr. Hott•• that. ordinarr d•ing wuld haw to be el1•1uted 1a erder te Rcoea•tullJ' eperat.• a •lud till•. Mr. Bl.Mr w. Scet.t., of 2737 s. Baaeck, atated that he theught a mill leYJ' was the preper V&J te p&J' th• chargea, ud waated te know wb7 a detiait• charge had aet be•• aet. It vu uplaimd that at •-future date it might be peaaibl• t• p te a mill l•VT bat could •t be de•• at thia ti•, ad that a definite charge could a.ti be eatabliah- ed uat.11 a oeat.ract h-1 bee• c•.-ted. Mr. Richard C~aic, ot 4801 S. Juea, requ••t•d that the ceatract iaclude a claua• ••'d ag it mudate17 that the pick up be mad• oa the prelliaes, •d aot ia auch a wq that. retuae would haft te be placed at the curb line b7 the citi••· Mr. Dudl•1 Pitchterd, ot 1200 E. DartmRth, stated he wuld like te •M the chargea hadled bJ a 11111 l•YJ'· Mr. Parker eatered ud vu aeat.ed with the Couacil. Couacil.ma Scett -'Nd) McCabe aecended) that the truh and garbage dispeaal bill be puaecl • tirat reading and erdered published in the Bllglewed Herald &ad Enterprise. AYES: Braun, McCabe, McLellaa, Ni••, Parker, Rapp, Scott a.ml Weeda. MD: leH • .ABSlft: Parcell. ********** Mr. Chalmr•• Parker appeared, and he being the regularl1 elected Mapr pre-t.•, wu asked te take the Chair. Mll'•r pre-t• Parker th•• declared a 10 Jliaute rec•••· ********** Ma79r Purcell •••red ud t•k th• Chair and called the •••ti.Ilg te erder. ********** The tellw1nc bill wu prea•t.ed ud read 1• tull' A BILL ' FOR All ORDIIAllCE AMlllDIMG ORDDWICI NO. 47, SIRIES OF 1955, INTITLID "Alf OBDIIANCB RBOR- G&IIZIIG THI OOVBRlllSNT OF THE CIT! or smuwoa>, COLORADO, PURSU.All'l' TO CHAPTIR 139, ARTICm 6, COLCJUDO RBVISID STATUTBS 1953, AS .AMDDED AND SUPPLBMEJITID: ADOPTDIG Al AlllINISTRATIYE PI.Al PURSUANT TO SBCTIClt 15 or SAID ARTICIE 6; SETTING FORTH THB DBPART- MlllTS, DIPWJMS, 00 DUTIBS PRBSCRlBED BY SAID ADMDiISTRATIVE PLAllJ PRDCRIBIIG SAL- ARIES ARD WAGES FCB BMPLO!llS"; AID RBPSALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS f6 ORDil.UCBS II Caa'LICT HBRDfITH. BE IT ORDAINID BY 'ftiE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLCJlADO: Sectiea l. Paragraph I+ et the preaable o! Ordinaace No. 1+7, Seriea of 1955, i• herebT -aded to read as tellow: "WHEREAS, The Cit7 Muager hu •• presented to the Cit7 Couacil, aa -.s- ed pl.aa ot ergud.satiea, and a rniaed salarr and wage acale, and the Cit7 Couacil d-. nett -IMled plaa ud rertaed aalarr acale to be practical and realistic, ud fer the best intereats ot the Cit7;•. Sectiea 2. Sectiella a, b, c, or Article 2 or Ordinance Ne. 1+7, Series ot 1955, are hereb7 wried to read aa tell••: •TM dul7 appeiated Cit7 M&Mger ot the Cit1 or Bwcl.wed ahall pea .. •• all et the right.a aal pewra aad perlem all et thl duti•• •*' terth 1a Cb9t•r 139, Arti•l.e 6 1 SMt.ieu ll, 12, 13, 14 &ad 15, Colerade ReTi•ed Statut•• 1953, u -med ... nppl-t.ed, ad aball haft ncb .t.her .,.wra ad pertora auch ether duties u ~ be preacribod 1a Chapter 139, Art.icl• 6, Cel•Nd8 Rniaecl Statut•• 1953, u -med ud nppl.