HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesDGULU\ AD.TOURlllD DSTING or THE CITY OOUMCIL "' THS CITY or llGLftOOD' COLORADO Ul.D MONDAY TBI 211t DAY or MARCH, A. D. 19SS. 11&7or We11an4 ealled the •••ting to order and asked tor Roll Oalll ROLL CALLI Banta •. ;ae•t Parker, Present Cu8h1nB• -A1r••t Puroell, Pre1ent XoCabe, ~-n~ Rapp, Present Preaent.1. Seven Absent: -------- llobohll, Pre1ent Weigand, Pre1ent Wright, Pre1ent ho Couno1lllan Roboba Moved) Wright, Seoonded, to appoint William Bodan as TeaaporarJ City A.ttorne7. ROLL CALLI Banta, .A.b1ent Ou1hing, Absent XoCabe, A7e llJ:8: 1 Roboba, AJe Weigand, 1.7• WKght, A7e Parker, A.ye PUroell, Aye Rapp, A7• MAYS: I ABSDT: 2 -------- A hear1ag •• held to• the reson1ng ot Lot• 12-28, inolu1iTe, of Block 1, Ro•• A441tion tro• "'91 to R-2. '!'here were no prote1t1. ('fh11 being tor the P1r1t Ohr11tian Church.) --------- Clerk opened and read the bid• tor oon1truction at 8an1tal'J' Sewer Srten1ioa •o. 29. Pa1oal and Brandon Construction Co. 12547.75. 2950.28. Mann Con1truotion Co. Couno1l.man Parker, Jloyed) Rapp, Seconded, to reoeiT• the bid• and reter thea to the Oit7 Engineer tor turther 1tucl7 and reoo11- Mndation1. ROLL CALL: Banta, Ab1ent Cu1h1ng, Ab1ent Mo Cabe, A7e ABBI 1 Roboba, A7e Weigand, A7e Wright, .A.7• AB8SNT: 2 Parker, A7e Puroell, A.Je Rapp, A7e MAYS: 0 -------- aouno11 ... Ou•h1ng .at•eecl and wa1 1eated w1th the Couno1l. -------- xr. D. w. Cook pre1ented a pet1t1on and plat tor the annexation tor that portion ot Yale Height• not now \in the City& A• tollow1: A. portion of Lot• 27-13-14-lS-1~1?-11 and all ot Lot 19--a portion ot 20-..ll of Lot1 21-22-23-~-a ,art ot 15 (a• 9hovn in the plat.) Couno11.aa• Robohm, Mewed) Wright, Seconded, that the above petition and plat be re- oe1ved and the City Attorne7 oheok ... e. ROLL CALLI Banta, Ab1ent OU1h1ng, A7e McCabe, AJ• ADii Parker, Aye Puroell, A7e Rapp, Aye Sight RAYS: 0 -------- lloboba, A.7• Weigand, A7e Wright, A7e ABllMTI 1 Couno11.llan Parker, MoTed) Roboha, Beoonded, to aooept the Planning Comm111ion'1 reooa- aendation tor the re-pl.at ot Blook• 1-2-3- 4-S-6 Yale Height•. ROLL CALLI Banta, A.b1ent Ou~h1ng, A7e 11oaabe, A7e ADii Sight --- Parker, A7e Roboba, .A.7• Purcell, A7e Weigand, £7• Rapp, A7• Wright, A7• RAYSt 0 .A.BBDTI 1 ----- There w.e preaented an approTed re-plat ot Blook 3, Chulaer'• Broad97 Relght1 to be known a• Killer'• Broadw1 Height• lo. 1. · Counollan CUshlng, KoTed) Purcell, Seconded, to accept the plat l\ll4eot to the C1tJ Attorne1'1 approyal. ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent Cuahlng, qe KoC&be, A7e AYl!8: Elght Parker, 1.7• Robohll, A7• Purcell, Are Weigand, A7e Ba.pp, A7e . Wright, A7e RAYS I 0 ABSENT I One Attorne7 Bodan preaented a petition tor annexation ot the tollow1D1 4••- or1bed propert11 ,, 'Beginning •t a point 995 teet South ot the lortb8aat oorner ot Section line (9), Town1h1p t1ve (S) South, Range Sixt1-elght (68) Veat ot the 81xth pr1noipa]. Mer1d1an, !hence Weat 280 teet: thenoe Roi-th OOltO' Veat 53.4 feet aore or le•• Rorthweaterl7 along the '1PP•r bank ot the Olt1 dltoh SJ) teet aore or le1a1 tbenoe Weat 180 teet;.thence Southweater~ along the upper bank ot aai4 4itoh 927 feet more or le•• to the louth line ot the lorth one-halt (It) ot the Bon~1t Quarter (Di) ot •aid aeotion Hlne (9)J thnoe .._. . along aai4 line 1,548.S teet to the polnt ot b~•· Councll.Mn Robohll, KoTed) . Purcell, aeconded, to receive the above petition. ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent Cuah1ng, A7e lloCabe, A.7• AD81 Eight Parker, A7e Roboha, A7• Purcell, A7• Weigand, AJ• Rapp, A7e Wright, A7e BYS: 0 ABSa. TI One -------- At•orne7 Attena1o :pre1ente4 a petition tor annexation ot the Oolllan Acldl- tion and the following re•olution .wa1 reads R E O L U TI ON .-U, b Mm•r• ot aore than t1tt1 per cent (S~) ot the terr1torr ure1nat•er deaoribed, alao ooapriaing more than titt1 per oen' (S~) of the rea1dent lan4 owner• 1n aa1d territory have tiled a petltlon to annex to th• Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, the territory de1or1~•4 aa tollowa, tO- WS.tl Beginning at a polnt 995 aeet South ot the Bortheaat corner of Seot1on .lin• (91, !ownahip Five (S) South, Range S1xt7-•1sb• (68) Veat ot the sixth pr1no1pal meridian, tbenoe Veit 280teet; •hence lorth lo degree• and 40 a1nut•• (40 1 ) Veit 53.4 tffl aore or l••• loi-thweaterl7 along the upper bank ot the C1t7 Ditch 533 f .. t more or l•••J thence Weat 180 feet; thenoe louth•••i•r~ along the upper bank of •aid ditoh 927 feet aore or l••• to the louth line ot the lorth I-ot the lfortheaat •uart•r <Dt> ot 1&1& 1eotlon line (9); thence 1&1t along ea14 line 1548.5 teet; .thenoe Borth 326 feet to the atart1ng point. Couno11.llan Roboha, aoTed) Wright, aeoonded, ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent cuahlng, A.7e KoCabe, A1e that the aboTe petition be aooepted an4 notice be publi1he4 1n the Snsle.oo& Enterpr1ee beginning llaroh .. ihl Oi•7 to PA1' the publication 001t1. l\obohll, A7e Weipnd, A7e · Wright, A7e ADii light Parker, A7e Purcell, A.7e Rapp, A1e Miii 0 ABlllTI One -------- Attorne1 II. O. 8h1Ter• preaented a letter which •• r-4 1n tull 1n oon- aeetion with the e1tablilhaent ot the Doae1t1o Water tacllit1e1 tor approx - t.at•l.7 1,000 ho•• and houaea on propert1 preaentl7 owned b7 the Valle7 Dnelop•nt Oompa~ near the Centennial Raoe Traok. (Letter in Oles'• fi1e.) Couno11an Roboha, lloTed) KoOabe, aeoonded, to accept the aboTe propoaal. .1 I I ROLL CALLI . Banta, Ab•ent CU9h1ng, AJe XoCabe, A.7• ADii light Parker, A7e Purcell, A7e Rapp, A.7e MAYS: 0 Roboha, kt• Veipn4, A7e Vrljh,, A1e ABIDTI One . ----- A'torne7 x. o. 8h1Tere preeented and there wa• read the tollOW1ng Z-.