HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-10-14 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR A.:F.Sr mG OP 'l'IIE CrrY COUNCD.. OF THE crr1 OF JmGLF.\'IOOD, COLORADO, HELD OO'l'CSER 14th, 1M'1, »&7or •i•laa oalled the •eting to order adaeked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Col Un•, Preaem Vogel, PreHDt ~ Preaent Coaabe, Present Wataon, Present l Absent Clerk read the minute• ot the pre-Yioua meetinga, Al.del"aD Coamba, 140ftd ) Fidler, .\beem Weigand, Present Colltna, Seconded) that the minutes as read be e.pprned. Roll Calli Colline, A.ye Vogel, qe 8 A.yea O Naya Combe, Aye Watean, qe 1 Absent ClU't read the ott1cer• report• tor the month ot September, 194'1. Aldel'llUl Fidler ha-Ying arri-Yed waa declared present. Aldeman Fidler, 14aYecl ) Fidler, ~ We1pnct, A7e .V ataon, Seconded) that the otticera report• be accepted am tiled. Roll Call; Colliu, qe VogeJ.e" J.:18 e A.7•• o :t979 Coanba, qe Wataan, Aye Clerk read the tolloring bills &!)prayed by the Finance Conaittee. 7arr&Dt Regiater. SAl.ARf GD!IW. EXP!EE S'l'REEr. P'D! LlBRAm'. LI<Hl'. POLICE cm PLA.llNDfG & zoruro, TOl'AL ildeman ileigancl, 14ond ) ~'183.50 2265.05 45'14.03 6&88.52 250.00 200.00 2218.8' 15.00 $18994.94 Fidler, qe Weigand, qe Colline, Seconded) that the b1J.l.a read and apprOYed by the Finame Ccmaittee be apprcwed. ROLL CALI.: Oolltn•, A7• Vogel, J..ye e qea 0 N97a Coanbe, A.ye Watacm, J..ye B'icller, qe Weigand, J..ye .l 491.egation trm the Lo9ell School Parent 'l'eaohera A.em. •de a ocmplaint . on the Dull) ad rat •1tutat1on around the l.owell SCShool. Olert react a leue between the City ot Englnood, Colorado, and Ur • .John Simoa, Sr. tor a leaae ot Wa Snea (?), Eisht (8), Kine (9), Ten (10), and •lnen (11), B.loot (8), Boiwn4J Add1tiOll tor a tem ot tlfty J'•ara, or u 1aag u aaid premi••• are uaed aolel.7 tor the purpoae ot a nurae17 aohool. ldumn Comb a, Jlond ) Piclle~, seoonded) that the leaae between the City ot Ena&ewood, and Dr.· 1alul SiJlala tor a tem ot fifty J'MN be epprcwed. BOU. CALL: ColUna, AJ'• Vogel, kt• S AJ'88 l Ka7 COClllba, qe i ataon, N&7 A Petition to amend the zoning diatriot COTered by Lota '1 to 10, Bloak 2 South Broadway Height•, on.ed bJ' Edward I. and Glady• LOTeda Cwminga wae read. Aldermn Weigand, KoYed ) 1ataca, 5ecOllded) that the petition be laid OTG' tor tunher oonaideratima and that a tmpor&17 permit be granted tor l year. BOLL CW.: CollJ.na, 47• Vogel, 1.79 e Al•• 0 Nara c ocnb •, J¥• liatecm, A:t• RESowr1ar. 1'1dler, "78 Weigand, A7e WBERBAB, it i• the duty ot the City Council ot the City ot Ellglewoocl, Colorado, under the statute• ot the std• ot Colorado, to make the ldmual tax lny tor City purpoae• tor 19''1, due and p&J'able in 1948. •m THIRE10RE BE IT RESOLVED: That there be, and it hereby ia, ln1ed tor the J'MI' .