HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-07 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRIDULAR MIZTIHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
11&7or Weigand called the meeting to order and aaked tor roll calll
Banta, Preaent
Cuah1ng, Present
XoCabe , Preaent
Parker, Preaent
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, Preeent
Boboha, Pre•ut
Weipn4, Preeent
Wright, Pre•ent
Pre•entl light Abaentl One
Oouaoilan Cuahi,, lloYed
Rapp, eo~n~4, !hat the ainute• be approTed as Wl'itten.
Banta, 1.7•
Cha•h1ng' A7e
XoCabe , A7e
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, AJe
lloboba, A7•
Weigand, A7•
Wright, A7e
A7e•I Sight Raye: lone Abaent: One
01erk read the co1111Wl1oat1ona. (I•• Clerk'• Pile.)
·'" A''om97 Attenoio aaked tor cona14eN.t1on ot the Oola-.n petition• tor
Oounol'•n Pal'ker, KoYed,
. Wright, leoon4ed, !bat the above pet1 t1on be giTen taToaltM
oonaideN.t1on. ·
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, A.7•
ll«ht la7a 1 Hone
Roboha, A.7e
Weigand, AJ•
Wright, AJe
Abaent: One
Olerk P"••nte4 and red a reoo-.nd&t1on troa the Planning Co-1.aaion re-
prcU.111 '1le reaoning ot Lota 40-41-42, Block ?, Logan4ale, troa an Asrloul-
ftftl to •• sone an4 tlle :pablio reoorting expenee to be 'bome b7 the peti-
Ooanoil•n Rapp, Ko.e4)
Jtoboha, Seconded,
Banta, A7•
MoOabe, A7e
Ouah1ng, A7e
That Lote ~l-42, llock 7, Lo~dal• be
rezoned troa Agr1cultura1 to .. zone an 4
notice be publ1abed 1n the Knglevood
lnterpriae and a hearing be held April 4,
at IJ.00 P.K. ·
P.al'ller, A7e
Puroell, Abaent
Rapp·; .,.
Boboba, A,Je
1f eipnd, A7e
Wright, A7e
J.7ea1 light Hayes Hone Abeentl One
Clerk preaented and read a recommendation from the Planni~g Oommiaeion re-
p.rding the reson1ns ot the W eat t ot Block 4, and Lota 29-42 1nolu•1Te,
tilook 4, Lopnclale, troa an agricultural to "&-1 1 Rea14enoe J>1atrlot nth a
111nima of •1zt1 toot frontage and a m1nillU8 ot 900 ..-re feet ot 11Tiftl
area, ezolua1Te ot ~e• and breezewa1e; recording tee to be pa14 bJ pe-
t1 t1onera.
Couno1lll&n Banta, Moved)
Wright, Seconded, That the abo.e reoo .. en4at1on be aooep•e4
and ordered publ1ahe4 and a h•r1ng be held
April 4th.
Banta, A.7•
Ouahi ng, 1.7•
lloOabe, Are
Parker, A7e
PUroell, Abeent
Rapp, 1.7•
Jloboha, kl•
We1pnd, A7e
Wright, 1.7•
A.Jea: light Rayas Hone Ab1ent1 One
ftie 1fa,er Board reoOllllended that the 01 t1 contribute 150.00 tor legal tee•
tnaurrecl in preparation ot II.A.JI.A. legislation.
Oounoll.man Banta, Moved)
Cushing, Seconded, That the 01ty ot J:nglewood contribute
the above aaount.
Banta, A7e
Ouehlbg, AJe
lloOabe , Aye
Parker, A7e
Puftell, Abeent
Rapp, A7e
light la7e1
Roboba, Aye
Weigand, A7e
Wright, A7e
A!a1ent, One
01'7 .. •ger preeented and there ws read a letter troa the Rot&rJ Club ot
Snglnoo4 •tating the7 would like to tinance the inatallation ot l1ght1 on the
Denny Jl1ller Jtield vhloh wlll co•t approximatel.7 t2100.oo. Title 1'0Ul.d be
oonTe7ed to the Cl'y ot Snglewood, and the City would Mintaltl an• p&J' th•
electric bill tor the operation ot the lights.