•o~•tton1 H E S J L J T I J ----------. ~ WlllRIAI, the City ot Englewood, Colorado, 1• the owner ot 42/46th• ot the Petereburg Ditch and all ot it• appropriation•, and. . wmsAS, the acqu1a1t1on ot the balance .ot ••ld appropriation• and 41tah 1'911&1n1ng ln pr1Tate ownerahip la nece•••17 tor pub11o purpo•e• tor the uae ot 11&1.d Ditch •• a right ot va1 tor a water pipe l1n• ot the c1t7 of Snglewoo4, and the u•e ot ea1d water a• a part ot the 4o•••t1c water nppl.7 of the Clt7 ot Englnood, and WMiillAI, negotlatlon• "1th the ew11er• ot the r ... 1n1ng 4/46th of •a.14 Petenburl J>l'oh an4 1t• appropr1at1one tor the puroha•• thereof h&Te aet nth no suoo••• although a ta1r purohaee price ha• been ottered each ot 9&14 ownera tor hl• or her •bare thereof, IOW, TlllRl:PORS, Bl IT RESOLVED tbat the C1t7 Council ot the Olt7_ot Snglewoo4 hereb7 4etera1ne• that the ac~u1•1t1on ot the ~11&1.ning 4/Jt.6tb8 of the Peterabm'g Ditch and 1 t• appropriation• 1• nece•ea17 and e ••entlal to th• 4o•••t1c water •UJ>PlJ ot the City ot Englewood, and 1• necee•arr aa4 •••entlal to PQb11c u•e thereot, and the City Council Qt the Clt7 ot lagl• wood doe• hereb1 authorise, •• a reeult ot ita deterlli.nation ot 8&14 aee1t• 1t7, th• 1n•t1tut1on ot Sllinent Doaa1n proceed!~• to acquire title in t11e naae ot the C1t7 ot Inglewood to the remaining 4/46th• intere•t• in an4 to th• Peter.burg Ditch and 1t• decreed appropriation•. Barn_ Jl._ Jf_H&_an4 ATTSITI .. 11&7or J, L. ~n Citiiii'i Pa••ed and adopted b7 the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colo- rado, th1• 2l•t 4&7 ot Karch, A. D. 19SS. Riobard L. Banta, Jr. Colbert s. Cuehing c. B. McCabe J-•• D. Rapp Cbal.iaeree A. Parker Richard J. Purcell Leonard A. Robohll Harry G. Weigand B. B. Wright Oouncll.Mn Purcell, KOTed) McCabe, Seconded, that the above resolution be adopted and the Mayor be authorized to •1gn. ROLL CALLI Banta, Ab•ent Parker, A7e Cuehing A1• Purcell, Aye McCabe, A7e Rapp, Aye ADI: Ilg ht MYS: 0 -------- Robohll, AT• Weigand, kt• Wright, A7e ABSEN'l': One Clt7 A•torne1 pre•ented and there vae read the following re•olution: R ES ,L U TIJN WBSR&AI, on or about the 10th day ot Janua17 19SS, the Cit7 ot Snglevoodrentered into an agre ... nt with Shopping Centers, Inc., a Oolo- 1'94.o corporation, whioh agreeaent provide• that eaid corporation will con -••1 the tr.act ot land adJacent to the City Park1 ._contain1ng about 2.8 aore•, to the Cit1 ot Englewood tor the •WI ot .,..364.68, and further proT1Al .. ~t the 01ty ot Englewood will lea•e a portion ot said pre- al•e• hereinafter de•oribed to a corporation to be formed b7 the Me!'