HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-13 (Special) Meeting MinutesI SPECIAL CALL MEETnm OF THE r.J'T'Y r,QTTNCIL OF THE c:rrY OF ENGIE WOOD, COLORADO, HEVJ WEDNESDAY THE 13th DAY OF JANUARY 19$4 at 71)0 A.M. Mayor Harry a. Weigand called the meeting to order nnd asked tor Roll Call. Roll Call: Banta, Present Chasteen, Present Cushing, Absent Jamieson, Present McAlister, Present Parker, PreHnt .RobohJl1 Present Weigand, k'resent Wright, Present PRESENTI Eight ABSENTS One Mayor Weigand asked the Clerk .to read the Call. Clerk read the Call as followss "The mderaipfd.1 the a,-or ~d three members of the City Council ot the Cit7 ot Inglewood., Count7 of .Arapahoe, State of 1,;olorado, hereby give NOTICE that a SPECIAL cn.L MEETilll <8 TRI CITY COUNCIL OF TH E CITY COONCIL OF SAID CITY OF ENGIE WOOD, COLORADO is called and vill be held in the City Hall of said City on Wednesday the lJth day of January A.D. 1954 of said d&T• You are further notified that said meeting is called for the purpose of receiving the ~eport ot the Investigating Committee appointed by the ~or to investigate the rumaors and adverse publicity being received by the public of the Police n.pt. Dated at &iglewood1 Colorado this 12th day of Januaey A. D •. 19.549 SIGNED Marry G. Weigan_d_,.,,_ _____ _ · Ma:Yor L. A. Robohm Counc11Jlla:ri 1 Ward No. Cha1-r1e Parker Uounciiman, WariiINo. P~ul c. Jamieson~ Jr. CoUi\cnm&n, ard No. The undersigned Councilman ot the Cit7 of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State ot Colorado, hereb7 certify tha t we and each ot us received Notice of the above and foregoing Special Call Meeting of the City Council of said City of Englewood, to be held on January 131 19~ at the hour of 7130 A .M. of said day at the '°'ity Hall in said City. Said Notice hartng been received at least twenty-tour hours before the date of said meeting. J. S • Chasteen Richard L. Banta, Jr. Harry G. Weig and Signed Councilman Cushing , Absents L. A. Robohm Chalmerse A. Parker Pnul c. Jamieson, Jr. B. D. Wright Councilman McAlister, Chairman or the abo ve committ& presented and read the toll.Olfing report. REPORT OF m'.JLEWOOD CITY COORCIL ntvF.STIGATmG COMMITTEE Monday evening, January Lth 1 1954 the City Council of Englewood, Colorado voted unanamouaq tor the Mll'or to appoint a colTITlittee to investiga te the adverse publicity the city 1a gettinc and to get the facts and report to the Council. Pursuant to the motion, the MQor 1-diately appointed the following colllllittes R. B. ~Alister, Leonard Robohm, and Richard Banta, Jr. The COllll'li t tee conferred with the City Attorney concerning it•s jurisdiction and authorit7 and received this interpretation. " Under the council-cit7 manager form of governmant sole a uthority for hiring and firing of empleyees in the City GOV'ernment with the exception or the City Attorney, City Manager, and Police Magistrate rests eJCOluai~ . with the Cit7 Manager. By the statutes or the state ot Colorado governing citilM of the · second class, the Cit7 Council is specifically prohibited from interterring in the hiring or firing ot the city employees, except as above stated. In view of the opinion of the City Attorne71 the ~ 1ttee has confined it 1 s inquiry to the tunction of d9termining the truth concerning the r\llOra and stat ements relative to the personnel ot the Inglewood Polio• Departllent. !he Co-1tte realized the importance of expediency in thi1 •tter, but 1n ordlr to bring an mbiaaed, thorough, and accurate report it vu neceee&ry' to interri• •• ..,- persona possible in order to determine the true facts. Here are the rinding• of the Comittee. 'l'he many reports and rumors circulated about the Englewood Police Department have in wt instances originated from within the police department, from it's personae! and former personnel. . ' 2. For a period ot tim startina long before our change to the City Manager form ot Goverwnt, and continuing to the present, there has been stri~ ard dissension in the Englewood Polloe Department. 