Councilman llcCabe, Mewed) \
Roboha, 8econ4ecl, !o accept the saae and a letter expreeelng
the appreciation ot the Counoil be .. ile4
to the Rotari Club ot bglnoocl.
Banta, Aye
CU•hing, 1.7•
McCabe, 1.7e
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Ab1ent
Rapp, A.ye
Roboha, Aye
••ipn4, qe
Wright, A7e
A7ee1 Eight, Nays: !lone Ab1ent1 One
llr. lartho1io, a'torney tor the Platte Valley Development Coapaft7
Olarlc1a Oo.) pre1ented propoeals on service tor water and sewage.
poaal• were read 1n tull.
(Dapee7 and
!he pro-
Couno11.llan Rapp, Moved)
CUahing, Seconded,
Banta, A7e
Cuah1ng, A7e
McCabe, A7e
To receive the proposals and •· o. lh1Tere,
A'torne7 tor the 1fa,er Board, woa w1 th
Attorney Bartholic in drat'lng an agreeable
plan to be pre•ented at the A4Journe4
Council Meeting, March 16th.
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Absent
Rapp, A7e
Roboba, AJe
Weipnd, J:t•
Wrlgh,, A.7•
Aye•: Sight Haya: Rone Ab1ent: One
Olt7 Jlan•pr, L. R. Rudd read the report and informational ot the City A'toraer,
an4 &leo gaTe the City Manager report ~d intor11&tional.
Jlanager RD44 eated he would like to •tart a1Jt1ng tor bid• on pipe and •teria1•
whloh are critical it•• and deliTeries in •o•e iteae are slow. !hie beinc
on the Colorado Central Power Water project.
Couno1lllan Banta, KoTed)
Roboha, Becorided, To authorize the Manager to get bld• on pipe
and •ter1al •
Banta, A.ye
Ou•h1ng , Aye
MoO&be, A7e
Parker, A1e
turoell, Abaent
Rapp, AT•
Weigand, qe
1f 1'1gh' ' "'7•
A7••= Eight Raye: Rone Abaent: One ·
Clt1 *"•l•r 1tate4 that approx1•tel7 87 re1idente in the Clt7 ot Inglewood.
were be~!'I aenecl b7 the DenTer Bever S71t• and billed by the City ot ,DenTer
a' the SJA.50 ate. •• tel.11 th1• i• a tora ot dlecriaination and would lib
to baT• tile oharge Md• to the Oitf_Ot Inglewood and the City ot Snglnoo4
bill the aue'oaere at our regular 910.00 rate stating the Cit7 ot DenTer 1•
willllig 'o oooperate in an1 W7 the7 oan.
Oouno11Mn lloOabe, llcwe4) OUah1ng, 8eoon4ed, To aooept the abQTe propoaal.•. · .
0.ALLI awe
J10LL &ana, -A¥•
Ou•h1ng, awe JloCabe, -J
Parker, qe
Puroell, A~aent
Rapp, A)'e
Boboha, A7e
Wel~d, AJe
Wright, A)'e
A.7e• I Sight Haya: None Ab•ent 1 One . )
Clerk read a oontraot b7 Dale B. Rea, Consulting Zngineer tor the oon-
atruot1on ot the water auppJ.7 •1•te• del1Ter1ng water troa the Colorado
Central Power OOllP&ft7 well• an411olrooa Ditch Right•.
aouno11.llan Rapp, Mewed) JloOabe, leoonded, That the Kayor be autborise4 to 81p
Banta, AJ•
<luahing, Aye
JloO&be, A7e
th• contract and the ol•~ atteat .....
