HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-29 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.. ADJ'OORllED R!GUUB ?.lEETilfG OF THE OI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLE.fOCD, COLOJW)O. 'MIS WWESD.lY, '1'HE 29th DJ.Y OF DECil.:BER • A. D. 1948• Mayor Charle• R. Allen Called the Meeting to order and asked tor Roll Cal.1: ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Preaent Oliner, Present Maddox• Present. 11.Ulligan, Present Cushing, lti'e .. nt , Woodman. Present. Bonorabel layor ·J nd City Council Englewood, Colorado. Gentlsen: Six PrP.sent Absent None. 2, Colorado. Ull4er date ot September 13, lg4e, we entered into an agreement •1th 7ou wherein we agreed to pur- oh-trom ,ou and you agreed to sell to ua approximately ~.000,000 or General Obligation water Bonda under terma and condition• aa outlined in the contract. Under date ot lfOYe o ber 22, 1948, we agreed to take teliTery ot ~l,000,000 ot Bonda, as soon u they oould be made aTai.lable, payins 7ou the tull par Talue thereot, plua a cub premium ot $8,300.00 • '?bi• a- ~ect to . 8.30 tor each j l,000 bond. At that time, you telt you would need thia •ount ot mone7 at the earl1en poeaible moment, ao we ordered the bonds printed and are prepared to pay t11r them at this tim. It DOW deTelopa that 10u do not require thi• much money 1mmed1ate17 ud you haTe aaklld u to reduce the amoaDt. e haft actually aold and are comnitted to deliTer to our cuatamera i 7~1 000 ot bonda. It 1• our de- •1reto cooperate with th City ot Englewood to the tullest extent possible and we afe, theretore, willing to accept del1TerJ' ot the $709,000 ot bonds aa tollowa: ):S00,000 ot bond• numbered and .. tvillg aa atio•n below will be del1Tered to ua 1mmed1ate17i 7,000 lg ea No'• 583/589 ~ 50,000 197& llo'• 1691/1740 315,000 1985 " 782/816 51,000 1977 " 1791/1841 3&,000 1966 " 862/887 54 .ooo 1978 " lSM/194.7 37,000 19&7 " 924/9«J 39,000 1968 " 998/1036 &,000 1969 " 10'15/1080 44,000 1972 " 1322/1365 ,~.ooo 1973 " 1410/1454 47 ,ooo 1974 " '11500/ 154 6 49,000 1975 " L594/1M2 $109,000 ot Bonde numbered and amtt.ring u abown below •111 be del1Tered to ua at the latest date pos- a1ble which we oan arrange with our customer•, but in no eTent prior to P'ebruaey l, 1949. iltel" J'ebruary l, 18'9, you agree to dellnr the bond• to ua upon demand: t 2~1 000 1962 1'o' a 590/614 33,000 1963 " MS/680 34,000 WM " 714/747 .. " 1081/1114 l'UJ~/1195 l.e37 /J.e78 '!'he remaining )291,000 ot bonda to be purchaaed by us at their tull par Talue, plu• a premium ot ie.30 tor 9'Gh ~l,000 bond, •• fund• are required by the City, aublect to written oontirmation ot purchase tran ua. It 1• uzade nood ad agreed that thi• aupplement ~l dellTery agreemmt doe• not attect our original con- traot with 1ou dated Se it•ber 13, 1948, which is and shall remain in foroe, subject to tbe oond1tiona aet forth therein • Reapectfully Submitted, PETERS , 'lffiIT.SR & OHRIS'l'ENSEN, DD• BOE'l'l'BHER AND C<J,IP ANY Bos·:;oRTf!, SULUVAll & co. COUGHLIN AND C(J.tp AlW By E. B. Coughlin • • ------------------------------------------------ '!'he torego1ng proposal 1• hereby accepted and approTed for and on behalf ot tile City ot Englewood, Colorado thia 29th day of December, A. D. 1948 , by prop8~~eaolut1on ot the Gity Council, 1111d we agree to the tel"lll8 therot. 