-at.ed, ud tut.ur• ...-..at.a ud nppleMat.• therete. He ahall appeiat ud deaipate the per ..... l Mce .. arr tw the etticieat. eperatiea et hi• ettic• J ia- ollld1 WI aa uaiat.ut, a aecret.&17, ud a •serrlce Coater• eperater. Such ua18taat ab&ll pertora the dut.i•• et a hrohuial qeat, wh•, Wider d.irecti ft tre• the Cit1 Jlaaa&ei- 1 aball alke purcbu• ad preoar•••t. et auppll•a, mat.eriala, repair•, ael"Y- io•• aad ether it-et wcl fer all dep&J"t,•nt•, ad ia auch ••Mr aa will be fer the boat iatereata of the Cit7. Said Cit7 Maa ... r ahall haft Reh further ponra aa4 pertera auch tm-t.her dut.iea u 97 be 1ranted er preacribed b7 the Ordinaacea et t.m Cit1 of lltclewed, C.l.81'11de, er ••DDl•ts therete, er tuture Ordillanc•• er -acm.ata tberete, and Rewolutio••· Said Cit7 Manager shall turt.h•r turai•h ~ r.:. pert• er atat.-•t• u shall be, trea time t• tiM, reaaoaabl7 requested b7 the Cit7 CRll- eil et the Cit7 et Ewglewed, Coler.U." "SECTION (b). Utilities Department. •The Ut.iliti•• Department shall conai•t or a Water and Sewer Cemi••ioner, Superia- t.•Dd•Dt• , Operater• 1 Foremea, Maiat.enaaoe M•, Mechaai.ca, Ottice Work•r•, alld •uch et.her illpl.eJ9e• as are deemed aec••••l7 by the Cit7 Mauger tor the coutructioa, eperati•, aaiat .... ce and •XJ>'••i•n ot th• Mwdcipal Water Work• and Water D11trib1lti• $7•t.•; . ud rw the eperati•• and maintenance ot the Cit7 Sewage Diape1&1. Pl .. t ~ S&llitUT Sew- er cell•ctien •JWt .. ; alld tor the billing ter water and •ewer aerTic• char191 &lld. t•••• alld t•r the cellecti•• er acoept.uce et all ••rTic• charge•, r ... , reatal.a, acoeuat.•, bill• and et.her •ai•• due te the utilit.1•• tuaotioa et the Cit.7; ud •v.ch ether chlt.i•• u Jl&7 be required b7 erdinance, er directin tr• the Cit7 Mauger. ill tad• ad tM• cellected b7 the Depart,•nt shall b• tranllllit.ted to the Cit.7 Clerk-Treasurer ter preper credit. The Water and Sewer C-1.a•ioner as bud et t.be Utillti•• De~, and all Department e11ple79ee, shall be appointed b7 the Ctt7 Maaager. Such eapl•Je•• •hall be nbj•ct t• the centrel et the Cit7 Maaager threugh th• D•part-t head." •sm:TION (c). Finance am Recerdillg Depart.eat. "Th• Fiaanoe and Reaerdiag Departaent shall conai.t er a Cit7 Clerk, a Deput.7 Clerk, alld •uch et.her ettice werk•r• u are d....S n•o•••&r7 b7 the Cit7 llaaager ter tbl ettici- eat &lld. eaeaemical eperatiea er tbl ettia• tuacti•n•. The Cit7 Clerk aball b• mc-etticie Clerk et the Council and mc-etricie Treaaurer ot the Muaicipalit7. The twacti•• et the ettice shall include the rec•rdial et Ccnaaoil precMdinga, Ordiaacea aad lleMlv.ti•••; the tiling or c»cwata, contract.1, ftucben, ud pert.iaeat papera; the ianiag et ll~ euea and perld.t• u required b7 l• er erdiaaace; the cellectiea er accept .. c• et all Hrric• charges, t•••• reatal.a, acc..ta, bill• and other !Wlis and .. aiea du• te the Cit7; artd./er u trum:itted t• the Clerk-Treuurer'• ettic• b7 et.her Cit.7 Dep&n..ata; ud such ether dut.i•• u mq be required b7 erdinance, or directin trea the. Cit.7 Mut- ... r, er u ••t terth in Chapter 139, Art.iol• 6, Secti••• 15, 16, ud 17, Celerade Re- rt .. d Statute• 1953, u -aded aat nppl-ated. A• •x-ettici• Treuurer, the etticer •hall aaiataill a ce••tut. and cempl•t.