HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesBIOUUJl AJ>JOUDID MDrIJD at 'ml CI'l'T COUICIL or '1'D CI!r al llGJDOOD, OOUllADO
'l'llII MOIDAT '1'RI 19'1'11 DAT 01 Jd'JAB.T, A. D. 1953 A!l U9D !JIDlft O'CLOCK P.K.
Mayor Bobert r. lrants cal.led the meeting to order encl a8ked for Boll Calli
llOJ.L CAI.La Bodan, Pre•ent
Ou9hing, Present
J>rwi•, Ab••nt
Jlllllftt live
1rant1, Present
Parker, Absent
Bapp, A.beet
ABSll'l' t rour
Bobbine, Preeent
Weigand, Absent
Wright, Pre•ent
llaer P. Cogburn, Attorney, r91>reaenting the heating, appliance an4 soft •ter -.dpmat
dealers in the City ot ln£].evood cnme before the Council presented a letter signel b7
the dealer• and re(lU.ntt!d thnt a study be made relative to the pa11age of an Ort.1nance
licenain« Wa ter Atta ched Appliance Deal.era. !he Mlqor authorizecl the City Attol'B87 to
make the atud.T and refer the •tter to the Council at a later date.
Councilaen Weigand an4 Do.via entered and took seat vi~ Council.
Cov.noilaan lapp entered and took •eat vi th Council.
Ccmnoil.man Doi a, Movecl )
Cuahinc, S.Oon4ecl) 1 That the Mayor and City Clerk be mthorS.se4 to dp a
reneval agre-nt vi th the I 6 C , ... t Control lenloe
tor rat extenaination in the Cl t7 ot ~levood fol' tha
year 1953 under the snme tem• an4 con41 tiona u aet
forth in the original contract with aa14 I 6 0 Peat
Control Service, December 12, 1~.
Ouehi DC, A,.
Do.vi•• Aye
rrantz, J:T•
Parker, Absent
Raw, Aye
ADSt •tght JIA?la •one
Bobbina, A.7•
Ve1gan4, j;ye
Vrigbt, qe
ABSD!a One
'1re Chief, B. George Wooda, a.ppe ri red before the Council and gave a report on the
procreaa ot the 3nglevoo4 Volunteer 11.re Department.
Oouncilaan Ov.abing, Movecl )
Vrigbt, Seconded): !'hat thia Council go on record aa reoo-D41nc that the
annual city au.di t be done alt erm tely by the firae of
Vhi tmore and Compa~ and Dal• K. Holben and C~;
and Vhi tmore Bnd Company be authorised. by thie 00111Ud.i
to au.di t the ct ty booka for the yea 1952.
BaLJ. CAIJ.1 Jo4an, A.7•
Ov.ahi nt; , qe
Dnvi•, A7e
lrantz, A:ye
Parker, Absent
Rapp, q•
.&1181 tit;ht IATI& lone
MA'!ml SO OMm'KP.
Cmmcil.Mn OV.ahi ng, Moved. )
Bobbins, qe
Weigand, Aye
Wright, Ap
Abaentz One
llobbin•, leoon4e4) a !hat thi a Oouno11 extend. a vote of appreciation te
DI• llol ben for hi• mplen414 work on pa.• t aud.1 te.
BOJ.L OAJ.La Jodlln, Aye
Cuahing, Aye
Davia, A7e
1rantz, Aye
Parker, Absent
Rapp, qe
ADI& Wight SATI& lone
MAYOR 80 Qlt1•1D.
Bobbine, A:79
Weipnd, A:79
Wright, qe
Absent: One
C. G. Oool97 caae before the Council relative to a la.D4 and Gravel Lea•• Acz'e...at.
The Clerk rea4 the A£r-•t in full which hacl been prepared. by the Ci t;r Atto~.
