HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-05 (Regular) Meeting MinuteslmJJM MlftIIG OI m cm COUICIL or m CIT! OI mlOLJllO(I), OOll8'1JO ma llOIDAT DI Sth DAT at JABUAllT, A. D. 1953 Kqor lobert r. 1rant1 called the meeting to order and asked for roll calls BOLL CALL: Jod.an, Present C uahing, Absent Dan 1, Absent J'rantz, Present Parker, Absent llapp, Present llobbiru1, Present Ve1gmad, Preeent Wright, Present Preeent: Six Absent: Three Clerk rell4 Mint•• of \he •egular Meetinc of Dec•ber 1, 195? aD4 Oall Meetinc of Dec•ber 15, 1952. Oamwsilman Parker entered and toolc 1eat vi th Council. Counc11.aan -lobbln1, llOTecl ) BOLL OW.a Velpnl, 1econ4ecl)1 !hat the Minute• read. b;r the Clerk atan4 approved as read. Jodan, '¥• Cushing, Ab•ent Davi 1, Ab1ent J're.ntz, Aye Parker, qe llapp, Aye AT.ml Ina IAYSI lone ICAYCB SO ORDJ!Rm>. Bobbin1, AT• Velgam, qe Wright, qe ABSD!s two llr. Pua ~ before the Oounoll and read a letter which he Viahecl to be ••t to '1le State Lecl•lature regarding •ez perTert•. Oamwsil.mm Ov.lhinc mterecl -4 took 1eat vi th · Council. tu Clerk real a 1111 tor an Or41nam:e entl tled: AB OIDIDBCI APIBonll !Bl Ullljft(9 OI ml PBOPJllft JD:UillAftD DSCII!D>, 'l'O 'l'D CITY OJ' mDLWom>, OOUIW>O, AID Alllllll WJ) DISCIIDD PROPEft !O !D CITY or JCmLl)IOOD, COLCIW>O, 1'0-VI!s rM& 1. m !KOii PCll!I en or SICTIOBS 9 and 10, ToVBSIIP s aoum. JWm1I 68 DI! • mfth P.M., COBTAIBID VI'lml TD ~LLatmG D3SCRIBD BOUDDAB.IBS: BIGIDIIG A! POlll OJ Ill'lJBSIC'rIOI or TRI Cltl!D LID OJ' VIS'l' IAY'l'Oll AVDOI VI'l'H VIS! LID OJ' IAIJ> SIC!ICll 10; !JllSCI VJS'l' AJ.CSG cmJ'l'llll LIDE or VEST Lll'fO!l AVillm m PDCJCD Vlft I.Ill OI llLOCK 15, ~. P. CRJX&•11 BROADVAT DIGR'l'SI 'l'HDC• Scm'll AJ.CSG PJlCIMmD DI! J.1'8 f1I SAID BLOCK lS ill> AJ.QIG PJlaDUCm> UST LID OF SMI1'J1 1 1 Clll1WIOO smm1ns10• '!0 ODi!Al LID. ar VE! CIDAmO AVDUI; !WWWCI MS'l' ALOJIG Cll'l'lll LID OJ' DS! Clll1WIOO AtilUI !O mt I.ID or •m acmar 10: Tmm 1arm ALCIJG ast LID OJ Wl> llO'l'IOJr 10 m ao- DOOID SaJ'J!I J.m or BLOal t, VOQ.ILUI IUIDIVISIOll i'llllCI I.Aft AUllG PACl>UCID scms LID or WD BU»OI 1 AID AUSG PICl>tmD soum LID or PU)! 6. Jl&Ria« 2ID ADDI!ICS. to cam J.ID or IOOtH 1a1 IBD!• Biiai imam Al.CE cmtTD LID bl soom JOX **''" lfO Ii ™ Lt• OI DS! ell.AID Afll\D1 mua DI! ALCSG OlftD LID or US! •AID a-m-u- 'l'O WOID kit J.ID al PIM 2, JW1t• 2ID ADDI'l'IC81 1'BDCI BOJlfH AlOE PBCIJUS Mii LID OI WD PLO! 2 lfO OWfA LI• OI VIS! CDIAmO AVDO•s 'l'IDCI I.Al! •I.Om caw LID or VIS! Clll.&IUO AtW lfO PKCIJUCS VSS'l' J.ID or BLOCI ), IORI·• IUJIDin110l'1 !JlllGI ... ALcm filGWCa> VII'! LID OJ' SAID llLOOK ) '° CD'fD LID· ~ .. , unm AfDU; WCll US! .u.mo cmtD Liii OJ' WIST J.AY!OI AfDU !O PO!ft or DOill!ll. PMTr 2. ALL BAT PCll!IOS OI UC!IOI 9. TOVISHIP s m ..... 68 OS! o~ .. 6n p .... DmGIIJllD Al J'OLLOllS I DGIDIIO A'l' !D POII! or IIDIDO!IOI or m O:Dtii Ll8 or ., LA1'fOI A9Dlm VI!JI DI IAI! l.ID or SAID ac!IOI 9; WI US! ALCllO -• ·- J.ID • an J.l1'1'01f AVDUI !O !II ma••11 CB PBCIJUCID KAS! I.ID OI BLOOI 10. r. P. n•e 11110ADVAT DIOll'!S; WiCI IO&tll AM>SG WD U!9Jml> Cll P!UDre& J.ID al MID llMml 10 m 'ID scan LID OJ' Ult UIIClr AD.ma m•CI »Al'! AUllO SAID B<Bft J.111. VIS! uncm &fDUI '° '1D Ill! LID or MID llC'l'IOI 9; 'l'!mrCI saJ!ll AUllG ml ... , Liii OI WD llC!I<ll 9 TO POIS! or ncamn. PMft· J. ALL BAT POBTICS or llC!IOU THIRft"-1IV. (JS), !OVlllIP J'Cm (4) SCXJ!ll, '&IP llXft~Cll! (68) VIS'l' or Dm 6!JI PJlIICIPAL MERIDIAJI, COl'l'AI·DD nmm m J'OLLOUR Dllaaia> ICXJJIDAJlI~SI BJDID!IG A'l' '1'D I1"l'illOO'.rIOll o~ m CllfJiil LID o~ ti8' ..... • ,m AD m IX!DDID VE'r I.ID OJ lk>U'DI DOVll?IO S'JUl'l' AJ.11() ml CI'l'T LIMI!S OI .. CI!? al acu.wocm1 Hl8CI SOt1'1'H AJOIG TD VIS! LID 01 IOCD DOVIIn ftlD! !O !Ill 841SOUB._ rn o~ kit Gll*'" .1vmm. macs I.Al! AJDIG m m I.ID or :llft e>man .A:rllB '° ms aati:a ua 07 soom MARI cs sTBD'l': mmm naam AUBG Dm aat:u J.ID fll ..... IWlICll w•m '°DI CD~ LID al SAS! iLo1D A.Vl:!HD, 'l'BDC. a&! AJ.CSG !II~ I.ID °' Id! rum> AVDtm m TD 11.S'l' LID OJ' m SVi-Or SIC!I ar JS. -!ODllIP 4 &OUM. 1lAml 68 VIS! or !Bl 6m P.M. AI.SO m Pm:Slll'r OI!'Y LIMITS (JI ml O!ft fll lmLWGCm, WCI lcm! AUllG 'l'BI IAS'l' Liii or m SVi 01 WD llC!IOB JS !O m llCJl!J[ LID°' Mn KA89Cd At•UI, mDCI Vl':S'.r .AL<SO m:I llOll'DI LID 07 3AS! KAS!ICD AVDU• !O !II US! J.Ill °' MJO±i Ld'Am'U S!llm:Ts 'l'HllCI scum AUSG '1'BI US! r..m or SOU!Jl WJJJlld IDm D!GUID !O ml Cll'JSI Liii Or IAS! IASDUB .A:VDUls !DD .. , AUSG 911 a Ill LID o~ JAi! IAl!IUI A~ m TD JIOII! or BIDIBIIIG. . Coancilaan a.pp, MOYe4 ) Parker, Secon4e4): 'l'hat the 1111 Just read. be pas1ecl on 1eoom read.1.w •• Ordinance 19, Seriea of 19S2 an4 be pu.bliahM BOLL DALLI loc!an, A;re Ouhlq. kl• DaT11, Ab41ent in the Knglewood Pre••· 1rantz, qe llarker, Aye Rapp, A:Te ADii llgbt ITATI: llom lllTCll SO ORDmm>. Bobbina, A:r• Velgamt, qe Vript, qe Abaentl Olle Cleric rea4 Cl.ala• pr .. nte4 an4 spprcrre4 by the 01 ty Manager. see Warrant lleglster: la1al7 hll4 ltreet A Brld.ce• Dei-rment 1ir• Department Polle• J>9J)art11111t Oneral. lxJ>••• Ll'bra17 Licht A Power Joanl ot Ad.Jv.