HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR ADJ' mmED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLE\100D, COLORADO, 'l'HIS L10NDA.Y 'lJiE 27th DAY OF SSP'l'El.:BER, A.D. 1948 • Mayor Charle• R • .A.llen, called the me et ing to order and aaked tor roll oall; ROLL CALL: Buobazum, • Oliner, Preaent, Preaent, Six Maddox, Present, J.iilligan, Preaent, Present Abaent None. OUabing, Preaent Woodman, Preaent In re'll7 to latter premented, frail the Seo •y ot the Engl.ewoal Public Llbftl7 Board.. n: appoint- ment ot new -a,era to the LibrflrY' Board ror a period ot three y•ar•. Aldeman. Dl111er 1 SoTecl ) L11ll188Jlil Seconded) 'l'hat Ura. Della H. Walton, Mr• Howard Long, ud Mr. 'l'Clll Yoi'k, be appointed aa membera et the Englewood Library Board aor a period ot three yeara. 1th Yr. York, representing the City Council on ea1d Board. ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Aye, Oliner, .A.ye Six lladdox, Aye Milligan, Aye Aye a, Nays None. 1.;ayor so Ordered. Reaol.U.tion. Ouahing, Woodman, A.ye, jye., iiHERlUS , on Au City or Engl ewo od, at 23, 194 8 bide for Ext nsion No. e to the StU1itary Sewer Syatem ot the ol or ~J o, were opene ans r ad, and .'iHXREAS , ~li nalow &. cl.lillon Construction Company was the loweat bidder o n the plane and specifications for aaid project, and JHKREAS, the City ouncil of the City of I~ngl.ewood was unable to meet tor the purpose ot awarding th e contract on s ~id described sewer e xt e nsion within the thirty daya peesecribed by the contract, plane and specifications, and lHERE AS, ,·11 nelow a UcI. illon Constru ction Company as the low bidder voluntarily agreed to waiTe the thirty day limit for award, 0:1, 'mZffEli'ORE , BE IT RESOLVED: That on this, the 27tl day or September, .A. D. 1948, the contract tor the construction of :::x tension No. 6 to the Sanitary Sewer System of the City ot Englewood be and the same is h e ·eby awarded to l'l inslow & llcLlillon Construction Company • .Alderman Uilli gan , oved ) Oliner, Seconded I That the ab ove arxi fare g oinB r e solution be approTed and adopted. ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Oliner, Aye I.ye Six l.:adr ox , Aye l illi an, Aye Ayes I.L ayor so .i:~ays None Ordered. Cullbint;, loodman, Aye Aye .IBIREAS , a contract tor the installation of s anitary sewer in the district known aa San itary Sewer Extension No. 6 in the City of En g le\Cl od, Color .. o, wu •arded to the Winslow & o!'illon Conatruction Company on September 27, 1948, and ~. the amount ot Tac ant property within said district clearly indicates that tile aaid district wil l not be able to 1.Dlnediately provide tdnde in the entire contract ~unt, and .mmEJS, the '1i1n elow & L~al.l illon Construction Coqumy has agreed to torego pQmem to it ot twenty-tive percent (2~~ ) ot the contract bid price until all payment• trom the 418'rttt are made ot autticient payment• frou the district have been allde to ocmaplete aa14 twenty-ti Te percent ( 2~ ) , O;t, mEREFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVJ '.D 'l'bat the City of Englewood, Colorado, aball aasign to · inalow & LlolJl llon Construction Company (subject to the terma ot tbe oontl'Mt, plua and apeoitioat1ona) all prooeede rran the district known as Smitary sewer Extena1cm Wo. 6 until tbe entire contract bid price or .,;i 63,30l.75 has been paid, at which time the wsa •• mall become null and Ttld mid ot no turther torce and ettect. 'l'hat all record• concerning collections from said SanitarJ Sewer Extenaion Bo. 6 District ahall be apt 1n the ottioe ot the Treasurer or the City ot Englewood open to inapeotion by mthorized repreeentatiTe• of linslow &. :UaMillon Construction CcmpaDJ, •"ah reoord.• to be only thoae preMribed by th e Administration of the City or En g lewood. '!'hat there is hereby set up and created a Sanitary Sewer Board cone1ating ot the Mayor ot the City ot Englewood, the Chairman ot the S anitation Committee ot the City Council ot the City ot Eng lewo od, t he City A,.orney, the City :stlBineer, and a repreaentatiTe or repreaentatiTea ot tH Construction Ccmpaniee performing work upon the sanitary aewer a7atem ot the City at Englewood, Colorado, tor the purpose of determining and asaeaaing the coat ot eaah property owner tor aewer extenaiona bein~ constructed in any district by whioh •aid propertJ owner may reoeiTe aewer aervice. 455 56 ildennan Uilll an, Uaddox, ROLL CALL: Uo-ved ) Seconded ) Buchanan, Oliner, Ay e Aye ildermem .. illig an, Cuabing, ROLL C ~: lloT e d ) Seconded) Buchansn , Aye Oliner, A.ye That the above e.nd foregoing resolution be approTed and adopted. r.~e.ddox' Milligan, Six A.yea Mayor so Aye A.ye Nays None. Ordered. Counc 1 L Adjourn. lladdox, Aye Mi lllg an, A:ye Six A.yea Nays Nobe N.a,yor 9o Ordered. Ouahing, Woodman, Aye Aye, Cushing, Aye Woodman, Aye t:inutea or the Adjourned Regular Ueeting of the City Counci 1 or the City ot Englewoal, Colorado thi s ~onday the 27th day of September, A. D. 1948, stand approved as ree.d this 11th day or October, A.. D. 19 48 I I I I