3. Jealout baa been created ard nos exiats among the personnel in the police department. 4. Insubordination has been and is being tolerated in the police department. S. Accusations have been made by ofticers of the police department about others in the depart.mnt without supporting evidence. 6. Proper st.pa han not been taken to establish the cooperation and harmolq' between the BPI> and the Arapahoe County Sheriffs' Office necessary for maximum protection tor the citizena ot Inglewood. 7eThere 18 no evidence of interference in the operation of the police department from ........... of the cit7 council, the city manager, or any outside interests. a. When a person is disllissed or demoted in the police department no specific chanrges are recorded in the police department or in the city manager office. 9. There ia erldence ot poker playing in the department without disciplinarT .action • • 10. Despite the strife and unrest within the department, the overall record ot law entorca1nt. by the EPD has been favorable. ll. The mdence indicates that the Chief ot Police has nary intention ot prortdinl the Cit.7 ot Englewood with an excellent law enforcement organization and haa expended conaiderable etf ort to this end. 12. lt was obvious to the committee during the course of the inquiry that 9IJ1' state.nu •de were untr~, and these Ubtrutha ooild v•ll have been the source ot comtleaa rUllOra that have received publicity in the past. SUMM&TION The erldence ahow without question that the major cause of the adverse publicity concernin& tbe department and the diaaenaion in the department has been and is the LlCX <:6 CONFIDlllCI Tiii SUPERICll OFFICERS HAVE IN MANY OP' THEIR PERSONNEL AND THE LACK OF CCIDPilmCI MOY or THE PlmCllDL RAVI Df THEIR SUPERICll OFFICERS. As 10111 as this condition exists, the past reccrd would substantiate, the citisena or Inglewood can expect no alleviation of the problem • . Councu..n Jamieson, MoYed) Roll Callt Wright, Seconded) That the above report be adopted. Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, A1J9mt AY!S1 Eight Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None MAYm SO ORDERED1111 . Robohlll, Aye Weigand, A7e Wright, Aye ABSElfTt ~e '!here being no more business to come before tbe Council. ~ouncil-.n Judeson, Moved) "1uteen, Seconded) That the Council adjourn to Mondq evening, January 18th, 1954. Roll Calla Banta, Aye ~'hasteen, Aye Cushing, Absent AI&SI Eight . Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Roboha, A1fJ Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 ()le MAYOR S 0 CRDERED: 1: u l Tbe llinutea of the Special Call •eting of the City Council of the City of !ngl.~l.ewood1 Colorado, held this Wednesday the 13th day or January, 1954 1 stand apprOYed u tbi8 Mondq Fnruar;y lat, 19$4. A.D. 0fd~-.~ ~ ?J. L /~arron, City Clerlt I I I AltAa'lft TO COllPL% VI'fH Tm T-OI Al All' lft TO PUBOllAll PAii LAID AID !O JIAU rIDL PA!m'l' fBIRDOa. A ooa,raot ure,otore entered into b7 and bet••. • ••-. •· CDlelt aa& Sll•betb Chelf and th• 01t1 ot Snll••••lt on.tal•. tor tbl .... -.. 'b7 the 01'7 of Snglevoo4 of oertat. •1'-te& • !Apa anct •enu7lftn1& l'ne'• betn.a .. _..l-•• 111 latea AT-, lft the 01'7 Of Sftglnool.• 11beNla aw1-oa ..... &nm,.,.., of e2,ooo.oo OD 8&14 --·4•·111:01. l0L " -ld.M,1• ancl appronl Of title, a4 clee4 ... ~ •• _ ..... ~1 pie• ... l a aorow ln the bSLwoo4 ltate Beu, 8&14 • ..._ 1cle4 tba' the 0~ Of Snglevoocl W8 OltlipM& te RI P S BA,,..ftt Of ta, • 00 Oft or 'before J'ebl'ml9 Ia o011p11anoe W1 th 1&14 oontraot the Cl'' OWM11 1eo...a, b7 the •1patl&N of 1 t• Maben he"= I .. · l1lel'l 1 ... ...,r to Mk• 'be final ~t ot ... • . . •••; .... 4e1l•e17 of warrant7 4ee4 an4 ab•traot aa -.re•&. - lllM!'Ulll r1' TD --OJ' !D OIU OOUIGD. . ...... thla 8th c1a7 of rebrua17, 1954.