HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-07 (Regular) Meeting Minutes [2]. --.c f(t1 \1\/ri~
Brief remarks were •de at this tine by Councilman Cushing, Bodan, Wright and Weigand whC-..:cl!:ted
from the Council after this session. All expressed appreciation for the cooperation or-their
f'ellov Coa.ncilman during the past two years and to City Manager, Mr. Rudd for his ceaseless
e f forts in carrying out the duties of his office.
Mr. Rudd. replied, expressin g his appreciation for all of the assistance he has received from
this Council.
The Clerk read the minutes of this Regular Meeting of theCi ty Council of the City of Englewood,
olorado held this Monday, the 7th day of November A.D. 1955.
Council.man Bodan, moved
:right, seconded; that tl'e minutes of this meeting be approved as read.
Ayes: Bodan, Cushing, MCCabe, Purcell, Rapp, tJeigand, and Wright
Nayar Nona Absent: Parker and lbbohm
There be no .further business to c ome before the Council
Coancilman Cushing, moved
Wright, seconded; to adjourn "sine die"
Bodan, Cushing, McCabe 1 Purcell, Rapp, Weigand and Wright
None Absent: Parker and Robohln
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado
held tJ is Monday, November 7, 1955 A.D. stand a p proved as 'Wl!rreLt this 7th day of November
19$ .l.D.
r?t:~·~ 1Z
The City Clerk asked the new~ elected Councilmen to cane forward.
Edvard s. Scott f'rom. ward 1 1 N.L.McU!llan aoo William A Nies from Ward 2 1 Richard J. Purcell
and James D Rapp tran Ward )1 and H. R. Braun and Clarence H. McCabe from \Ward 4 came
forward am were administered the Oath of office by Arapahoe County Judge, the Honorable
E. E. Anderson.
Chahnerse A. Parker, Councilman at Large, was absent due to illness and Russell J.
Woods, Jr. f'ran Ward 1 1 was absent from the City on urgent business.
ill Councilmen present, having taken and filed their Oath of Office with the City
Clerk, Councilman McCabe was asked to take the Chair as temporary Chairman, who called
the meeting to crder am asked fbr KOU 1All:
Roll Call:
Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Purcell, Rapp, Scott
Parker, Woods
Acting Cha i nnan McCabe stated that the first order of business would be the election or
the Mayor
Council.aan · Braun, moved.
Nies seconded, that Richard J. Pu rcell be nominated for Mayor.
'nlere being no further nominations, Acting Chairman McCabe dei:ilared the naninations
be closed am asked for Roll Call:
Roll Call:
Ayest Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Rapp, Scott
Haya: None Absent: Parker, Woods Dissenting : Purcell
Thereupon, acting Chainnan McCabe asked the rEwl.y elected Mayor to take the chair
and the Gavel.
Mayor Purcell, taking the Chair, stated that too mxt order of business would be to select
the Mayor Pro-tem or Vice-Mayor.
Councilman Scott, moved,
Braun, secondedJ th a t Chalmerse A Parker be nominated for Mayor Pro-tem
There being no further ncninations, Mayor Purcell declared the naninations closed and
aaked for Roll Call:
Roll Call:
Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Ra pp, Scott, Purcel l
Nays: None absent: PR r ker, woods
Mayor Purcell stated that he would now receive naninations for City Attorney
Councilman Nies, moved,
McLell.an, secondedJ that Attorney Joseph Esch be nominate~ tor City Attorney
'ftlere being no further nominations, l1a.yor Purcell declared the nominations closed and asked for Roll
Roll Call:
Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Rapp, Scott, Purcell
Nays: None abse nt: Parker, W:>ods
Mayor Purcell stated that he would now receive nominations for Police Magistrate.
Councilman Rapp, moved
Braun, seconded; that Hayden A. SWearingen be nominated for Police Magistrate.
Councilman McLe llan, ilbved;
Scott, seconded; that Fred Jewell be naninated for Police Magistrate.
CouncilJl'lan Scott, moved
McCabe 1 seconded J that the nominati ons be closed and that balloting be
accanplished by polling the Council
Members voting for Swearingen:
Members voting for Jewell:
Braun, Nies 1 Purcell, Rapp 1 McCabe
Mcl.Bllan, Scott.
Mayor Purcell declared th at Hayden A. Swearingen was ther-by designated as Police Magistrati
effective immediately.
Mayor Purcell announced at this time the appointment of the following members of the Englewood
Water Board, effective ir'mediately:
Charles R. Allen
R. F. Frantz
Gatewood c. Mi l lic;an
Hennan Oliner
Clarence H.McCabe
Edward s. Scott
Richard J. Purcell
The City Attorney was called upon for a swmnary of current and unfinished legal matters.
'lbe newl.7 elected City Attorney, Mr. J oseph Esch, stated th a t he •s unable to
make a r eport due t o this iJl'lmediate appointment to the office.
City Manager, Mr. Rudd, reported of his p roposa l for revision of acbninistrative plan and reviaed
salary schedule.
After d.iscussion, Mayor Purcell p olled the Council members to detennine those in favor of Mr.
Rudd continuing with the plan.
Those in favor: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Purcell, Rapp, Scott
Those not in favor: None Absent: Parker, Woods
After discussion:
Councilman Rapp , moved.
Braun, seconded: that the Englewood Press be designated as the official City
newspaper for the ensuin g year.
Bruan, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Purcell, Ra p p, Sccbtt
None absent: Parker, Woods
Council.Jnan Rapp presented am there was read the following resolution:
WiEREAS, Dr. Harry G. Weigand, Mr. Colbert Cwshing, Mr. William Bodan, Jr., Mr. B. B. Wright,
Mr. Richard L. Banta, Jr.. arxl Mr. Leonard A Robohm have conscientiously and diligently prosecuted
their duties as Councilman and Ci..y Attorneys d:urine the ilnnEdiate past-term, and,
WHEREAS: these gentlemen h ave made e reat c ontributi ons, not ohly in time and effort, but as well
in very real progress having b een Te&l i zed i n the growth of Englewood, and,
WHEREA S1 they have also converned the11eelves with the development of Englewood's potentialties, of"ten
to the detriment of their own occupati ons and businesses in time, effort and personal finances.
NOW, IBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this public recogn ition of such efforts on the parts of
Messrs, Weigand, Cushing, Bodan, Wright, Banta and Robohm be made !)art of the of'f'icial records
of' the City of Englewood, Colorado.
Councilman Nies 1 moved
McLellan, seconded; that the above resolution be adopted.
Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Niee, Purcell, Rapp, Scott
None Absent: Parker, Woods
Councilman Rapp, 1tcwed,
Braun seconded; tm t a vote of confidence be given City Manager, Mr Rudd.
ccnplimenting him on his tine p11st record.
Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan,Nies, Purcell, Rapp, Scott
Nays: None Absent: Parker 1 Woods
At this time former Mayor Weigand, Citizen Mr. Jack Robbins and County Judge E. E. Anderson
dl spoke briefly congratulating the new Council wishing them success in their new undertaking.
There being no further business to come befo re t he Counc i l:
Councilman McLellan, moved,
Nies, seconded; To adjourn until Minday, November 21st, 1955 A.D. at
8 P.M.
Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Purcell, Ra p p, Scott
None Absent: Parker, Woods.
The Minutes of the Regular !-fe e ting of the Ci ty Counc i l of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held
this Monday the 7th day of November 1 stand ap prove d as 1fM4 this .5th Day of December 1 1955 • .l.D.