HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • REGULUl Lmh"T ING OF THE Crl'Y COUNCIL 01!, Tm£ crry OF ENGLK OOD, COLORADO, HELD SEPTEtmER 8th, 1947. !t.ayor Nielsen called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROLL CilL: Collin•, Present Vogel, .lbaent · 4 Present COO!nbs, Absent Watson, De.nt 2 Absent Clerk read the minutes ot the preTioue meetinga, ilderman Collina, MOTed ) Fidler• Preaent leigand, Preaent Fidler, Seconded) that the minutes as read be apprOTed. ROLL CALL: Colline, Aye Coombs, Absent Vogel, Absent •;/ataon, Aye 4 Aye• 0 Nays 2 Absent &l.derman Coomba, haying arriTed he was counted aa preaezn. Clerk read the Otticer• report tor the month ot Auguat, 1947. A.ldel"llBD eigand, JllOTed ) Fidler, Aye Weigand, qe Rataon, Seconded) that the Otficera reports be accepted and tiled. ROLL <W.L: Colllna, qe Vogel, .lbaent Coombs, Aye Watson, Aye 5 A.ye• 0 Naya l Absent Clerk read the following billa apprOTed by the Finance CCllll11.ttee. ll .1RRA11'1' BEG ISl'ER. S.11.Am GEllERAI; EXPENSE 91'REPJ1' FIRE LIBRlRY. LIGHl' POLIC E Cl'l'Y Pl.ANNING & Z ONI~. Tor AL Alderman Collin•, MOTed ) .)716.00 1513.50 8114.78 906.68 2:50.00 200.00 2113.30 15.oo Fidler, qe \7eigand, j;Je ~idler, Seconded) that the bills ap9roved by the Finance COlllllittee be apprOYed. ROLL CALL: Colline; Aye Vogel, ~eent 5 Aye• Coanba, A.ye \iatson, Aye 0 Ba.ya 1 A.baent The following Reaolution waa read by the Clerk, Pidler, Aye Weigand, Aye 1.IBEREAS, .1 Petition to initiate an ordinance entitled, "0 ORDilUliOE 'l'O LD4I'r THE SlLE OP l.w.T, VDWS ilD S?IRI'l'UOUS LIQ.UORS WrrHm THE CI!r"l OF ENGLEWOOD,TO SALES lW>E AT .1llD BY R!'l'AIL LIQUOR Sl'ORE:S, ilD LICJIOR LICEBSED DRUG 9l'ORES, AlfD PROVmING PEBIJrIES FOB VIOLA.TIOBS 'l'HEREOI"' Bl: rr ~D'ED BY THE PEOPLE 0.., THE CITY UP' ENGLEWOOD, COLORA..DOa P'rca and atter the sixtieth day tollowing the adoption ot thi• Ordinance, all •ale• ot •lt, Tinou• m or •pirituoua Uquora within the Oity ot Englewood ahall be unlawtul, except aalea mde at and b7 • retail liquor store, or a liquor licenaed drug atore, duly licenaed aa auoh under the la•• at the State ot Colorado. A:ay person, tirm, or corporation Tiolating thi• Ordinuaoe ahall be puniahed by a tine ot not leas than Fitty Dollar• (t,D0.00) nor more than Three Hundred Dollar• ( 300.00), or bJ' imprisonment ot not l••• than ten (lD) nor more than Di119'1 (90) daJ'•• and each aale in Tiol.ation hereot mball oonatitute a aeperate ottenae hereunder. The ballot tit"le and aubmi••ion clause ot thia propoaed .Ordinanoe 1• herebJ' deaignated and tued aa tollow•: il ORDIDUCE TO LILlrl' TEE SA.LE OF UAIJB, VINOUS A.~ SPIR:TU u ·· Lll.UOHS r'I ITHll THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO SALES :MADE AT ilD BY Rm'ilL LIQUOR sroRES, AND LIQUOR LICEISEiJ DRUG &!'ORES, A.ND PROVIDmG P ENAill'IF.S F'OR VIOLA.TION THEREOF. . -. ' 110 ( &ID WHEi1EA.S, Crt'Y C,.UlfCIL tinda that •aid Petition i• in proper torm and oarriea autt1o1ent aignatU1"9• ot qualified elector• ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado., to entitled it to be referred to the qualitied elector• ot the City ot Englewood at the next GEDerel Election to be bel4 tor the Alection ot otticera ot the City or Englewood on the 4th day ot BOTember • .A..D. 1947. •Clll THEREJ'ORE BE IT RF.s CLVED, That aaid ordinance be and t he aame 1• hereby reterred to the qualitiecl elector• ot the City ot Englewood to be Toted upon at the General Election to be held tor the election ot Ottioera tor the City ot .!.DClewood on NOTember 4, A..D. _194'1,and the City Clerk ot the Oity ot Englewood 1• hereby ordered to publiah notice ot •aid referred Ordin8110e in accordance with the La•• ot the State ot Colorado. BE rr l'URTHER RESOLVE D, That the Ballot titld and aubmi••ion cl.auae ot the propoaed ordinance aa abOYe aet torth be and the same i• hereby adopted and designated by the Cit7 Council at the City at Englewood, aa the ballot rttle and aubmiaaion olauae tor aaid Ordinance to be placed upon the regular Election ballot tor said election. ildermn Fidler, MOYed ) Collin•, Seconded) that the a bOYe resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: 393 394 Collin•, Aye Vogel, A.b•ent Coanbe, ~e ii at•on, ~e 0 Nays 1 Absent Fidler, kl• 71eigan4, J.7• Clerk read a bid ot the .