HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-05-26 (Regular) Meeting Minutes384 lllCIJUR ADJ'OUidKD KmDG 07 THE CITY COOICIL OJ' 'l'HE C?l'Y 07 EIGIUOOD, OOLOJW)(), HELD MlY 11th, lMf e ~OI' Prot-Vogel, called the •etlng to order ad aaked tor Roll Call. acu. CAU.: CoJUn•, PreMIR Vogel, Preaem OOClllba, Preaem Wataon, Preaent 5 Preaent 1 A.baen l'idler, P1'9MD Weigand, Jlt..., Clark read the petition of the following deeortbed property to be maed to the OitJ ot Jnglewoot, Colora4o. towit: I Blook one (1) and t;wo (2), El4o Subd1Y1a1oa; The l¥eet au-h•U (tftJ o:t Blook SlnJ• . Mfta (e?J' South Broa4wa7 Heigbta, ot Blooka Sln1-t1Te ( 85) to Kinet1-•1z <••> an4 "A" to "I"; A.l.ao beginning at the Nonheaat Co.mer ot Blook llnJ•81z ( .. ), SOUth D "0' Brodawq Height•. ot Blooka Stny-t1Y• (ee) to •taety-•iz (91) a4 "A" to"•; 'rbaoe South One Hundred ( lDO) teet ; thenoe ~fen one Hmaclred Stny-three ( 1.13) ten; Thaoe North Th1"7 (80) ten; theaoe Wen one Hunclzied Thirty-three (133) feet; thaoe •orth s nemy ('10) teet; theaoe F..an Two Hundred i:tnety-•iz (291) ten to the poiat ot beginning. il4ezma COClllba. lloYed J 'lataon; Secoa4ed) that the aboye and foregoing property petition be referred to tile CitJ A.ttOl'lleJ &114 he be t11p01rered to h&Te the .... aubmitted to the '1»atract Ottloe tor Terioatlaa ROLL C&LL?s Coutu, ~e Vogel, qe 5 A.J•• 0 •• ,.. 1.Uman ataon, Mond ) Coe.be, qe Jatacm, qe 1 .u...n Collina, Seoonded) that the Oounoil adjourn. ROLL CAI.Ls Collin•, A.Je Vogel, qe comma, A.J• Wataon, Aye P141.er, J¥• Weigad, •ent Pidler, qe Weigand, ~Milt I I I I