HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesKmtJI.AI ADJOOUID DftIBG 01 THI CITY' COUlJCIL al THI CITY 01 UGI.WOOD, COLOB.AJO
!Bii MCllDAT !Bl 16th DAT 01 MARCH· A. D. 19SJ at l:OO o'clock P.M.
-or llobert 1. 1rantz called the meeting to order and asked for lloll Oa11:
KOU. CALL: Bodan, Present
Cushing, Absent
Davia, Absent
PDSll'l': 11 ve
Frantz, Present
Parker, Present
Rapp, Absent
llobbin•• Absent
Weigand, Present
Vri~t. Present
Jlr. lpenoer Marr, )680 louth Downin« Street, came before the Council am ukec1 far
peraieeion to connect to the sever line on J1aat Jefferston Street.
Council11&n Wright. M<ned. )
Weigand, Seconded): !hat the City ot ~evoo4 grant perai•eion• ~or
Bodan, Aye
Cuah ing, Absent
DaTi 1, Absent
eaid sever tap and the 1tan4arcl outside charge tor
treatment to be paid; prondecl proper authorlu.tioa
is obtained for the perait from the DeDYer Board. mllll
also provided that perai 11lon 1• grantecl 'bT the lonee
Bros. Construction ~ompa117 who inet&llecl the line.
Frantz, A7e
Parker, Aye
Rapp, Absent
Robbin•• .Absent
Weigand, qe
Wright, qe
AYIS: 1iTe BATS: l'one ABS~: lour
••il Bartle, City ~neer, presented letter stating that the eight (8) lnoh eanita17 e.wer
line inetan.ecl b7 '1'. w • .Anderson et al in Bloclc 4, Hampden Hill• Aclcliticm, ... beinc a
part of •teaaion 19 hu been completed. and vaa inspected during conetnoti<m an4 fOUDA
mati•facto17: therefore the acceptance by this sever line by the Cit1 le recamnen4ecl • .
Councilman Bodan, aOTecl )
Parker, Seconded): That said sewer line be accept8'..
Bodan, Aye
Cushing, Absent
Davia, Absent
ATD: live
!'ra.ntz, Aye
Parker, Aye
Rapp, Absent
llA YS : !I' one
MAT<E S 0 ORDJmm>.
Robbins, Absent
Weigand, AT•
Wrii!J'it, Aye
ilSDl': lour
Cit7 Manager 11.int preeentecl request by .Anderson &. Larriclc tor authority to in•tall the
lan1tar7 lwer line in the a11e7 through Bl.oclc J2 »vanaton Broa4viv .lddition, being betv8BD
South Jrigh Street an4 South Bace Street from la! t '1.o7d to ks t la.taan ATemie.
Councilman Parker, moved )
Weigand, Seconded):
Bodan, "7•
Ouahinc, Absent
D&Tl a, Ab 1ent
AllS: 11ve
That Anderson cit I,arriclc be grantee! permiaaion to
install said sever line, and Anderson 6 J.arriak tb
p~ the construction coet an4 build eame under the
inspection and. according to the speciticatione
of the City ~neer, an4 pa7 to the cl t7 a tee f9r
thl• engineering ••nice and ateo p&7 to the ol t7 a
head-tap tee of $15.00 tor •ch 2.SZl.2.5 ft. tot •enecl
b7 this 1ever line.
Frantz, Aye
Parker, A79
Rapp, Abeent
BATS: Bone
Robbim, Absent
Weigand., Ap
Wright, .l79
Udll'l': ~ur
Mr. Ouehing entered an4 vaa •oatecl vi th the Council.
The application of Daniel M. Caulfield dba Park cit Shop J>ruc, JJ?O Bo; Acoaa, for a liquor
licensed DnJ« Store was presented for final approval and after hearings
Counciiman Weigand., Moved )
Cuehing, Seconded): That said application be rejected.
