HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes39f) ..... RIDULlR MDTIHG or THE CITY COUICIL, OF THE cm ~ DIGLIMX>D, INGLBWOOD, COIDRADO, 'nlIS MONDAY, THE lat DAI OF JUD, .l.D., l.9Slt ~r Robert Frants, called the •eting to order and asked for roll calla ROLL CALLI Frants, Present Parka, Present Rapp, Absent Robbins, Present Weipnd1 Present Wright, PreMDt PRESENT 1 Six ABSENT1 Three Cit7 Clark, J. L. Barron, read the Minutes of the Regular Meeting ot Ma.y 4th and the Adjourned lleetinl ot Jlq 18th1 Counc11wn Bobbim1 Mewed) 'Parker, Seconded) ROU. CAU.1 Bodan, '7e Cub iftl1 Abaent DI.Tia, Absent AYEI Six 'nlat the Minutes read by the City Clerk stand approved as corrected • Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Absent NilSI None MAYOR SO ORDBRED s - Robbins, Aye Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT I Three Cit7 Manager, llre nint read a letter trdm the Cit¥ Engineer, Mr. Beil w. Barde reconnending the acceptance or the eight inch (8) lanitar;y Sever built by T. W. Anderson and Others in Block )2, BYanaton Broadva7 Addition, aw being Extension I 2S, which haa been cmpleted aatiafactoey. Counc11•n Robbins, Moved) Wright, Seconded) '!bat the above Sanitar,y Sewer be aocepteda ROLL CAIJ.1 Bodan, qe Cuhin&, Abeent nan., .lbaent illSI Six Frant.1, '7• Parker, Aye Rapp 1 Absent BISI None MAYOR SO ORDERED1 Robbi.nil, qe We1pnd1 qe Wri&ht, qe ABSllT I Dine Counc1J•n Rapp, entered and took a s•t with the City Council. Cit.7 ci.rt read a Bill tor an Ordinance lo , Seriea 19S , "llltitled an ()rd1•me approri.n& annexation of the property hereliiJter deacrib9d, tO the Cit7 or ~. Colorado• dlBlDQ SAm PROPERTY ro THE CITY OF llGLD«X>D,COIDIW>, TO-VITI Tiii Di or 'ftll Di or SBCTIOI 34, TOWNSHIP ~UTH, RA?llE 68 WIST " THI 6TH P.M •• llCIPT THI SOUTH ~ raT OF THE WET 326 FIET THIRFDF LYIBG SOUTH OF THE CDtiR LDI or UST AllllRST AYlllUB AID WIST OF mg c•TBR LIIE AND PRODUCED c~~ LIRE OF SOUTH PlllNSILVAHU STRBET HBRl'1'010RI AIDUD TO THI CIT? OF ENGLD.'OOD BY ORODWfCE R!'.CORDID m BOOI 773, P.ACm S33, or 'ftll R1CORm Df 'ftll OFFICE OF THI COUITY CLERK ARD RECORDER OF SAID ARAPAHOI COUlft'Is UD llC!PT THE SOUTH SO FIB'!' OF BIDCIC 271 AID THE SOtn'H 17S FEET OF BIDCl813 TO 171 I0'1'H DCLtBIVB, AID THE SOtml 17S PIET or BLOCK 18, AND THE EAST 7S FEE.T OF THE BORTH 12S PDT al m 18, . dD THE S)U'ftl 2SO PDT OF BIDCI 20, ARD ml WEST 29.s FEET OF 'IHE IOR'ftl so IDT or BJDCI 20, AID THI UST OllMIALP' or BLOCIC 2s. AMO THAT PART OF mE WF.5T 63 PEET OF BIDCI 16 LYIIO BORTH or TllE SOUTHUST!RLI LIIE or mE CITY DITCH, AMO ALL OF BIDCICS 19,21, 22, 23, and 24J AU. SAm BIDCIS AID PORTIOIS OF BIDCIS EXCl!l'TED BEING SITurrED m IALI HEIGHTS• an PLACIIG S.lm I:aCRlBID PROPERTY lJID&R THE PROVISIOIS OF ORDIKANCE NO. 31 SERDS OF 19b<>e Council•n Bodan, Moved) Wright, Seconded) Tut Ordinance No , Serie• ot US aJ Jut read be introduced passed on Second readina u 1noe lo-Ml lk)U, CALLI Bodan, AT• Cubing, Absent Dana, Absent il'BS I SeftD Series ot 19.SJ , and be published 1D tbe lnllnoocl &lterpri••• Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, qe HAYSI None mIOR SO ORDERED1 Robbins, qe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSEHT1 '1W ~ I· .. · I I ,,, Cit.7 Clark read a Bill tor an Ordinance No Series of 195 , •1RTI.TL1D1 d ORDIUllCI DDDDG ORDDWfCE tto. 3, SERIES of {940 "' THE elf! OP DfGTM10D, COLCIW>O, llTITmDa •AJI ORDDAHCR FOR ZCllDO THE CITY OF ENOLDiOOD, TO RFDULlTI THI LOClT:Dll, APPlllWICI, SDI, CJIARACTIR 1 AND USE OF BUILDIN~ HERBAn'ER ERECTID <ll ALTIRID, AID P'OR SAID PORfOS&S TO DIVIIZ THE CITI DTO DISTRICTS, PRESCRIBE PIOLTIIS lOR THI VIOL&TICll OF ITS PIOJlSIOE 1 AWD TO PROVIDE "'OR ITS lllPORCEMBNT AID .l BQ&RD 01 ADJtBTJlllTS 1 SUCH lmRJU!ICll BIIm lllCISSIRY POR THE GllfBR&L WEUARB or THI CUllUIITI 1 BI CIWl)DQ TRI am ON IDrS 21 TO 21' IICLUSIVE, BWCI 41, SOtml BIOADflI HllOHTS, P!D All •R-J• RBSIDDCI DISTRICT TO .l •c-2• CCMIERCIAL DISTRICTJ AID BI CIWIJDIJ TRI zalDQ ell THAT PORTICll or THI Di or BU>CI 8, HIGGINS lllOLEWOOD tWlDllS, ImCRIBBD &S lOUDE1 B!DIDDG AT nm QIHWT C<EDR OF SAm BIDCI 8, TBDICI SOUTll ILCJll THI VDT LDI OF SOUTH CLlRISON STREET A DISTANCE OF 175 FEET, THENCE Wl:ST 147eS PDT, TBBlfCI IORTH 17S PIET, THIRCE EAST J.47.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BlllDIDG, FRCll a •R-2• RBSIDlllCE DISTRICT TO All •R-J• R&SIDINCE DISTRICT. Councilmn Bodan, Moftd) Parker 1 Seconded) That Ordinance No , Serie• ot 195 ...-' jut read be introduced, puaeCI on Second reacu.ng u Ordinance mo. 12, Series ot 19S3 and be publiabed in the Englewood Enterprise. ROU CAU1 Bodan, '7• Cubine, .AbHnt Darla, .lbaent ADS1 Senn Prants, qe Parker, Aye Rapp, '7e llAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDEREDs Robbw, q. Weigand, J7e Wright, q. ABSENT 1 TllO Cit7 Clerk read a Bill tor an Ordinance No 1 Series of 19S 1 Entitled '9An OftDIUllCB . .lPfROVIm .lNRUTION OF THE PROPIRTDS HERlmiFrER DESCRIBID;l'Q 'DIE CITI 01 DIGUliOOD, OOIDR.lD01 ilNBIING SAm PROPERTIES TO THE CITY OF ENGIEWOOD, COIDRADO, TO-WIT11 BmDlfllfO AT '1111 PODIT OF INTERSECTIO <:I mE Natm LINE OF WEST UNmR Avr.NUE WITH THI ATBllDID EAST Lilll OF BU>CI 101 F. P. GUMAER 1 S BROADWAY HEIGHTS1 'nlllfCB SOtml AUiia ~ SAID BlTENDED OR PRODUCED EAST LllfE OF SAID BLOCK 10 TO THE CBRTIR LillE OF WIST 1 Llrrotl AV!NUl1 THEICI WIST AIDIG THE CBRTER LIRE ~ WF.5T LlITOll AVDOE TO THE CBltiR LDll or SOUTH UL&MA'IH STREET• 'nlENCE NORTH AIDNG THE CENTER LDE OF SOUTH UL&MATH STREET TO 'lU HOR'ftl LIRE OF WEST UNION AVDWE1 THENCE EAST AIDNG THE NORTH LIRE or WIST UIICll AVDOI m POINT OF BBGIDllfG. P.ARCIL 2. AU Tff<J;E PORTIOllS OF SECTIONS 9 AID 101 TO\..'RSHIP 5 SOtrl'H 1 RANGE 68 WIST OF THB 6TH P.11., COllTA:onm wrnflN 'nlE POLLOWIIG DESCRIBED BOUNDARDSs BEGINNIBG AT POINT OF DTIRSICTDll '1' THI Cll'l'ER LllfE OF WEST LAYTON A VENUE WITH THE C1!21T&R LDIE OF SOtml BROlIJW.lI1 'ftlEllCE SOUTH AIDRG CFJft'IR LIRE OF SOUTH BROlllllI TO CENTER LDIE or WEST CHDWfOO .AVINUEs THENCE W!ST ALONG