HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes- \ REDULAR MEETDfG OF THE CITY C DUNCIL OF THE CrrI r. ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS MONDAY THE 4th DAY OF JARUAR~ 19$4. JllTor 0 Harry G. Weigand called the meeting to order ari.d asked for Roll Calls Roll Calla Banta, Present Chasteen, Present Cushing, Present Jamieson, Present McAlister, Present Parker, Present Roboha,_ Present Weigand, Present Wright, Present PRESENT: Nine ABSENT: None Clerk read the a:inutea of the regular meeting of December 7th, regular adournecl .. eting ot December 21.st, and the special call meeting of December 29the Councilan Cushing, ltmld) Roboha, Seconded) That the Minutes be approved as read. Roll Calla Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AIES1 Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohln, '7e Weigand, A7e Wright, Aye ABSE2fts Rom MAY CR SO CRDERED:::: Bids were receiTed and read on gasoline and diesel fuel for City use for the 19ar ot 1'Sk troa the following Firms Black Gold Oil Co. Hi-Way Oil Co. Platte Valley Oil Co. B. F. Bennet Oil Coe T._.co. Littleton Gasoline & Oil Co. l!ed Dot Oil Co. Nicoll Bros. Oil Co. Sincla,ir Refining Coe Standard Oil Products Agent Midway Gas & Oil Co. Arapahoe Oil Co. Councilman Cushing, Moved) . • Parker, Seconded) That the bids be received and analised and a reDOrt be given at the next meeting of the Council. Roll Calls Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AY!Ss Nine Jamieson, J:te McAliater, ~ Parker, Aye NAYS 1 None MAYOR SO OR DERED11:: Roboha, qe Weigand, qe Wt-ight1 J.79 ABSENT s 11one Mr. Bussard ot the Bussard Bua Lines came before the Co\UlcU requesting the appronl. of hi&her bus fare81br his bus lines operating the the City ot Englewood. Wev rates would be adults 15¢ or foar tokens f or 55 cents, children and Sch~ .tares 1~ or tvo tokens .tbr 15¢, effective December 13th, 1954. Councilman, Banta, Moved} Roll Calli Jamieson, Seconded) That the increase be approved and a letter of approval be given the PUC. and CC to Juliu Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, l7e AYE): Nine Bussanrd. - Jamieson, Aye McAlister, A.ye Parker, Aye HAYSI None MAYOO SO ORDERED:::: u Roboha, Aye Weigand, A7e Wright 1 A7e ABSENTs None ReYerend Slllith came before the Council asking the City to pa7 for the building burned b7' the tire, totaling t5200.oo, After discussion. Council.-n Jud.eson, Moved) Wright, Seconded) 'nlat Reverend Smith request be denied. Roll Calls B$11ta 1 Aye cp.teen, Aye Cushing, ,Aye A?ES: Nine . Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO OR DERED::: u Roboba, qe Weigand, qe Wright, A79 ABSERTs be Mr. Dale Holben appeared before the Council stating that he would like to make the audit ot the City books for the calender Te&r of 19SJ. Council.mn Parker, Moved) Robohm Seconded) That Mr. Holben be retained to audit the boob ot 19S3e Roll Calla Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing' kTe A~I Nine Jamieson, !39 McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NA!S I None MAYOR SO ORDERED:::: Mr. nint presented a letter from City Engineer, Neil w. Barde as follows& Roboha 1 qe Weigand, 1.78 Wright, qe ABS!RT 1 Rone The Sanitary Sever constructed by T.W. Andereon and others in Block 1, Hampden Hills, from East Floyd 09llue lorth to Dartllouth Place between York Street and University has been completed. It is reeonnended that the above "-:ribed Sewer be accepted by the City• Signed Neil w. Barde, Engineer. CounciJ•n Wright, Moved) Jaaieaon, Seconded) -That the above Sewer be. accepted. Roll Calls Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cush ing 1 Aye AYES1 Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye HAYSI None MAYOR SO ORDEREDs::: Robohll, '7e Weigand, qe Wright, '7e ~DTI None Cit7 Manager presented and read a letter from Neil w. Barde, City Engineer as followst The Contractor, !iarold Rhodus, has completed l.ay:klg of .30 inch storm sewer on F.ast -Bates 'venue from South Downing Street to 50 teet West of South .Emerson Street. · This work has been done under the supervision of this department and has been completed according to the plans and speciticiationa. I rec~nd that the Contractor