- chant• ot l~levood Bhopplng Center, tor a period ot ten yeare at a ren- ta1 tee ot 11.00 per 7ear, provided ••id corporation keep• and pertora• it• certain obligation• •• •et torth in aaid agreement, and, 1fllDZAI, eald corporation ha•, pUl'auant to ea1d agreement, oonYe7ed the aa1d 2.8 aore tract to the City ot Englewood. IOW TBJ!l'ClrORI Bl IT RllOLVSD that the City Council o~ the Oit7 ot Snglewoo4, Colorado, pursuant to aaid agreeaent, d.oee hereb7 authorise the CitJ of S~lewood to enter into that certain leaae, dated the ?th 4&7 of Pebruarr, 1955 wherein the City of Englewood ia Leaaor an4 the Engle- wood Merchant• lllplo7ee Parking A11ociation ia Le1aee, ot the tollowins de1or1bed paroel• of land a1tuate in the City ot Englewood, County at Arlg)ahoe, State of Colorado, to-Yitl A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (11•> ot the 8outh- weat Quarter (11fi) of Section Thirt7-four (34), Town9hlp Pour (4) South, !Ange S1xt7-e1ght (68) Weet, ot the _. P.X. d4eecr1bec1 aa follow•: Beginning at a point 1d11.ch i• South 99040• 486 feet la1t and 733.09 feet Horth of the louthweet (IV)corner of the Southeast Quarter (Sit) ot t~e louthwe•t Quarter (BVi) ot aa14 Section; thence Horth 70 2'1 Weit 516.1 feet; thence lorth 91.02 feet, more or le1e; thence 1&1t 484.5 teet; thence South 262.41 feet, more or le•• to point of be- ginning. .ARD A tract of land de1cr1.bed ae follow•; Beginning ?19 feet lorth of the Southea1t (IS) corner of the Southweat Quarter (IWt) of the Southweat Quarter (Di) of Section 'fhirt7-tour (34J, Townah1p rour (4) South, Ranch Sixt7-elf~~ (68) Weit, of the 6th P. M.• thenoe Horth a diatence of .15 teet; thenoe lorth 109640 1 Saet a di•tence ot ))0.26 feet 110re or 1•11; thence Weit along the Horth line of McKinle7'1 8ub- 4.1T1a1on 2nd riling a diatence Of 311 feet to the point at beginning. and the Jla7or 1• hereb7 authorised to.execute 1aid leaee on behalf of the City of Englewood. Barn L W_eiaanA a1or &!!18!1 J _. L_._ laftM alt7-0lfik 117111 AJCD AI>OPTSD BY THE CITY COUNCIL ot the City Of Englewood, loloi.do, th1• 2lat 4ay of February, A. D. 19SS· R9!d· CALI. Richard A. Banta Richard J. Purcell Clarence B. McCabe Obalmeree Parker Colbert Cuah1ng Leonard A. Jtoboha. Jw1 Rapp BarrJ Cl ~ Welpnt; B. B. Wright Council.Mn Roboha, •o•ecl) Parker, seconded, to adopt the above resolution and the Mayor be authorised · to e1gn the lea••· ROLL CALL: Banta, Abaent Cu•hlng, A7e McCabe, Aye ADI: Sight lloboha, A7e Veigan4, kt• Wright, A7e Parker, A7e Purcell, Are Rapp, Aye IAYS: o ABBITI One -------- !here •• pre1ented and read in full the tollow~ng Ordinances OR D IN ANC E Ord.lnanoe lo. _, Berle• of 19 , Taoating a portion of the atreet located at the 1ntereeot1on of Weat .... anet1el4 Avenue, and South Pox 8taieet •1. traot ot land lying Saet ot and·.i &4Jaoent to Lota 25, 26, and 27, Block 16, Logan4ale.1 Council.an Parker, JIOTecl) .PUroell, aeeondecl, that Ordinance Ro. _, Serie• ot 19_, Ju•t read be