Connell.man Ouahint; pre•ente4 and the Cterk reRd. the following Beaolution, to-vita
the Oity of. lnelewood ie the owner of ~ f'ollcndnc deecribecl
!hat part of ~ and JVt, Section 4, !ovnahip S
Sou.th, Ka.nge 68 Ve s t, desaribed. as follow•&
CClllDJDrG at the IV corner of the Bvt of the Iii• Section 4, township 5 South, lange 68 Weat,
thence lorth 89° 45' 30 1 kat along the South
line of •1&! ii lection for 400 feet; thence
•orth tor 572.72 feet • true point of beginning
which i • the IV corn.er of a aix acre tract of
land. ovu4 ~ Le•eor an4 nov under l••• clatecl
Septeaber 10, 1951, to MclCA AgeJl07: thenoe lor\h
tor 7)9. 75 fMt to the lorth line of the Rt of
u.ld Seotlan 4: Ulenoe lorth 89° 45' )01 la•t for
20 feet: thenoe lorth for 892.97 feet: thenae
•orth 89~ 45 1 30 1 k•t tor 904. '9 feet to the
... , line of the 9fi of th• "4 of MS.4 leotioa 4:
thenoe lorth tor 419.43 feet alcmc eald W.•t lln•
of ea14 Mft of ~ of 9814 Section 4 to the D
corner ot the ~ of IVt of aaS.4 Section 4: theoe
lonh 89" 45 1 :JO .... , along lorth llae of at of Jvt of Ml4 hniae 4 tor 641.82 teeta theaoe
South 20°471301 We•t along Le11or'• laet propa'7
line for 2200 t .. t, aore or 1•••• to a point in
...S.d •• t propert7 line where the Borth boun41d7
line ot maid ICdla Agen07 lea••, if exten4e4,
lnter••cta v1 th 1&14 latt propert7 line; thmce
Vest &lone tald llalla lorth bound&ey line tor
788 teet, aore or l••s, \o the true point ot
beg1mi1nc: oontaimnc 46 · acret, more or l•••:
which propert7 w.a purc:Mae4 out of the Vater J'an4 of the ..S.d Cl t7• and
WWMI, c. ti. COOJ.lf, of the City of Denver, hat offerecl to lea•• 8&14
proper'7 to 4nelop, excaTate, proces9, etoclc-pile, remove an4 ••11 un4, gravel,
rock, overburden, gold and other val1mble minerals, not lnclwUng oil an4. P•~ ·
an4. ptq tor 8&1.d leaae n royalty of 71 pP-r ton on all sand, gravel a1l4 overburd.•
rmoTecl and eold therefrom, am ten (loJ) per cent on o.11 gold reco"'.erecl therefrom
paying a lliDlJllWll roJ'&].ty each year ot $2,400.00 in advance, an4 ·
WHifflAS, a complete lease agreement has b~en reached between the City of
~ewood and the said C, G. Cooley, 8D4
V1"••1, eald leasing to the eaid C. G. Cooley will reaul.t in a benefit to
the tu JMQ'ttr• of the City of IJ1dwoo4,
JOW, tuurtlLI, m: IT USOl.VID that the City of hgl•ood lease aaid deecribecl
propert7 to C. Q, Ooolq, an4 that the Mayor of the City of Inglewood be, and he ie
here'b7, authorl se4 and 4irectecl \o ezocute and the Clerk of the City of Jlnglewood be,
and he i• hereb7, authorize4 an4 directed to atteet the I.ease Agre•ent vlth the said
C. G. Cooley, cop7 of vhich ia in the Clerk's file.
""' .• """'r •
Cit7 Clerk
Coanci lll&D Ou.mine, lloTe4 )
Bobbint, Secon4ecl):
!hat the above and forecoinc a.1olution be
Passed and Adopte4 b7 the Cit7 Council of the
City of Bnglewood, Colorado.
JodaD, qe
Ouahing, 1.7•
Davi•, kTe
1rantz, A7e
Parker, Absent
Rapp, Aye
ADSa light JtATSa ?lone
ICATOll SO 011DliUm>.