•Ulmt Contlnpnt l'an4 Planning Oamdaalon •ecreRtion Act1Tlt1 .. A P&J"k ltr .. t Stgn1 ~ Trafttc Lights lo. lnglevoo4 l'lre 9'1b Station Cit7 Maupr'• otfloe Garbace Ka1l1.tnc &tght of lq-llup4en AYe. Total Councilman Bobbin•. MOYe4) $1.912.so 9,814.88 1.535.96 4.816.61 2.030.09 325.00 J?J.6o 19.00 300.00 ).00 1,628.SS 134.94 21.515.00 675.49 400.00 2.201.0Q $47.74.S.62 Sapp, lecon4e4) a !hat alt 1111• read an4 a1ove4 be apprnel fol' ,.,.._,, BOLL CW.I.a Jod•n, A79 Cubing. ,..,. Dana, Ab•nt hantz, A:r• Parker, AT• kpp, A7e ADSI light &Tl: •one MAtm BO-C.lmlD. Bob'bina, "¥• Veipat, qe Wright, A.7• ABSJms OD• Clerk rea4 &11 01&1•• preeente4 aD4 approTe4 b7 the Cit7 Manager on tM Yater 1-4,see Water 1'1114 Warrant a.glwters AllOUDt total1 $18.245.00 CoanollJlan Bobbins, MOTe4 ) IOU. CAI.L: leipn4, lecnn4e4): !Mt all Bill• on the lat• 1'ini1 rea4 an4 allow4 'be approTe4 tor p&Jaent. Bod.an, qe Ouhint;, A79 DaTle, A'beent ADSI light 1rantz. 1.79 Parker, qe llaPJ>, qe •AYll loM MlYOR 90-0IDIBID. lobbina, I.Te VetganA, qe Vript, qe AISJna Ou Cleric r-4 all Olala• :preeate4 an4 approTe4 b7 the Cit7 llamger on \he Snace Dimpo..:L l'lat faa4 in the aount of ,2,,549.69. Ccnmcdlma Sapp, llOTe4 ) lo41an, leoon4ec1): !hat all Bill• on the levace Di1J>01&l nant hm rell4 an4 all owed. be approTe4 tor p..a•. IGLL CAJJ.r Jod.q, A.7• Ouhlnc, • .,. Dan•, I.bent rrantz, qe Parker, AT• Jlapp, A.7• ADii Eigtlt JAYS: •oae MAYOR IO-ma>DID. . Bobbi••· .. VeipaA, qe Wright, Ap !he 01 '7 *-cer pr•••tel cl.ala for •n9. 36 •• th• lbar• to be pal4 b7 the Cl t7 tor Ula 1ut quarter of 19.S2 on \he mpl07M1 014-Ac• an4 9'U1'1Tora Innranoet to be pat4 fJt• 1ftiqpr4tiatM ,_.; Cl.ala b7 All• Ooutru.ctlon Co ot $3,282.12 to be pa14 tram mpecdal aocoaa' ot lo1&t1t. lnglevoo4 11re 9'lb-ltattoa; Cl.ala of t16. ?'.3 by Rarne1• lleotrto to be pai4 trcm Olt7 lal.l lhl114lac Aocomat; an4 clala for •2. m.1.s beint: the lhar• du the ltate ot Color.to 014 Ap P••ion 1"814 troa Iha.re ot 11 quor llceneea. Councilaan Wright' lloYe4 ) JlaLJ. CAlJ.a lapp, lecon4e4): !hat clala• ju1t presente4 by tu Cl t7 Jlanacer be apprOftll tor P&111•nt. hdan, A.7• Omhing. Aye Dt.T!i, Abaent Jiran t z, A:/C Pnrker. Aye 1lapp, Aye ADI a light DAYS: lom MAYCS IO--OBDPKD. llo bbin1, qe Veigan4, qe Wright, qe ABSll'.r : One !he Clerk presented. application tor 3.2 Beer License tor lluth A, ~ea,lng dba a1 Jac1c A Jill ..... , Oouaclllum Ou9h1 DC• MoTe4 ) Sobblu, Seconded.): BOLL CAJ.Ls loc!an. 1..7• °'1mtng, AT• Dan 1, Ab" ent 'l'hat this Llcene• be denle4. :rrant ~, Aye Parker, qe Rapp, "¥• aobbine, AT• Velg&llll, qe Vl'ip,, A79 ADS& light llATSs lone AJISlft I One MATCJl SO CllJmllD. I I I I ~ I Th• Clerk read a letter from th• ~lewood Snterprise reque•tinC oon•ideration a• the Cit71 • official nMt•paper for the year 19SJ. CouncU.aan Bobbin•• MOTe4 ) llOU. CALI.a Parker, Seconded): Thnt the •nglevood.