HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOURBD llDTING or TD CITY COUNCIL or TD CITY or DGLEVOOD, COLORADO
A.D. 1955.
•7or Welpn4 o&J.le4 the •••ting to order and a•ked tor roll 0&11.
. Banta, Ab•ent
CU8h1ng, Pre•ent
lloCabe, Pre•ent
Parker, Pre•ent
Purcell, Preeent
Rapp, Pre•ent
RobohlJ, Preaent
Weigand, Preaent
Wright, Abeent
Preaent: Seven Abeentl 'fw.
Couno1l.an Wrlgbt entered am wae •eated with the Council.
Kr. Cooler, wt.th the Coole1 Gravel Company, aeked the Council it he e'lldt 11ii1ll •w land 9n the Atoh1eon Ranch tor the removal ot eand and gravel. · , ,
Ooanollm.n Parker, Moved,
· llobohll, Seconded, the requeet be tabled 1111tll the City Attorne1
bad tiae to check the legality.
Banta, Ab•ent Parker, Aye
Cuahlng, A:re Purcell, Aye
·Ko Cabe, 1.7• Jl.m 1.7•
A7ee 1 Eight Nay a: None
Robobm, A:t•
Weigand, AJe
Wright, A7e
Abeent: One
Kr. D. !. Kiner ot ?36 Ral•lah• Denver, alao expree•ed a de•1re to leaae tor
granl a part ot the Atoh1eon Ranch.
aounc11.llan Purcell, Moved,
Parker, Seconded, that the above re41ueat be tabled and to •XJ>l'e••
the appreciation ot the Council tor the ottere
Banta, Abaent
Ouahing, A.Je
McCabe, Aye
A7e•I Eight
Parker, A:t•
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
Nayes None
1loboJ:a, Ar•
Weigand, A7e
Wright, Aye
Ab••nts ene
Counollun Part.er, Moved,
Boboha, Seconded, that the City Manager purcbaae the pipe troa
Thoapeon Pipe and Steel Co. tor connecting the
Colorado Central Power Co. wells.
Banta, Abaent
Oueh1ng, Aye
McCabe, A7e
A7e•: Eight
Parker, A7e
Puro ell, Aye
Rapp, Aye
Rayes Rone
Roboha, Aye
Weigand, Ar•
Wright, Aye
Abaent1 One
Dal• Rea, Con•ult1ng Engineer, preeented plan• and epecitioat1one tor the upper
re1enolr to be built on propert1 purohaeed trom Savage tor the t1r•t reeerYolr.
Oounoilman McCabe, MoTed,
-Cuahing, Seconded, to accept the plan• and epeoit1oat1ona, and.
notice be published; bid• to be op~ned April -J
bid• to be accepted until 8:00 p.a., April •th.
Banta, Abaent
OulhiM, A.Je
McCabe , A7e
A,Jea: Seven
Parker, A7e
Purcell, Aye
Rapp, Ray
Ray•: One
Robohm, A.7•
Weigand, A7e
Wright, AJ•
Ab•enta One
fh• Water Board ••t with the City Council, reviewing the act1T1t1•~ and reporting
on progre•• being aade.
Attorner K. O. 8h1Yere etated that the Clal'daai-r-OonetNction Tl Cit7 ot Englewood
oa•• bad been reTened b7 the Supreae Court and returned to the Dlet .~ot Court,
an4 •tatect it •hould be followed.
Couno1l•n Purcell, llOTed)
Wright, Seconded, that Attorne7 ShiTer• be iD8tNo*9d to follow
the oa•e to protect the Cl'S.
Banta, Ab•ent
Cu8h1ng, qe
KcO.be, A7e A7••• light
Parker, Aye
Purcell, 1.7•
Rapp·,1 A7e
Ra7a1 Hone
Boboha, A7e
Weigand, A.7•
Wright, A7e
Abeent: One
Attorne7 8h1Ter. pre••nted and read a contract from the Platte Val.le7 DeTelopaent
co. 1n ~· to the Olit7 ot Englewood turn1ahed water :ror the proJeot, and 1t
•• decided that Attorne7 8h1T•r• -.lte the neoe11a17 change• and 1t be returned tor
'~• .
It •• agreed that wter a _oplloatione be handled 1n order a1 reoe1Te4.
Clt7 .. neger a1ked tor clarit1oat1on on the etreet• tor which the 01t7 wa1 comltted
to nrtaoe. It WI ACN•d on the tollowingl Bellewood Drive, no74 ATenue fl'Oa
Un1Tere1t7 to Race Street, and to reiabur•• Larick 11,000.00 tor 0011pletion et 3200
Block South High.
It•• ~e4 the Clt7 lhould ~'~extra expenee on one oar.to-r the Zoning Board
of A4Ju1taent. ----
Parking •tera are to be brought up at the next regular ••ting.
!here being no turther bu1ine11 to come before the Council,
Ccnanc1l.llan OU9h1ng,·lloTed,
Purcell, Seconded, to adJourn.
Banta, Ab1ent
OU1h1 ng, A7e
McCabe, A.7•
qe11 Sight
Parker, A.7•
Purcell, A7e
Rapp, Aye
layel None
l\oboba, J.7•
Weigand, qe
Vl'1gbt , A.7•
Abeent: Orae
'fh• Kimat•• ot the A4Journed Meeting ot the City Council ot the C1t~_ot~gl ... o4,
ColoNdo, held thi• Vedne•4&7, llaroh 16, 19S S, etand approved ae _Lr..A/. . th1•
Koncta1, the 4th 4a7 ot April, A. D. 19SS.
___ )