Bobbin•, A.7•
Veigam, A.7•
Wright, Aye
A.'SSDT: One
Council.llan Wei~ precented the follovlng Jleaolution which Vtl.9 read in full b1 th•
Clerk, to-vita
the ovmr• of aore than ti f't7-one (SJj} per cent of the area hereinafter·
de•cribe4, also ccmprl•in« aore than fif't7-one (.51~) per cent of' the reaidat 1.aDl1 owner•,
baTe ftlecl a Pett t1 on \o &DMZ to th• City of' Inglewood th• terr1 \o17 deecr1 bed u a
All tho•• portion• ot Sections 9 Md 10, Tovnahip S South, Bance 68
"••t ot the 6th P.M., contained vi thin the tollovlng deecsri becl bOWM!arieea
BIO!mm at point of 1nt•r•eotion ot the oenter llna of Veet J.qtcm
AT•-v1 th the ont.r line ot South lroa497; thenae loa.tb al--
o.ltel' 11u of lcN\h lroa4~ to cater 1.lu ot Vee\ ~ ATme;
tbmoe Veet aloac center Uae of Ve•t Chm!IP Av_.. to oenter Uu of
loD\h Ao--. IU'•': \Jlaoe South alone c•ter line ot lou\h Aco-. Street
to onter liM of Ve•t Gran4 ATenue; thence Veat al.0111 c•ter line of
V• t Oran4 .lTenue to center line of' South Bannock StrHt; \hnce lout.h
&l.cmc c•ter liu of South Bannock Street to center liu of Veet •11eviev
unu; thmc•_tf.,•t along c•ter line ot Vest lellniev ATesme to a point
175).2 feet vllf of the South Q.1)8.rter corner of eaid Section 9: \hmlce
Worth 218 teet: thence South 89° 48 1 Vest 290.2 feet: thac• lorth 51° 10'
111.J k•~.ftO fHt, more or 1•••• to a point 492,7 feet lorth aD4 10).S feet v..t •lfst
~t.h• lout.h •rter corner of Section 9: thenoe lout.h 92.7 f•ti-theme lod!l
J,40 Veat 292 fHt; \Mnoe Worth 47° Vest 61"8 teet; th••• lorth""' 151.Veat
350 t•t, aore or lewe, to Vest line of the Southeut Q,uarter of u.14
leotia 9: thence lorth along Vest line of' the South•et qu.arter of ea14
Section 9 to ccter line of Vest ~on Avenue; thence ket &long center
line ot Vest ~on .Avenue to produced Westerly line of !ract .A, BILL !U
GAIUlll; tlwnce Southerly along produced Vester]Jr line of •aid !'ract A to
South lim of said 1'ract A; thence Fast alone South line of said Tract A
to last line of' aaid 1'rnct A; thence llorth alone produce4 :la.at line of aaid
!'ract A to center line of' Vest Layton Avenue.; thence laat alon« center Uu
of Veat J.ayton Avenue to produced Vest line of !lock 1.S, 1. P. Gumaer'•
Broad..,-Jle1cht•: them:• South &long produced Vest llhe of eaid lloclc 1.S.
an4 along produced Vest line of Smith's cm:iwroo SUBDIVISICll' to center liu ,
of Veit Chenango Avenue; thence le.at along center line of Vest Chenango
Avenv.e \o Veat line of said Sectinn 10; thence South along Vest line of
ea14 Section 10 to produced South line of :Blodk 1, VOO-Wl+tJI SUJDIVISICll;
thence •st al.on« produced South line of said Block 1 ~ &lone producecl
louth liu of Plot 6, IARLJIC 2ID .ADDITIOI, to center line of louth Jox
ltr•t: th•oe Sor\h alODf: ccter line of South 1ox ltreet to oater line
of Veet Grand ATenue; thence last along center line of Vest Grand ATenu.
to procluce4 •st line ot Plot 2, H&JiT.111 2ID ADDITICll; thence lorth alone
produoecl la•t line of' eaid Plot 2 to center line of Veat Chenuco Avenue;
thence Jut alone center line-of Vest Chenango Avezme to produced Vest
line of Block ) to center line of Vest IA7ton AT•zme: the rce laet alone
center line of Vest La7ton Avenue to point of begin.nine: m4
""181•1, l&ld Petition fuln.11• &11 th• requlr .. ent• of Obapter Jl4, Oolerlllo
le•don J.av• ot 1947.