Parker, A7e
Purce 11, Abaent
Bapp, A7e
9oboha, A7e
··~· A7• Vr11ht, A79
&7••1 light Maya: Mone Ab•entl One
CouncilMD JloCabe, llOTed)
Wright, 8econ4e4, 'l'bat the landacaping around the preaent
and the propo•ed upper •toziage re1erYoir
nee4 not be included 1n a 1•neral oon•tru•
t1on contact, but that the laD41oapl111
aOTeaent be ude parallel w1 th the con-·
ft.J. OAJ.t.1
-.nta, A7e
Cuahing, Aye
lloCabe, Aye
•truot1on contraot.
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, AJ•
l\obo•, AJe
Vet.sand, AJ•
Wright, A7•
A7e1: light Jaye: Mone Ab•ent: One
!he llaaonic Building Aa•oolation pre1ented an agreement and deed tor a paro•1
ot l.aD4 to be used tor highway purpoaea. (Agreement and deed in City Clerk'&
Counoil.Mn l\oboha, Moved) MoOabe, Seconded, That the Ma7or be authorised to exaoute tbl
Banta, A7e
Cuahing, Aye
JloOabe, A7e
abowe agreeaent. ~
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Abaent
Bapp, A7e
Roboba, A7e
Vetcand, 1.7•
Vnght, A.7e
Aye•: Sight Raya : Mone Abaent : One
Clerk read and preaented the following bill.
Ifft~ t !hat a tract ot lall4 l.y1ng eaat ot and a4Jac1nt to Lot• 25, 26,
an : ~ock 16, Lopndale, and being more partioularl.7 cle•oribed a • follow& I
Bes1nn1DS at a point, on the •outh line of Lot 25, 81ook 16,
LopnAele, whioh 1• 44.5 feet eaat ot the •outhn•t oorner ot Lo'
25 of 8&14 Blook 16; thenoe in a Morthea•t•rl.7 4lreot1on at an ansl•
to the lett ot 41° ee• 32 1 , a 41•tanoe of 1o6.68 feet, more or leas,
'o a pe1D' on tbe ••t line ·ot Lot 27 of •aid Block 16,
1dl1oh 11 5 feet 1outh ot the Rortheaet oorner ot aa14 Lot
271 theaoe 19 a loutbwe1,erl1 d1reot1on at an angle to the
rt.slit ot 156 28 1 09 1 , a 41etanoe ot 77.53 feet, •re or
1••• 'o the north line ot Manef1el4 ATenue, exten4ed.J
ibenoe ,, .. , and. along 11&14 Rorth line ot Manetield,ATemae,
a 4l•tano• of 4?.17 feet, aore or le1e, to a point of be-
1• l••'ecl entln~ w1th1n the Clt1 L1111te or the Cit1 ot J:11Slewoo4,
Co10l'a4o, an4 c1o•• not con1t1'-&e a boun4&17 line ~.tween ti. Cltr of
an.1ewooct, Colorado, an4 6.DF ~ooantr,or ·otber llW11cipal1t7.
f::S&• 2. ft&' ~ Taoat1on ot the within deaoribed propen1 will not
ean ~ a4,Jo1n1ns lan4 w1th°'1t an eetabllehe4 public road oonneo,1ns
eal4 1en4 w1'1l another ee~abl1ehed public road.
'"ftlii' !bat the C1tJ of Englewood doea hereb7 ezpre••lJ neen• tor ooa ••• U7 l'lgbtl ot W&7 or ~aeeaente now uee4 tor a1•t1ng 1ewr,
p1, •'•r or 11allar plpe line• and appurtenanoe1, or 41tohe1, oana11 an4
appartenanoee, or eleotl'lo, telephone and siail.&r line• an4 ...... eaanoe1,
aow looa'ed ln aa14 portion of ea.id etreet 4eeor1bed hereinabne.
