HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesAD1rumraD REOOUa ME!.Tilm OP 'ftll:: CITY cctmcn. OF THE CI'l"f OF ElfGLEWOOD, COLORADO, 'l!fIS MOIDA.Y THI 2?th DAY OF lll!X:l!J.mER, A. o. 1948. MaJQr Chari.a R. illen,Calle4 1lb e meetingto order and aaked tor Roll Call; BOLL CALLI Buohanan, OUner, Preeeat, Pre•nt, lladdox, Abaem , !Ulligan, Present Present Absent one •. Pre Hat Pre1en, Un 1ulia Temple ot 3400 So. ?..arion Street, o-beto.re the Council with rq-4 to the pouiblAtJ or partial YSOation ot &llef between So. J.larion, and So. Latayctte Streeta and E. Girard m4 E. Hmpden ~'•• atter 418SU8aion the ssne was retere4 to the Stre c.-t ad Bridge Ccaaitt•. to 1BY•at1gate. 14. o. 1. 1.:11lc :-, .•. J:.• O'Dell J. Garv in , L. Lindyam1th, came betore the Council,Witla regard. to the •o Parting ot Vehicle• on East & .le8t B1111Pden AYe., sett1ngtor1dl, the aae to be a bard 81lip on the publlo ha•i.ng to traa'!ct buaine•• •1th the •arioua til"IU. .rt• diaouNion, Al.de ma Oliner, MOYe4, ) Cubing, Seo anded,) '!'hat Courte91 parking be 11111te4 to is ainute• or !•t Hsnpden A••·, Ht•ePD lo. Broacbray, 184 the -A.lleJ .Between So. Broadwq and So. Liaeu .... ,.. Oii , .... ._, .. -... b etween Soutb Broadway and the All.e1 between South Broadway and South -.Ao~ .St._.•. BOU. OAl.L: Buchanan, •w Oliner, A:/e 3 Maddox, Abs~ Milli tn, ~ '3e•. liq• 'l'Wo. Absent one. llayor so Ordered. RESOLUTION. ---------- '.'IHIR!AS, Purauant to Ordinance 1'umber 11, Series ot 1948, tbe City ot Engl.ewoal, on the 17th dq or September, 1948, made and entered into an agreement with the City and County ot Den•er aoting b7 and through it• Board ot later Conmie8lonera, said contract being ntitled Diatributora Contract 110. l&, and 'lllm&S, Paragraph 12 ot 11 · id described contract pr<>Yided that the Cits ot Englewood ahould noti- t1 the Board ot lawr Ooaa1M1one ra, in writing on or berare .ranuary 1, 194g, whioh ot the two alter- nati•e• bad been eeleoted b7 the City of :"~ngle11> od ae the mode ot operation to be tolle9e4 by it, and WBIREJS, the City Council or the City ~ Englewood has detel'llined to aeleot Alternative a, Para- graph 12 ot Dietributora Contract No. l&, llO'l, tBMIP'ORE, BE IT RESO LVED: 1. 'l'bat written notice, as required in Paragraph 12 of aaid Distributor• Contract Wo. le, be gi.Ten to the Board ot ll ater Coami•ionera ot the City and Countf of Demer notitfing •aid Board that tib• C1t1 ot Baglewoo4 baa aeleoted u it• mode or operation tar the aupplying ot water tran the Deuer water work.a md ayat• to it• inhal»itanta, ilternate a, Paragraph 12, 81etributor• Contract l'o. ie. a. That the Mey or or tbe City at Englewood be and he is hereby authorized ad empowered to aign •aid written llOtioe, ad that the Clerk ot the City ot Englewood be and he is henb1 authorise4, -.pow- ered ad 41reote4 to atted aaid notice with the his signature u City Clerk and bJ attixing the seal ot the 01 tJ or Engl•wood thereto. ~. 'l'hat said notice ahall be in word• and t'igurea u tollowa, to-wit: 81'ATB OP COLORADO ) C001'Tf C6 AR&:> AHOE ) SS. lfOl'IOE '1'0: '!'he CitJ and Count y ot Denver and the Board ot \later Coilllliaaionere ot the City md Countf ot Den•er, .fu,rauant to the provisiones ot Paragraph 12 ot the Contract •de am entered into the 27th 4117 ot september, 1948 between the City and county ot Den•er acting b' and through its Board ot Wat• Cca- lli••iODU"a, and the City ot Englswoai, a municipal Corporation ot 1be second Clue or the state ot Colo- 1'94o, (•aid oontraot beine entitled Distributor• Contract No. l6a , the Cit1 ot Englewood hereb1 aer.ee notioe that it b a a selected as it• mode ot operation for the auppl.ying ot water to it• inhabitant•, aeo- tioa a, Paragr-s>h 12 ot Distributor• Contract No. l&. !bi• 'Notice shall not constitute in an1 a ni•er by the Citl' ot Englewood or its inhabitant• of &117 right• reMned in any and all Paragraphs of aaid Distributors Contraot lfo. 15. EE And ereon. ---City Clerk il4•man Milligan L1 o•ed ) ll>Lt. CALL: Oliner, Seconded ) Baohanm, Olimr, J.ye, A.ye City at Enalewood By Chaa. R. Allen Mayor '!'hat the above and Foregoing reaolutiOD be paue4 am adopted. Maddox, Abs ent Milligan, A.Je P'ive Ayea, Absent one. M8'Y ar ao Orcle Nd. Cuahing, loodmm, Aye, J:t•. 