HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-11 (Regular) Meeting Minutes~r Jlobert "· hants cal.lecl the mMting to order and aalted tor Boll Oa11: Bou. CALLI lo4an. Abaet Cushing, Abaent DaTia, Absent h'antz, Present Parker, Present lapp, Present Robbin•, Present Weigand, Present Wright, Absent COUil.ADO PBldl!z fiTe DSIJI: ,our Also present were Mead'•· Chai. Allen and Berman Oliner aa representative• of the City of Inglewood. Ve.ter Board. Council.man Cuahlng enter.a and took •eat vi th Council. hcineer Dal• Rea presented plan• tor the Dr7 Creek ReaerToir. Ocnmci lun Rapp, lloTecl ) Parker, Seconded.): !hat Dal• R• be authori ze4 to prepare a teaaibili t7 report IGLL CALL: Joclan, Ab1et Cubing, A7• Darla, Abeent AD8a liz on th• Dr7 Creek Reservoir project ant the expeae of .- to become a part ot aai4 project. 1rant1, A7• Parker, AT• Ba.pp, A7• Sa791 lone JCATCll 10 CllDSDD. Bobbin•, qe Weigam, qe Wright, Absent AJSD!a !'bree Oit7 .. nacer ~int presented a re~ue•t b7 a llr•. Julian tor theinatallation of a eewer li .. between lo1lth foz an4 South Oalapaco ltreeta north ·of Ozfort Avenu9. Ooanci i-n Japp, lloTe4 ) Ov.ehing, leoon4e4) 1 !hat · Oi t7 ~neer leal lard• be 1netructe4 to prepare the plan• anl specification• tor 8&14 eever li ... Boll lall: Jo4an, Absent ... Ouahlng, A.7• Darla, Absent ATlll lix rrutz, 'Y• Parker, A7fl Japp, Aye DT11 lone Ill TCll 10 O' iilRJ:r>. Jlobbin•, .119 VeiganA, qe Wright, Ab••t DID!& three Oounci1-.n Japp, lloTe4 ) Bobbin•• Secon4e4)1 !hat tm Council .&4Journ to •••t apln Jlon4&7. the 16th 4&7 of february, A. D. 1953 at 8100 P.K. BOLL CALLz Bod.an, Absent Ouehing, qe Dan•• Absent ADS& liz 11'ants, A.7• Parker, Aye lapp, A7• DTla lone llATm IO OBDUD. Bobbin•, 1.79 Velpn4, kt• Vri.t, A'b••t AISD!: !BID !he llbmte1 of the BecuJ,ar ~01U'M4 lleetlDC of the 01 t7 Council of the Oi '7 of laglewo4, Colorade held. Ve4D•a4&7 the 11th 4q of fe'brua17, A. D. 1953 atall4 approve4 a• read thi• llOJMlq the 2n4 4&7 of March, A. D. 19.5'.3. ~daAA-'·,, ~£.;i90rron, Oit7 Clerk I I I I I