• reoerd et all receipt.a am diabure-ia, ud •hall b• in peaiti•• te repert. the cenditieaa et all twlda at all ti.Ma. He shall uk• di•bm-8-nt -1)' upea aut.herit7 trea the Cit7 Council, er as required b7 erdi•aaoe er .tat• law. All warruta i•ned b7 th• Cit7 •hall be aigaed b7 the llqer ad at.teat.a and c..t.eraiped b7 the Cit7 Clerk. All check• i11ued shall be 1iped b7 tbe Cit.7 Clerk er b7 hie Deput7, it said Deput.7 be .. autberised b7 the Cit7 Clerk ad the Cit.7 Council. Ia all other •ttera er duties or the Cit7 Clerk the Depat.7 aball act ter &lld. • bebalt et the Cit.7 Clerk, whea the Cit.7 Clerk 1• abaeat or iacapacitated. Tb• Cit.7 Clerk •ball aaiataia a ceutat. bud1et. ceatrel, prepare nuchera, euperri.1• pq rella, aaintaia ccmplete.1.Dnrmo• reoerd1, and pertona such other acceuatillg cmti•• u direct- ed b7 th• Cit7 Mauger. •TM Cit7 Clerk u head et the Fiaao• and Recerding Department, and all ether de- partant apleJe••, •hall be appeinted b7 the Cit7 Muager. Such eapl.8pes shall be aubj•ct te th• coat.rel et the Cit7 Maaapr t;hreugh the Department hem.• Slcstiea 3. Article 4 or Ordinuc• ••· 47, Series ot 1955, i• hereb7 wilded ti rewl u tellowaz •ARTICLI IV. SALARIES Cl BMPLOlUS •ill 911ple7991 et all Dep&l"t.Mnta et the Cit7 et Ellclew•, except th' Cit7 v.•apr, Pellce Magiatrate aat Cit.7 At.t. .. 1197 ad A1aiat.ut Cit7 Att.eraq, ahall reoeift •alarJ o•pnaati•, ettectiT• Juma17 1, 1957, u tellewa, te-witz IWICJIS or MOllTHLI RADS PNm••i•n in each Ra!c' Sala17 Raw llmlbe_r A B c D B L_ ----- l (Halt Tim) I 80 I 85 I 90 I 95 1100 1105 ( Bali• ) 2 157 162 168 173 179 189 ) 183 189 194 200 210 220 4 191 200 2CTI 215 224 233 5 200 2'11 215 225 236 247 6 210 220 2)a. 241 252 263 7 236 247 257 268 278 289 8 252 263 273 284 294 30S I I I I Sal.ar7 awe Imber A 8 c D B F ------ 9 126.3 127.3 1284 1294 l.305 1315 I 10 273 284 294 305 .315 325 11 289 .300 310 320 330 340 12 294 305 315 325 335 345 13 300 310 320 330 340 350 14 305 315 325 335 345 355 15 315 325 335 345 355 .365 16 325 335 345 355 365 375 17 340 350 360 370 385 400 . 18 345 355 365 380 395 415 19 365 375 390 405 420 440 . 20 .390 400 415 430 445 465 21 415 425 440 455 470 490 I 22 465 475 490 505 520 540 23 490 500 515 530 545 565 CLASSIFICATICIJ mt SALARY AID W4GI PURPOSBS Sal.ar7 Sal.ar7 ucl Imber Peaitiea Raqe Nmber w... -- Pr!q!! 1001 LIGISLATIVB ft ADVISORY llO: Cit7 c-eU1 9 Cit7 Couaoilma .... ISO per •ath 1201 Zeaiag Beard et Adju•t.Mat: l Reoerding Secret&17 •n• tlOO per 79ar 1301 Pl•••iag c...i••iea1 1 ReoerdiDC Seoret.&17 .... 1100 per 79ar 140: Cit7 Att.•1"997'• Ottice1 1 Cit7 Att.•rMJ (ret.aiMr) MM 11500 per 79ar 1 .l•.t. Ci t.7 At. t.erMJ (Pell•• Ceurt) ··-tlOOO per 79ar Pr!cr• 2001 lalUCZRJAL 210: Cit7 llaaager'• Ottice: l Clt.7 Maaacer .... 