_,.,, !BllllOlll, II IT BllOLVID, 'l'bat 9814 Peti ticm be aooepted u4 '11at •o$U.
of Acc91>tanc• be publ1ehe4 in the lntl.ewood lnterpri•e for three ()) noo•••iw -*•
becinninc vi th 30.mar7 22, 195).
A!TJS!I llqor
Oit7 Clerk
Ommcll.lum Velouid. MoTe4 )
De.Ti•-Secon4ed.): That the above and forecoinc ... olut1on be PAlft
ADD ADOPlJm b7 '11• 01t7 Oouoil of the Oit7 of
IOU. CALLI Joc!an, 1.7•
Ouahin«e Absent
De:via, A.79
rrantz, A¥•
Parker• Ab1 ent
Rap p , 1.79
aobb1DB. A7e
Weigand, qe
Vri&tit, A.7•
ADSI lnen BAYS& •one
Ab•nt1 ho
Oov.ncilaan bbbin• pr•••ntecl the folloVing Beaolutinn ~1ch was r-4 in tv.11 'b7 *9
Clerk, to-wit: a •
weu••s. the ovnere ot aore than tif't7-one (~-) per cent of th• a-• hel'es..tter
deacribecl, alao coapri•inc more than fift7-on• (51~) per .cent of th• reaidnt 1M4
ovnera, have filed a Petition to anna to the 01 ty of lnclevoocl the terri to17 4••ilte4
,...JIAI, •id Petition fulfill• all the req_u1r•ent1 of Oh.apter )14, Oolonlo
Seeaton Lavi of 1947,
•ow. Hi•lfOD, n IT Bt90LVJI> Thnt said Petition be aoc91>te4. 8D4 that •ottoe
of Acc-i>tanc• be JJ'lbl1ahe4 in th• lnclnoocl lnterpri1e for three (3) 1ucceaaift WMk1
begtnninc vi th ln:auarT 22, 19SJ.
AT'I'S8T1 llqor
Cit7 Clerk
Oouncll.aan Bobbin•, lloTecl )
Vrl&bt. hoon4e4) 1 That the above and forecoinc ••solution be
PASllD All> ~ by the 01t7 Council of \he
Ci t7 of lnclevood. ·
loclan. '-1•
~ehinc. Ab1ent
DaTl9t qe
1rants, AJe
Parker, Abaent
Happ, A79
ADI I In• • ADI •one
llAYm 90 ...,
Jlobbiu, AT•
Veipn4, AJe
Vrigbt, ..,.
ABSat1 !vo
'fh• Clerk read. in Ml an Ao'-•nt preT1ou•17 approTe4 b7 the Olt7 AttorMT relatiT•
to th• 1n1tallat1on of eQ.Uii-en\ tor •tor1nc lll4 handlinc petrol .... pro4uota, 91114
Acr•1r1n\ betvMD !be ltaok Oo14 011 Co11J>8117 and. the Olt1 of •11C1.noo4, Water D.,.__t
(con ln Clerk'. file).
