HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI
AT 8 P.M.
llqor Weipnd oalled the metinl t.o order and asked for !toll Call.
PR!SmlT1Bodan, Cuh1ng 1 McCabe, !'arker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohln and Weigand.
ABS!llT I Wright.•
Tb8N -• (tN•mted a bill for Legal SerY1ces for the JIOllth ot Jane b7 At.t0J'De7
Banta tor 12n.20.
Counoil.mn Rapp, Mcrred)
Parker, Seconded) That the above bill be paid.
ROU. Cil.Lt
ADSt Bodan, Cubing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp
Roboha and Weigand • ·
O!St Jfone
ABSllft' I Wright
Jlr. Paul .blbroM, •lllber of the Littleton School Board and Mr. Brown Superintendent of
School.8 1 Rated that the Littleton High School would like to receiTe Water and Sewer
Senice f!"Oll the Clt.7 at -lewood, and expected to haTe some class rooms read;r tor 1188
b7 Jmuar7 let. 19S6.
Counc1.lan Parker, Mewed)
McCabe, Seconded) to receiYe the above report faTorab]T and refer the
same to Mr. Babcock, Water & Sever Comissioner.
AYF.81 Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp,
Robohll and Weigand.
1U lS I None .
~!NTI Wrighte
Coancu..n Wright entered and was seated with the Council.
Walter Boba.7, troll the South En glewood Sewer District, stated that the proposed ordinance
on •eptic tanks was too sner.e and would work a hardship on thoM petpla vbo had just
cmipleted their homes and asked that the ordinance be modi.tied.
Councilan Parbr, Mewed)
Wright, Seconded) To receiYe the aboYe reocomndationa and deter 8JIT actian
until the •eting ot October 3rd.
ADS1 Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, i'arker, Purcell, Rapp, Roboha,
Weigand and Wright.
KAISt Mone
A~ENTt Jfone
Cl.erk read a letter trom Mr. w. I. Ga7 and Hr. M. B. Greenva7 an the •tter of
proceasina aludp at the Sewer Disposal Plant. After disc•sion.
Council.-.n Robohll, McJYed)
Wright, Seconded) That the abOYe be tabled tor further •t.,_,.
J'.YES1 Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, ~arker, Purcell, Rapp,
Robohll, Weigand and Wright.
RAYS1 Jfone
Mr. Marrin Foote, Attorne7 for a Corporation, which owns l.22 acres south and ea•t of the
Cit7 stated the CClllPBDT wished to obtain va ter and sewer service f!"Oll the Cit7 of
lnglnood, and were contemplating 1,.308 taps and were read;y to fOl'll a vat.-and ••er
Counailman Rapp, Moved)
Parker, Seconded) To receift the Terbal application and refer it
to the Water and Sever Comiasioner tor further nwt,.
AIIS1 Bodan, Cushing, M:Cabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp,
Robohlll, Weigand and Wright.
llAYS I None
Clerk read a reco...mdation from the Plannin& Board as to TacatiDg a •trip
JO n. x 1.30.72 tt. alone the east 1ide ot Block el,, South Broadway Height1, but
retainc an ease.mt on a 10 tt. strip therein tor drainage purpos••
CouncilMD Cushing, Mewed)
COlllJ!fICATIOO 11 •
Rapp, Seconded) To authorise the Attornq to draw the ordiunce
at 1uch t1-as the owner• ot the Church
propert7 are satietied that the Tacated land
would reTert. to the Church.
ADSI Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Parcell,
Rapp, Robohln, •iaand and Wrilbt•
1fAIS1 None
A letter vas read fl'Oll the Sec?"etary of the Englewood CiTU Detenae containg the
NEEi of the nevl.7 appoiilte4 Director•.
J: letter tro111 "2-. M. M. S1 1 ere stating that some Cab DriTer. were ald.nc deliTeries
ot liquor, ~atina that the Cit7 ot Englewood investigate.
CounciJ•n Roboha, MoTed)
Parker, Seconded) that the above condition on liquor deliTeries
be referred. to the proper authoriti ...
.lDS1 Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, rarker, Purcell,
Rapp, Roboba, Weigand, Wright.