19100 per 79ar l h•t.. Cit.7 Mauger 23 1490-565 per ..th l Secret arr 6 121~263 per ...th l Cit7 Hall Reoept.1-1.t 5 1200-247 per -t.ll Pr!gr• 3001 JUDICIAL 310: Pelioe c.urt: 1 Pelic• Magi.t.rate •n• 12550 per 79ar DKP.lR'ftBllTAL Preer• \90: P'IIAllCB • RICCllDillJ 4101 Presr• C•rcliaatien and Operati•n• 1 l Cit7 Clerk-Treanrer 23 t490-S6S per •at.h l Depat.7 Cl•rk-Treanrer ..... (paicl Uller Utilities) 1 Tax Olerk 13 1300-350 per _. .. 1 Cu bier 6 1210-263 per ...th 1 TJpi.8\-.leoeat. Clerk s 12~247 per mnt.h Helper (Seu-1) •n• 11.00 per bMar Salar7 awe"-'er A B c D I F ------ 9 1263 1273 1284 1294 1305 1315 , .c I 10 273 284 294 305 315 325 ll 289 300 310 320 330 340 12 294 305 315 325 335 345 13 300 310 320 330 340 350 14 305 315 325 335 345 355 15 315 325 335 345 355 )65 16 325 335 345 355 365 375 17 340 350 360 370 385 400 . 18 345 355 365 380 395 415 19 365 375 390 405 420 440 20 390 400 415 430 445 465 21 415 425 440 455 470 490 I 22 465 475 490 505 520 540 23 490 500 515 5)0 545 565 QLApIFICATICll PCB SALARY AID !NJI PURPOSIS Sal.&17 Sal.&J7 ud limber Peeit.1• Raaae Imber Waae _llMft PrMI-100: LIGISLAfiYI ft ADVISORY 110: Cit7 c-eU: 9 Cit7 Couoil.Ma .... 150 per •llt.h 120: Zeaiq Beard et Adju•t•at: 1 Reoerding Secret&17 MD• 1100 per -rear 130: Pl ... •iag C...ai.••i••: 1 Reoerdiac Seoret.&l"J' .... 1100 per -rear I 140: Cit7 Att.erae7 1 • Offices 1 Citf Att.•1'991 (re\&iaer) --11500 per .,.ar 1 A•.t. Cit7 Attel'M7 (Pell .. Cwrt) ..... 11000 per 7ear Pr!lr• 2001 JalUGIRIAL 210: Cit.7 Maaager'• Ottioes 1 C1t7 Maaager .... 19100 per -rear 1 A•at.. Cit.7 llaaager 23 1490-565 per math l Secret.&17 6 1210-263 per ...th l Cit.Y Hall ReMD\ieai.t 5 1200-247 per ••t.h Pr!gr• 3001 JUDICIAL 310: Pelioe Ceurt: l Pelic• Maciatrat• MD• 12550 per 19ar DIPARMllTAL - Prw• 400: FDl.AllCI ft RIC<BDilll 410: Presr• C•rdill&t.i•n and Operat.i•n•: l Cit.7 Clerk-Treuurer 23 149C>-565 per ••th l Depat7 Cl•rk-Treuurer --(paid umd.er Utillt.iea) l Tax Clerk 13 1300-350 per _.,. l Cu bier 6 121~63 per Mat.h 1 TJpiat.-Aeoeut Clerk 5 1200-247 per -*b Helper (Seu-1) •n• 11.00 per bllar Salar7 Sal.az7 ... Imber Peaitiea Rua• liullber Vue Baaae Prep:!! 500: PUBLIC VORIS 510: Pregr• Ceerdinatien It Kngiaeering: 1 Cit7 lnciaMr 2.3 1490-565 per •nth I 1 Aaat. Cit7 Engineer 21 1415-490 per ••t.h 1 Office laci•er 17 l.340-400 per ...t,)a 1 Iaape.t.er-ilde 12 129..,345 per math 1 Bacia•er Aide 12 129..,345 per •llt.h 520: Street.a It Drainac•: 1 St.rest. Supt. 19 l.36.5-W> per __ ,. 1 Cl•rk-Sterekeeper 8 1252-305 per ••t.h 1 Fer• e• 1.3 l.300..350 per •-'h 4 Machine Operat.er a:nd/er Mechanic 11 1289-.340 per -at,h 7 Maiat•aaao• Jl&la 10 1273-325 per mntla Helper (a•ueml) nene 11.2s-1.so per hMU" 5.30: Truh It Garbage Diapeaal: l Feremu-Machin• Opr. .. De 11.70 per beur 1 Superrlaer-Inap. 13 1300-350 per •nth Subatitut.e Operater (eeuenal) -·· ll.70 per hnr Prear• 6oo: FIRE I 610: Presr• Coerdinatien l Fire Chiet 21 141.5-490 per •nth 620: Operatiena: 1 Deput7 Chief 17 1340-400 per •nth 2 Captain 16 1325-375 per •at-h 6 Lieutnaat.