HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-09-20 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRllHJLAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, cm OF ENG IE WOOD, COLORADO, THlS 2oth dq ot Sept. 19S4. A.D. lfa1or Weigand called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Calla ROLL CALLI Bmlta, Present Chasteen, Absent CU.bing,. Absent Janda aon, Present Purcell, Present Parker, Present Roboba, Present Weipnd, Pr--t Wright 1 Pruent PR~ENT1 Seven ABSENTt Two Counci.1-n Cushing entered and was seated with the Council. Clerk rud tbe following colllllUllicationa 1 A letter froa tbe Junior Challber ot C~rce, thanking the City ,Council for their help 1n the t ourth of Ju:cy fl.rnork• show• A lett.r tram the otfice ot McDougal, Rogers and Swee11e7, attomeys stating thq wre hancD.iDI the caae of Linda Wilson who n.s injured by the mwer which vu cllttinl wecla 1n tbe alley nur her home. ( · · ' Clerk opened and read the Bida tor Sanitary Sever District No. l~ Bxtenaicn 34, .-bein& 1n the alley from Jefferson to Hampden, between Corona and Downin&~ •• (JSOO block) Tbe tollallid.lll bids were receiYed. "' Minn Conatruction eo. Veatern Utillt7 Conatruction Gap L. Odell • 1,891.00 2,322.eo 2,096.00 CouaciJ •n Banta, MDYed) Wright, Seconded) 'l'bat the contract be a•rdecl to Minn Construotion Co. Their b&ing the lowest bid and beat bid. ROLL CALLI Banta, A79 Cbaateen, Absent Cuahing, A7e A?m1 Eipt Jamieson, A.'18 Purcell, Aye Parker 1 A-ye NAIS1 None Robohll, '79 Weigand,_ A79 Wright, qe ABSBITt ~ Council recomnd8 a nev lease be signed on the City owned....f-and the subject be clUouaed turtbw at the next -ting • . Wa Coater, vho DOif bu the contract tor garbage disposal stated he llODld mter into a two JU.!" contract• 11,200.00 per llOllth • . Counc11wn Cushing, MoYed) Wright, Seconded) That the City of Inglewood accept the contract tor the above figure. ROLL CALLI Banta, qe Chasteen, Absent Cuab 1.ng, A78 Al!SI Bight Jamieson, Aye Purcell, Aye Parker,, Aye NAYS: Bone Roboha, A1f' Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 <m a-. Allbroee stated that aw ot the new stares in the Park le Shop would be open tbe wet bq1mdnc Sept. 271 and aaked that 2 hour parking reatrictiom OD tbe parld.nc lot be pat into e f teot Mondq September 27th. CounoU•n Parker, Jlcned) C.bing, Secon:led) That restrictions be put into etteot •• ot Sept. 27th, and an Ordinance be dram to enforce sam. ROLL CALLa Bmta, Al9 Cbaateen Absent Cuahinl, A78 ADBt Eight Jaaieson, Aye Purcell, Aye Parter• A-,. NAIS1 None Roboba, A79 Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSBRTt - Jlr. Allbro• stated his C0111p&11T, "Bow owners of a portion ot the park land,• would lib to baTe a titteen year lease for parlc1ng purposes, howeTer the Cit-7 Co11DOil •'1&P8ted a 10 year leue. Cit.7 Jttorne7vu requested to not1f7 the Standard Oil Comp8JJ1' to reduce the Street in front ot tbt1r •tatian, 339S So. Broadway. Peter Dollinict, stated be repreaented a Cl.&7 Products Co. which viahed to lease part ot the Atchinaon Ranch. A letter was r•d fl"Oll Peter linit Sona Coe stating they would like to leue tor graTel on the Atchinson Ranch. Jlr. latban n. Tho1111>•an ot 3121 so. ~herlml, cam before the Council regarding the article about the resignation ot the Ci~ Mlllager and stating his Time llr. nint presented the proposed Budget tor 19SS. Comc11Mn Cushing, Mewed( ROLL CAI.Lt Banta, Seconded) To accept in principal at the tbe 8 11111 18"7 • Banta, A7e Chasteen, Absent Cushing, 1.79 AI!St Eight Jamieson, Aye Purcell,. Aye ""arker, Aye RA'!SI None Roboba, qe Weipnd, q. Wright, qe ABSINTt Om \iouncilman Parker, MoTed) ROLL ClLLt Roboha, 5.econded) That the City purchase the land tor a dog pound ottering 11,soo.oo or start condmmaticm, it that amount was not acceptable. Banta, qe ~.teen, Absent Cush 1ng1 J.79 AYBSt Eight Juieson, Aye Purcell, Aye Parar, Aye NAYSt Hone Roboha, 87• )ie1pnd1 qe Wricht 1 1.79 AmlHTt ~ Counc1191n Parter, MoTed) ROLL CAI.Lt Roboba, 1.-onded) That Mr. Clarence H. McCabe be appointed to t.be Council to replace Mio. Jack Chasteen re•ioed. Banta, Aye CU.teen, Absent Cubing, A7e AIESt Eight Jameson, Aye Purcell;, Aye Parker, A7e IAlSI None Roboba, qe Weigand, A19 Wright, qe ABSBITt ~ Mr. P'l.1.nt •tated Stubby Blair wanted a 10 year lease on a parce1 ot land on Ve.t •,.ten, in ordm-tbat .. could Tacate propertJ needed tor the MW land till he 18 wUl.inl to pq tLS.oo p P.r 7ear llhich is the sue • he 18 no1r PA7inl• C..011 agreed to the l•se. There being no turthur business to co• before the Council. Councilwn Wricht, Moved) Parter, Second8d) The Council adjourn. ROLL CAI.Lt Bmta, '-7• Cbute•1 A)Mnt Cubine, q. ADSt licht Jamieson, qe Purcell, '7e Parker, Aye NAISz •one Bobolm,,..,. We1petl, ,..,. Wrtpt., qe ABllllT I One !119 "1autea ot tM ll8pJ.ar Adjourned Meeting ot the Cit' Counoll ot ta. Cit-7 ot ~MDOCI, Colorado, be1d thi8 Jlonday 2oth dq ot Septellber, 19S4, Rud apprcwecl • -..p.raG; .. thi• llcmd'Q' Oct. 4, 19Slh A.D •. A'l'TmTt Qf~ ~ ,,-.'..·. i" I -' I