IAIS1 lone
Att.ol"lwT Banta presented and read a Mutual Relu1e tor a contract entered into
betwen the Cit7 ot Inglewood and ldnrd B. Hawkins dated the 2Sth dq of August
THlS llJ!UAL Rll&&SW ude and entered into b7 and between the CITY (:JI BNGLIWOOD 1
COLCIW>O, a Mmlicipal CorPoration ot the Second Class, Part7 ot the First Part
and ldMard B. Hawkins, Part7 ot the Second Part..
Wl'.'lii!SSBTR I
WRIRIAS, the Parties .hereto haTe prnioualy entered into a contract dated August
2St.h., 19L9 and,
VHIR!Aa, Tariom cli8pate9' and Jd.sunderstandings haTe arisen under said contractJ and, .
VBIRBAS, a •ttl~t of Rid disput• and 11i11understandings has been agreed upon.
ICll, THIRl!7atE, in consideration ot the prniees and the payment ot Tm Doll.an
(llOeOO) and other good and Taluable consideration, each paid to the other, receipt
ot which 1a herebJ' m:lalOltl.edced between the Part.7 ot the First Part and the Part7
ot the Seccmd Part, the Partie• agree •• tollon1
le The part7 ot the lecand Part hereby releases and torner discharges the aid
Part.7 ot tbe '1r8t. 'Part and all its agents and e11pl07ee• from any .rid all claim,
dr ncl8 and liabilitie• which the Part7 ot the Second Part has or-.,. haTe uncl.-
tbat cwtain contract entered into by and between the Part of the First Part and
tbe Part7 ot the Secand P8 rt, dated August 25 1 19b9J the intention hereof to
c~letel.71 absoluteq and tinall7 rel•se •id Part7 of the First Part _. its
apl.cv-• trm &ftT liabilities art.inc whol.17 or part1.ally trOll the caue
ato1 1 '4•
2'. The Part7 of the Firet Part herebT releases and .toreTer di.cbarg• the Nid
JllirtJ' ot the Second Part, hi8 heirs md assigns from artT and all cla1F8, dlmandl
md liabilitiea which the Part.7 ot the First Part has or mQ' have under that
certain contract entered into 'b7 and between the Party ot the nret Part and
~e PartT ot the Secand Part, dated August 2S, 19b9J the intention hereof to
COlllpletel.71 abeolutel.7 and finalq release uid Part.7 ot the Seoand Part, hi• heire
and ••icns tram mv liabiliti• arising wholl.7 or partiall.7 fl'Oll the caue.
l• An.Jthinc herein to the cantr&rT not Withstanding, this release 1a continpnt
1lpOll the Part1' ot the Pi.rat Part'• black-topping with .. armor coat•, certain
~ located in the subdiTision known as Arapahoe Acres, 81.tate in the Cit7
ot lllglevood, Count7 ot Arapahoe, State of ColoradoJ Rid streets to be black-
topped a:tend troa the intersection ot South Franklin Street and !aat Cornell ATm•
in •aid Arapahoe Acres, thence West an said E<"1 at Comell Avenue to the point on •st Cornell Avenue vhich has pr9Y101lil7 been black-topped by the Part7 ot the
l'1nt PartJ abo a portion ot Cornell Circle beginning at the intersection of
!ut Cornell ATenue and the last wing of Cornell Circle, thence South to a point
which haa prniousl)r been black-topped by the Part7 of the ll'i.rst Part.
In the eYent tha t the abaYe described streets are black-topped on or before
Fan7-five (1,S) dqs from the date •ereof 1 then this release shall be binclina
and ot full force and effect, but in the event the Party of the Firat Part shall
tail to black-top aid streets within Forty-fiTe (liS) days, then this release
shall be Yoid and of no further force and effect.
Df WITlf!SS WH!RBOP', we haYe hereunto set our hands and seals, t.his 19 dq of
Septellber .. A .D. 19SS.
Harr;y G • W11gand
J. L. Barran Part7 of the P'irst Part
C!t7 l:r8rk
Coancilmn Rapp 1 MDYed)
B~ B. Havldna
ECIWarcrB; Hiwfria
Party It the Second Part
Purcell, Seconded) 'ftlat the conditions of the ti-1 lal.ease
be apprOYed and the Mq"or be authorise
to sign and Clerk attest sa••
AYES1 Bodan 1 Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell,
Rapp, Roboha, Weigand and Wright.. ·
HA1S1 None
Cit7 Manqw Rudd presented the Council with the proposed Budget for 19S6 with
his reo~ndations.