483 C 0 N T R A C T • -------- 'l'HlS Cm!TRACT, made and entered into this 27th day of December, 1948, bf and between tbe Citf ot Englewood, Colorado, a municipal corporation in Arapahoe County, Coloralo, party ot the tirst part, hereiD- atter called the "Cit)"' 1 and Dale H . Rea, Consulting Engineer, DeDTer, Colcraio, hereinatter called the " Engineer', party ot the second part, 1fll'1'1'ESSETH: That the City and the Engineer, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree u tollalra: ARTICLE I 'l'he Engineer ahall be paid a tee as hereinafter proTided in SOhedulea l and a, to be determ1n4 on the .otual net oona1deration coat, or it .no contract tor conatructian ia awarded tbe Eag1Deer•s estimate ot the net construction cost; or the actual net material coat, or it no purchase contract tor material ia awarded I the Eng ineer•• eat1mate ot the material cost. · Soheclule lfo. l. For ad in consideration or a fee or tiTe per cent (~ ) , the Engineer ahall tur- iah the City prOfeaaional engineering aevice tor the design and inspection ot construction to completioa, but not to exceed a period ot two ad one-halt feara trom d !l te ot this contract, a water distributi aa afstea. The distribution •fates shall include all mains, laterals, valvea, hydrants, fittings, and eleTated water tanka. The diatribution afatem ahall exclude such structures as water treatment plants, river diveraion struoturea, •eli., tranamiaai on oonduita, storage reservoirs, and all pumping atationa, control• and appurtenant atruoturea. Schedule 1'o. a. For and in consideration ~ a tee ot ten percent ( ~ ) , the Engineer shall furnish the city proteasional engineering s ervice• for the deair-n and inspection ot construction to completion, but not to exc eed a period or one and one-half y ears from date of thia contract, p~ing atationa, control• and .. tera required to utilize Denver water. No part or this diatribution ayatem piping ahall be included in tlli• ac h edule. Schedule •o. 3. ror and in considr ration ot a fee or one and one-halt" per cent (~ ) or the net coa- atruotion coat, the Engineer ahall furnish the City an engineering report giving a complete analyeia of aeveral propoaed plan• tor developing, treating, and convey ing a water aupply to the City limits or the City at Engle- wood, Col.oraio. All eohedulea are tor separate projects and the cost rete•red to in any one at the ache- dulea maall be detenained independently ot the other two schedule•. ARTICLE II lfet Conatruotion Co8': The net construction .co s t as used in Article I ahall include the toll.o9ing itema: I. The coat ot all material (including transportation), labor and equipment furnish e d bf the City or the cont r actor tor the construction ot a compleye water system tor the City at Englewood, Colorado. 2. 'l'he ooat ot all underground exploration work, such as soil mechan1oa 1 concrete testing, chemical .. al7- •i• ot water, etc. The net construction cost as used in Article I ahall not include the following itema: I l. The cost ot purohaaing and adjudicating water right•. 2. Any amount paid to the Eng1Deer u ocmpen- aatian. 3. Ottice expense incurred by the Ci t ;,r or Englewood in connecticm •i th •he oonatructicm ot the complete water ayatem. AEICLE III Servioea Ooveret.i b J'ee: The services to be furnished tor Schedule• Noe. l, 2 and 3 ahall inc F ield surveya tor preliminary investigati ons. 2. Examination of sites. 3. Prelim1narf in- Teatigationa. 4. Collection at data. 5. Economic studies. &. Oonterencea. 7. Coat eetimatea and re- pona. In addition to the aervic e a to be furn i shed as hereinaboTe aet forth, the foll01ring aerv1oea ahall be turnlahed by the Engineer in connection with SOhedulea Noa • l and 2: -l. Field surveys tor pnl.1111nary and final deaign. 2. Services ot field atatt for inspection and supervision ot construction. 3. PreparatiOD ot Contract Specification• ad Drawtmga. 4. Estimate o f contract quantitiea and coata. 5. Aaai8'ing 1n aecur- ing, analyzing, an · awarding bide. 6.Checldng contractor's working drawings and ahop drawinga. 7. Furnishing reproductions or dst•inga, plane and sp e ci f ications. a. Approval or materiala and aub-contracta;s .9. Renew- ing progreas eatimetea. 10. Final inspection and acceptance. ARTICLE IV Service• Wot Covered By Thia Contract : The tollowing services are not included in this contract: l. Coat ot adTertiaing ror bid•. 2. Appearance in litiRation• in behalf ot City. 3. '!'ravel outaide the l1m1t• ot the Engineer•• ottioe and •1 te or project. 4. Special tests and research, mill and ahop inspection ot -- teriala and equipment. 5. Foundation exploration, such as boring, t e st pita, and soil mecha1ca labora- tory inveatig ationa. e. Chemical water analyaee and concrete laboratory inTeatigationa. 