· 3nterpri .. be deslpate4 u the ott1c1al nevapaper tor the City ot ·~.,,oocl for the yea:r 19SJ. Bod.an, 1.7• Ouah1~, A19 Davis, Absent J'i'antz, Aye ,..Parker, Aye llap:p, Aye Atma •i&ht BAYS& 11one MAJOI SO OBDIBID. Jlobbina, AT• Veip.nA, Aye 11'1-1ght. A7e .olllH': One !he 01 ty Man&pr preaente4 an4 rend a bi 11, 1 J'Cll All CBDIIWl'CS ANllDISG CllDIIAlfal so. 4 Sllim of 1952, DTITJ.IDa 18 OBDID.NCS UCllGAJIIZill'G ml GOVlllMm! 01 m Cift OI llDLIVOCI>, caLOIW>O, PUISUAl'I' TO All!ICLI JA, IUBDIVISICS 1, CIAPDll 163, 1935 0.1.A., Al AM•'• An IUPPLWAUDa ADOP'l'IWG Al Al>MIBIS'l'RAT:tn: PI.AS PUUUa! 'fO DC!I<m 115(15) or SAID AllTICLI lA: llT':'IIG ream m DIPAllTMD!S, JMPLODll AID DU!llS JU- SCllillD IT SAm ADMIWir.RATttl PLA!f AID llPEALIJG Au. ORDillANCJlS aa PARTS 01 CltDIDJICll IW CCID'LICT BIUVITll." Councilaan B.app, Moved ) Bou. CALJ.1 Wright, Seoon4e4): That the Bill Ju•t read be p&•sed. on nrat read.inc and published 1n the •nclevond. Znterpriae. Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Darta, Aboent 1rants, qe Parker, AT• Rapp, qe ADS I •it:ht BAYS: Bona MATCll SO ORJ>JIDD. llobbina, Aye Weigand, ~· Wright, A7e .dSD'l': One C<NDCilman Bapp, MOTe4 ) Bobbina, Seconded): That the Oi ty Manager be authorized. to purcha•• Traffic Si~ls from Southern Signals C0111p8DT of Shreveport, La. llOLL CALI.a :Bodan, Aye Cush1D6, A.ye Davis, Absent ADS: ~idlt 1rantz, Aye l>arlcer, ~ Bnp p , Aye 11AYS: 11one MAYOR SO OBDEBJD>. llobb1na, qe Veigand, Aye Vright, Aye AJSDTa One !he City Manager, J. v. nint, made a report on tha Water Plant. Council.llan Cullhing, Moved.) Bapp, Secon4ed.)a 'l'hat the City Manager be authorized to purchaae for the Street Department a Wo7 Air CC111preamor to cost abnt $2,924.01 complete. llOU. CALI.a Boda.n, Aye Cushing, A19 Davis. Absent ADS: :light rrentz, Aye Parker, A.79 Rapp, Aye llAYS: 11one MAYCB SO CBDDID. llobb1na, A:re Ve1gan4, qe Wript, Aye ABSlfts One !he Cleric read a Bill for an CIU>IBABC. TO J.Mll" OBDIDla .• o. S lllIIS 01 1948 ll'II!LS 1All ORDIDICI DLl!IIO m '1'111 IMPOSI•G a OOCOPATio• '1U tJPOI moa DGAOID IB TD SALK a UTAIL 01 Ill'l'OXICATillG LIQ.UOIS .A.ID !O SICOU A PBOPa DIS'1'1lIBO'fICll <JI 'lD JllRJ•N al TAXATION. 