· eatern Paying Construction Company tor turniahing and plaotng aa asphalt wearing •urtace OTer the existing surfaces ot that portion ot South 9roadwa7 in the 3:500 Block and extending U.{l)(j South to the interaection ot south Broadway and )lincy Tenue•, tor a lump 8\Dll ot 7 ighteen ~houannd ~ix Hundred Dollar• ($18,eoO.OO) aa outlined in lternate B. ildermn Coomba, JJOTed ) Fidler, Seconded) that the bid ot the .eatern P&Ying Construction Co. tor ~lternate B. be app.J"OTed, aubject to tbe C.I~ By the lligbway Ccmllission, werk to •tart about October lat, 1947. ROLL CA.LL: Collin•, Aye 'l~el, -•ent ' Coombe, Aye Watson, Aye Ayea o. lf sy11 1 Absent P'idler, A.re Weigand, kl• Clerk rea. "All ORDDWICE Sl!.:RIES OF 1947, ORDinNCE Ali.YDIIG ORDllWiCE JOMBER 3, SERIES °' lMO, Elll'l'lUD, • AS ORD~E FOB ZONING Tlill CIT/ m, ENGLEWOOD, TO REGUU!E 'l'HE LCXJU'lm, AP.?liRAJPE, SIZE, CIWWJT'm, ARD USE ~BUILDINGS liEREU'l'Ea Eam'l'EDOB AllBRID, AS» J'OB SUD PURPQBBS 'l'O DIVIDE ~ Or?Y IJTO DISl'RICT~. ~RIBE PEIU.I4'IES P'OR rrs EDCRJlrMEft an£. BOARD CJ' ADJUSNEJ11', SUCH RIDUUT IO?i BJ:;ING JmCF.SSARY j OR 'l'F.i..E GPllERA.L WEUABE OJ' 'l'BE CCU.mrl'Y • • ilde1'9D lidler, IJoYed ) ' . '. at•on, Seconded) that "il <IIDDUlfCE ,SERIF.S OP 1947, ORDDWIJE , J.MDD.UG OalDililfOE IUIE~ 3, SERIES OJ' 1940, Ell'l'rl'Lm, "il ORDmABCE J'OR ZOBDG 'tHE C 1'1'Y 0. EllGLEWOOD, 'l'O ~ti!; THE Ll.CATim,. £P?~E, SIZE, CHA.RACTEB, ill> USE fl BUILDillOS HEREmER IBIO'faD OB AL.nam, .d., 1'08 SUD PIRPamB TO DIVIllE 'r.lE Cl'l'Y mo DIBrRiars, PBESCBIBI PD+Ill'DS J'(ll In EIJ'CB::wlft ill) A. BOARD al ~-u~. SUCH REGULU'IOJr BEING N.ID~ rem THE GIDRAL DllARE ~ THE CCIA1mlTY ," be paa•ed it• ti.nal read111g a• Ordinanoe llumber :5, Serie• ot 19'7, &Del publiabed in the Englewood Pr•••• ROLL CALL: ColUM, kl• Vogel, Abaent ' qe• O ~aya Comb•, ~e iiat•on, I.ye 1 Abaent Pidl.er, qe Weigand, qe Clerk read ..... ORDIKAXC E rnER**!* ,SKRIES OF 1947' il (lij)INAJICE AMQDllG OBDilUOE lllll31B 98, SDDS °' lg()9, El'1'l'l'LID, "A.I OBDINA:7CE DIVIDING '1'lill CrrY OP DGLEW90D mo WAJU>S .QJ) DISOBJB* DG THE BWlllWlDS OJ' iACH iARD. • AJ.4erman ti eigand, MoYed ) . Colllu, Seconded) That "Alf. ORDil'IUCE**• , SERIES OP Lf''1 1 .d OBDDAIOl!: jMJSDDQ CBDIBJRll IOleiR 98' SERIES OP 1909' Eftl'ILED' "All OBDIDICE DIVIDUG ~ cm or DGLDOOD IftO WARDS~ LJESCRmmG '?Ul BamDARIES OP F.ACH WARD,• be p•Ned i•• tin&l rea4tng aa OJldt..aoe Sullber 6 1 SERUS ot 1M7, and publl•hed in the Englewood PN••• ROLL CALL: Coll1M, A.J• Vogel, Ab•at il4e~ 7/eigand, Mewed ) Comb•, I.ye Wat•on, qe 0 Bqa l Abaent l'icUer, ~· Weigand, 1.7• Fidler, Seoonded) That the City PrOY1de linoleum tor the Ccpm1 nlty ~1~ BOLL CALL: Collin, A.ye Vogel, Abaem ~ .A.1•• Aldenmn Colliu, MOYed ) CC>Clllb • • A.7• llat•on, Aye O Baya l Absent P'idler, A.ye Weigand, 1.7• I n•on, Seconded) That the C1t;y bet*ll proaeedinga to ., ... cond'eam•,ion n1'• an East Balllpdn yemie, between So. Broadway and So. Lincoln st•. ROLL CA.LL: Colllu, ~· Vogel, Ab•ent Coomb•, Aye Watson, A.7• o Nay• 1 Ab•ent Alder9lll lieigand, MOTed ) Fidler, qe We1ga4, A.7• Collins, Seconded) That the City Counoil go uead with Mr. 11el4a in Ngaft to tbe nraigbteaing ot Dry Oreet. BOLL C£LL: Colli•, AT• Yogel, £l>aem 14eW Colltna, OYecl ) Combe, J..78 ':lat•cm, Aye o liq• l i.b•em .f at•m, seconded) That the Council A.dJOUl'll. Roll Call; Colline, 1.7• Vogel, Al»Mllt Coaab•, 1i.7e Wat•on, kl• 0 ••1• 1 Ab•ent :rtdler, 1.78 Weigand, J.7• !'idler, &.7• 'Weigand, "7• , .... ,.,,,. I I I I ...