HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRIDULlR ADJOURNED Ml!!ETlNG OF THI CITY COUICIL OF THE CITI Cl BBOLBiOOD, mGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS MCJmAY THE 17th DlY 01 MlY 19S4e J117w Weipnd called the 118eting to order and asked ror Roll can. ROU. CAU.t Banta, Absent Chasteen, Present Cuh1ng1 Present Jamieson, Present McAlister, ~resent Parker, Present Reboba, Prnmt Weigand, Preamt Wright, Pruent PR!SBRT1 Eight ABSBNTI ~ The Clerk read the tollning comnmicationat ' .l i.tter tn. the Beard et lducation calling for a meeting ot the City Council with the Beard ot lducatim to be held Thuradq, Mq 20th at 8100 P.M. in the Board ot Educatien ottice • .l i.ttc-trcm Buwlb and o•~ll requesting a meeting ot the Council and P1•JD"'"I Cr 1aaien to p ...-the pl•na bein& aublitted by Harmon and o•Donell said meeting to be held 11Dact.e7, lrm1nc 1117 2Jitb at 8100 PM. in the Ceuncil Cbaabers • .l i.tter f.rm t.he Water Beard designating Chas. R. Allen as Qlail'lian ot the Water .ldris917 Belin! and JI• o. Shinn, Jr. et the firm ot Lee & Shivers, as Special Water ~il fer the 11ater Jclri.Hr7 Beud et the Cit7 ot Englewood • .&-Wt.r from the Den•_. Area c..,. el Engineers inclosing a questiona:lre to 1-ca11pleted and retmnad to their office, which bu to do with flood control el the So. Platte River. Cit7 lllmpr stated he would cOllpl.ete the r9P0rt as requested• llr. W.. c. Bull.a.rd, vho operates the -Frosted Dutchman on West Hampden, aaked tor pend.asion to Hll troated cups 1n the Cit7 Park. After discussion. Ceunc1lwn Wri&tit, Moved) ROLL CALLI Jamieson, Seconded) That the request be denied. Banta, Absent Chasteen, Aye Cuhing, Aye AYBS1 Eight Jamieson, Aye McAliater 1 A7e Parker, Aye HAYSI None Robeba1 Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Q9 ABSENT1 ~ • Ill-. nint stated there should be a member ot the City Council appointed to the Beard of llect.r1cal lnmnera, Where upon 1 Ceunc1l•n CWlhiDc 1 Mond) MDil18ter 1 Seconded) That. Ceuncilan Jack Cbut.een be appmtecl to the Board. ROLL CALLI Banta, Ament. Oba.tea, lq Cuhlllg, .&,. AYES1 Seven Jud.eam, Aye Mciliater, qe rarker, A-,. HAYSI ~e Reb9ba, Aye Weigand, qe Wright, .&18 ABSEN T : a. .ltt.clme7 Warren K. Rebinam reqmsted a nev deed to Colaan Co11Pf.111' to replaoe deed m11ted Decrrber 211 19SJ, which was illproperq worded. He alao included a med proper]¥ A--ad aand it be em::utecl. C.11DC11Jlan Roboba, Moftd) ROLL CAI.Lt C1111hin&1 Seconct.d) That the Mayor be authorisecl to sip the nn Deed and the Clerk At teat the .... Banta, Absent Chasteen, 1.79 Cuahina, A7e .lYISa licbt Jud.eaon, q. McAliater, ATe Parker, A78 IA?St None ~qe Weipnd1 qe Wright, Q9 ABSENT: ··a. 19 I I ,, !be Ca t•D7 selling Odor-Ridd wanted the Council to reconsider the appronl ot 1natall1tion ef their eqmp.ent, Where upon1 Coanc11wn Chuteen1 Moved) Roboba, Seconded) That no further action be takmi. ROLL CALLI Banta, Abaent Cbuteen, A79 Cuhina, 1.79 AI!S1 Eight Jamieson, Aye MaAllater, Aye Parker, A7e HAYSI None Roboha, 1.79 Weigand, qe Wright, !19 ABSUfra b The PuldJll A•sociation requested that parking be prohibited on the East aim et 3480 bleok le• J.c-Street and after discuasion it was decided