HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-04-28 (Regular) Meeting Minutes382 REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD APRIL 28th, 1947. ayor Protem Vogel called the meeting to order and asked for RQJ.l Call; ROLL CALL. Collina, Present Vogel, Present 6 Present Western Coombs, Present Watson, Present O Absent Fidler, Present Weigand, Present Th• Denyer & Rio Grande Railroad requeats permission to install crossing protection, Bulletin 13 ot the Joint Committee ot grade aaaociation ~t American Railroad•, and remoYe the preseat center signal inatalled March 8th, 1929. the standard railroad crossings protection of the street crossing Alderman Weigand, MoYed ) Colline, Seconded) that the above and foregoing resolution ot ~h• Denyer I: Rio Grande Western .Jtailroad be 9PPZ'OYe4 ad that the reaolution paaae4.. 1~ 8th -itl9 be rea1114e4. Roll Call; Colline, A:/•. Vogel. &J• e 1.:1•• o il4eman tielgaa4 llon4 ) COCllba, A,Je .1 at•cm, AJ• . .,. l'ldler, qe Weigand, A.7e . ataoa, Seooncled) that the c1t1 pUJ'Chue a Root Ormber trcm Graa4 Comat1 to th• ._ .)3500.00. ROLL OALI.1 ColllM, qe Vogel, qe a '*7•• o •ar• A.14eman Collin, lloYecl )0 1141.er, Seooaded) that the Clt7 purchue an Ellpae Lawn Momrer trca the Englewood r1zmutera tor tmo.oo ROLL OALI.1 Colllu, AJe Vogel, 419 a 1.:1•• 0 11&7• Oomba, qe Wataon, 1.:1• Clerk rea4 Crclinanoe •o. "Relating to the bualne•• ot B117tng, Tl'&dlllg, s.1u11g oonalga111g or Deal1llg 1n Motor Veohlol•• and prOY141ng tor Lioenae lee• ia CODBeotion with the operatlcm ot ..S.4 bullleu." A14ema elgan4, lloTe4 ) ColllM, Seooa4ed) that aeotioa /13 be changed to read to ii.eo per tl'Ollt ton with a ld.maiam ot J100.oo. JK>U. CAI.Ls Oollta•.-qe Vogel, BQ . s A.1•• otion wu declared lon. Comba, qe Wataon, Bq 3 liq• Aldenaa i atacm, Mond ) Colliu, Seoobded) that the Orclillanoe BO. "Rll.A.TDG '1'0 THE BUBillSS C. BUYDG, TIW>DG, rn.t.DQ , OOllSIGSllG OR IJB41,DG II llO'l'OR VECHICLES ilD PROVmDO .OR LIODSI DIX D COl9 mxars wrm Th& CP™1'10. OI ~ BU~~.• be puaecl it• aeoond rea41111 u Orcllaw• •o. a Berl•• at 1M7. ad publ1abe4. ROLL CALLt Collin•,• Vogel, qe " •1•• Coanla, qe Wataan, '*7• a •q• il4ema Weipnd, lloftd ) Plcller, qe le1ge.n4, •q ColHaa, 5eooa4ecl) that th• Clt1 lnnitute prooeetillga on the 1'1el4a ocna4..aat1on. JaJ. cw.: Colltaa, A.Je Vogel, A.f• I qea Comba, qe Watacm, '*7• 0 liq• 14enaa ·.v atacm, lloYed ) llcller, kl• ••1gaa4, qe Fidler, Seoo ~d•d) that Dr. Llzainger be allowed to Ht bl• bu1141Dg 1n the MOO Bloek a teet tram th• wen. ROLL CALL: Cotltu, '*7• Vogel, qe e ~·· o •a¥• Comba, A7• Wataoa, .&7• &14eman lfataon, MoYed ) Collln•, Seoonded) that the Cowaoll a4Joun. ROLL CALLI Collin•, '*7• Vogel, qe Coombe, .l.,e lnaon, A.J• 0 • ..,. J'idler, qe Weigand, 1.7• 1'14ler, A.J• Weigand, qe I I I I Rl<IJI.AR MD'l'DG or 'l'HE Cl'l'Y CaJllCIL or 'l'HE Cl'l'Y or DGLEWOOD, OOLORA.DO, K!U> Mil lath, 19''1. ~-Prot•, Vopl oalla4 'he meeting to OZ'der ad ••k•4 tor Roll Call. BOLL CALL: Colllu, Preaent Vogel, Pteaent COCllba. Preaent Rataon, ••llB Abaent l .Abaent Clerk read the almtea llt the prerioua Metinga. A14ema ft4ler, MoftCl ) Com-·· Seoonded) 'hat 'he almltea be ·&pprOYed u read. BOLL CALI.a Oolllu, qe Vogel, qe 5 ~· 0 ·~· Cpcmba, AJ• Watacm, Abaem 1 AbMnt Clert n-4 the Ottioera report tor the month ot jprll 1~'1. 14ema ~e1gaa4, Moncl ) Fidler, Pre~ Weigand, Pream J'icller, qe Weigand, 1:/9 l'icller, Seoonded) that the ottioer• report• be accepted ancl tiled. BOLL CA.Lt.a Colltu, qe Vogel, AJ• 8 A79• 0 ·~· COOllba, qe Watam, AbaeDt 1 Altaent Clerk react '1ae following Billa epproYed b7 the Finanoe Camaittee. WUnnt Regiater SAUR!' OBBJW. !mPDSE GlllRlL nPDSE Ll1UOR LICDSES sraut J'IRE POLIDI LlBJWlf, I.mm Cl'l'Y PLUnllO Ir. ZOl'DG, il4e~ CoUtna, MoftCl ) ~'11&.10 144&.33 12'1:5.00 3473. 18 1103.oa 2274.90 aso.oo 200.00 15.00 ftcller, AJ• leiga4, 1.7• Picller, S.Ocmd.ed) that the bill.a be_ al.lowed u puaed b7 'he :rlnWe Cmmittee. Ja.l, CALl4 ColUna, qe Vogel, Aye 15 qea Camba, qe Wataon, ... 0 •&7• 1 Abaent lUe!WZ' l atam nponecl to the Counoil at thi• ,lm. il481W CoWna, JloTecl )q ftcller, A7e ••lgan4, A7• 1'141.er, Seocmcle4) that a J•mit be granted to build a Radio staticm in B-1, Diatrlot Htweea So. Delnare aD4 so. l!lati Street• in the 3200 Block. ROLL Call; ColU•, A7e Vogel, qe e Ar•• Alder -l atecm, KOft4 ) 0 ..., •• Colliu, Seocm4e4) that the Coanoil adjourn. ROLL caw Collim, qe Vogel, qe e qea 0 •117• Coombe, qe Watacm, qe Klmt •• na4 act approTe4 thi• daJ, ot .Tuae, 1~7. r141er, ~· Weigand, qe Fidler, qe leigan4, 1:19 383