CENTER LINE OF WF.ST CHENANGO AVENUE TO CDTBR LIRE OF SOUTH ACCllA STREETs 'ruENCE SO UTH ALONG CENTER LIRE OF SOUTH AC<Ja STREET TO CDfTER LID OF WIST GRAND ATIJIUB1THENCI WEST ALONG CDf'l'IR LINE OF WIST GIWID .lVBIUE TO CBllTER LDE OF S01JTH BANNOCK STREET1 THENCE SOUTH AIDRG CF.BTER LIIE OF SOUTB BUIOCK SW TO CDn'ER Liii OF WEST BELLEVIEW AVE2fUE1 THENCE WEST AIDNG CmtTER LID OJ 1IDI BELLBVIIW AVINUE TO A POINT 17SJ.2 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTH QUARTIR CORIBR f:. SAD SBCTIOI 9J TR!EI ll>llTH 218 P'IET1 THDiCE SOtrl'H 89•451 WET 290e2 FEET1 THERCB tfORTH ,S7•101 WIST SlO PIET, Jl>RI OR tms, TO A POINT 492.7 FEET NORTH AND lOJS 1EET UST or THI SOYTH QUARTIR CORNER OF SECTION 9J '11iENCE SOUTH .92.7 1EET1 THENCE HORTH 44 WBST 292 FBETi THDICI HORTH 4 7. WEST 648 reet I THDiCB NORTH 89' 15' WEST JSO J'EET, Jl>RE OR LISS' TO WIST Llll OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 91 THENCE NORTH .l.UllO WIST LDI OF nm SOUTHEAST QUlRTER OF SAID SECTION 9 TO CENTER LINE OF W!3T LllTOH .lVENUBs TlllNCB EAST .lIDNO CDITER LINE OF WTST LAYTON A VENUE TO PRODUCBD W&STERLI LDE OF TRACT .l, BELL lSLI GlRDENS I THENCE SOUTHERLY .AIDNG PROD1£ ED WSTIRLI LINE or SAm TRACT .l TO SOtmf LDIE <:I S.lm TRACT As THENCE EAST ALOt«l SOUTH LIRE OF MID TRACT .l TO l&ST Liii OF S.lm TRACT .l 1 THEJfCE NORTH .ALONG PRODUCED EAST LDE OF S.lm TRACT .l TO C'-a-rm .... LDIE OF WIST LlITON .lV!NUl1 THFJfCB EAST AIDNG CbltER LINE r6 WIST LlITCll .ltliUl-!O Pll>DUC&D WEST LID al BIDCI 15, r. P. Gl.DW'Jl'S BROAiliil HEIGHTS1 THDCB SOU'DI .lIDIG PRODUCBD WBST LDI OF SAID BIDCJC lS 1 AND AIDNG P.RODUCID WEST LJlfE <:JI SMITH 1S CHINDOO SUBDIVlBIClf TO CENTER LDE OF WEST CHDfAONO AVENR1 THDICB BAST ilDE cwaa·· Lllf! CliFST CH!IWIOO .lvmrol TO WIST LDE OF SAm S!trION lo, THENCE SOUTll AUllG WIST LINE OF SAm SECTIClf 10 TO PRODUCED SOUTH LINE OF BIDCI 1 1 VOOELWl SUBBIVISI<lh -Diil-Cl- BAST AUllO PRODUCED SOtn'H LllfE 01 SAID BU>CI 1, AND ALONG PRODUCID SOUTH LINE OJ PIDl 61 HARIEM 2ND ADDITIOlf, TO CENTER LllfE OF SOUTH FOi STREET1 THENCE NORM .llDIG CDITIR LDE OF SOUTH FOl STREET TO CENTER LIME OF WEST GRAND .lVENUB1 THEICI BAST 1LCBl CllflR Liii or WIST GRllD .AVDUE TO PRODUCID BAST LINE OF PID1' 2, HARLEM 2nd .lDDITIClh 'l'llllCI lfORTH AIDNG PR:>DUCID EAST LINE OF SAID PIDl' 2 1 TO CENTER LINE OF WIST CllmwlOO .lVDUls THEICE EAST ALCJI) CENTER LllfE ~ WP.ST CHENANGO AVENUE TO PRODUCZD WIST LDI OF BIDCI 31 1'0 CUllR LDE r6 WBST Um'OR .lVENUE1 THENCE EAST ALONG CENTER LIN! OF WIST ll!TOI AVENUl1 TO POIIT OF BlllINNilfG. P.lRCIL l• THAT PART or THB swt OF SECTIDI), TOWNSHIP s SOUTH, RANGE 68 WIST or THI 6tb P.11., IJ§CRDID .lS FOLUMh BEGillDG AT .l POINT ON THE WEST LIRE OF SAm Slm'IOR 3• lllICB PODT IS 6JO nzr SOUTH OF THE NaiTHWP.ST CORKER OF THE swi OF S.lm SBCTIOI& TllllCI UST 224 PDT JlllB OR LISS TO THE CITY LIMIT LINE OF THE CITY OF DfGLEMX>D1 TlllllCB D .l SOU!lllBLI DIRECTICll AUllG 'nfE C 1TY LIMIT LINE OF THE CITY OF DJOIAD>D TO THI .POIIT