introduced and pa1eec1 on Second reading u Ordinance lo. 10, Serles ot 1955. &D4 ordered publllhe4 in the Englewood Znterpr1••· ROLL CAI.LI Banta, Abaent Ou1h1ng, A7e McCabe, A7e ABll Sight Robohll, A7• We1p.n4, Aye Vl'lpt, A7e Parker, All• Purcell, A7e Rapp, AJe IADJ 0 ABlmtl One -------- I I I I There •• introduced and read in tull a Bill tor an Ordinance Manging the soning of Lot• 12-28 inclu•iTe Block l, Ro•• A44ition, fro• an ll-1 to a &-2 (Re•1dence d1•tr1ct.) (The above being tor the 1'1Nt Chr1.•t1an Church.) . A BILL POR AR OBDIMAllCI J:lft'ITLJ:D: All ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIHARCI RO. ), mRD8 OJ' 19"°, OP TD CITY OF DGLEVOOD, COLORADO, DTITLEDt 1 All OR• DDAllCS l'OR 7.oRING THB CITY OF DGLSWOOD, TO BEOULATI: TBI LOCATIOB, APPDIWICS, IIZS, CBARACHR ill> -OP BUILDINGS HmArl'D llBCDD OB ALflRID, AllD POil IAID PUUOBS TO DIVIDE THE CITY INTO DIS'l'MCD, PN:e• CIDJ: PllALTDS FOR THE VIOLATIOR 01' ITS PROVISIONS, ARD TO PROVIDI POR ITI DDIG DCSl8ARY FOR THE cmmw. WllJ'ARI: or THE COIOIJllITY 1 I ARD TD BUILDING ZORI ICAP II CODE Ol'IOH TDREVITH. BJ: IT ORDADSD BY TBS CITY COU1'CIL 01' THE CITY OF DOLDOOD, COLORADOs lto'loon 1. '!'hat purnant to Section 16, Ordinance Ro. ), Berl•• ot 1940, ~ .. a Te entitled, and Section• 4 and S, Article 60, Chapter 139, 1953 Colorado ReTl•ecl Statute•, a1 aaended, the propert1 de•cribecl u Lot• 12 ,~ \ \ to 28 1nclu•1Te, Blook 1, Ro•• Addition, be and it i1 hereb1 re80Ted froa the u•e, heisht an4 area regulation• ot Section 3, Ordinance lo. 3, ler1e1 of 191t<>, "B-1 Jle•1denoe D1•tr1ot Replat1one•, and Rid propert1 be and it 1• bereb7 dt•ignated a• 19-2 Re•idence Di1tr1ct•, tor u••· height and area replat1on•. ~k !bat all requireMnt concerning Notice and H-.ring h&Te been aeoomp e4 in accordance with •tatu'.&1. !he Cit7 Council hereb7 t1nd•, de•ermine•, and declare• that ... .-oe i• nece• ... 17 tor the i-ediate pre•e"ation of the pub11o ual th, • atet1 and oonTenience. J•pt1okt, In the opinion of the Cit7 Council an emergenc7 exl•t•: there- ore, • Ordinance lhall tue ettect and be in toroe troa and after 1t• fina1 paa.-gt and publication. PAiia> on Piret Reading b7 the City Council ot the City ot J:nglnood, · Ooloado, th1• 2l•t 4&7 ot Karch, A. D. 19SS, and ordered publ1•ht4 in the lnglnood Herald. /J11'~· fv1JIWIR that the aboTe Bill bt i>a••ecl on P1r•t Readlng and ordered publ19hed in the Englewood Sllterpri•t-Berald. llOLL CALLI Banta, Abeent Cu•h1ng, ~· McCabe, qe Parker, A7e Purcell, A7e Rapp, Ar• Robobll, A7e Ve1pnd, A7e Wright, A71 AD:I: J:1ght BYS: 0 ABSDT: Ont ---.. ---- Cl1t7 Maneger, L. R. Rudd, pre•tnted a plan concerning Boll~i, ncatione, dck leaTe, a1llta17 le-ve and •pecial leave, ettectift a,rl1 1, 1955, Legall.z Recognised Hol14fl• Januarr 1 rebru&r)' 12 r1b~r1 22 11&7 30 Jul.7 4 Auguat 1 lat Xon4af