HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR ADJuURNED MEETING OF 'lHE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF ENGLEl-/OOD, CO:WRADO, HELD MamAY THE ~lST DAY OF NOV»1BER A.D. 1955. Mayo r Purcell called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call: PRESENT: Braun, McCabe, Nies, P arker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. ABSENT : none District Judge Martin Miller , administered the Oath of Office to Councilman Chalmerse !. Parker and Russell Wodds, Jr. Councilman Scott, Moved, McLellan, seconcledJ That Chalme rse E. Parker be re-appointed as Vice Chairman of the Council Ayes: Nays: Br aun , McCabe, McLellan, Nies , Parker , Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. None ayor Purcell asked for recognition of visitors at this time. Mr. Ken Brothers President of Englewood CC111nunity Center, stated their organization was making a complete study of ways to build a Canmunity Building and asked th a t the City Council consider givi.ng a site in the City Park north of and adjacent to the City Ha.11, plans were not complete as to financ i ng or the type of building to be constructed and thl!t he would report ~.later to 1tie Council when more informati on was available. Councilman Parker, moved Braun, seconded; to receive the re p ort for further consideration Ayes: Naye: Braun, McCabe , M c~llan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. None Applications for renewal of liquor licenses were received fran the following Finns: John L. Blair John w. Plessinger Cha rles E. Beckfield N. Boggio J. S. Tenderick Truman E. Davis John w. Lidke B. A. Bonner c. M. Whit.more Hennan Helrich Martha E. Davis J. Ivan Houtz Councilman Woods, Moved Magnet Inn John w•s Spa Grill Ch e rrelyn Restaurant The Plantation M-D Phannacy Cherrelyn Drug Buy 4 less Drug Frontier Liquors En glewood Liquors The Glass Bottle Houtz Sel!;;service Drug 289.3 S Broadway 3467 S Broadway 3484 S Broadway 15 W Greenwood 5020 S Broadway 2695 S Broadway 4303 S Broadway 3421 S Broadway 35ll S Broadway 3434 S Broadway 3439 S Broadway 4204 S Broadway Parker, seconded; that the above licenses be renewed for 1956. Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Pa rker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None City Manager presented a letter fran Mr. Rob ert s. Appel of 3535 S Broadway requesting an opening to the alley which would require a bridge . Cmncilman Ra.pp, moved, Nies, seconded; to recieve Mr. Appel 1 s request and refer to the City Manager for study and re port • .Ayes: Braun, McCabe , McLella.n, Nies, Parker , Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: Hone 'nle rerlsed plat of Ha.yes Sub-division was prese n t ed for approval. Councilman Parker, moved Braun, seconded; to Approve th e plat and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes: Braun, McCabe , McLelln n, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None Cit7 .Manager Rudd, presented a letter fran Att orney J. L. Sweeney representing a Client who wished to buy the Ci ty 1 s Share of Oil and Mi neral Rights on part of the Atchinson Ranch. Councilman Rapp, moved Braun, secondedJ that the City Manager be instructed to draft a letter to Attorne7 J. L. Sweeney stating the City was not interested in selling the Lease. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McCabe , McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. none City Manager stated the report from Ri pn le and Howe on stonn sewers were not ready but probably would be ready for the meeting of the 28th . Clerk read a letter from Henry A Sobiella asking that his resignation fran the Soning Board be accepted on Account of other duties. Councilman Parker, moved cLellan, seconded; th ci t t h e resignation of Mr .Sobiella be accepted with re~-,~: grets. Ayes:· Braun, l''cCabe, McLellan, Nies, P11rker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None Clerk read a letter rran Mr. Charles R. Al len asking that his resignation fran the Water Board be accepted. Councilman Braun, moved Parker, seconded; to accept Mr. Allen's resignation with regret )Tes: Braun, Parker and Rapp Nays: McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Purcell, Scott and Woods, Jr. .· Whereupon Councilman Scott, mov e d McLellan, secondedJ that t h e letter be received and that Mayor and two maibers of the Council appointed by the Mayor serve as a comm:i ttee to attempt to retain Mr. Allen and if not successf'Ul to convey suitable a pnreciation of the Council. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McCabe, McLellan,, Nies, Purcell, Ra pp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Parker A letter was read fran Inter-County Regional Planning Association asking that a Delegate fran the Council attend the dinner meeting "to be held Tuesday Evening Nov. 29th. Councilman Rapp, moved, Braun, seconded; that Mr. Lee Jones be delegated to attend the expense to be paid b7 the City Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None City Attorney Joseph w. Esch read a letter from Attorney Marvin Foote stating -his offer for canpilation of Ordinances. Councilman Rapp, moved Braun, seconded; that Mr. Foote's offer be acce p ted and Attorney Esch to be authorized to draw Resolution to be oresented at the next regular meeting of the Council. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McC a be, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott, arid Woods, Jr. None '!here was presented a prelimina ry a greement for the Noble Water Association. Councilman Rapp, moved Braun, seconded; to accept the noble water Association Agreement and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McC a be, Nctellan, Ni es, Parke r, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. None City Attorney Joe Esch, stated the petition for a Paving District on South Humbolt Street fran Dartmouth to Eastman Avenues was in order. (Tabled temporarily.) The following bill was presented and read i n ful.l. A B I l. L FOR AH CRDINANCE PERMI'ITING ANGLE PARKING CR KO TOR VEH I CLES, EXCEPT TROCKS AND BUSF.S, ON STREETS OF SUFFICIENT WIDTH IN THE CITY OF EllGLEWOOD AND TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWI'lli: wrl ~S the qualified electors of the City of Englewo od, Colorado, at a municipal election held on November 11 1955, by a majority vote in favor thereof adopted an ititiated ordinance entitled •An Ordinance Permitting Angle Parking of Motor Vehicles, Except Trucks and Buses, on Streets of Sufficient Width in the City of Englewood and to Repeal all Ordinances in Conflict Therewith." NO W TH ERE FORE, BE IT CRDAI NE D BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, CO:WRAOO. Section 1. On and after t h e effective date of this ordi. narx:e it shall be lawf'Ul to park motor vehicles except trucks aoo buses on str,-ets or portions of streets within the City of Englewood haTing a width or at least 71! f e et between curbs, at an angle of L5 degrees, provided that this ordinance shall not apply to p orti.ons or parts of streets designated Federal or State Highways and p rovided further tha.t this ordinance shall not a pp ly to streets or portions of streets where all parking is o robibi ted. Section 2. All ordinarx:es or p a rts of o rd i nances i n conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section J. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the iml'T'ediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and convenience. Section 4. In the opinion of the City Courr::il an emergency exists; therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect fran an:i after its final passage and publicati on. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 21st day of November 195S 1 A .D. and ordered published in the Englewood Press. ATTEST: Mayor Clti C1erk I I I -' I \ . Councilman Parker, moved Scott, seconded; th~t the above bill just read be passed on first reading and ordered published in 1he Fnglevood Press. Ayes: McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: Braun A bill was presented and read in full to re-organize Governmental Acbninistrative plan and revise salary schedule. Councilman McCabe, moved Braun, secomed; to table for further study. Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None Attorney J. w. Esch stated he had been unable to reach an agreement with Mr. By'all tor a portion ot land for highway use. Councilman Parker, moved Rapp, seconded; that if settlement could not be agreed upon to prepare to comemn and prepare resolution authorizinp, same. Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Na7,: None Councilman Rapp, maved Parker, seconded; tha t Dr. w. A. Nies be appointed Laison Representative to the Englewood Recreation Association. A7es: Braun, McCabe, NcLellan, Nies, Par ker, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None Parker, Braun and McLellan were nominated for th e representative to the Chamber of Canmerce and upon Roll Call Parker was nominated to s e rv~. Councilman McCabe, moved Parker, seconded; the m11yor appoint a committee of three as Co-ordinators with the Board of Education. Ayes: N&7s; Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. None Citl' Manager Rudd, stated Pascal and Brandon was the lowest arrl best bid on sanitary sewer, extension #45. Councilman McCabe, moved ' Scott, seconded; that ~ascal and Brandon be awarded the contract when sufficient payments had been made. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McCabe, "'cLellan, Nies, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. None Mr. Ru.I.I, stated action should be started on Sanitary Trunk Line Sewer in the North-east part of the Cit¥ Councilman Ra pp , moved Par.lier, seconded; to receive bids on the ab ove project bids to be opened December 19th 1955 at 8: 00 P .r-~. Ayes, Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Ni es, Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott, and Woods, Jr. Nays: None City Manager Rudd, recommended temporary suspension of present building code requirements as to commercial structures, and application of technical phases of the Denver Cit7 Building Code in lieu thereof, until new code is adopted and adap ted. C ouncilman Braun, moved McCabe, secondedJ to adopt the above technical phases and that the Building Inspector be informed. Ayes: Nays: Braun, McCabe, McLellAn, Nies, Purcell, Ra p p, Scott and Woods, Jr. None City Manager Rudd, recommemed the followin G streets be designated as sledding areas• 3700 s. Elati, between .i..e l gh and Kenyon Avenues: 900 and 1000 w. Chenango, between Inca and Jtalamath Streets: 3300 and 3400 S Corona, .detween Hampden and Floyd Avermes: 3200 S Vine Court, betvven Dartmouth and EastlTlan Avenues: The east to West portion of 2900 S Laf'ayetter Dr. 100 and 200 E Amherst between s. Lincoln and s. Grant Streetst The interested residents must volu nteer to s upervise the sled activity, and place and remove Barr- icades and Flares. 'lhe Council agreed this was OK. City Manager Rudd, stated the five (5) s ha res of Nevada Ditch Ri g hts ® 2000.00 per share owned by the Valley Developnent Company were rea dy for delivery and that 17 McBroan Ditch Rights ® 225.00 per share owned by the Colorado Ce ntral Power Comp any were ready for delivery and that 65 shares of McBroan Ditch would be ready after the firs t of t he yea r. Councilman Rapp, moved Scott, seconded; now and the 65 be purchased wh en ready be drafted by the City Attorney. tha t the ditch r ights now ready for delivery be purchased after t he first of the year and that a reeolution Ayes: Nays : Braun , McCabe, McLel lan, Nies , Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nones 'lbere being no further business to come before the Council. Councilman Rapp, moved McCa be secoooed; to adjourn to Monday, November t he 28th Ayes: Braun, McCabe, McLellan, Nies , Parker, Purcell, Rapp, Scott and Woods, Jr. Nays: None 'lbe Minutes of tile Meeting of the City Council of the City of ~e;wood, Colorado, held this Monday the 21st day of November, 195.5 A.D. stand a pproved as ~ ,.. this 5th day of Dec. 1955. A.D. Mayor I I I r I