Councilmn McCabe, Mond)
Cushing, Seconded) To receive the budget for fur\h• atuc\r
and meet again Thuradlr the 22nd at 8 P .M.
for discussion.
AIF.SI Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell,
Rapp. Roboha, Weigand and Wright.
HAlSt None
ABSENTt None .
Cit7 Manager Rudd stated that a request for sewer serYice had been -de from an
area in Scenic Vin, College Heights and part of Sheridm1 ,..U of 'bll1a 'Mrrito17
are na. being S8"ed vith water by the Cit7 of DenYer, and it vu his opinion
tat aever MrYice should be obtained elsewhere as we have tentatiY• comitmnts
1n area adjacent to the Cit7 of Englewood for the ·approxiate capaciv ot the
treatment plant.
Councilman Rapp, Moved)
Purcell, Seconded) That the views stated by the Cit7 Manager
be ampted
AY1!.S1 Bodan, Cushing, M:Cabe, Parker, Purcell,
Ra pp, Roboha1 Weigand and Wright.
11A!S1 None
llr. Rudd stated that engineering and plans tor proposed paving district No. 6 c
So. Race Street from Eastun to noyd Ave.
!. !astmn .lYe. froa High to Race Streets.
s. '-raan St. from Dartmouth to Eastman Avenues.
S. Ogdllll St. tram Dartmouth to Eastman Avenues•
.lttar'D87 II. o. ShiYera presented and r•d the following Resolution
RE§. 0 LU 1 !.Q !i
WHEREAS, a oonrerence was held in WaAhington D. c. in the offices ot the Department
ot Justice for the purpose of discussing settlement or Civil Action lo. 2782, The
United States or America v. Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District et el, all
major parties to said litigation being represented and
WHEREAS, the City and County of Denver and the City of Colorado Springs presented
written proposals ror settlement of the issues involving said oities and
WHEREAS, on September 14, 1955 M. o. Shivers, Jr., and Frederic L. Iirgis,
counsel for the City or Englewood, submitted to all parties a written offer for settle-
ment in behalt ot the City or Englewood and
WHEREAS, all such proposals are to be further discussed prior to the tlla.1 date
ot October J, 1955,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the settlement otter submitted to the United
States ot America and other parties to the aforementioned litigation on September 14,
1955, be, and it is hereby ratified and confirmed and the Mayor ot the City ot Englewood
ie hereby authorized to sign in behalf of said City any documents in connection with
aettleaent ot said litigation based upon said otter or any amendments thereto and his
execution thereof shall bind the City or Englewood, Colorado.
llltlllW_ c..10.,;i_~
~.d. .... ---
PAS~ED and ADOPTED by the City Council or the City or Englewood, Colorado, this 19th
day ot September, A. D. 1955.
Bodan .
I, J. L. Barron, City Clerk of the City or Englewood, Colorado, do hereby certify
that the toregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly and
regularly adopted by the City Council and the Mayor of the City ot Englewood, Colorado,
on the 19th day or September, A. D. 1955.
City CLerk
Councilman Rapp moved)
Robohm seconded) to adopt the above Resolution and authorize
the Mayor to sign any documents in settlement of said litigation.
Ayes: Bod.an, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm, Weigand,
and Wright.
Nays: None
The firm or Tipton and Kalmbach Ino. Engineers presented a written proposal to furnish
certain engineering services for the proposed development of Water supply on certain
tributaries or Ranch Creek above Fraser, Colorado, considerable a1scussion followed,
upon which
Councilman Robohm moved)
Rapp seconded) that the proposal or Tipton a~d Kalmbach Inc.
dated September 19, 1955 be considered ravorably, and that attorneys tor the City be
directed and instructed to negotiate and draft a contract in substance thereof.
Ayes: Bodan, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm, Weigand
and Wright.
Hays: None
There being no further businese to come before the Council
Councilman Cushing moved)
Robohm seconded) to adjourn.
Ayes: Bod.an, Cushing, McCabe, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Robohm,Weigand,
Wright. .
Nays: None
The M:t.nut~ot Regular Asjourned meetina of the City Council ot the City ot Inglewood, Colo.
held this Man 19th day of September 1955, stand approved as written this Monday the .3rd day
ot Octobe •
~fL./ ?' y er I!~ (!tv~/~ I /#U..,,,..
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