&..D. 194'1, due an4 p&7&1»la u requiredby Statute in the year A.D. 1948, tor City purpoaea, a tU: ot lS JIS.U. oa the 4ollar upOA all taxable property, real, pereonal, and mixed witbila the 111l1.t• ot the CitJ' ot Baglnoocl, County ot Arapahoe, and State ot Colorado, aubjeot to a tax in aooorclanoe with the law• ot the state ot Colorado • il.de1'91l Cocmoa, ~OYed ) watacm, Seccnded) that the abOTe and toregoing reaoluticm be appro-yed and that a Publio hear111g be adnrtized and held OCtober 2l•t 194'1 at 8 P.M. at the City Hall, ROLL CULL: Coll1u, AJ'• Vogel, qe e A:t•• o ~..,. Coc:aba, AJ'• Wataon, AJ'• 1'1dl.er, U• \7eigand, qe Udermn Comb• Ji.:oyecJ ) F idler, Seconded) that Fred w.vogel, and !11err111 MoCarty be appointed to the L1brarr 397 BOU'd tor a tena at three reara. BOLL~ Colllu, AT• Vogel, Aye G A.yea . 0 Naya ldermBD !"idler, MOYed ) CoMlu, Aye 7ataon, Aye Fidler, }.ye W-e18Q4, qe • ataon, Seclonded) that a atop •ign be placed at Oxtord and So. Broad•Q'• ROLL ~: Colllna, 1.7e Vogel, .l.baent 5 A7e• ildel'llaD .. eigand, OYed ) Coombe, Aye ilataon, Aye 0 Bay• 1 Absent !'idler, qe 'iieipndf. Aye b e apprOTed. .t'ataon, seconded) that the plat of the ·;eat 1/2 or :alook 37 BOLL CALL: Collin•, Aye Voge 1, Absent 5 A7e• 0 Nays Combe, ~e ·.1ataon,.~e 1 Absent Rl!'.SOLUT ICB. !"idler, qe Weigand, Aye 11'HEREAS , the tollowin described property, Lots 8 to 1.2, B lock 3, Killlea Sub. Re•• 5 & 8, I nal. a.re delln(iuent in the payment ot special taxes ayer a term ot year•, and .~ the mner the r e of, Raymond Lester, h a e pt'fered to pay the amount ot the •aid delinquent inst a llments ea represented bt t ax sale certiticatee #33517 to 33531, incl. together with.intereat on t he •ame at the rate ot •ix percent ( 8)C); and the Council believes it to be in the beat intenn• ot the City to accept auoh otter; " 50\i THE.JlEP'ORE BE 1'l' RES OLVED: That the City rreaaurer be authorized to accept aa payment in tull t h e t a ce amount ot tax •ale certificate• /i33517 to 33531 incl, together wi1;h interest at the rate CUIX ot •ix percent ( e,C): and assign certitioa1;es to •aid owner. ldel'lllBn .1eigand1 i.~OYed ) ·· ataan, Seconded) that the abcne and toreg oine resolution be apprned. ROLL~: Colllna, I.ye Vogel, AIJ•tmt 6 Coomb•, Aye 7ataon, Aye ~ea 0 Na7a 1 ~baent Pidler, qe 'Veigan41 IJ• Cl e rk rea d A BILL, J'OB .All ORD.IBANOE KO._. SERIF.s OJ' 1947, AMJmDillG SEO'l'I<JI .,. 30'1 0-, QBAPlER .3 07 ORDDIAIOE SO. 1 1 SERDS 07 1943, J:Jl'?rrLED, •D ORDDWIC E REGUUTIBG W. <l'EBA.TIO•S or C01Bl'll10l'I'8, ~mSJ E , EQ.UIPlmlfl', Alm OCCOPilCY OJ.P BUILD~ AND Sl'RUC'l'URES W:rl'HIN THE Ol'l'Y 07 DGLKWOOD, COL'Jl&.00, ~'1D REPEALING ALL 01'HER ORDLf.A.NC ES ANl> ?ARI'S .or ORDilWroF.S Di CONFLIO'l' HKRE'f~." ilde19.D !"idler, MOYed ) Oolllna, Secon s ded) that .A. BILL, i'OR AN ORDINANCE lfO. , SERIES 07 19''1, QOalDDG oiECT I<ll 309 or OliAP'l'BR ~. 0. OBDI?WllE •o. 1, SERIES 07 1943, Eil'T?rLEjJ, "Alf OBDinnOE BF.GOU.'tDG ALL <PKM'l'Im8 OF Ccaaft'lllO'l'IOJr, m'FJP.JOE , E UIPLiElfl', All1> OCOUP~'Y OW BUll.DDGS AID 8?BDC'IUU8 WlTBII !'BE cm or BmLEW OOD, COLOIW>O, Alm RliP F.4LIIG ALL orHER ORDilWiCZS UD PA.Hrs 07 OBDDUOES D CCID'LIC'l' HIRDl'ftl," be paaaed it• fir•t rea ding and publlahed in the Englewood Pre••• ROLL Cl.LL: Colllna, Aye Vogel, Al>Hllt • 5 IJ•• 0 Xaya ildenan Colllu, UOTecl ) CoClllba, Aye 1'/atac:m, Aye 1 .l.baent Coamba, seoonded) that the Council adjourn. ROLL C.A.U.: Oolliu, 1.7• Wegel, Abaem 5 A.yea 0 •&7• C OClllb s, jye natson, Aye l .Ab•ent kimne• read and apprOYed this ~ -~ daJ ot Ncnmber, 194'1. Fidler, A7• Weigand, ~· !'idler, AJ• Weigand, AT• I I I I