B.OU. CALL: Bodan, qe
Cushing, AT•
DaT11, Absent
.lDSI liz
1rantz, Aye
Parker, Aye
Bapp, Absent
BA.Tl: lone
Robbins, Absent
Weigand, ATe
Wridit, .l79
.OSD!: !hree
Oit7 AttorM7 MmO Shiver1 presented the tollovinc lle101ution, te>-W.S,ts
ftWIAI, the owners of more than fifty-one (SJ.f) per cent of the AZ"• hel'elmft•
deecribed., a110 camprising more than f'if'ty-one (51~) per cent of the reeident lanl
owners, baTe filed a Petition to annex to the City ~f Inglewood the territory 4e1crt.ltecl
!he Dt of the IJi-of Section J4, Township 4 South, llange 68 Vest ot the
6th P.M.; DCIH the South 656 feet of the West 326 feet thereof 171nc
South of the center line of Se.st Amherst Avenue and West of the center
line and produced center line of South Penna1'.J..vanla Street heretofore
annexec! to the City ot ~ewod by ordinance re4ordecl in Book 77J, Pap
53,, ot the retsorl."1 in 'tlle off'iC:"e of the Co11Dt7 Clerk a.n4 ••cord.er of·
..S.d Arapahoe Count7; AID DlmP'1' the South SO feet ot BlocJc 'Z'/, an4 the
l011th 175 feet of Bl.ocb 13 to 17, both incluive, am the South 175 feet
of Block 18, an4 the ••t 15 :f'eet of the lorth 125 feet o:f' Block 18, ad.·
the Saa.th 2.50 feet of Block 20, and the Seat 29.5 feet of the lorth SO ·
feet ot Block 20, an4 the kat one-hal:f' of Block 25, an4 that part ot the
Vest 6) feet of Bl.oak 26 171ng ]forth of the Southea1tert7 line of the OIL'7
Ditch, an4 •11 of Blocks 19, 21., 22, 23, and 24; atl said Bl.ock1 8114·
portioa1 of block1 exotrpted bein« ai tuate in YU BIIOllTS; and.
VRmlAI, l&id Pet1 ti on fulfill• all the requir•ents of Chapter Jl.4, Oo1ora4e
lea1ion I.av1 of 1947;
"*, !BED'OJll, Jll IT DSOl,n:D, That 11&id Petition be acce.pted and that •ot1oe of
.&.cc91>tance be published in the lngl_evood Snterprise :f'or three (3) 8110Ce1aive week• b ..
c1nn1nc vs. th March 20, 1953.
City C1erk
Councilaan Weigand.Moved )
Wright, Seconded): That the iaid Jle•olution be Pa••ecl am Adoptel
and the lf otice of Acceptance be publishecl in tU
lngJ,ewood lnterpr1ae.
llOJ,L CALLI Bodan, Aye
Cu•h1 ng. qe
Dans, Absent
AYll: lix
Frantz, qe
Parker, Aye
llapp, Absent
llAYSa lone
:follnlng ia oop7 of aboTe mentioned. lfOTICI:
!O VR<ll I!' llAY OOICJRla
· llobbin•, Ab•mt
We1ga.n4, A79
Wright, A79
.A.BSlfta . !hr••
lotic• la hereby giYen b7 the City Council of the Oi t7 ot IDC].evood, Ootora4o,
that at it• rep.tar actjourmcl aeetin« March 16, 1953. b7 •••01u.-ion, a Petitioa tor
.bnuation of terri to17 to the 01 ty of lng:t ewood va• received.
~id Petition vaa •ipecl b7 appro:dmately 105 per1ona am propo•e4 azmexatioa
ot the foltavS.ng de1cribecl property, to-vit:
( ume aa in above B.e•olution)
Land. ovner• in the above described propert7a&T ezpre•• oppo•ition to IUUleJa,loa
of 8&14 terri to17 and Hcure an election b7 COllJ>171ng vi 'la the proTi•ion• of leot1oa i,.,
Chapter Jl.4, 194? S•••ion tava ot Colorado.
ftnt Publication March 20, 1953 Oit7 Clerk
J.a1t Publication April 2. 1953
Published in the lzlg],evood Enterprise
• • ••••••••
Clt7 Attorney Marc Shivers presented a Petition (see Clerks 111•) bearing the a1gzat'are•
of neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. ll. McJ'arla.nd of 3J3J So. Peart Street and statinc that ""1'
had no objection to a nev residence building on the :tront of that propert7, or their
rentiDc the m&ll hm1ee in the rear.