1 Councilman :Bodan, MOTe4 ) llOLL CALL& Weigand, Seconded.): 'l'Mt the Bill juat introduced and rea4 'be passed on liret llen41ng. Bod.an, qe Cuehi Dl!. 11ay Davie, Absent Frantz, Bq Parker, J.7e Bapp, 1la7 llobbina, AT• Weigand, Aye Wright, l'a7 ADS: J'our NAYS: J'nur .01111!: One MATCB D:mowm MO'l'IOJr J.08'.r. .... ___, Council.man Cullhinc, MoTe4 ) llobbiaa, Seconded): 1'hat the City Attorney be au.t.hor1zecl to _.... •le tur\her •'1147 of the ~~t10n ~on 11Jl11Dl'"clalW. Ult ·~ wu.r bill ffW an Ordinance to ... n4 Ordinance Wo. S Berl• ot 19111. ROLL CALLI Bod.an, AT• 1rantz, Aye llobb1na, J.79 Cu9h1nc, J.7e Parker, Aye Ve1pnd, AT• DaTia, Absent Ila.pp, Aye Vright, qe AYISI light JAYS: Bone AISlft': On• MATCll SO CllJmlD. !be Clerk rwl a Jill. llJ'CB AB OBDIHaa oon:DIBG TD DrS'l'WA'l'I<ll AID M&llMASC3 or ALL m.-cBICAL VIllIIO, MATERIAJJI, rifTIDGS, D11'IC:.S, APPLIABCIS, l'Ir:tJRll AID APP.&BA!US, I•, VIBm ca tJJIOI ftlUO!UllS AID P .. Im. PUil.IO AID PlllVATK: P&OVIJ>Im Im !II QDICI OJ d ILIO!IICAL I•IPICD, AID rIU•G DI DO!IIS AID PCJVmS or m ll.ICTllICAL IDPIC'1'01l1 PBOTIJ>DD Im ILICftICAL IISPIC'1'IOll IT SAID OJTTCI: ISTABLIS!IIJIG A ICWl1> OJ DAKIDIS OJ' l'UC'SICIAll; P&OnDllfO l'C8 DAllID'l'IOS or ILICTRICI.dl ADD ISSUAllCI (JI X.ICDDSI lllQ.UIBIIO LlC .. Im Al llBII• PBOTDmD: DQlJDlilfQ PDMITS raa IJrSTALLA'l'I OI or m.JO!BIC VIllIIG, Dfia!. APPJ.IAJICSS AID IC31IPlllft: rIXIlfG JES rca SUCH PIBMI'l'S: -~·IIG BULBS AID DDULA!I<SI 00\'DEIG IJISTALLA'l'ICll or ALL m.ICTllIC VIBIBG, MATlillIALS, rI!TIJrGS, lDVICll AID APPJ.UICm: PJlOVmIJIG J'OJl A PDALft J'Cll TD VIOLA'l'I O?r HERlX>J', ADD DDALIIG ALL OBDIBJrCIS aa PAJl!S O'I OBDIJIAlJ~S m COUFLIC'l' HERilfI'l'H. Councilman Jodan, Moved ) Vri~t, Seconded): Thnt the Bill just presented and read be approved on J'1rs t llend1ne and published in the JSnglevood htel'pFiae~ Bm.L CALL: Bod.LU1, Are Cuahine, Aye Dans, Absent J'rantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rap p , qe ADS: light l1ATS: ?lone MAYOi SO OBDmJID. Robbins, Aye Weigand, AT• Wridlt, qe ABSD'r: One CouncU.IUUl Robbin• presented the following lleeolutian which was read in full b7 the Clerk& lllQJ.UJ.121 ,,...l•S, in obWnint; right ot va7 for the new Hampden Avenue extension :troa v. G. rie14• a.Dll llabl• A. '1eld9, it vaa necessary to enter into an agre•ent vhereb7 the Cit7 of ~levood ia to perfol'll certain vork in excha.n~e for a conveyance 'b7 Mr •. and Mrs. '1el4a, which a,;reement vaa executed b7 the Mqor and Clerk on the 2'.3rd 4q ot December, A. D. 1952. "*• 'teiUl'OJm, D I'l' BaQLQD that the execution of agreaunt between the Oit7 of Snglewood a.Dll V. o. 11el4• nnd Mable A. 1ie14s on the 2'.3rd 4q ot J>eceaber, A. J>. 1952, Cf1P7 of "'11ch i• in the Clerk'• tile~, be, and the saae 1• hereb)P ratlfle4 aa4 contlrae4, a.at the City of h,cle\l ood 1• hereb7 4eclare4 bound b7 the signature of the Ma7or an4 Clerk thereon.. ATTIS'l': Mayor Cit7 Clerk Councilman Bobbins, Moved) 1.app, Seconded) 1 !hat the above and foregoing lleeolution be paeae4 an4 adopted. 