HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-12 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPE CIAL CALL ME ET IN G OF THE CITY COU NCIL OF TII E C !TY OF ENG LEWO OD, COLORAOO HELD MONDAY THE 1 2TH DAY OF DFX;EM BER A .D. 1955. Mayor Purcell called the me eti n g to order and ~sked for roll call. Present: Braun, McC Pbe, Mclellan, Parker, Purcell, ~ p and Woods Absent: Nie s and Scott May or Purcell asked t he cle rk to read t h e c all . Th e meeti ng was called to di scuss the ~l a rtin i.eAse. Council.Man Nies entered .q_nd WRS seated wi th the Council. r. Charles Allen 2nd Mr . M. o. Shivers, Jr. str.t ed th;.it the M~rt in Co. wished to make some changes i n 8n 111 r:reemen t for a lea ~e of t he Atchison Rtmc h . It was reported that t he Ma rtin Com p?ny d id not know definitively how many acres they needed, but wanted controJ of the e ntire rench so that they cou ld fen ce and pa trol if necessary. 'Ille lease for Grazing ~t terminate and a .,i t f o r a burning dump wo uld n ot be permitted. However a road for Ingress and Egress for the Clay Mi ning Lease would be per mitted . The Ci tycou ld retain the amount of acerage necessary for a storage reservoir wi ti1 Ingreas a nd Eg re s s. CouncilJT!.an McCPbe moved , Rapp second ed; To le ase for 2 !) yea rs to the Martin Co. at a rent~l of $10,000. per y ear any or all acerA r,e l ess amount determined by lessor f or reservoir, with lessee's option after f ive ye ~rs to ourchase entire ranc h a t the sn~e cost ~er a c r e as paid for the Ve rdos Ranch plus 15% penalty , reduced over e pt"ri od of 2 0 y e ars , 3/4 c f 1% reduction ea.ch year; the City retaining the option to re -purchase the land neede d fo r ci r ese rv <..ir at the price naid by t he Martin Co; the City to exercise i ts ri ghts f er re -ourc hase for a reservoir only, and if any of the re-purchased land is improved the City would purchas e t he land only . Th e Cl ty is to retai.n the oil lease. All of the a bove subject to successful ne go tati ons on a l l other l enses. Aye s: Nays : Braun , None cC a be , McLella.n, Ni es , Park e r, Pu rcell, Rari p and Woods bsent : Sco t t 'nlere being no fu rther bu s ioPss to co l.Jef ore the Council. Council.Man McC a be mo ved , lapp seconded ; To adjou rn Ayes : BrR u n, --a v s: No ne cLellan, Ntes , Parker, Purcell, Rapp and Woods &~t . e Minutes of th e ?(e eti n g of the City Counc 1.· 1 of t he ~~ng lewood, Colorado, held this Morr:lay the 12th day of December, A .D . 1955 s tarrl ap n rov ed as ' · • • this 12th day of December, A.D. 19'>). Mayor I I I I