7. Re-cleaign .rte• .aoeptanoe ot plan• and apeoiticationa by the City. ARTICLE V Proeeoution ot ll orka Tbe prose cution of the work on Schedules l, 2 and 3 has already leSUD and shall be continued and comp l e t ed in a firat-olaas and engineering -iike manner. ARTICLE VI . ..!y!!at" to -~• !!lpeer: Payment tor engineering serYioea will be made at the regular meeting of the C1tJ Council ot Englewood, Co l or a . o held the aecond Monday or each month. Partial payment tor engineering Mrvicea cOTered by tee in Schedule• Noa. l and 2 ahall be made tor work done in the preceding oalendar mmth, or months, on ••timate• prepared by the .ngineer and epproTed by the Otty Council. Upon completion at Plan• and Specitioations tor each ot the varioua project• ot schedule• Noa. l and 2 the Eng1Deer ahall reoeiTe a1n1-tiTe per cent ( $ ) ot the total engineering tee, leas the sw:i ot all monthly partial pa1menta preri- oualy aade tor aervioea rendered on said Plana and Speoiticationa. 'l'he balance or thirty-tive per cent (~) ot the •otal engineering tee ab 11 be paid on · a aimilar month to month baaia u hereinabove aet tonh. Upon completion ot '1ae project the Engineer aball reoeiTe a amount equal to ninety per cent (g~) ot the engineer- ing tee and up• final inspection and approved by the City Council or the City ot Englewood u detel'ldaM by the Plana and Speoitioationa adopted, the Engineer ahall receive the balance or ten per oent '1°") ot the en- gine ering tee. 'l'he Engineer ahal l be paid tor aervicea deeoribed in Schedule Jfo. 3 a awn pt one and. one- halt per cent <* ) ot the Engineer• a eatiate ot the net construction con ot the Pllln aotualq adopted by the City ot Englewood tor uae in it• water aupply system; proTided, however, it the actual net oonatruotion cost be leas than the Engineer•• estimate, then the Engineer will rebate one ad one-halt per oent <iii ) ot the ditterenoe betwe€n the net oonatruction eoat and the Engineer• a estimate; provided turtber that it tile actual mt construction coat be more than the Engineer'• estimate, than the City will pay the Engineer one and one-halt per cent (~ ) ot the difference between the net construction coat and the Engineer•• eatimate. Az17 adjustment made aa hereinabove provideA must be completed on or betore three year• tlKID dat ot this Contract. Payment tor s erricea deeoribed in Schedule No. 3 shall be made within (2 ) month• frail the time of pre- eentation ot the engineering report, and ahall constitute parti 3l payment tor the preparation ot t1Dal plane and apecitic ~tiona tor developong, treating, and conveying a water supply system tor the City_o:t Englewood, Colo- rado, it contract tor aaid tinal Plana and Specitioationa are awarded to the !l:Dgineer. . , Ineny event, the total amount or payment to the 1'..Df',ineer shall not be leas than hie actual Rt~tl!POCket expenae, excluding the time and principals. I I ARTICLE VII mlraioa: Upon the expiration ot the time periods apecitled in SOhedulea Boa. 1 and I 1n Art ole I, the Engineer 8hall be entitled to payment ot hi• entire tee o~uted on the propor- tiaa to the total tee u tile amount or work then cmpleted bear• to the entire proJeo•s prcwidecl• tbe •Ol'k u cC111pleted hu been inspected and approTed in aocordaoe •1th the Plana and Speoitloatlon• a4opte4. 'fem1nat1on: '!'he City hereby reseryea the rigtit to terminate the aenioea of 1be Engineer u to 8ohe4ul.e wo. 1 and Sohedule 1'o. 2 upon thirty (30 ) dayl' notice in •ritiag to tile Engiaeer. Ill tM eoTent aa1d aenicea are terminated prior to the expiration dates u aet forth in SOhe4ule Wo. 1 ad Sohedule 1'o. 8, an adjustment ot the Engineer• a total tee aball be determined aDd tbe '· •: •OU11t ot the adjustment 8hall be in proportion to the total tee •• the •ount ot tile work actual}7 ocmpleted 1• to the total •ount ot the project. D ITJIESS WEER!OF, the City at Englewood, Colorado, bu oauaed thi• lcmtraot to lte aub- aor1becl bJ the !.1qor and sealed -4 atenecl bJ it• City Clerk ~n 1'• behalf; a4 the Dglneer, -- OD4 pan7, bu aiped this Contraot the da,y and year first m•tiODed herein. 'l'hia oontraot 1• executed in triplicate counterparts. E. !. AndeNm &ldeman Cushing, adopte4. BOU Call; ll1lligan, Buohmm, OUner, City Clerk Moved ) Se conded) J..ye Aye BY THE Cl'l'f OF ENGIEllOO, OOLORAD __ Ch a s, R. Alle~---­ lfa:;ar Dale H. Rea That the above and foruoi.Dg Contract be accepte4 all4 ~ addox, Milliga ., Fiwe A.yea :Uayor . baent A.ye ~•ent one ao ordered. Cushing, Woodman,