1laLL CALL: lodan, Aye Cuming, A7• Davia, Abaen\ ADS: •1gbt rran t z' A:re Parker, AT• Rapp , Aye IATI: •one ICATC8 IO cmmum. Bobbins, Aye Veigand, AT• Wright, A.Te A!SIR'!: · One Council.aan llapp presented. the tollovlnt: lleaolution which was read in fUl.l by th• Clerk& I I 11l la ll. % 11l I ._J!•I, BQJlD! J. JmmD'l'SCS, of the Count7 of Arapahoe, granted uato the Cit7 of »n«tevoo4 an •••at 20 tMt in "14th tor the outfall tor the Sevac• D1apo•a1 Plant to be conatructed., at a cost of onl7 $10,00, ant VHIMIAI, eB14 Bobert J. Berbertaon re ~ue~ted, aa additional. conaideration, that he be granted a •nae-tap on the inflow llu ot the Di 91>oaal Plant un4er clrouaatADC•• hereinafter ••t forth, IOW, !DID'Clll, D I'l' lllCILYID that the ~or ot the Cl t7 of hclevood be, and he . l• hereby, au.tborise4 an4 directed to •end a lette r to Kobert J. Berbertaon atat1nc that •a14 Kobert J. llerbertaon will be allowed s tap upon the 1nnov 11n• to the Swap Diepoul Pl.a.£' of the City of lnclevood at no coat to hi• tor 9814 tap, prov14e4 he pap the entire coat of llV'inc all nece••aJ"T lines to .aid inflow line nn4 8Zl7 other expenae neces•&17 to aaaure the tlov of aevage tram hie premiae9 to s a id inflow line. All line• 1.&14 b7 the aa14 Bobert J. Berberts on to be locn t.cd a t places designated b7 the City Snclneer to avo14 interference with l n tcr expn..~91o n of the Sevr.ge Disposal Plant. ~service connection to pq the nnnusl tre"'.tment tee char,;ed u~e rs in the City of langlewoo4·. AT TES T: 1Ca7or City Clerk .. Councilaan Jlapp, Moved ) Veigan4, Seconded): !hat th• above and toregoinc Jleaolution be Puae4 111111 Adopted. llOLL CALL: lJod.an' A.79 Cuahint;. A.ye DaTis, Absent 1r&n t z. A78 P&rker, Aye llapp, Aye ADSa •ight ?IATI: lone ICATOll SO OJIDIRID. llobbina, A7• Veipnd, qe Wright, 1.7• ABSD'!: One '") I I I ... I Coanoil.mml Bo'bbin1, ICoYe ) Parker, leoon4e4) & !lat th• 1Ca7or be authorize alll directed to vrl'• • letter to c. A. lorgren Co11pazt7 a4n1ing that the 01'7 vt.11 have pue, b7 the fifteenth of .June, 1953.n&tl ltr .. t from H8mpden Avenue to the nimdng pool. BOl.L CAI.LI Bod.an, A.79 C\lehing, .17• Davi 1, Ab• ent rrantz, Aye Parker, A7e llspp, qe AUS1 li{;ht l1ATS: llone MA ma SO OlllJIRlm • aobbin1, AT• Weigand, AT• Wright, qe BSD'!: One !he Clerk rea4 a letter tram Leslie I. Whittemore, Certified Public Accountant, relative to the auditing of the boolce or the City of Inglewood. Action tabled until Jo.mJB.l7 19. 