HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-10 (Regular) Meeting MinutesAdjourned
T 8tOO P.M.
Mayor Weigand called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Callt
Banta, Absent
Gushing, Present
McCabe, Present
Parker, Present Robohm, Present
Purcell, Present Weigand, Present
Rapp, Present Wright, Present
P~ENT r Eight ABSENT: One
The Council after having interveiwed a number ot applicants and having been unanimous
in apprOYa1.
Q!ouncilman Robohm, MOYed)
Parker, Seconded) That Mr. Leslie R. Rudd be appointed· City Manager.
Banta, Absent
Cushing, Aye
McC a be, Aye
AYES: Eight
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYS: None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
Whereupon Councilman Cushing, escorted Mr. Rudd to the Council Chamber and he was
seated withthe Council.
City Manager L. R. Rudd, made the follwoing statement:
It is an honor a nd a privilege to be designated for the position of City Manager in
Engl0 wood. The assignment carries great responsibilities and obligations.
Sucess in Englewood's governmental affairs c ~n be continuted by full co-operation betveea
City Council, City Mana ger, City emoloye e s and the citizens.
To the City Council I pledge sincere effort, to the employees fair and impartial
consideration, and to the citizens honest adm i nistration. For myself, I shall retain
a clear conscience in all of my dealings.
I have been briefed on some of t he •Jor proble1'!18. Thq are a challenge to your
gOYerning bocfT. I accept rq part in •eting tha t ahallenge.
~r levood shows strong evidence of c ood citizenship and good living. It w1l:l. be my
pleasure to contribute and share t herein.
L. R. Rudd
Councilman Cushing, M:>ved)
Wright, Seconded) That bond be obtained for Manager, Leslie R. aadd in the
amount of $101 000.
Banta, Absent
C\ishing, Aye
McCabe, Aye
AYESr Eight
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYSr None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
Clerk read a letter from the Recreational Council, requesting that Councilman Cushing
be reappointed to the Recreational Council.
Councilman Wrigh t, Moved)
Roboh m, Seconrled) That Councilman Cushing be reappointed to the
Recreational Council.
Banta, Absent Parlee r 1 Aye
Cushing, hot voting Purcell, Aye
McCabe, Aye Rapp, A.ye
A~r Seven NAYSt None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
ABSENT t ONE ( ~e not voting)
Clerk read the report of the Firemen's Compensation Board.
Clerk rea d the following recommendation from the planning colllllission
Dates Janurary 10, 1955.
Subjects Applica tion by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, Archbishop of Denver, far rezoning
of Block 84, South Broadway Heights, except Ea.st 30 feet thereof, from R-1
to R-2 to pennit construction of church thereon.
Recommendation: That application be granted, such use being permitted under proposed
rezoning now under study for this district, and, in the commission's
opinion, being compitible with a djoing development.
Respectfully submitted,
The En el ewood Planning Commission
By L. M. Guilford, Vice Chairman
Councilman Rapp, Moved)
Robohlll, Seconde~) That excavation be allQWed to start at the owners
risk and ordered notice be published beginning
Banta, Absent
Cushing, A-,e
McCabe, Aye
AYES : Eicht
the 13th and a he aring be held February 7th at 8:00 PM.
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAISt None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
City Engineer, Neil w. Barde, presente d an approved final estimate on the 15 11 Kenyon
Trunk Line Sewer, amounting to IB,690.53.
Councilman Cushing, f'oved)
McCabe, Seconded) That the Contractor McMillan & Pascal be paid
the final estimate.
Banta, Absent
Cushing, Aye
McCabe, Aye
AYES : EiGht
Pnrker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYSs None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wri ght, Aye
Mr. Sunshine, Attorney for the Supreme Coal Company asked for a letter in regards to
the mixing of fertilizer at 3201 S. Huron.
Attorney Bodan stated he did not believe thia could be considered manufacturing.
<:ouncil.an Cushing, MoTed)
Roll Calls
Purcell, Seconded) That this be referred to the Planning Board !or
Banta, Ab sent
Cushing, Aye
McCabe 1 A.ye
A~I Eight
a detinate report and Attorney Bodan write a letter
stating his views.
