HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes~r Bobert r. J'rants called. the Meting to order and aebcl for Boll Galt: IOJ.L CAI.LI Bod.an, Abeent Ouhiq, Abeat DaTi •• Absent PIESDTz 11ff huts, Preeeat Parker, Present Japp, Absent ABSD'l': Jour Jlobblu, Present ••tea•~ ~ •• , Vrl•t, Pre•ent OQLCPADO llr. Daniel II. Ca1Siellof Park an4 lbop Drue presented. an application for a •~tcJ.ifl97 Store Llceue (ror Sale by the Pa0 kp,ge Only). Councilaan Bobbins, lloTecl ") Parker, Seconded)& That said application be accepted, the preai••• po•tecl, and public hearing on aa.14 application be held llarch 16, 195J at 8zOO o'clock P.M. JlOl.L CALL: Bod.an, Absent Cushing, Ab1mt DaTi •• Absent ADSa ftye Frantz, Aye Parker, AT• Rapp, Absent D.Tla Bone llATOI SO OBDEm>. Robblna, qe Weigand., A7e Vrigbt, qe Absents lour Clerk read a letter trcm T. A. lhlcbtuter asJcing for permtesion to build a 4 unit f..S.17 dvelliDC at )188 South J.lacoln Street. It •• the opinion of the Council that 1 t aho1l14 be a11ove4 inamuch a• other 'bW.14inp in the vicinity vere llUltipl• unit dvellinp; howner the •tter ehou.14 be referred to the Board ot Adjustment tor handling. OouncilllAZl Rapp enterecl an4 vae •eated vith the Council. City llNJ.ager 11.int requestecl that certain changes be made in the plan• for the coutru.ctlon of the rtre tub-Station. Councilllllll Velp.nd, llOYed. ) Vri &b t , S econ4ecl) : That in accordance with llr. 11.iat'• reque•t ti. ah.me•• in the plan• be -4• relatiT• to •torace QM•• enaaioa of electrical outlet•• amd. ia1ta1tation of a baa.ti-. 4uot tor the toilet, but that the reqm•t tor ln91Q.at1on of the celling be denied at thi• ti••· Boll 0&11: . Bod.an, Abeent Cushing, Abaent Davi•• Abaent ADS: 11Te frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Bapp, ·~ BATS: One MATOll so mullDD. Bobbin•, qe Veipnd, qe Vript, Aye ABSD!: !hree !be City Manager pre•ented a request by the Colorado Central Power COJ111>8D7 tor an eaeeaent to con•truct a paver line aero•• the property on South Olak'lcaon Street being used b7 the City of lnglevood., Water Deparillent. Oounc1i.&n llobbiu, Mcwecl) Bapp, lecon4e4): !hat the eaaement requested be grantecl an4 that Ule looation - ot the line be under the auperTieion ot the Olt7~eer, Weil v. Barde. Jlm.L CAJ.La Jlodaa, Ab•ent Ouhlng, Abeent D&Ti •• AbHDt J'rantz, "'7• P&rker, Aye Rapp, ... ADii 11:1: UYI: llone llA?Oll IO ~. Bobbins, Aye Weigand, Aye Vrifjit, Aye ABSJDIT: three Oit7 llanacG' '1int preeente4 plan• tor utension• to water lines ln the Sau.\h part ot ~•wo4 to al.lnlate low pre•9'D'e in the summrtiae an4 to take care of t.he 11114!.tioml h••• in the ar•1 being anneze4. 'l'he Council reoo-•nde4 that the vOl'k prooH4 u spee4il.T &I po••ibl•· Oit7 Jlamc•r Pl.lat pre1ent plan• an4 profit• pr91>are4 by Cit7 lnciwr tor a ,..,_. llu to be known u lanltar7 Sever Di•trict So. 1 •ten•ion 25 to be in \be alltr bet~ l°'1th Bl&b aa4 South Bace Street• fr• '1.oJd ATaue to iaetaan ATeDM. . 7'- Councll.Jlan a.pp, ICoTe4 ) ..n.-:1 lecon4e4h !hat eald plan• an4 profile be acceptecl. Bou. CALLI Bod.an Ab•ent Ouehiac, Ab1mt DaTi•• Abeent ADSI Six Jlrant z I A79 Parker, A.79 Rapp, A7e IATS: Bone llATOR IO aRJDRJID. •bbine, Ap Ve1pn4, qe 1fr1Ft• AJe Coanon.aan llobb111t1, MOTe4 ) Wri&tit, 8eoon4ecl) s 'l'hat the l&n1tar7 Sever line be eztealecl between lo1ltll fox and South Galapago Street• ezten41nc•or\h trOll aanhol• in Oxtorcl Avenu approximat•l.7 212 fee,, .S.4 liae to be known ae Sani tar7 l••r Dietrict •· 1 ~enei on 24; Mr. and Mrs. Julian to P8¥ \he coe t ot inetallation lees the hea4 t11p fee• on 1*z which v01&14 be pa14 b7 propert7 ovnttr• when thq oonnecte4 an4 *•• Julian to be reiaburee4 for aoat pal4 in 1••• 11..a tap tees tor a per1o4 of five 79ara. lmlt GAU.a . "laiaa, A'beent Ouehing, Ab•nt Da'Yie, Abent rrants, ,..,. Parker, qe ll&pp, qe ADSI IS.:ic BAYll •one 11&7or ao ordered. C°'1Dcll.aan llobbine, Move4 ) Wright, Seoondec!.)1 !hat the Council adJourn. 1lOJ.L CALL& :Bo4an, Absent Cushing, Absent Davis, Absent AYISI 11z hantz, J:re Parker, A7e Bapp, qe JrAYS: lone lllnll 10 OBDDm>. Boltb1na, ._ VeS.pnd, A:#e Wright, qe OSlftl !bree lobblna, Ap Welpn4, AT8 Vri&tit, qe ABSlfta !hree !he Mi1111tee of the Bep.lar J4Jnrnecl Meeting of the Oi t7 Council of the 01 t7 of ~..,o4, Color .. o he14 lloalq the 16th ~ of J'ebrua17, A. D. 19SJ etand. approvec1 aa _ rW th1 • llon4a7 the 2114 4&7 of March, A. J>. 19SJ. ~~·1· d -~L7Jarron, Clt7 Olmll: 1 . I~ ~~ ,, I I