HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-04 (Special) Meeting Minutes• SPECliL CALL J.IEE'l'ING OF 'l'l1E CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLE .COD, COLORADO, 11BU> OOtober 4th, A. D. 1948 •• Ltayor Charle• R. Allen, Called the meeting to order and ulaed tor Roll Call; ROLL CA.LL: Buchanan, Preaent Oliner, Absent, Maddax, Preeent L11 lligan, Present, Pour Present, Absent Aldermen Cushing, ccxning in, took seat witl Cou n cil. Uayor uked Clerk read the Call: Clerk read the Call tor the Specill Meeting as Followa: Ouahi_,, Woodll8n, 'l'wo. A))aent Jtneent, NO'l'ICE OF SPECIAL CALL MEETillG OF mE CITY COUNCIL <:. '1'B1 OI'l'Y OF DGLIWOOD COlrn'l'Y OP AbPAIIOE, ~TE OF COLORADO. To: R. M. Buchanan, G. C. Uilllgan, C. E. Cushing, Herman Olincr, C. L. !.Ieddox, L. 1. \'loodman 'l'he underaigned, 'l'be Uayor and Three ?!embers ot the City Council ot the City ot Englewoo4, County ot Arapahoe, state ot Colorado. hereby give Notice that a Special •all Meeting ot the Cit1 Council ot said City, i• called and will,be held in the City Hall ot said City on Mondq the 4th day ot lctober, A. D. 1948 at the hour or Eight O'Clock P. M. ot said Day. You are turther notitied that •aid J.leeting is called tor the purpose ot appointing 1udgea or Election tor the Special Election to be held in the City ot Englewood, on October-8th, 194.e. Alao to act upon the appointm nt ot City Clerk. Englewood, Col,orado G. c. ~illigan Ald el"lllll!lD , rt ard 3 , Chas • R. Allen JJayor R. u. Buchanan Alderman, 1·1ard l, October lat 1948. L. J'. Woodman Alde l'lllln. Vi ard' 3. The undersigned, Councilmen of the City of Englewood, County ot Arapahoe, State ot Colorado. He reby Certify That we mid each at us received notice or the above and toregoing mentioned Special Call le ting of the City Council of said City, to be held on Lionday, Octeber 4th, 1948 at .iie h our or Eight O'Clock P. u. or said day at t.be Dit1 Ball 1n said City. Said Botice having been served st least twenty-tour hours before the date of aaid meeting. R. L. • J • .• uchanan Woodm'3n Aldeiwan Buchanan, ~oved ) c. L Maddox c. E. Cushing G. C. 1~i lli an JJa4dox, Seconded ) That the following named be appointed na Judge• ot Election. to aerve at the pecial Election to'be b,la ~on lOGIQber 8th, 1948. BOU. .~ard No. .:rs. t.:rs . : .rs. ne, containing Precincts, ~o's Vera Gilpatrick , 2796 .._,dith Came ron, 2865 ·:e l e n Perrin, 2956 lT-2 , -3, -SDd 4 • so. 3 annock st. So. i3 armock St • So. Elati, St. '.'lard No. Two, conta ining Jre cincts, No's 5,-6,-7,-n ,-9,-and 15. I. rs.:.iildre d in l ey , 3765 So. Acana s t. ~:rs. Jen ~ie Taj'.lor, 3 709 S o. Sherman St., a. o rothy Ro :· l rmd , 3 673 S o. i3 roadway .l ard ;~O. Three, co!'ltainin P r e cincts, J o's l0,-11,-,12,-1 ~,-and •. :ra. Garn eth L • Camp o 11, Urs . ...:t b el :::. Abell, :.:rs. Adaline S t e phens, i . ard No . Four, Llr a Agnes : ·1gu son, : .rs . :~the r ine H. Jrwnage , :.:ra. Luc y c. Pinnell CALL: :9uchanan, Oliner, ~e A.b s nt Ma ddox, A.ye l.lilli g an, Aye Five Ay e s, l.1ayor so 3987 so. •1 135 So • 3909 So. 2745 So. 3001 S o. 2880 so. Absent Ordered. E lati St. Linc oln s t. Acana st. Ogd en ot. Unerson t. Oeden St. Cushing, Woodman, one A.ye Aye Aldel"!?Bn ::1lllgan, i.:o •red ) 14 waddox, Sec onded ) That E. ?.:. An derson be eppointed aa City Clerk tor the Ctt1 or Englewood, Colorado. ROLL CALL : Buchanan, Oliner, Aye Absent Maddox, Aye :U illlgan, Aye Five Ayes, Abllen t One .~e_yor so Ordered. Cushing , Woomum, J.ye A.y e .45 .. 7 458 Alderman lladdox, I.l 6ved ) Millig an, Se conded ) Oounei l Adjourn, BOLL CAI.Ls Buchanan, Oliner, Aye Abs ent Uaddox, 1'11111 gan, Five A.yea, l.la yor Aye Aye Absent ao Ordered. Cushing, Woodman, One Aye Aye W nute• or the Special Call r.J e c ting or th City Council at tb e City ot Englewood, Colorado , Thia I.:onday, October 4th, A. D. 1948 stand approved u read t h is 11th, Day ot October, A. D. 1948. 1- I I I