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
HAYSt None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
AB.5ENTt One
Cl.e rk read a report on proposed annexation a rea m<•de by Harmon & O'Donnell regarding
the area west of Sa nta Fe Drive, contaitling approximately 323 acres. ( cow in clerk tile)
Clerk a lso read the recommendation or the Planning Commission• (Copy in Clerk's file)
Councilmen Pnrke r, Moved)
Robohm, Seconded) Th Pt a resolution be a dopted accepting the petition
of the Fritsinger Tract.
Banta, Absent
Cushing, Nay
McCabe, Nay
AYFS : Two
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Nay
Rapp, Nay
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Nay
Wright, Nay
Councilman Cushing, Moved)
Wright, Seconded) That the above petition be referred to the City
Manager !or his advice as to whether this should
be explored furthur after talking to the Water
Board and Planning Conunission.
Banta, Abeent
Cushing, A'8
McCabe, Aye
AIES1 Eight
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYS1 None
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
Attorney Irvin representing Mr. Fritsinger & Mr . Gabriel on the annexation of the above
area which was not accepted, asked to withdraw the above petition and asked the petition
and plat be returned to thea.
Councilllan Parker, Moved)
Robohll, Seconded) 'nlat the petition and plats be returned
Banta, Absent
Cushing, A'YfJ
McCabe, Aye
AYFS1 Eight
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
Robohm, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
Attorney Wm Bodan, presented and the Clerk read the following Agreement.
AGREEMFlfT , Made this 10th day of January, 1955, between SHOPPING CMERS, INC. a
Colorado Corporation, or Denver, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Pirst Partytt·,
and the CITY OF ENOLEliUOD , a Municipal Corporation of the Second Class, of Arapahoe
County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Second Party" 1
W~SETH t That
WHEREAS, First Party is the owner or the parcel or land located in the City of Englewood,
Arapahoe County, Colorado, described belowJ and
WHEREAS, Second Party desires to purchase said parcel of land for the reason that
Second Party believes that said property should be acquired by purchase or otherwise
under the City of Englewood's proprietary powers nnd be used to afford parking
facilities for the City of EnglewoodJ
N<li, THEREFCJU:• In consideration of the mutual cOYenants and agreements hereinafter set
IT IS AGREED as follows, to witt
lJ First Party agrees to sell and Second Party aGrees to purchase the parcel of land
in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, State of Colorado, described as f'ollowst
A tract of land in the Southenet Qunrter (S E:i) of the Southwest Quarter (Slfi)
of Section Thirt7-tour (.34 )1 Township Four (L) South , Range Sixty-eight (68) West of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, d.,scribed a.s follows: BIDINNING at a point which
is South 890 40 1 u66 feet East and 658.76 feet North of tae Southwest (SW)
ccrner of the Southeast Quarter (SE ~) of the Southwest Quarter (swt ) of said
SectionJ thence Horth 10° 20' Wes t 185.78 feet; thence due West 311 f'eetJ '!'hence
North 276.S feetJ thence East 484.S feet; thence South 336.74 feet more or less
to point of beginning, Except that part thereof described in Deed recorded in
Book 371 at page 468 on January 15, 1936.
