HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-04-14 (Regular) Meeting Minutes380 REGULAR MEETING or THE 18DXlll' CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, VOLORADO, HELD APRIL 14th, 1947. Nlelaen lay or j.,.. • I f,,, I called th• meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Colline, Preaent Fred w. Vogel, Present 5 Prea11nt T.Carl Coombe, Present Clittord B. Watson, Present 1 Abeent. Arla G. Fidler, Preaent Harry G. Weigand, Abeent 'lllJIXllJllllIISX.SX...~~--XMKll~XlllllXIJIK&X ... XKJJKll .. XK•XK•I• .... Tb• Clerk read th• •lnutea ot the preYioua meeting•. Alderman Vogel, loYed · ) Coo•ba, Seconded) that the minutes be approved aa ammended. ROLl CALL: Colline, Aye Vogel, Aye S Ayee Cooaba, Aye Watson, Aye 0 Naya 1 Absent Clerk read the Otticera repor~• for the month ot Warcb, 1947. Alderman Wataon, loYed ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Abaent Fidler, Seconded) that the Ott6cera reports be accepted and tiled. Ra.L C\LL: Colline, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayea Coombe, Aye Wataon, Aye 0 Nays 1 Absent Alder .. n Vogel Moved ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Abaent · Collin•, Seconded) that R.E.lurphy be ordered before the Council and ebo• cauae why bl• lic•n•• ahould not be reYoked aa a plumber, tor the meeting of April 28th, 1 ~4?. ROLL CALL: Colline, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayea Coombe, Aye Wataon, Aye 0 Naya 1 Absent Alderman Fidler loved ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Abaent Collin•~ Seconded) that the Ohio 011 Company be awarded the Contract tor Road 011 tor the year ot 1947. ROLL CALL: Collins, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes Coombe, Aye Watson, Aye O Naya 1 Absent Fidler, Aye Weigand, A baent Clerk read the bill• for the month ot March 1947 approved by the Finance Committee. Alderman Fidler, loYed ) Colllna, Second•d) that the bills approved by the Finance Committee be apprond. ~ fa~ JbUO. N Roll C&ll: Colline, Aye Coombs, Aye Fidler, Aye Voael, Aye Watson, Aye Weigand, Absent 5 Ayea 0 Nays 1 Absent Alderman Colllna, loved ) Fidler, Seconded) that the resolution permitting B.X. to be used be realncled and ordered that tubing be uaed in Electrical .Ork from thl• date. ROLL CALL: Colline, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes Coombe, Aye Watson, Aye O Nays 1 Absent Alderman Wataon, Moved ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Abaent Coombe, Seconded) that a three year lease be issued to the Midget Race Track Aaan. to operate in the City Park. ROLL CALL: Collins, Aye Vogel, Aye S Ayes Coombs, Aye Watson, Aye O Nays 1 Absent Alderman Fidler, Moved ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent Collins, Seconded) that Mr. CUrtia be engaged to handle the water Contract throught the Diatrict Court, the expense not to exceed 11500.00. ROLL CALL: Colllna, Aye Vogel, Aye s Ayes 0 Alderman Vogel, loved ) Coomba, Aye Wataon, Aye Naya l Absent Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent Watson, Seconded) that a leaae be granted to the Poat ..aJJ»liJJllX Printing and Publl•hlng Company tor a parael ot land on So. Bannock Street to houae it• circulation and other activlti•• in Englewood, tor one year for the aum ot 120.00 Dollar• per year. Ra..L CAU: Collina, Aye Vogel, Aye S Ayes 0 Coombe, Aye Wataon, Aye Naya 1 Absent Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent I I I I • I Alderman Vogel, KoYed ) Colline, Seconded) that R.George Woode be allowed a man tor Fire Warden at the rate ot $5.00 per Day tor 2 Days per week. ROl.l CAll: Colline, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes Coombe, Aye Watson, Aye O Naya 1 Abaent Alderman Colline, MoYed ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent Wataon, Seconded) that the County Nuraea be allowed to occupy the roOll yacated by the aelectiYe SerYice ot Colorado tor the sum ot $30.00 per month tor one year. ROLL CALL: Collin•, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayea Coombe, Aye Wataon, Aye O Nays 1 Absent Alderman Wataon, MoYed ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent Collin•, Seconded) that John A. Lewie rece1Ye $50.00 per month, and A.B.Honeywell $25.00 per month aa assistance to the City Clerk until turthur notice or change. ROll CALL: Collin• Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes Coombs, Aye Watson, Aye 0 Nays 1 Absent Alderman Watson UoYed ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent Coombe, Seconded) that Arla G. Fidler be appointed to tbe Zoning Board tor a term ot three years. ROLL CAU.: Collin•, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes Coombs, Aye Watson, Aye O Nays l Absent lderman Collin•• MoYed ) Fidler, Seconded) that the Council adJourn. ROll CALL: Colllna, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayee Coombe, Aye Watson, Aye O Nays 1 Absent lllnutea read and appr ·oyed thia/.J,~day ot May, 1947. c Fidler, Aye Weigand, Abaed Fidler, Aye Weigand, Absent. 381