-BncinHr 15 1315-365 per ... t.h 4 FireMD-Mlchanic 14 1305-.355 per •nth 6 Fir me•, 2nd Cl••• 12 1294'-345 per •nth l Fire Wardea nene 120 per •Dt.h l Inapeot.er nene 135 per •nth Prep=• 700: POLI Cl 710: Pregr• CMrdinatien: 1 Chi•t ot Pelice 21 1415-490 per •nt.h l Ada1niatrat.iTe Clerk 8 1252-305 per •nt.h 720: Patrel: I 1 Deput7 Chief 17 1340-400 per •nth d 4 S•raeant-In.-atigater 15 1315-365 per lllMlt.h l JuTenil• Ottic•r 15 1315-365 per •at.h 17 Pat rel.Ma 12 1294'-345 per •ntll 3 Diapatcher 12 l291eP.345 per •at-h 7.30: Traffic Regulatien: l Trattic Superri.Hr 20 1390-465 per •nth 1 Signal Maintenance Man (6 Do1 Warden) 11 1289-340 per •nth Helper (••••nal) none ll.25-440:'-per>bmr Preer• aoo: BUIU>ING INSPECfiOI 810: Pregr• Coerdination It Operatiena: 1 Builclinc Impeoter 21 1415-490 per •atJa l 11.t.. Inapeotor 18 .34.5-415 per •nth 1 Cle~TJpi.t. 3 189-220 per 110nth 820: Cit7 Hall Maintmanoe: 1 Cuatoclian 9 263-315 per month I Prop=!! 900: PARIS 6 RBCRBATIOI 910: Progr• Coordination: 1 a.rut.ion Direct.or 21 141.5-490 per •Dt.h l Clerk-TJpiat. 2 1"9189 per mont.h 920: Parka ' Grounda: 1 Park ror sn c .. uonal) 8 1252-305 per mmh l Maint.enanoe Jiu (•euonal) 7 236-289 per •at.la Helper (1euonal.) nom t.75-1,25 per boar ·I I Sal&17 limber Poaition 1!91! lamber Progr• 1000: cmL DBFBllSB Salar;r and .... Rang! ill personnel who work with thi• proar• do ao YOluntari.17 without pq. Procr• 1100: LIBRARY lll01 Proar• Coordination It Operationa: 1 Librarian 5 '200-247 per month 2 Aaat. Librarian (on i-tta. baaia) 1 80-105 per month 1 Helper (part.-tiM) none $1.00 per hour 1 Cleaner none 1300 per 79ar UTILITIIS Progrm 1200, 1300 ft 1400: WA'llR Pll>DUCTICll A DISTRIBUTIOI It SIWAGE OPIRATI<JIS Proar• Coordination ft Adlliniatrations l Water It Sewer CGlllmiaaioner 23 1490-565 per month 1 Ottic• Manager (and Depat.7 Cit.7 Clerk) 18 345-415 per mnt.h l Drattman-Inapeat.or 15 .315-365 per month 1 Cu hi er 6 210-2'3 per month 2 Account. Clerk-TJpi.t. 5 2~247 per mmh 2 Machine Operator-Clerk 4 191-233 per •nth Plant.a Di rlaion 1 2 Chief Operator ft Plant. llaintenano-.i 15 1315-365 per mont.h 7 Sbitt Operator 1.3 300-350 per llOnt.h Yard Maint.enanc.an <••ucmel) none ll.25-1.40 per hour Diatribation DiTiaion: l Superintmdent. 19 1365-440 per month 1 For••n 13 3<>0-350 per mnt.h 2 Machim Operator aM./or Mechanic 11 289-340 per •nt.b 5 Maint.enano-10 273-325 per moat)l l Shop Man 10 2~325 per llOnt.b llelper ( HUOnal) none 11.25-1.50 per boar u prondecl in Cb&pt.•r 139, Article 6, Seot.ion 18, Colorado Rni.Hd S'tat..t.•• 19S3, u ....... and aupplwnt.ecl; incrwea and inor•1nt.a in campenaation within t.