e·~un It. That the 8&1d propen1 above de1or1bed be, and the ... e 1•
rileol.&red n.oated purnant to the prov1e1one ot 8eo,1on 13, Artiol•
I, Obap'•r 120, 1953 Colorado Rn1eed. ltatutee .Annotated, and the title
th_..to Mall T••' 1n the ownen of the abutting land u pl'OT14e4 1n ea14
Chapter U.3.
tlf»lrf • fte 01 '1 Couno11 hereb7 t1n4•, 4etera1nee an4 d•o. l.&ree that
1 nano• 1• neo•• .. 17 tor the 1-ediate pre1ern.tlon ot the publlo
peaoe, h-.J.th, aaf•'7 and conTen1enoe.
llf'11af~In the opinion at the Cit1 Council an eaergeno7 es11t1; therefore,
1 noe 1ball take etfeot an4 be 1n toroe froa and after 1t• t1nal
paa .... and publloat1on.
~ on Plr1t Rea41ng b7 the City Counc11 of the C1t7 ot Snglevood, Colorll. o,
th1• ?th ~ of llaroh, A. D. 1955 and ordered publ1ahe4 1n the Snglewoo4
Bera14-Snterpr1••· ~~J .,,.,,
Olt7 Clerk
couno1l•n Rapp·, Mewed)
Cu1h1ng, 8eoon4e4, '!'bat the above Bill be paeae4 on tin' ra4-
1ng &bc1 ordered publ1ehe4 in the J:nglewoo4
lanta, Aje
Oueh1ng, qe
Ko C&be, A7e
Parker, A1e
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, A7e
Roboha,· 1.7•
1fe1gan4, A7e
1fr1ght, A7•
AJ••I light llay1: lone Ab1ent1 One
Clnk read. an ape•ent with the ltate B1ghft1' Depart•nt vhereb7 the7 would
adT&DO• eeo.000.00 tor th• puroha•• ot Right of Way. !he 81,1 of lnglnoocl
.. r••• 'o rei.a'bure• the ltate Bl~ Departaent at the ate of 120,000 per
7-.r beslmaing "10 th• oalen4ar 7ear ot 1956 until pa14. (ftl• beiq a
'otal. of IJ)I0,000.00 a4Tanoe4 b7 the State.)
Oounoll.Mn Banta, MoTed) Oulh1ng, leoon4~. !bat the Mayor be authorised to eseoute the
agreeaent and the Clel'k a't••t .....
1l)Ll. aAl.LI
Banta, Are
Ouehing, Aye
MoCabe, A7e
A7e11 Sight
Parker, Are
Purcell, Abaent
Rapp, A7e
Hayes Rone
1fe1pn4, A.7•
Wright, A7e
Ab•ent: One
!here _. pre1ente4 a Bill tor extra eerY1cee tor 1f1111aa Bo4an, Attorne1, tort
tbe Xon'h of Pebrua17, 19SS ot .,.,, • 00. .
aouno11Mn l\obom, lloTe4)
Wright, 8eoon4e4, 'l'bat the bill be paid.
Banta, ,.,.
Chaah1ng, A1•
XoOabe, A1e
Parker, A7•
Purcell, Ab•ent
Rapp, A1e
Roboha, 1..7•
Weipnd, A1e
Wright, 1..7•
1..7••• Sight Ray•: Rone Abeent: One
!here wa• preeented a Bill tor exira •eM'1cee by Harmon, O'Donnell an4
Benninger tor an annexation 9UrY•Y ot t1s1.10.
Caunoil.M.n Robolla, lloTed)
PAl'lter, leoonded, That the above bill be paid. ·
Banta, A1e
Ou•h1ng, A.7•
lloOabe, A7e
Parker, Aye
Puroell, Ab•ent
Rapp, A7e
Roboha, AJ•
Weigand, A7e
Wl'lght, kt•
A1ee 1 Sisht Raye: Rone Ab•ent 1 One
Cl t1 .. n•r.r pre•ented approved b111• on the Water Departaent totaling
~5.878.6 • . .