Councit111111 Wright, Mewed )
Veigan4, Seconded): That pursuant to 8&14 peti t1on of the re•ideat
land owners in the ))00 blocdc louth Peart, oeaeermnc
the oonatruction of an additional resid•no• llallc11Dc
on Z.Ota 40, 41 an4 42, Block 3. Vest Ti• AMl\lon,
by~. and Mrs.ll. Mclartam, a special. m•i• te
the zoning ordinance 1Ulder leotion 11 ot 0rtt. .... .
llo. ), Seri•• ot 1940. 'be lla4• in thi• C&8e .... tllat
the Building Inspector be in1tructecl to 1•-a
permit for the con•tructlon of the re•1dftoe.
BOLL CAJ.La Bo4an, Are
0119hing, I.¥•
DaT11, Absent
hantz, Aye
Parker, J.:3e
Rapp, Absent
Robbin•, Absent
Velgan4, J.7e
Wright, A7e
AlJIS1 lix
Councilman Parker, MoTe4 )
Weigand, Seconded):
UY11 lfone
ABDI!: Three
1'hat the c1 ty attorney be authorized to dr• a bill tor an
Ordinance to amend Section ;..e of Ordinance •o. ), Sert••
195), to change the zoning liete4 therein froa ._1-.A to B-1,
vi th the to.rther restricticm that the total ar• of a
dwelling ~1 be not le11 than 800 aqua.re fMt, -•vecl
on the outeide va111, exctuaive of garage or other attach.a.
buildinp, a minill'Ull ot 60 feet ot tot trontap an4 a lli.n1lna
ot 7.SOO 1quare feet ot land ar• per taat17, an4 \bat a
JrO!ICI ot propo1ec1 aaen4ing Ordinance be pubtt•ecl in '118
lnt:levoo4 lnterpriee.
BOJ.L CALLI lodan, A7e
Ouhing, ~
DaTl1, Absent
1rants, Aye
Parker, A.ye
lapp, Absent
llobblne, Absent
Welgan4, Q9
Wright, qe
ADS: llx JrAYll lone
(7ollovinc 1• a COP7 of the JrO'l'IC. as published):
!O VJICll IT llAT C01C:m1
ABSmff 1 three
All Citizen• and partie1 in interest are hereby notified that the Olty Council ot the
Olty ot Zng1evood, a1 the tegiBlative body ot said City ot•ngJ.ewood, Cotora4o, upon it•
own aotlon, at it1 regu],ar meetinc on April 6, 195), pursuant to Section t6, Onlinano•
•o. ), lerie1 of 1940, of the City of lnt:i.ewood, Colorado, am Section• 19 an4 20, Oh.apter
26, 19JS O.S.A., a1 amended, intends to introduce an Ordinance amen41ng hotlcm S-0 of
Orcllnance Jro. ), Serles ot 19SJ, to chnnge the zoning listed therein troa '&-1-A• to llJl-1 •,
with \he tvtber reetriction that the total area of a dwelling shall be not 1••• thm C900
1quare feet, ••tured on the outside w.111, exclusive of garage or other attach.a. ba114inca.
a 111.nilnm of 6o teet ot lot frontage and a minimum of 7500 square teet of lan4 area per
Public h-.rlnt; will be had upon eaid proposed emending Ordinance at 11hich partlea
la interest and ci tis•n• shall have an opportunity to be hear4 at 8100 P.M. cm the 6tiai..~
of April, A. D. 195), in the Cl ty Council Chambers ot the Cl ty Ball of th• 01t7 of ._.eoo4,
as prOT14ed 'b7 1tatute.
flr•t hblloation llaroh 19, 1953
I.Mt hbliaation April 2, 1953
Publithe4 in the ~evood hterpriee.
City Clerk
• •••••••••
Cit7 Manager llr. l'l.int requested peraiseion to purchaee a uaed loader &cm the McCoy O~
tor $1900.00.
Councilman Bodan, MOTed )
Cu1hing, Seconded) 1 !hat eald loader be purcha•e4.
BOU. CAI.La Boclan, A79
Ov.mhi DC, A7e
DaYi •, Absent
ADS: Six
1rants, Aye
Parker, qe
Bapp, Ab•ent
JrATll •one
llAY<Jl SO ORDEm>.
llobbim, Ab•ent
Welgam, q.