19SJ. Jone1 !rn1. pr&aented a Plnt of propert7 in the JSOO block South Marion Street aal plan• tor lateral 1ever line for •nid propert7. Council.m&n ll:iJ>r>• Move ) . Parker, lecon4e4): That plane for th• sewer line be approved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to dgn the BOLL CALL& Jodan, A.7• Cushing, AT• Davie, Ab~ent Plat of the propert7 after approval a!Jd 1tcnature1 b7 the Planning Commi11ion. 1rantz, A7• Parker, kr• Rapp, qe aobb1ns, AT• Weigand, qe "rlcht, A7e ADS & light IATI: lone DSll!a OM MAYOR SO ORDJBJ:D. Cit7 •nctneer, ••il V. Barde, nbaitted the follovlnc report& 1 !he samtary __. between Corona and Downin« and Cornell Avenue and l&atman Aveme (•ten1lon 18 '9 S&lllt&rf Sner Dietrict lo. 1) contracted b7 Barol.4 lh~u1 ha1 'been ooapletecl .. ,1 .. factoril7, ani1 lt• acceptanoe i• recoJDr1en4ed. !he contract •oat of $J,771.70 11 du the Contractor 8.D4 P"JMDt in full. 11 recomended.1 CoaciJ.lle OuhiDCt llOYecl ) lobbln1, lecon4e4) a That thi1 18Yer lln• be aoc9J)tecl an4 the Trea.1urer m.thorlse4 to pq ti. Oontraoter the IUlll of $:3, m.10 trcia htmaion 18 Iner fwll.. IOU. CALLI Jodan, AT• Culhing, A7e DaTl1, Abtct 1rantz, AT• Parker, Are Rapp, qe ADii light JJATI: •one llA'!Oll so cmmm>. Oouncilmn Culhinc, Move ) Bobbin.a, Ap VelgaA, A7e Wright. Are Dtldlt: Ou Vnpt, lecon4e4) a !hat Warrant fp061 elated June 17, 1~ dravn. Oil ta General lxpen•e 1un4 papbl• to Charle1 I. llaclalr Arapahoe Count:r Treaeurer in the uouat ot $75.00 be an4 it 1• hereb7 canceled, voided, and 4eolar ... to be of no vn.lue. BOLL CALI.a lodan, A7e Ov.llhi nc, .17• Do.v11, Abeent rran tz. A:re Parker, A:¥e RtJ>P• Aye ADii light IATla •one MAnll 80 a•M*ID• Comacllmn Jo4an, Mne ) Jlo bbS.11.1. qe Weipnd, A7e Vrlcht, A7e Ab1ct1 One lapp, leconde)I !hat there being 11.0 1\lrther bu1ln••• to coae before the Council, the 001.UlCll a4Journ. to _, aca111. at 71JO P.M. Mon4ta¥, Janus:r7 19, 195'.3. BOJJ. CAIJ.1 lo4Rn, AT• C\llhlnc • Aye Davia, Abrct ADSI 11cht 1rants, Aye Parker, qe llapp • A:r• 1'ATl1 •one ICATCB SO cmmuD. aobblna, Aye WelP114, A.Te Vrlpt, AT• Ab•mt: One The lllmites ot the :lef:u]ar lleeUnr. ot the Cl ty Council ot w Jlnglevoo4, Colorado held Mondq, Jo.nuar:r 5, 195J stand approved IH th1• llon4a;r the 2n4 dnT of 1ebruar;r, A. D. 1953. ROIAL cm ldl'l'Im or m:s OI'l'f ccmrctL or 'm OI'l'f ~ mGIIWOOD, OOJOB•D() Bii ll>DAT !Ill 12'1'11 DAT al JJ.WART, A. D. 19$3 at :light o'cl•ckP.M. 11&7or Selbert r. 1rantz callecl the ••tine to order and aeked. tor Boll Call: BOLL CALL: ~n. Preeent Cushing, Preeent De.Tie, Preeent PDSll!1 Snen rrants, Pre"ent P&rker, Absent Jl&pp, Absent A!SD'l' I ho llobbine, Pr•••nt Weigand, Preeat Wright, Preeent !be Clerk read the Call as tollovel OJZICIA C1H.t. IO!IC:I or SPKCIAL CALL NDl'mG or m CITY CCWCIL otm CI!Y or