HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-28 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOURllD mTIMG OP TD OI'l'Y OOUJICIL O'r THI CITY OI lllOLl:WOOD, COLOM'°, HELD KOR~Y THI 28th DAY OF MARCH, A.D. 1955· 11A7or Weigand called the •••ting to order and a•ked tor Roll Calli ROLL CALLI Banta, Pre•ent Cuah1ng, Ab1ent KoCabe, Pre1ent Parker, Ab•ent Purcell, Pre•ent Rapp, Abeent Roboha, Preeent Weigand, Pre•ent Wright, Pre1ent Pre•entl Six Ab•ent 1 Three -------- Attorn•1 Pat Veetfelt, repre•enting a ClaJ product• oompaRJ, •tatecl h1• OOllP9•7 would like to negotiate an exploration agreeaent and Cla7 K1n1ng aa .. on the Atob11on Ranch and after d1eou••1on Kr. We•tteld etated he would 1u~t a tol'llal anct 4tf1n1te otter. -------- Oounc11.man Rapp entezaecl and wa• ••ated with the Council. Oounc11Jlul Ou9h1ng entered an4 wa• 1eated with the Council. -------- C1tJ Manager pre1ente4 and read an aare•••nt wlth the State H1sbW'a7 Depai-caent re- •1"41ng the lighting ot the un4erpa11 at Broadwa1 and Baapden llpw.J, and the following reeolut1on ... read. lllOLUTIOI 1IJIDIAI, the 01tJ of lnglnood ha• heretofore entered into agreeaent with tm 0918• N4o Departaent of R1ghW1'•• 1dlereb7 1&ic1 City agreed to turni•h neoe1sa17 r1gh'• ot .. , tor the oonetrwst1on ot ltate ProJect Mo. F 002-2 (21) Baapden ATenue, aa4 1111SDU, the Department of. Bl~• ha• •ubllitted to the Cit1 ot Eng1nood an . cn••nt dated th• 23rd 4a7 ot ... rob, 1955, relating to the turn11h1ng, 1n•talla- tloa, operation and •1ntenanoe Of lighting equ1pMnt on 8tNCtUN lo. r-17-8, *1oh 1• a part of tu aboft maaberecl proJ ect, and · , WlllllAI, 1n the op1n1on of the 01t1 Council ot the City ot lnglnood, 1t ii d•• ... a4Tl1&bl• and neoe11&17 that th• C1tJ ot Englewood enter• into 1&1d agre .. ent, , iW Rm, • IT RSIOLn:D, '11at the 01ty Council does hereby authorize the Olt7 ; ... lft004 to enter into the aforementioned agreeaent, and tbe ~or 1• herebJ •tbori•e4 to enoute the 1&1.d agree•nt on behalf ot the c1t1 ot Englewood. Barn G. We1pn4 ATTSSTI 11&7or J •-L. Barron Olt7 Cle~ · P.dlSD AID ADOPTSD bJ the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Co1ora4o, th1• 28th ta7 of .. rch, A. D. 1955· RICBARD A. BAllTA OLADICS ii. KOOABI OOLIZM' CUIBIIG 1'0LL CALL JAMii ... RIOJWU> J. PUIOILL OBAUID8S PARID LEONARD A. ROIK>• HARRY G. UIGMD B. B. VRICHI! Oounoil.8&n Wright, KOTecl) Purcell, Seconded, that the abo•e Re1olution be adopted and the 11&7or m>LL CALLI be authorized to •1gn. Banta, AJ• Cuah1ng, A7e xogabe, AJ• ADii Sight -- Parker, A)aent Puroel1, A1• Rapp, •1• l\obobll, AJ• We1gan4, A1• Wright, AJ• 11ADJ. 0 AB8D1TI One ------ 01•* reA4 app11oat1on• tor Pollo• Kag11trate ae follow•• A"°_, J-•• •dllu'N, .John Powell an4 Georp Walker. Oounollan Ouah1ng, lloTe4) Purcell, leoon4e4, That the Ka1or appoint a oOllll1ttee ot three to 1nTeet1gate the qualit1oat1one ot the appl1oanta an4 report to the Counoil, llon4&7 April ,.th. ROLL CALLI Banta, A7• Parker, Abeent Roboba, A7e Weigand, 1.7• Wright, A7e Cuehing , A1• Puroell, Aye KoCabe, A7e Rapp, A7e ADI: light HAYS I 0 ABIDT: one -----------· --- Clerk read the 00111Nnlcatlon1 a1 tollowel Clt7 of DeDTer ottering ue a oop7 ot their Building Code. InterCount7 Planning Com111ion Meting to be held at Cit7 Rall, Littleton, llal'Ol1 29th. Clt1 Counoll generall7 agreed to aooept the Paoltio Oo4e1, BuUd1ng Ordlnanoea • l • ---------- OMlnoilM• KoCabe, XoTed.) Purcell, 8eoonde4, that the otter• ot Kr. Groua-.i aa4 Jbt. hiltol't. be reJeoted and the Olt7 Attorne7 be authorise& to 1tart prooeeding1 ot oon4e11n&tlon tor the propert7. ft,J. CALLI Banta, A7e Parker, Abeent Roboha, be Weigand, .17e Wright , A:7e Cuehing, A7 e Puroe 11 , Aye MoCabe , A7• Rapp, Aye ADii light llAYll 0 ABll!ft'I One -------------- Kr. Banta pre1ented his reeignation as City Councilman. Counoil•n MoCabe, Mewed.) Cuehing, leoonded, to acoept the re1ignation ot Kr. Banq.. RGI·'· CALLI Banta, lot Toting Cuehlng, J.7e lloCabe, AJe Parker, Ab1ent Puroell, A.7• Rapp, A7e lo'bohll, Ar• We1pn4, A7e Wright, AJ'e ADii leTen IAD: O AbeentJ One R'ot Votlngl Oae -------------- Couno11.-.n Cu1h1ng, lloTed) Puroell, leoon4ed, that Kr. R1oh&M L. Banta be appointed Clt7 Attorney ettective April 4th. IOI.!· CALL I Buehlng, qe lloCabe , Are Parker, Abeent Purcell, Aye Rapp, Aye RobQbll, A7e Weigand, A7e Wright, AJ'e ADii Seven RAY81 O ABBOT: One --------------• Council.Ma Oueh1ng, lloved) lloCabe, Seconded, that a committee ot three be appointed to work with the School Board on ... itere pertaining to the City Count11. ROLL CALLIOuahing, Aye KoOabe, A7e Parker, Abeent Roboha, Aye Weigand, A7e - Wright, AJ'e ADii · hroell, Aye Rapp, A7• Seven IAY81 O I.BUNT: One ------------ JlaJ'O~ Weigand appointed the following Councllaen to the aboTe commtteel CUahlng, Purcell and Parker. -------------- I I I I There being no further bue1neee to come before the Council, Council.llan Cu•h1ng, MoTed) Purcell, Seconded to adjourn. N>LL CALL I Cuah1ng, A7e McCabe, Aye Parker , Ab•ent Purcell, Aye Rapp,_Nay Boboha, A7e Weigand, 1.7• Wright, A7e ADii 81x NAIBI One ABIEN'l'I One ------- !be JU.nut•• or the Adjourned Meeting or the City Council or the City of Sng1•~orado held thi• )_(onday, Karch 28, 19SS, etan4 approTed •• __ ....s.!2JJ.~...-~ .. -=::;;;;._ __ thi• Monday, the4th or April, A. D. 19SS. /:1 -zeaa -,.. . - /JQnd~~m& ?'8it1 01.-l'k •.. . .. ~. ~