be pa id as tollowa1 Wing 10)2 lineal feet JO" pipe 0 12.25 Total due on contract $2,322.00 Signed Neil w. Barde, City l!:ngineer. Councilman McAlister, MaYed) Robohll 1 Seconded) That the City accept the storm sewer and a warrant be drawn to pay the Contractor. Roll Callt Banta, qe Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYISI Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO ORDEREDu: u Robohm, Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, qe ABSENT 1 None Mayor Weigand stated that it was proper that the council should vote whether they should participate :ln cloud aeeding. Councilman Parker 1 Moved) Jamieson, Seconded) That the City participate in cloud seeding. Roll Calli Banta, Nay Ch a steen, Nay Cushing, Aye AYES: Six Jamieson, Aye McAli~ter, Nay Parker, Aye NAYS: Three MAYOR SO OODERED1:::: Robohm, Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, AJe ABSENT I None llre nint presented a letter from City Engineer Neil Barde as followsr The trunk line •ewer on West Yale, along Santa Fe and on .West Bates to Disposal Plant has been completed bJ' the Western Utility Constructors C011Paey, Inc. as prime contractors on the aboYe project under the teim ot term ot their contract, together with the plans and specifications, grades and 11.nes ·•et in the field by the Cit7 lagineering ~me nt. Tbe above proJeot bu bad final inspection md found satisfactory. It ia rec~nded that the pro~ect be accepted by the City, subject to the guarantee clause in the contract of one year ot all wrk pertormed. It is also recomended that the final estimnte as approved be paid. Signed Reil w. Barde, City Engineer. Cotmcilan Cuah1ng 1 Moved) Roll Calls Wri ght, Seconded) That the above trunk line sewer be accepted and final payment be made. Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye A~I Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlis ter 1 Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None RobohJn, Aye Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 None I I ,; ~ I ... City Clerk read a letter from the Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co. ot Des Monies, Iowa, including a check and asking release of furthur claims f1'om the City of Englewood, Colorado ot an accidnet involri.ng a Street Departaent Truck driven by Charles lit. Folts and George Me Mueller and Carl R. Olsen, insured. \ CotmCilan Roboba, Moved) Parker, Seconded,) That the City accept the check and sign the releaae. Roll Calls Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AIIS1 Rine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Ay'e Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYCR SO CEDEREDuu Roboha. q. Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSER'l't tfone Cl.erk read Ordinance Bo. , Series of 19 fu Entitled,AB ORDIHARCE .AMEllDIRG ORDDOCI IOe 31 SERIFS OF 1940, OF THE cit! Cl' ENGLE\'TOOD, cnLORA ' ENTITLED1 It AN ORDINARcB FOR ZClfIIO THI cm OF !mIEWOOD, TO RIDUIATE TH E l.OCATION' APPEARANCE, SIZE, CHARACTER, AND USB or BUILDillJI lllRllftD ERECTID Cfi ALTERED,AND FOR um PURPQ)ES TO DIVIDE THE CITY INTO DISTRIC'l'S, PIUSCRIBI PIRALTIIS 10R / THE vroLATI<>l or rrs PROVlSI~, AND To PROVIDE FOR rrs ENFORCEMEXT AND A BOlRD OF ADJtJSiiill!, SUCH RmULATltlf B!llll NECESSARY FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY", BY CHAJIQING THE ZONDG JlltmBD UPCB LOTS 21 to 24 INCLUSIVE, BLOOIC 73 1 HARLEM, FROM A "C-1" BUSINESS DISTRICT TO A "C-2• COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Counc1l•n, Cushing, Montd) Robohm, Seconded) That Ordinance lo. ~ Series of 19 _, just read be introduced and pasii<l m second reading as Ordinance No. 1 1 Series ot 19 54,. and be published in the F.nglewood Enterprise. RDll Calls Banta, Aye ~hasteen, J.