Couno11 .. n Rapp llcwe4)
Roboha, seoon4ed, That the above approved ol.&iu on
the Water Departaent be pa14.
lanW., Aye
Ou•hlng I A7e .
XoCabe, A1e
AJ••I Sight
Parker, A7e
Puroell, Ab•ent
Rapp, Ar•
Robobll, AT•
We1pn4, 1.7•
Wrllht, 1.7•
Ray•: 1lone Ab•ent: One
Olt1 llanager preeented approved olai•• on the Sewer D1epoaal Plant f"'4
totaling 12,058.44.
Oou.no11.an Robohll, lloved)
Rapp, Beoonded, That the above approved ola1u on the
Di•poeal Plant l'un4 be paid.
Banta, 1..7•
Ou•h1ng, A7e
XoOabe, A1•
A7••: Sight
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Abeent
Rapp, Aye
Ra7e: Mone
Robohll, A7e
We1pn4, AJe
Wright, A7e
Ab•ent: One
Olt7 llanager preeented approv .. ola1•• on the General J'un4 totaling 13S,Ofl.7.Slt.
Oouno1lun RllPP5 lloTe4)
Banta, 8eoon4ed, That the approTed claim• on the Geneal P1ID4
be pa1d.
Banta, A7e
Oueh1ng, 1t.7e
lloCabe, A.re
A1e•: light
Parker, Aye
Purcell, Ab•ent
Rapp, A7e
lla7e: lone
lloboha, A7•
We1pn4, A7e
Wl'lght, A7e
Abeent1 One
!here wa• pre•ented and read a letter from Stanle7 R. Jobn1on, Attome1 at
Law, tor the po•it1on ot City Attorney.
lo .lotion •• taken at th1• t1ae.
llaJ'Oll 1fe1gan4 appointed the following coma1ttee tor the ••leotlon ot a 01tJ
lloCabe, Obairman, Membere Robohll and Rapp.
01el'k rea4 a letter troa Attorney lfa. A. !cnang, Pol1oe Jlillltrate, •kiDS
reo~ndat1on• on aot~on• the Council could take.
Coanoil•n Banta, JloTed)
Wright, leoonded, That no action be taken b7 the Couno11.
Banta, A7e
C•9h1ng, J.7e
•oOabe, A1e
A7e•t Sight
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Deent
Ra.pp, AJe
la1•: lone
Roboha, 1.7•
We1pn4, 1.7•
Wright, 1.7•
Ab•ent: One
£( It W.• aoTed bJ Couno11.man Rapp and ••oonded b7 l\oboba, that the ott1ce or
Pollo• llagi•trate be declared Taoant llaroh )l; and atter 41•ou••1on, .JJ
Counoi1-n Banta, llade a wb-aotion, .
leoonde4 b7 Council.Mn Cushing, That the alHwe mt1on be
tabled until the ... ting
or Karch 21, 1955.
BDLL CALLI · Banta, A7e
Cu1h1ng, A71
KoC&be, AJ•
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Alteent
Rapp, ...,
A7e•I ltfta lqet: CIDe e:
loboha, A7e
Welpnd., 1.7 .. • Vl'llb t ' AJ• •
•en•·1 One
!here being no fQrther lN•1ne•• to come before the Council,
Couno11•n Wright, KoTed)
Robohll, Seconded, To '"4JCN8 to Wedneeda.1 hen1ng, llaroh 16th,
9anta, J.7e
Ouehlng, 1t.7e
KoOabe, A1e
1t.7ee: Sight
at 81.00.•.•·
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Absent
Rapp, AJe
!lo'boba, 1.7•
We1pn4, A7e
Wright, 1..7•
laya: RONS Ab•entt One
!he •1aate• ot the Regular Meeting ot the Cit1 Council ot the O!J',~~ Sngla .. o4,
Oo1oac1o, held th11 llon4a7, kroh ?, 19SS, etand approTed aa ~ t hi•
Won4a7, the 4th clay ot April, A. D. 19SS.
O~,--~ 01t71r''