JDIGU:WOQD, c OJN"tf or ARAPAHOB, STAT~ or COLOBADO !Os Va. lSodan, Jr. llobert 1. Frantz Jack C. Robbin• C. I. Cushin,; Truan I. DaTie CDaU:aeree A. Parker Karry G. Weigand Jame• D. Rapp lS. lS. Vrlght !be untereignecl, \he Mayor and three m•bere of the City Council of the Ci t7 of lnclewood, Cmmt7 of Arspahoe, State of Colorado, hereby give WOUCI that a IP:IC IAL CALL MD!IllG 01 THI CITY COUNCIL or SAID CITY or mm~woa>. COLCIUDO ie oallecl and v1 l t be held in the Cl t7 Ball of said Oi ty on Monday, \he 12th day of January A. D. 1953 at the hour of light o'clock P.M. of eaid day. You are fur\her notiflecl that eaid Meeting i1 called for \he purpose of coneiderlng aattere pert~lnlng to a mineral lease on vater departaent property at We~t Oxford. and South Platte Drive to G. C. Coole7. Dated at ~lew"od, Colorado th19 10th day of J&n'1lJU7, A.D. 1953. -· ( elgned) Robert r. 1rant~. Miqor Chalmeree A. Parker Council.man, Ward Bo. 3 Jamee D. llapp Councilman. Ward llo. 3 Jack C. Robbins Councilman, Vard llo. 2 !he undersigned Councilman of the Cit y o f Inglewood, County of Arapahoe, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that we and each of ue recelvecl. •ot1ce of th• above and foregoing Specin.1 Cnll Meetine of the City Council ot •aid City to be held on Mondq, J&mll4.ry 12, 1953 at the hour ot eight o 1 clnck P.M. of •aid~ at the City H&ll in said City. Said notice haviDg been received at least tvent,-tour hour• before the date of snid meeting. (•1.pecl) Jack C.llobbin• Karry G. Weigand. Villi• lSodan, Jr. !rman I. Da•i• B. B. Wright C. I. CuahiJJC Chalmeree Parker ll. r. rrantz ·Cmmcllan Parker entered and took •eat v1th Council. G. C. Coole;r caae before the Oouncil relative to lea•iDC land of the water department on South Platte for the purpose of r•oving gravel. Councilman Davis, Moved ) BOLL CALL& Cushing, Seconded): !hat the City Attorney be authorized &D4 inetructed to prepare a Gravel I.ease to be preeented to the Counoll for approval at the Regular M.Journecl llMtinc J_.mY 19. 1953. BoAan, A7e 1rantz, Aye llobbine, kl• Cushing, kl• Parker, Aye Weigand, AT• Dart1, Aye Ilan p , Ab1ent Wright, Aye ADii light !ATS: ?Jone ABSD!I On• Councll.aan Bodan, MOYed ~ Ouahin«, Seconded) !hat the Council Adjourn. BOLL CALL: Bodan, Aye Frantz , Aye Robbin•, "'7• Cushing, Aye Parl:er, Aye Veigmul, qe Da vi e , Aye Rap p , Absent Wright, A7e ADS: light ilae: One MA'!tll so aammw. !be IU.DUtH of the Specia.1 Call Meetilll: o! the City CDUDCil fr( ty of :Inglewood, Colorado held Mond a y, January 12, 1953 •tnnd approved as _-I thi• Monda.T the 2n4 c1q of rebrUA.ry, A. D. 1953. (]y/f~ ~fty-Cierk I I I I