1-'?TF.Sl: (SE A L ) Aldelllllll Buchanan, Woodman, a4optect. ROLL CALLI E. E. Anderson Clerk MOTed ) Secodded ) Buo_.a, A:J• Ollner, Aye Chaa. R. Allen That the above Elld Fortping radu AgremeDt be accepte4 and Maddox, A:Je, Milligan. ;.ye Six Ayes Nays Bone May or so ordered. Cuahing, A:te Wooclmn • AJe 4:85 l'lHEREAS, 'unda are required tor the acquisition or a mtnicipally owned waterworka ayatem tor the City ot Englewood, Colorado and it• inhabitants: mERJ!J'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'l'Y car'C II. OF TH ::... CI'l'Y OF ENGL!WOOD, A.R&.PAHOE COUM'Y. COLORADO: That ~e llllyor, Oity i;rreaaurer and City Clerk be and they are berebJ authorized to exeoute am 4eli't'er three tl ater Bonda ot aaid Citf in the principal -.ount ot ~500,000, and to deli'f'er the asae to the purchaser• thereat on reoeipt ot the purc hase price. 1'hat aaid MQ'or, Treaurer and Clerk are alao authorizwd to execute .)600,000 ot Retunding Water Bonda ot aaid Oity, elated December 1, 1948, and to exchmge aaid Refunding ''later Bonda tor Rid Water Bonda. Upon mob exoh~ aaid Water Bonda ahall be cancelled and denroyed • .lDOP1'ED AIU> APPROVED Thia 29th day ot Decemb•r, 1948. (S BA L ) _C1t7~Cle.r~k.--~~­ Alderman Maddox, .iuoTe4 · , · ) Mll,Y'Or Cushin g , seconded,) That the above and foregoing resolution be adopted anA approved. ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Aye Oliner, J.$e l.laddox, Aye , hl i lligan, Aye Six A.yea Na;y s None t.ayor so Ordered. !!. ,! .2, Q ~ £ T_I_O_Jf ~ Cuahiq, Woodman, Aye Aye .iHERF..AS, on the 18th day of October, 1948, L.Norval Pearce, Pree ident or the Englewood Chamber of Coameroe, entered into a receipt and option contract with Richard c. Oppenlander and Uamie H. Oppenlander, tor the puroha.e or certain land and water thereon developed in connection therewith tor »eserToir, agri- culture and domestic uaes, and WHEREAS , aaid L. Norv ;i l Pearce, acting in the aforesaid capacity, baa ottered to tranater all his . - l'ifdlt, tit le and interest in and to said option to the City of Englewood, for and in consideration or one ( i.oo ) dollar, and i:mEREAS, the matter ot t he transfer or s a i d receipt and option and the rie)lts thereunder bu been tul.ly considered, 1'0 .1 , THEREP'ORE, be it reaolwd by the City Council at the City or Englewood, Colcrslo, 1. That the aaid ot fer or L. Norval Pearce to assiBD and transfer said receipt aDd option being in t h e word• and tigurea as foll ows, be and the S']JDC is here-, accepted, and that the aonaideration tor Mid uaigmnent and transfer be paid trom the water bond account to said L. BorTal Pearce, to-wi~s ( See tile• tor Receipt md Option ) 2. Be it further resolve d that the City o f _,nglewood exercise the option aa aet tortll in para- graph fi v e ( 5 ) of tbe foregoing contract, and th '!t One thousand dollars ($1000.-'00 ) be dft.WD by tbe proper orttcials or the City ot Englewood from the water bond account in favor ot Richard C. Oppenlander end Mamie H. Oppenl9Dder, or their assigns, in disch~rge ot the obligation o f the aaid City ot Englewood aa set torth in said paragraph five ( 5 ) ol said receipt and opticm. Alderman Oliner, Mo 't'ed ) Cuahing, Seconded) Council ot t he Cit y ot Englewood, ROLL CALL: That tb e abov e anu f or egoing resolution be pueed and adopted. by the Oi ty Colo rado , this 29th day or December, JA~ D. 1948. Alde:mum , ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Olin er, Cushine, addox, 3 uchanan, OlinPr, A.ye, Aye r:ove • Secanded Aye, ye , ) ) ?.~a dd ox, A.ye :illiean, Aye, Six Ayes , Nays, None 11 3y or so Ordered. Council Adjourn • l.l addox, ~, I.a 111 g an , A.ye , Ayes, -,91s , None. ayor so Ordered. Cushing, Woodman, Aye, Aye, CushiDg, \'/oodman' A.ye. ;.:ye ' 1.:inutea ot the Adjourned Re g ular L~eeting ot t lie City Council ot '!'he City ot Englewood, this ~/edneH.ay the 29th Jay or Dec Pm!>er, A. D. 1948 stand approved as read thia 10th Day or January , A. D. 1949. I I I