HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGlEfl}()D, COLORADO, HELD MGNDAY, JULY 181 1955, AT 8.100 P.M. ~ Weigand cal1ed the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call: JK>LL CALL: Presentt Boda.n, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Roboha and Weigand. Abaentt Cushing and Wright. Mrs • .Bokich •a recognised and asked tor Council's opinion as to possibility of annexing the 4600 and 4700 blocks general.l7 bounded by W. Tufts Ave., W. Layton Ave., West of ~outh ""ipan St. to the Cit7 Ditch. It vas brought out t h at this annexation would create an area · surrounded b7' the Ci v of Englewood remaining in the County. It was suggested that Mr1. Bokich endeavor to petition the rm1n1 n1 area for a solid contigu o us section for annexati on. A petitttion am a plat for proposed annexa tion of an a rea South of Belleview Ave. and West ot Broadway were presented by Dr. A. M. tininger, owner. Councibaan Parker, Moved, Purcell, Seconded, to receive the petition and take same under advisement. ROLL CALL: Ayeat Nays: Absent: Bodan, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robotun and Weigand. None. Cushing and Wright. Mr. E. F. Schwelka of .3275 South High Street, appeared before Council to determi ne what action vas to be taken regarding an agreement set out at the meeting of the City Council, Ma7 u, 1954, llherein the Cit.¥ agreed to reimburse William La r·rick in the amount of 11000.00 provided Mr. Larrick would inatall the block of street s urfacing. The matter vaa referred to Mr. Rudd for further study. A let ter fran Woodman and Dunham Builders, Inc. of u75 E. Hampden Ave., vas read wherein a request tor water w.s -.de for four (L ) building sites; Two in the u600 block of South Jason Street, and Tvo in the u600 block of So uth Kalmnath Street, which sites are located outside the City Limits. Coo.ncilllan Rapp, Moved, McCabe, Seconded, to receive the letter and take the matter under adv11191118nt. ~LL CALL: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Bodan, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm and Weigand. None. Cushing am Wright. Since the policy of furnishing water outside the City has not been changetl for that area, Mr. Robohll was appointed to cmtact Woodman and Uunham regarding possibilit'.¥ of annexing that area to the City. A petition -. presented and the following cO?T1nun i ca ti on fran the Planning Canmission was read re- gardi ng rezoning or: Lota 25-48 inclusive, Block 1.3, Logandale, fran present A-1 zone to Special R-1 zone to pel'llit construction of one rarn117 residences with living area of not less than 8SO square feet, ex- cluaift of garages and breezeways, with lot area of not less than 71 280 square teet and with miniamn frontages or 60 feet, the coat of legal publications in rezoning to be borne by the petitioners. Co u icilman Purcell, Moved, Roboh11, Seconded, to receive petition and that hearing be held August 15, 19$, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Bod.an, McCabe, Purcell, Rapp, Robohlft and Weigand. Nays: Parker. Absent: Cushing and Wright. Two petitions tor Paving Districts were presented: 1. On and in South Ogden Street between East Dartmouth Avenue and East Eastman Avenue, escluding hOlf8Ver, the area known as the intersections at East Dartmouth Avenue and South Ogden Street and the area known as the intersection at Ea.st Eastman Avenue and South Ogden Street. I 2. On and in South Ellerson Street between East Dartmouth Aueme and East Eastman Aveme, excluding however, the areas lmOlll'l as the intersections at East Dartmcuth Aveme and South Emerson Street and the area known as the intersection at East Eastman Avenue and South !aerson St. Councilman Roboha, Moved, Ripp, Seconded, to accept the petitions and refer same to the City Attorne7 to check. ROLL CALL: A)resz Bod:>n 1 McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm and Weigand. Nays: None. Abeent: Cushing and Wright. CouncilJlan Cushing entered am•s seated with the Council. ------ Cit7 Attorney Banta reported that it is his findi ng that non-contiguoua areas petitioned for improve- •nt district can be handled under the same bond issue, and fori:thia reason, realizing the above tvo peti ti.one were forthcom i ng, Mr. Banta held up the procedure on t he paving district tor the 3200 block or South Race Street so that all three can be handled together. CitJ Attorne;y Banta