HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF ENG~D, COLORADO HELD 'lt1ES:iAY EVENING, Ju~ S, 1955. Mayor Weigand called the Meeting to order and asked for Roll ::::alls ROLL CALLI Presents McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Rob chm and Weigand. Absent: Bod.an, Cush i ng and Wright. Councilman Rapp, Moved, Robohlll, Seconded, t ha t t he mi nutes of t he meetings of June 6th and 20th be apprOYed as written. ROLL CALL: Ayes: McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp 1 Rob ohm and Weigand. Nays: None. Absent: Bodan, Cus hing and Wright. Mr. Earl J. Hower, Attorney, presented to Counc i l an application for liquor license signed b7 Joseph T. Terxlerich, the Trade name of the concern to be "The Plantation" located at .5020 South Broadway, along with the required number of recommendation. CcuncilJDan Rapp, Moved, Purcell, Seconded, that notice be published and a public hearing be held on the liquor license a pp lication filed by Joseph Tenderich at 8:00 P. M., July 26, 1955. ROLL CALL: Ayes: liq•: Abeent: McCabe, P!l rker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohln and Weigand. Rone. Bodan, Cushing and Wright. Mr. V. H. R;rland, 3110 South Wllliau Street and Mr. w. E. Gantner, 3100 South Willian Street, were recognised and spoke on their views of City responsilil.1t7 in paving of their s1reet along vi th Dartmouth,' the intersecting Avenue. '!be Gentleaen were advised that the Englewood City policy had previously been to pave the streets in which curb and gutter had been installed one hundred percent; however, the policy had been changed prior to the time that t he )100 block South ~d lliama street had one hundred percent curb and gutter. It was suggested to the gentlemen that they endeavor to form a paving district wherein ~ interested property owners could participate i n the cost of paving the street. --~--- Councibaan Wri gh t entered and was sea ted vi th the ~ouncil. Mr. J. Harold Ma ttingly of 3260 South Race Street presented a petiti<Xl tor fol'll&tion of a paving district to include the 3200 block South Race Street between East F.astman Avenue and East Floyd Avenue, and on East Eastman Avenue and between South Hi gh Street and South Race Street and the intereection at South Hi gh Street and Eas t. Eastman Avenue. Council.Ju.n Rapp, Moved, Robohm, Seconded, that the petiti on be accepted andreferred to the City Attorney tor study and a report at a later Jieeting. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nays: Absent: McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm, Weigand and Wright. None. Bod.an and Cushing. Cwncihum Rapp p-esented a formal complaint submitted by Mr. w. J. Eggers or 166.5 South Logan S t reet against Mr. A. H, Marling of L.573 South Logan Street wh i ch complaint pointed out that the Marling residence is not y et connected to the sewer system and that because of the outdoor toilet taci li ties still in use 1 a very unsanitary situation exists invCUving the entire neigh- borhood. 'lhe COJllplaint asked the City to take steps to force connection to the sanitary sever 97stea. The matter was referred to City Mana ger, Mr. Rudd, and to City Attorney, Mr. Banta to check the ordinance relative to the Citys• authority to force connection to the sanitary sewer systea and Mr. Eg gers was a cttised that he would be ccntacted regarding the results. I ' .. I I I .. • City Manager Y:r. Rudd adv i sed the Council that no bids had been received for Paving District No. 5. CaT'lllUllications from the Englewood Planning Camn i ssion and property owners were read by the Clerk recmur.ending and :asking for rezoning as fol l ows: Parcel No . 1, Lots 29, JO, 31, 32, Block 16, Wollenweber'a Broadway Heights, Second Addition to be rezoned trom "R-3 Residence District" to "C-2 Camnercial District" for Motor Court purposes. Parcel No. 2, Lots 33, JL, 3 5, 36, and the Sou th 20 feet of Lot 3 7, Block 16, Wollen- weber' e Broadway Heights , Second Addi ti on be rezoned r om "R-1 Residence District" to "C-2 Conmercial Diatric~' for construction of Motor Court. Parcel No. J, Lota 17-24 inclu sive, on 'West side of Block 5, Logandale, be rezoned tran "A-1 F&l'Wl Residence Uiatrict" to "Special R-1 District" to permit construction or one furl.17 residence with living area not less than 850 square feet, excluding garages and breesevaya, with lot area of not less than 7200 square feet with minlllm frontage of 60 feet. Councilman Robohll, Moved, Rapp, Sec ended, that the above described properties be rezoned as requested, . notice published and hearing held at 8iOO P.M., August 1 1 19.$.