• liait.a proTided tor th• lftd• M7 be grant,ed at UlJ ti.ml bJ the Cit7 llanapr. • Seot.ion 4. Article 5 ot Ordinaoe lo. 47, Seri•• ot 1955, ia barebJ wndecl to relld u tollon: •SALARY 01 CITY MAJIAOll, POLICK MAGISTRATE, CITY ATT<llllI, AID ASSISTAIT CITY ATTalln •Th• Cit7 Jlanapr ahall reoein umual.17 the ll1lll ot 19,100.00, J>&7&bl• in equal mont.bl.7 iutall•nta, ~ 1300.00 ammal.17 tor _,.,•••J the Police Magistrate ahall reoei.n ugmall7 the Ra ot 12550.00 pqabl• in eqaal mntbl7 inatallwenta; the Cit7 Atto1"M7 ab&ll reoein an ammal. retainer ot 11,500.00, paTU>l• in equal 110nt.bl7 inatallaents; the Asaistat. Cit7 Attornq aball reoeift an annual retainer of 11,000.00, pqabl• in equal montbl7 inatall•nt•J in each cue, until changed b7 Ordinance ot the Cit7 ot lngl..wood." Seot.iond• It UJ7 ••est.ion, nbsection, aentence, clause or phraa~ ot this Ordinance ia tor ezrr reason h• to be unoon8titutional, auch decision shall not attect. the Yalidit.7 or thia Ordinance. The Cit7 Council berebJ deal.area that it would han pMHCl thia Ordinanoe, and nob aection, llUbaection, aentence, cl.a" or phrase hereof, irrespective ot the taot. that UJ7 om, or UJ7 section, aubaection, ••ntence, claua• or phrase be declared unconatitutional. Section 6. ill Ordinancea am part.a ot Ordinances in contliot herewith are berebJ re- pealed. Section 7. The Cit7 Council hereb7 tinda, determines and declares thia Ol'dinance ia neoe••&r7 tor the '-ediat• preaerY&tion ot the public peace, health, satet7 and coDTeni•ce. Seet.ion 8. In the opinion ot the Cit7 Council an _.rgenc7 exiata; therefore, tbia Ordinano• ab&ll take •fleet and be in tore• from and atter its final puaage and publication. Puaed on Pirat Readinc bJ th• Cit7 COWloil or the Cit7 or Kngl.wood, Colorldo, thia 19 dq ot lot roer, A.D. 1956, and ordered published in the Eylewod He:rald and BnterpriH. ATTBST: Mqor Cit7 Clerk Councilun Wood• llOYed) Rapp seconded) that thl aboye bill be paa•ed on tirat reading and or.lerecl publ18hecl in the Inglewood Herald and lnterpriM. AJ&CS: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nie•, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Wood•. 8l1S: lone. ABSBllT: lone. ********** The contract with the Englemod Art• Association was presented and read in tull. Councilun Parker IDOTed) McCabe seconded) that the M&Jor be authorised to sign th• contract with the Knglemod Art• As•ociation. AYES: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott uacl Wood•. IA.ts: lone. ABSlllT: lone. ********** The tollawing bill was pre•ented and read in tull: A BIIJ. l'OR Al <JtDINAICE PROVIDIIG FClt THE PLACDIG OF BDfCHES WITHII THE CITY Cl DIGLIWOCJ) Fell THI CCll- YBIIBNCE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC AID AUTHORIZING TIE MA.TOR AID CITY CLIRI TO DTIR DITO A CCllTRACT THIREFCll <JI BBBALF fl THE C_ITY WITH BMPIRI BENCH ADVBRTISING COMPAllY. WHBRIAS, the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Englewood belinea that the health, wltare and con- Ymienc• ot the Cit7 will be aernd b7 the in•tallation of benches at certain location• •lag the pRblic •iclwalk• and at other pl&c•• within the Cit7, to be uaed b7 tbe gwral peblic at blaa no.,. and other locations tor the ccatort and convenience ot the general public, and lllpire Beaob Adw.