reported that OrdinAnce No. 11, Series of 1950, provides that residences with privies or outhouses located within LOO feet of an existing sever line can be con8idered a public nuisance and forced to connect to the sewer. Mr. Sant.A suggested that Uouncil pass an ordi nance to include septic tanks, cesspools amf vaults in the restrictions. Council.m.n Purcell, Moved, Rapp, Seconded to instruct the City Attorney to draw a bill tor an ordinance to include restrictions on septic tanks, cesspools and vaults and authorizing the City to force oonnection to the Sanitary' Sever System. ll>LL CALLt Ayes: Nays: Absent: Bodan, Cushing, 'HcCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Roboha and •igand. None. Wright. City Manager, Mr. 1\idd •de reports and informational as follows: ' I I 1. Report on the general situation of the w.ter and supply and demand. He pointed out that I the develoraent of the Colorado Central Power Canpany wells project and the Valley Developnent ~orno&l\Y wells project is proceeding too slowly to anticipate a possible use of these· •ter smrces ·· - during the current peak season. 2. Mr. Rudd reported that preliminaey work has begun on the upper storage reservoir • .3. He reported that the Petersburg Ditch By-Paa; is not yet completed. 4. 'ftle Clarifier mechanism at the filter plant should be the next contract appraved. 5. 'nlat additional filter beds and pumps be given consideration for conatruction in the near future. 6. That he has received offers from three engine e ring finns regarding prel:iainar;y study of ci v- wide storm sewer prjectJ Mr. Rudd estimates the cost will apprasiate '2SOO.OO to 13000.oo. 1. That there are sane definite fonner committments for street surfacing on file. Councilman Boclan, Moved, Purcell, Seconded, that the City Attorney prepare a bill for an ordinance which will authorize the City to force installation or curbs, gutters and sidewalks. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nays: Absent Bodan, Cushing , McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm and Weigand. None. Wright. I Mr. Rudd pointed out that through Council action at the meeting May 3, 1954, Cherry Hills Heigh ta was approved tor connection to the Sanitary Sewer System.l disposal charges to be 20% aver the Cit7 rates. · Since no connection agreEment exists, Mr • .ttudd recamnended that such an agreement be prepared before allowing the connection. Councilaan Robohlll, Moved, Cushing, Seconded, that Conne(:tor' s Agreements be prepared in ottering sever service to a reas outside the City or F.nglevood as reccnnend.ed by the City Manager and the City Attorne7 prepare a bill tor an ordinance for same. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nays: ftbaent: Bodan, Cush ing , M c ~abe, Parker, Purcell,Rapp, Robohm and Weigand. None. Wright. Charles Fritzinger appeared at Council to detenn i ne the possibility of securing Englewood water and eewr eervice !or the Kent School f or Girls, at E. Hampden Ave. and So. Un i versity Blvd. which is out side the city. Council felt that service should not be extended to the school unless they becane a part or the City and an unofficial poll of the Council members indicated that they are ravot.able toward annevi tion. Mr. Fritzinger reported to Council on plans regardi ne further building South or the City Hall and stated that landscaping would be done on the terrace on the West and near the alley. Mr. Rudd discussed the report recently received frcrn the Mountain States I118pection Bureau pointing out all or the important requirements w1 thin the Water and Fire .uepartments necessary to maintain the group ' ra tea tor the City of Englewood. Some of these requirements will, or necesai ty, have to be met vi thin the next six months. Mr. Rudd is p resenUy •ki ng a study as to the present in- surance rates under Group 7 as canpared to the lower rating in Group B. '!here being no further business to come before the Council, Counci1-.n Bodan, Moved, Purcell, Seconded, to adjourn. ROLL CALL: Ayes; Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, P a rker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohln and Weigand. Nays: None. Absent: Wright. 'nle !11bn1t.ee of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of~ of E~vooci 1 Colorado held this Monday, the 11th day of July, A.D. L955, stand approved as , • ... this Monday, the lat day ot August, A.D. 1955. ATTESTs ~~~