$1 cost of publication to be borne one third each by the Cit¥ and the two property owners • I ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nays : Absent: McCabe , Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm, Weigand and Wright. None. Bodan and ~ushi ng. The City Attorney presented and t here was read the folloli4. ng resolution: R E S O L U T I 0 N WHIRF.AS, the uwrs ot one hundred (100%) per cent of the area hereinafter described, ;lfhere being no qualified elector residing in said territory, has filed a Petition to annex to the l;i ty of Englewood the territory described as: Lot A, Bell Isle Gardena. ill!RllS, said Petition fulfills all the requirements of Article ll1 Chapter 139 1 C.R.s., 19S.3J llOW, mEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that aaid Petition be accepted and that Hotice or Aceeptance be publi•hed in the Englewood Enterprise for three (3) successive weeks beginning with July 7, 19.SS. ~ QNMtt (i.. WLL<i ~ ATl'!ST: ---CJ--Mayoi-cJ . -. City Cleric PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of t h e City of ~nglewood, Colorado, this Sth day or J~, A.D. 1955. Council.Jnan Wright, Moved , Mc Cabe , Seconded to adopt the above resolution and the Mayor be authorized to sign and the Clerk attest same. ROLL CALL1 Ayes: McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rs.p p , Robohm, Weigand and Wright. Nays: None. Absent: Bodan and Cuahine . The Cit7 Attomey stated that he had no new information to report regarding abandomnent of State Highway a.loog part of South Broadway. The City Attorney reported that a building permit has been secured from Greenwood Village tor con- struction or the new elevated storage reservoir which permit was granted aill.1' attar agreement r eached regarding certain c c ndi t icns. It was pointed out that the ori!inal low bidder .for caistruc- tion had withdrawn bid and the second lowest bidder, Lippert Brothers onstruction Canpa07 had agreed to accept the job at their original bid with a completion date of December 1, 19.$5. CounciJJnan Purcell, Moved, McCabe, Seconded, that the Mayor be authorized to sign landscaping bonds and · indemnities relative to the new upper storage reservoir along with the contract with Lippert BrothPrs Construction Cdmlpany. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nays: McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm, Weigand and Wright. None. Abse nt : Bodan and Cushing. 'nle City Attorney reported that a court orderwas obtained June 27, 1955, for illmedia~ possession of the Ouilford prope rty necessary for the construe ti on of the Highway F.aat of Smth Broad11ay. Mr. Rudd, City Manager, reported that there are four different concerna 11n making a study rela- tiTe to a surYey to be ude city-wide for stonn sewers. '!he purpose of the statt¥ is to endeavor to arrive at a cost for making the survey. Mr. Rudd, City Manager, made a report on the develoranent of the Colorado Central Power CanpB.111' well •ter project. He stated that the project is very nearly canplete. ------ Mr. Jlidd, City Manager, reported that the Big Dry Creek By-Pass Project is about fifty percent cc:aplete and that the concrete 88wer pipe has been replaced with steel pipe. MJt. Rudd, City Mam.ge r, made a report on the recent condition of the City water supply and demand which report po;nted out the urgent need for additional elevated storage space and additional filter beds at the water plant. '!he acquisition of additional water supply seems to be more than enough to take care of the growing demand. MJt. Rudd advieed Council that the Water ~dvisory Board had asked for "'ouncil attendance at the:i 11fater ~~ Board meeting,Wednesday even i ng, July 6, 1955, at 8:00 P.M. ------ Council.an Purcell stated that the joint City-School Committee were not prepared to make a report and asked that he be allowed to make the report at the next Council.meeting. Councilllan Wri ght, speaking for the Tramway service canrnittee, stated that there were practically no new developments since the Denver Tramway Company officials had not completed their study of the poesibill ty of extension of service within the city l imits of Englewood. Mr. Wright stated that, if the service should be extended, there wo u ld no doubt be an additional fare. City Manager , Mr. Rudd, presented a pproved claims on the following funds: Wate r Fund Sewer Disposal Plant Fund General fund Councilaan Robohn, Moved, $26,831.77 2,592.28 28,697.87 Rapp, Seconded, that the above approved claims be paid. ROLL CALL: Ayes : Na y s: McCabe, Parker, Purc ell, Rapp, Robohrr, Weigand and Wright. None. A~tJ Bodan and C11 shing. There being no further business to come before the Council: 'Councilman Robohm, Moved , McCabe, Seconded, to adjourn. ROLL CAU.: Ayes: McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm 1 Weigand am Wright. Nays: None. Absent: Bodan and ~u sh i ng. The •tnu\ee of the Regular 1-~eetin g of t he City ~o u nc i l of the JJ::., of Englewood, Colorado held thia "-edla7 1 lhe 5th day of July, A.D. 1955 , stand approved as ~--this Monday, the lat day of August, A.D. 1955. . . -w.u ATTEST1 ~ ~~--'- I ~I I I