- tiaing Comp&rl7 has ottered to p~• benches at certain location• ulller condition• to be apreaMll in writing; am WHBRBAS, the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot ingleM>od finds and detend.ma that the placing of benches at certain locations alq th• pablio •idewalk• and at other p'1blic pl.ace• within the Cit;r is nec••S&l7 tor the health, welfare and convenience ot the general public ot the Cit7 ot 1ng1 .. oc1; llQi, THEREFCllE, BE IT alDAINID b7 the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Englewood to-wit: Section 1. Th• Cit7 ot lnglftOOd 8hall oau•e benches to be placed at certain locationa along tt. pablic aicl.valk• and -at other public plac•• within the Cit7, ·to be u•ed b7 the general public at bus atop• and other locationa tor thl cOll.tort and conTenience ot the general public b7 entering into a contract with Bllpire Bench Adnrti•ing C"'IJM"V, which cont.not •hall prori.cle tor the plaoe- •nt ot said benches within tt. Cit7 tor a period ot two 79ars plus an opti• ot reawal tor a turther period ot tw J9&r• lmler like t•ruJ •aid contract further pnrlding tor wnbip and ain- tenance in said Comp&rl7; said contract further prorlding that the COllJ)ADT ~ ue said benobla tor the displ.q or adnrt.i•-nts and 11&7 enter into acree•nts with third per•na tor th• utilisation I I ot such adTertising •pace on such tenu and oondition• as 111&1' be de•irable to tbe ~ with pro- rlaiona tor pa,_nt to the Cit7 ot 5~ ot tt. groa• renmae quart.erl.7 as receiftd tr. the Ale ot I adverti•inc; said contract turtt.r prorlclinc tor reasonable control ot the t1J)O ot advertiaiq am tel"llination ot the contract upon rlolation ot the conditiona thereof and failure to comest. after reaeonabl• notification. Section 2. The Mqor and th• Cit7 Clerk ot Englewood, on bebalt .ot tm Cit7 Council ot Engl._ WIDOd, are hereb7 authorised, direct.eel and empowered to enter into said contract tor benohea with Bllpire Bench AclTertiaing Compaft7 and to •ign •aid contract on behaU ot tm Cit7 or Kngl.ewod. Section 3. It Aft7 sentence, paragraph, subparagraph, ••ct.ion, cl.au• or phru• ot th11 or- dinance is held tor U7 reason to be uncon•t.it.utional, such decision •hall not atteot the yalidit7 ot this ordinanoe. The Cit7 Council hereb;r declares that it lftNl.d ban puaed thi• ardin••• ull each •entenoe, paragraph, subparagraph, ••ction, clause or phrue thereof rep.rdi.•• of tm fact that &117 one or more ot said it-llight be declared unconstitutional. Section 4. Th• Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Englewood hereb;r finds, determlMa and declare• that thi• ordinanoe is necesa&rJ tor the 1-diate pre••nation ot the public peace, aatet.7 and con- 'f9ftience. Section 5. In the opinion ot the Cit7 Council ot tt. Cit7 ot .lncl•wocl an -rgmq at.at.a and therefore this ordinance shall take ettect and be in torce troa and after ita tinal paaup and pab- llcat.ion. Puaecl on tirat reading b7 thl Cit.7 Council or t.be Cit7 ot Bnglewood, CGl.ondo, this 19 clq ot lo.