Wright , Aye
ABSDT& Three
Cl t7 Attornq presented the following AOIDMlft, to-vi t:
mtl AAl'Ptll'T, Made and entered into by and between the CITY Of J:IGIJnfOOD, COLORAJ>O,
a Municipal Corporation of the Second Class, first party, and CHIUT "· J'llD, LILm OADm,
UT ftD, lml'l'JIAJ'F mllVOLD and VELMA L. BEYIR, all of the heirs of Charles-.. J1r7e,-Dec•1e4,
second part le•, VI Tim ll!Jh -· ·
JfOll AID IJr OOWIIDDA!'ICS ot the deeding by second parties to Arapahoe County of 15 feet
ot property for road. purpo•e• from South Santa "9 Drive to the •ng].evood lanita17 Sevace
Dimpo•l Pl.ant, the Oit7 of lnclewoo4 hereby agrees that it will grant to ••con4 partle1 a
aner tap for the Tourist Court ovne4 by th• an4 100[.lted. Jut Jrorth of the roacbnq, and glTe
thea HWr eerrlce throucti 1814 tap vi thout charge, a11 oo•t• of connection to •id tap to
be paid by •econ4 parti••· Rovner, ehould t1 tle to the !ourlet Court abance han41 an4
1eooDll partle• are no l~r interested, the standa rd rate Will be charged their 1UCces10r
or .uoces90re tor sever eerTice.
Jla.rther, first part7 will grant to second parties a water tap on it• line to be
loo&tecl louth of 1&14 !ourht Court, without charge, coats of connecting to be pa14 b7
1econ4 parti••· All water furnished to any person or person• throuch •14 tap will be pal4
for at the 1taDllard rate established by the City tor outeide 1erTice.
71rat part7 tm"ther grants the ript to tap the sever tine aacl the water line atcmc Ule
•or\h 1i4e of the road granted by eeconcl parties tor houees built in that area, ba.t 1eooat
pu-\le1 an4 all other pereons lhall pay the 1tan4ard rate tor water an4 •ever •erTlce thr~
u14 tap1, an4 first part7 "111 not bear the expense of making 1aid connect1on1.
"1rther, t1r8t part7 Vilt place a wye 1n the main eewer line at a point
4e•ignatecl 'b7 eecon4 parties for a tu.ture lateral connection vith •aid line in that ar•.
l'lrst part7 will ptace a lire Bfd.rant on it• water tine at a point to be 4etel'll1M4
b7 first part7, "111 grade, gra.Tel and maintain the road.~ granted, "111 moT• the feaoe
to the lorth •i4e of the roadV8)', and Vill re-i.ocate th• J11nction. box in the lrrl•tlon
Ditch nov located on the land to be occupied b~ the roa4vq, and re-locate the Di Mt& lt-
•etf at a point outside of the traTelled. portion of the roa4V&7, an4 Will &180 iaatatl
a pipe line of arl ectunte size to car_ry the irrigation water to the l&n4 owned b7 t~
Clapp• to the Vest.
II VI'l'llSS VBiBIOl, the Mayor of the City of lngievood, Colorado, and the CitT
C1erk thereof, have affixed their ei~tures pursuant to Motion du117 paseecl b7 the
City Council of the City of ~ng'lewood, Colorado.
Cit7 Clerk
1irst Part7.
Second Partiee
Counc11man.. Bodan, Moved )
Wright, Seconded ) '.rhat eaid .WBDMIJT be eignecl b7 the llqor &114
the City 01erk be authorised to attest .... tor
the City of lngievoo4, Ootora4o.
BOIJ, CALI.a Bod.an, l..7e
Cv.ehi ng, 1.7•
Davie, .lbeent
ADS1 Six
Council.man We i gand, Moved )
Ouhint;, Seconded):
B.OU. CALL: Boden, J.7e
Cushing, qe
Davis, Absent
ABS: Six
J'rantz, A7e
Parker, Aye
Ba.pp, Absent
BAYS: Bone
Bobbin.a, Abeent
Weigand, A.fe
Wright, J;ye
A.BSD!: !hree
That the Council adjourn until March 23, 1953 at
8:00 o 1 cl~ck P.M.
Frantz, qe
Parker, qe
Rapp, Absent
BATS: Bone
B.obbine, Absent
Veigan4, AT•
Wright, "'7•
AISD!: !hree
!he Minutes of the Regular AdJavnid MeetinB ot the Ci t7 Ocnmcil of th• 01 t7 ot
~lewood, Colorado held March 16, 1953 stand. approved ae nsd _. thie
6th 4&7 of April, A. D. 195J.
~ 7 Cit7 Clerk