2J Second Party agrees to pay First Party tL,364.68 ns the purchase price for said
parcel of land •
.3J That part of the consideration fort he sale of snid parcel of land to said Second ·
Party is that as soon as conveniently possible after the completion of said sale,
Second Party agrees to lease the f ollowine described parcel of land in the City of
Englewood, Arapahoe County, Sta.te of Colorado1
A tract of land in the Southea st Quarter (S E~) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~)
of Section 'nlirty-four (JL), Township Four(L ): South, Range Sixty-eight (68}
West , described as follows: BEGilmING at a point whic~ is South 890 uO' 486
feet East and 733.09 feet North of the Southwest (SW) corner ot the Southeast
Quarter (SE *) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ~) of said Section; thence North
7rl' 20 1 West 516.1 feetJ thence North 91.02 feet, more or less; thence East
484.S feetJ t~ence South 262.41 feet, more or less to point of beginning,
to a Corporation to be formeed by the Merchants of Englewood Shopping Center as a parking
lot for employees of said Merchants, for a term of TEN (10) YEARS at a rental of One
Dollar (tl.00) per year, said lease to cover the following matters and others
customarily inserted in leases1
(a) IT lS AGREED that the Corporation of the Merchants of ENGIEW IOD SHOPPING CENTER
as part of the consideration for aid lease will surface the land, blacktop said surface
and install electric lighting, and maintain such facilities,
(b) Second Party agrees to provide the necessary richt of way for ineress and egress
of said lot and will grant by ordinance or otherwise, a right of way to said lot just
North of Dry Creek, and also will grant a permit to widen the curb-cut to 20 feet,
(c) First Party agrees to place steps from said parking lot to the sidewalk along the
South aide or the City Hall and widen said sidewalk if deemed advisable,
(d) IT lS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that said lease shall pr:>vide that the Merchants
ot ENGL&lOOD S fOPPING CEHTER will have the exclusive use of said parking lot as a
parking lot for the cars of the employees employed by them. Provided, however that
said parking lot shall be availabe for use by the General Public on Sundays and Holidays,
and that 15 spaces will be provided for the general public at all times.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto ha ve hereunto set t~~ds~d seil!s the day
and year fir st above written.
C • D. Willia.ms, Secretary
J. L. Barron, City Clerk
Shopping Centers, Inc.
BY Paul D. Ambrose, President
BY Harry G, Weigand, Mayor
Whereupon the f ollwing resolution was presented and read.
WHEREAS, Shopping Center, Inc., is the owner of land adjacent to the City Park of
Englewood, which land is more particularly dwscribed as follows1
A tract ot land in the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Southwest Quarter (SWi) ot Section
Thirty-four (34), Township four (4) South, Range Sixty-eight (68) West ot 6th Principal
Meridian described as foll ... • B!DINHIID at a point which is South 89° 40' 466 feet
East and 6$8.76 feet North or Southwest (SW) corner of Southeast Quarter (SEt) of
"1arter (SW~) of said Section; thence North 70" 20 1 West 185.78 feet; thence due West
311 feetJ thence North 276.5 feet; thence East 48L.5 feet; thence South J.36.74 feet
more of less to point of beginning, except that part thereof described in deed
recorded in Book .371 at Page 468 on January 1$1 19.36, and
WHEREAS, in the opinion or the City Council of the City of Englewood it is deemed
adYisable and necessary that the City of Englewood purchase the said tract of land, and
WHEREAS, the Shopping Center, Inc., has executed an agreement providing for the sale
of said tract to the City of Englewood in consideration of the sum of Four Thousand
Three Hundred Sixty-four and 68,71.00 ( t4,J64.68) Dollars· and in further consideration
that the City of En el ewood lease to the Sa id Corporation that portion of said tract of
land lying North of Little Dry Creek,
NCli, THEREFcmE, BE IT RFSOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Englewood, State
of Colorado, does hereb7 authorize the City of Englewood to enter into the atorementioned
agreement and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf
ot the City of Englewood. /.J~ G-. wuflnP-.
~ /City Clerk
PASSED and ADOPl'ED by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 10th
day of January, A. D. 1955
Councilman Cushing, Moved)
Parker, Seconded) That the above Resolution be passed and adopted.
Banta, Absent.
Cushing, Aye
ft:Cabe, Aye
AYES t Eight.
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYSt None
Roboi., Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wr~ht 1 Aye
There being no furthur business t o come tietore the Council.
Councilman Purcell, Moved)
Cushing, Seconded) That Council adjourn.
Banta, Abeent
Cushing, A-ye
ft:Cabe, Aye
AYESt Eight
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
NAYS: None
Robohln, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Aye
ABSEN'l't One
The Minutes of the Regular Adjourned Meeting of the City Council of the City of Engle-
wood, Colorado, held this Monday January 10th, 1955, stand approved as ,J;e ''f ;
this Monday the 7th day of February, 1955, A.D.
~ .... --.4 -<:::/f caerk