to dela7 8117 actim 1111til J.tt..1197 -: Ill Bodm could ct. acme checking on certain procedures and report to the Coacil at next •etDI• !be following people cw before the Council to protest the enactw'lt ot the mv dog er<HN"Mt Jira. Predm-1.ck A. Enns Mrs. Ben Muthall lflos, Frank Bishop Mrs. Parnell .lt.t.ornq Riobard Siaan representing the School Board, came before the Council asking pend.aaica t.e Wild an ad.dition to Mad~ School onr property which the City has an eaaement for a 12• •tel" liM te be Datalled at a later date atating the school would pq the aclditional ce.t el ramdnc tbe pipe a sr-ter diatancea to go aroll#d the school. If and 11hm ..-was installecl. 0..011,,,, Cuahinl, Jlalyed) J.ma1on, Seconded) To approve the above proposal ROLL CAU.1 Data, Absent Cbuteen, '78 Cmhing, A1e A?Jma Eight Jud.eaon, Ay'e ftc:Aliater, Aye 'arker, Aye HAlSa tfone Roboha, '79 Weigand, qe Wright, '79 ABSFJlT1 Bile ... P'li8' pre•mted pl.am and specification• tor bridge across Little Dr,y Creek on Logan S~ ROLL CALLa Banta, 4lae•nt Cbuteen, 179 Cubiac, 1.79 AIBS1 Eight That the above plans tor bridge be apprOYede Jamieson, Aye l'JcAlister, Aye Parker, Aye HAYS1 None Roboha, A'7e Weigand, 179 Wright, qe ABSENT1 b Ceunc1lwn Cushing, Moved) · ROLL CJ.Ltt Roboba, Seconded ) To adnrtise for bids for the construction of the bridge across Little Dr;y Creek, bida to be ooened at the Regular Meeting of June 7th1 19.Slh Banta, Absent Chaste., A)'9 ~ing, A;ye A?ESa Eight Jamieson, A;ye McAlister, Aye Parlcar, Aye NAYS: None Roboha, qe Weigand, Q9 Wright, Q9 AEBNTa ~ Ctnmeil•n Bmta entered and was seated with the Council ..... . llr"e n1Dt spob ot the necessity ot a trunk line sewer on West r.ven Street to cenneot with •in trunk line on Santa Fe Drive. 4."' C..011en Parter, Jlned) ftobehw. Seooncl ) te authorise the planning of the abon trank Um -.r. ROLL CALLI ' Banta, AJ9 Chaateen, Aye Cushing, Aye AI!S1 tfine Jamieson, A-ye McJ.lie ter I A;ye Parbrl Aye NAYS 1 tfone Robehll, 1.79 Weigand, A;ye Wright 1 J.y'e ABSENT1 lone - Ill-. Sbocklq ~ lefore the Council requesting release on lein note for sanitary •ever , extension 6, Bleck 42, Evanston Broadvq Addition given by Mary Isbell, n•-an ••tate. ' Council•" Wright, Moved) Robohll, Seconded) ROLL CALLI Banta, qe Chasteen, A7e Cushing, J.7e AYES: Nine That the City Attorney confer vi.th t.he •tt•l'lle7 tor the Estate to see if somethinl cOuld be wrked out and also to confer with Winslow and MaMillon contract... who have not received the total -=t due th• troa tbe original contract and report tor ntatt ... ting. Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohll, A.79 Weigand, qe Wright, '7e ~ERT1 None !here being no .,re buaiaee• to com before the CollllCil. Council.an Cmhing, Moved) · Mc!lliter, Secon:led) The Col.Ulcil adj0"1"1l• ROLL CALLI Banta, Aye Cha 11teen, Aye Cushing, A.79 AYES: Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohm 1 Aye Weigand, qe Wright, AJ9 AmENT1 Rone Tlie llin-of the Repl.ar Adjourned Meeting of the Cit7 ColDlcil,/! the Cit7 ol ilagle'llOOd, Colorado, held this Monday Mq 17th, 19S4 , stand approved as c/ ·thi8 llandq IYenjng June 71 19S4e A.D. · · · . ATTP.STI .. ~ .... I I ·-~ I .1