¥8 Cushing• qe AIPZa Rine Jamieson, Aye McAlister 1 Aye Parker, Aye NAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED1 II u Roboha, qe Weigand• A7e Wright, J;/e AEBRT 1 tfone Councilman Judeaon, Moved) Parkar, Seconded) That all applicants for buildina permits be witheld mitil final ordinance is passed, where resoning ill r~ ROLL CALL1 Banta, qe Chasteen, qe Cushing, Aye Ams Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYOO SO ORDEREDu 1111 Roboha1 qe Weigand, Aye Wright, qe .AM&lt lone Clerk read an application for a liquor license transfer from Leonard De Lue to Natale Boggio operated aa the CherrilJD Im • . ROLL CALLI Parker, Moved) Jamieson, Se~onded) That application be received and the premises poaHcl for a hearing at the next replar ••ting, Manda7 Bnn1ng the 1st day of February. Bmta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AIES1 Nine Jamieson, qe McAJ.ister, ~ Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO ORDERED I 111 Bobohll, A¥e Weigand, Aye Wright, qe ABSElft't lone Mr. Dale Rae •de a report on the reserYoir being built at the water plant stating neey tbin& was satisfactory and stated t h&t lae was asked for acceptance and payment to the contractors ca February lat, such acceptance to include the guarantee clause. •• Da1a -· consulting Angineer, also stated that the Sewer Treatment Plant was 1n aperatian and would ask for it acceptance on February 1st A it was operating satisfactor:J. Councilman Cushing, Moved) Chasteen Seconded) 'nlat a committee composed of McAlister and repre.-RatiTU of two newspapers with City Manym-and City Attornq work out a policy concerning Newspaper releases and W011dng relationship with the radio and press, said polic7 to be submitted to the eouncil for consideration and adoption. Roll Calls Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye ~hin g , Aye AIESI Eight J amieson, Aye Mc .A lister, Aye Parter 1 tfq NAYS: One MA YOR SO OR DERED: 111 Robohll1 Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABSENTS None Councilman Robohm1 Moved) Chasteen, Seconded) That a committee be appointed to irrvestigate the aclYe~•• publicity the citizen are getting and to get the tacts anc:t report to the CoWlcil. Roll Callt • ~ta, A-ye Jamieson, Aye Robohm, Aye ~steen, Aye ll:Alister 1 A.ye Weigand, qe Cushing, Aye Parker• Aye Wright, Aye AYF.S t Nine NAYSa None ABSENTa None MAYOR SO ORDERED at t t: 1 Mqor Weigand appointed CoWlcilman /11 .e~!_~.t n d Banta as the above committee. City Manager presented approved claims on the General Fund, Totaling $251 982.07. . Councilan, Cushing, Moved) Robohm, Seconded) that the approved claims on the General Fund be paid. Roll CallJ Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYESa Nine Jamieson, Aye Mcilister Aye Parker, Aye NAYSz Hone MAYOR SO ORDERED: 1::: l Robohm, qe Weigand, qe Wright 1 J.y'e ABSENT I Hone Cit7 Manager presented approved claims on t .he Wa ter Fund, Totaling $29 1 829.25. Councilman Cushing,_ Moved) . Roboba1 Secondedf That the above approved claims be paid. Roll Calla Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYESa Nine Jamieson, Aye McAllster, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO ORDEREDz:: u: Roboha, qe Weigand, A.Te Wright, qe ABSENT1 None City Mlnapr presented approved clnim on the Sewer plant totaling, $50 1 008. 76. Councilman Cuming, Moved) Wright, Seconded) That the above approved claims be paid. Roll Call: Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYESt Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye l'arker, Aye MAYS: None MAYOR SO ORDEREDt:: :t Roboha, qe Weigand, Aye Wright, A78 ABSENT1 None Cit7 Manager asked thatthe claim tor .3 dodge truck to Standard Motor eo·., totaling $li,S97e00 be paid. Councilman Robohm , Moved) Parker, Seconded) That the above approved claim be paide Roll Calla Banta, Aye ~asteen , Aye Cushing, A'ye Ail'St Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister 1 Aye Parker, Aye NAYSt None MA YOO SO OODERED 1 : : : : There being no mre business to come before the Council. Robohlll, qe Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABS ENT 1 None Councilman Cushing, Moved) Banta Secomed) That the Council adjo1:rn to January 111 1954. Roll Calli I i>anta., Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYF.5 1 Uine Jamieson, Aye McAlister 1 Aye t'arker1 Aye NAYS: None Robohm1 ATe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 None • The Minutes of the Regular ••ting or the City CSoWlcil of the City of Englewood, Englewood, Color'ado, hel.cl this Monday the 4th dq ot January, 1954J stand approved as ~'<r41fRR thia Monday February 1 1 19.$4,A.I>. o~Lt~ /Yen.enc .., ,, ' I ti ·1