in 891>teaber October 12 Piret Tu••d&1 atter the l•t Xond&J in HOTe•ber in tTen-nuabert4 7eare Rovellber 11 "''\ et~~ .. '".l La•t Thured&7 1n Rovellber Dtc•btr 25 and &ft1 other d&J de•ignated by Prt11dtnt or GoTernor. Rew Year• Da7 Lincoln'• B1rth4a7 Va•hington'• Birt~· Memorial Dq . Independence Da7 · Colo~o Da7 "*' Labor Dq ColUJlll>ua Dq Ele otion Da7 "k Vetesn'• Day Than1Reg1T1ng Da7 Chr1•t•• D&1' executi.. ol'der b7 the In ca•• AD1' ot the above tall on Sunda7, the tollow1ng Monday •bal.l be obeerYecl in 11eu thereot. Yaoat1on all.ovance with pa7, a1ck leave with 1>&7, an4 other general prov1aione are printed in a Bulletin and placed 1n the hand ot all Departaent head•. Couno11.llan Parked, Moved) Wright, aeconded, to approve the above Taoatloa an4 •loll leave plan aa set up 1n 1peo1a1 bulletin. D.I. CALLI Banta, Abaent Cu1h1ng, A7e McCabe, Ar• ADii Sight RobobSf A:t• Velp.114, 1.J• Wright, AJ• Parker, A.7e Purcell, A7e Rapp, A7e IAYBI 0 ABBD'l'I One ---,----- Counc11.aan Rapp, Moved) 4 Parker, aeconded, that the Kot1on tabled in toraer .. et1ng ot lfal'Oh 7, 1955 1 '1'hat the ott1ce ot Pollo• Jlaliltrate be declared vacant llaroh 31, 195.s' be rat1ed troa the table. ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent Parker, A7• Robohll, Ar• Cuahing, Ar• Purcell, A7e Welpn4, Are Ko Cabe, A7e Rapp, A7e Wright , A7e · ADI I Sight RAYS I 0 ABSDIT I One 47 .. za· , Attone1 Harold Bani.ion ~ in 2 ot Jlag11trate Young and atter leaathl7 411oul1on an4 a -. 0&11, tor the que 1t1on, the Roll call •• oalle4 on the Orlglnal llOtlon an4 upon a ... call the. Tote -· aa tollOW8 I JmLL CALLI -ta, Ab1ent Oaahlng' • .,. McCabe, •a1 ADii r1ve Parker, A7e Purcell, lla7 Rapp, A7e DYS: !hree -------- Couno1l•n KoOabe, Moved) Bobo)la .17• We1pn4, .17• Wright, A7e ABIDTI . One llapp, aeconded, that the City Manager be 1natructed to a11eattle all 1ntorm.t1on on paat parking uter at.U.e• att4/or a new atu~ and arrlT• at a ... ter pl.all tor recomnendat1on to the Council, 10 that b14• on purohaae ot aetera can be made b7 Jae lat. ia.t. CALLI Banta, Abaent Parker, A7e Cu1h1ng, A7e Purcell, Aye KoCabe , A7e Rapp, Ar• ADI: 8 even IAYSI One -------- llobohll, AT• Weigand, lq Wright, A7e ABIDT: One !here 'being no further bu1lne11 to come before the Council, Oouno1lman Rapp, MoTed) Wright, aeoonded, that Council adjourn to March 28th at 8:00 P.M •• ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent Cu•hlng, A't• McCabe, A7e ADii Eight ' Parker, A7e Purcell, A7e Rapp, A7e Roboba, AT• Weigand, A7e Wright , 1.7• MAYS: 0 ABORTS One -------- !he 111nutea ot the Regular Adjourned Meeting ot the Cl t7 0ouno11 ot the an 1 . of ~o4, Co1orado held th1 • Monday, March 21, 1955, atan4 approved. aa ~~Qill·~-.....~ .... i.....-·-th1• Kon~, the 4th day ot April, A. D. 1955. /.I.~ ~.Jr/~ ~··-..-/(/. -0r7· I I I '· I