-ber A.D., 1956, an::l ordered publication in ~he &wlnood Herald and lnterpri••· ATTEST: M&Jor Cit7 Clerk ';,- I I I I I • Councilman Parker moved) Woods seconded) that the abon bill just read be pasaed on first reading anl ordered publiahed in The Englewood ~ and Enterprise. AYES: Braun; McCabe, Mclellan, Ni ea, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. MAYS: None. ABSEIT: None. ********** Cit7 Manager Rudd pNs•nt•d am diacuased the suppl•ent to the report on proposed Ranch Creek Collection and Storage S7st• prepared b;y Tipton and Kalmbach, Inc. CouncillUll MclAl.l.ml nmftd) Nies seconled) that Mr. Rudd arrange an engineering contract to C&rT"T out th• propoaal to continue on aaenled plan• and deaigna; and to pre- aent auch contract tcr tinal appron.l. AYES: Braun, McCabe, Mclellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woode. NAYS: Rone. ABSENT: lone. ********** Cit7 Manager stated that title had been cleared on the old duap aite, and reco-nded that the atreet. and &11•7• be n.oated ao aa to aolldit7 th• whole tract. Council.llan Parker mYed) Braun seconded) that the Cit7 Attorne;y prepare the necesaa17 doauaents ·tor neat.ion. AtBS: Braun, McCabe, MclAllan, liea, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. DIS: Hone. ABSINT : None. ********** Report. wu ginn on the Ngular atockholdera mMting ot the Neyada Ditch ComJ>an7. ********** Treuurer'• Nport WU Nc•i•ed and tiled. ********** Council MD Parker mTed) Nies seconled) that Mr. Robert B. Kenn7 ot 1+943 s. Sherman St. be reapeointed to the Zoning Board ot Adjust.Jll8nt tor a period ot three (3) J9&r•. Braun, McCabe, MclAllan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. lone. lom. ********** Councilllan Parker mTed) Rapp seconded) that the following aepointaents be made to the Cit7 Libr&17 Board tor a tel"ll ot two (2 J years: Mrs. Ruth Hope 4979 s. Sherman Street \.~ I ' Mra. Qwm .J. Mawll, 3103 S. Bannook Street. Mr. Marion York )600 s. CherokM Stren J ADB: Braun, McCabe, MclAllan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods. RAYS I 101111 • ABSENT : 101111 • ********** The following applicationa tor liquor license renewals were presented: Bu7 4 Lesa Drug Cherre}Jn Drug Houts Selt-S.rrlce Drug M-D Phal"lla07 Frontier Liquor• The Glue Bottle Magnet Inn John w•a Spa Qrill .3421 S. Broadtf&7 4303 S. Broadlf&7 4202 S. Broadwq 2895 S. Broad'W&J' 3Sll s. Broad'W&J' 3439 s. Bro&dwa7 2893 S. Broad'W&J' 3467 S. Broadlf&7 3484 S. Broadm7 Council.mm Parker llO'Yed) Woods seconded) that the abon licenses be apprond tor renewal. AYES: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Niea, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Soot\ and Woods. DIS: llone. ABSDIT: None. ********** . J7.f There being no turther buainess to cam before the Council, Councilaan Braun moftd) Rapp seconded) to adjourn to D•c-ber 3, 1956, at 8100 P.M. ********** rt. aimat.ee ot the Meting ot the Cit7 Council ot th• Cit7 ot EqJlnoocl, Colorado, held this 19t.h dq ot Nonaber, A. D. 1956, atand approftd u written thia 3rd da7 ot December, A. D. 1956. Ma70r I