Coaollaan Bapp, llcne4 )
DllTi•• lec0114e4) 1 !hat the Cit7 Clerk be authorised aD4 41NGt I te
11gn •id Acr.-nt on behalf of the 01 \7 of a.ctevoo&.
lodan, AJe
Cuehi ng, Ab 9 e n t
DaT11, A7e
J'mntz, qe
Parker, Ab s ent
Jlapp . A.79
A!m& Seven SATI& lone
MAYCB so aa•mJD
Bobbins, qe
Velpn4, Aye
Vrifllt, A19
AISal!& ho
Oawicilllm Jlobbin1, llcwecl )
Veion4, Secon4e4) a 'l'hat the Mqor am the 01 t7 Clerk be mthori-4 ...
directed to alp a contract vi th larol4 CJ. lho4u I•
the con1truction of a 1ever liu in tbll Corter
div1•1on to be known aa hten•ion 21 to lan1.ta17
Sever Di1trict Bo. 1, t~ sai4 Harold G. mioctva bet ..
the lov bidder and b14 having been prn1"11811' WOTel
b7 the City lncinMr.
Joclan, AT•
Cuming, Abtn\
DaT11, 1.7•
.J'rantz, A.7•
Parker, Abeent
Rap r , A7•
ADI& 8eTtm BTll lone
MATCll 10 mmmam.
Bobbillle A7e
Weiganl, A7e .
Vrigh\, qe
A.BSll!I !Vo
C ity )lenager, J. v. n1nt, opened and read bide tor the purcha1e of a heayY-411t7 \railer
for the Street Department aa tollove:
M. Mc:Eelvery
Jl.V. Moore Co.
Winter Vie•• Co.
!mplce Bro••
$2,JJ4.00 Jret.
2,889.89 ~··· z1, 2,523.00 Jret
2,166.00 •et.
Oounc1l.aan Sobbins, Moved )
Vrlpt, lecon4e4): 'l'hat the City Manager be autbor111e4 and dlrectecl to
purchase the trailer trom the low bi44er, !empke
Broe., at the bi4 price of $2,166.00 let.
BOLL CALLI Bodan, "7•
Culh1 DC• Absent
Dana, Are
ADS: leTen
rrantz, qe
Parker, Absent
Rapp, Aye
•ATI: Ion•
Jlobb1na, qe
VeSpnd, qe
Wright, J.78
AMII'!: ho
J. L. Barron, as ~usurer of the Board of Trueteea of the Po11ceaen1 • Penaion 1UD4 11114
ftr--•s Pa1ion flul4, presented th• annual report• tor the 7ear 1952 for both fmlAa.
J. L. Barron, &1 '!Rat•• for the Bon4hol4er1 in the Special ImprOT-'6\ D11tric\a u.nhr
41atribu.tion UDAer Court Or4er lo. 864) pre1ente4 an Ann•l Beport of ..._ tand• S.n th•••
4i1trict1, and. aleo the ninty-c!q report on lani ta17 Sever District lot 1 UDAer 41atr1~
tion un4er Court Order lo. 6661. ( ••• Clerk1 ft.le) . -.
Petition presented to Council b7 propert7 owners in Bloclc1 25 and 40 l'Yanaton Jroa4ft7
Ac14i t1on, being property from lo. Downing to So. Marion frmt katman AT• to Girard A.Te.,
for the in1ta11ation of a anni tary 1ever line in the alley. !he 11&7or ln1tructe4 the
Oit7 MOaq to IV'Yq the ar• an4 au'bmit an estimate of the coat of the project to
tM Council.
Oouncil.man Bodan, llove4 )
Bapp, leoondecl): !hat th• Meeting Adjourn.
B0J.I. CALLI Bod.an, Aye
Cuahin«• A.b!lent
DaT19, A.79
J'rNit7;, A:Te
Parlmr, Absent
Jlnpp, A.7•
ADS: 19YeD HAYSI Jrone
Bobbina, A.79
Weigand, J:te
Wright, AF•
!be Minutes of the Bepl.ar A@urnecl llMtlnc ot the 01 ty Co~ of the 01 ty of ~levoocl,
Colora4o he14 llon4&7, J&r10Ar7 19, 1953 1tan4 app roTe4 a1 ~ JJ thl• llondq the
2n4 day of rebrwaJ7, A. D. 1953. .,
~AAAr -t7Cferk
" I