HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-16 (Adjourned) Meeting MinutesAD.JOURllD IBIT.JlfQ <1' M CITY CXJUllCIL OF THE CITY OF EIOLIWOOD, COUIW>O, HILD TUISDlY Tm~ '7 AUG~T, AT 121~ O'CLOCK ROOll. ..,_. V.1.pnd aalled the •.t.ing t.o .. c1er and aued tor Rell Cal.l 1 PNMnt Bedm, MDCU., Parker, Purcell, Roboha, Weiland and Wr11llt. Ab891lt I Rapp aad C1llh 1n I• ------ 1'119 -'1ag wa1 cal.led fer c an1iderinc the bid on the c CR etruction ot Settaer-claritier Bum ad Applll"tenant StM10ture1 fer the Wat.er Plant. ------ OU. R•1 C.nnltinc Enaimw, ca•e the tinacial reports en the l• bidders, and after d18Cuasion, Councilan MDC.be, llaYed1 Pm-br, Secondlld, to accept tha low bid ~ Matelich and Kanaan Cont.ractor1, Ina• (JJ8S S.Ut.h lanoclr, laalewod, Colorade) at the bid price ot "1,J.oo.oo, j•b to be cmpleted bT Jeuar7 1, 19S6. 11>1.1. mu.1 AT•• Mar.be, Pamer, Plrcell, Rlbohll, and Wright. llq11 Beclln and Veipnd. Abee!& I Cuahiq and bppe ------ ~ beinc no turtmr bu1mu to com before the Counc u, <:euncilmn Parker, Mlwed, Purcell, Seconded, t.e adjourn t. S..,t.emb.. 6, 19SS. ROLL mLL1 AT•1 Bodan, McC•e, Parbr, Purcell, Rebohll, Veipnd and Wript. lfa19 t lone. Abnntt Cubing and Rapp. ------ TM IHJlutM et t.be Adjorned Meetin1 et thl Cit7 "9uncil et tta City ot ItlcJ.need, Colarade, lleld tlli• Tm1dlr, the 16th daT of t usuat, A.D. USS, stand approved u =eY#=en , ~ ~. Sept.mber 6, USS A.D. o~~-----===-~-<;7 ~· C1iitt ·~ I I I I