Wiii I.AID cm LDIIT LDI DITllBETS WITH THI NORTH LID or WIST OUOBD AVDU11 'l'lmlOI WIST ~ 'ftlE IOlmf LIRE OF WEST ODORD AVDUE TO ITS PODT OP IITIRSICTI<ll WITH 'ftll WIST LDI at SAm SJ!CTION )I THmoz N<JlTH ALONG THE WEST LID (JI SAm SICTICW 3, 6laO " ;:, 392 PDT JERE OR LESS TO POIIT OF BmllftfING1 AND PLACING SAID DESCRIBED PROPIRTY UIDBR USE, HEIGHT AID ARll PROnSIONS or ORDINANCE NO 3, SERIES or 1940 AS HERINAn'ER SET PORTH. Councfl.M» Wright, Moved) Robbina, Seconded) That Ordinance No_, Series of 19.S_, jut read be introduced, paa1ed on Second reaCl1Dg u 0rdiMDCe lo. 13, Serie• ot 19.$3 and be published in the &lglevood Enterprise. ROLL CALLt Bodan, AT• Cushing, Absent Darla 1 Absent AYESI Seven Frants, A;re Parker, qe Rapp, A7e NAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED Robbina, AT• Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 Two Counc1Jvn Bodall, presented and read a Bill "For an Ordinance wnding Ordinance lo. 31 Series ot 1940 ot the City ot Engl.e ~ood• Colorado, aa follon1 A BI IJ. POR A!f ORDIIAICE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO • .31 SERIES OF 1940 OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COIDRADO, DfTITLBDa • AR ORDDWfClt F<Jl ZONIJfO THE CITY OF ENGIADCJV, TO REGULATE THE IDC&TI<lr, APPURANCE, SIZI, CHA.RACTER, AND USE OF BUILDINGS HBREUDR ERECTED Cll ALTBRBD, AJfD Pm SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THE CITI INTO DISTRICTS, PRESCRIBB.PllllLTIIS FOR TRI VIOLlTIOI rl ITS PROIISICllS, ARD TO PROVIDE FOR ITS ENFORCDaT AND A BQlRD or ADJUSTIERT, SUCH RIDUL&TIC* BIIRG NECESSARY ~ THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE C(DURITY• • BY zanm THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS I PARCEL 1, THE TERRITORY BOUNDED ON THE HORTH BY WEST QUINCY . .lvmtJE, ON THE BAST BY SOUTH BROADWAY, ON THE SOUTH BY WP3T LlITCXf AVDIUE, .lllD C11 'n1E WEST BI THI au.n BE'IWED SOUTH ACOMA STREET AND SOUTH BRO.mfAY, AS .l •C-l"!>ISTRICT1 PllJICIL t. THI TERRITORY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY ~T RADCLIFFE AVDOE ON THI BAST BI THI e&fiR tiR AllD BCTl!2m!D Ct.ITER LINE OF THE A I.LEY BETWEE?f SOt11'H GALlPAOO STRUT AID SOUTll POX STRDT, <If THE SOU'ftl BY WEST LlrroN AVENUE .AND ON THE WEST BY SOUTH BURlll StRDT, AS .d "R-1~. DISTRICT' WITH MDflMUM llimLLDG AREA OF NOT LESS THAR eso SQU&RI nn MUSuiiD <JI THI OtJTSim VAT.TB, EXCLUSIVE OF GARAGE OR cmtER ATTACHED ~IR~P=Ii•r: RIM&DmR OF THI TIRJllTOll LYING BETW!Zll SOUTH BROAilaI AND OOUTH H VEST QUDC! .lVDOB TO WIST L&ITCll AVEWUI AS Al "R-1• DISTRICT, wrm A MINDUJI DWILLllll ill& or eso SQU&RB PEET, llCWSIVI or GARAGE OR cmtER ATTACHED BUILDING, A llDDIDll LAID ARM Piil r.AMILY or 7200 SQUA.RB FDT' AND .l ADDllll FROIT.lGE OF 60 FEET' ElCIPT Tll.lT SAID LAID .lRU. RISTRICTilll SH.lLL ROT APPLY TO PROPIRT? CMfED BI A SDGLI <MfBR OF A I.r.sSBR SIZI AT 'l'HI TDll r1 THB PASSAGI OF THJS <EDIIWfCE, IT BEING EXPRESSLY PROVIDID THAT THERE MUST 1 HClllVBR, Bl .l MINDIUll WD ARIA IN SUQ{ CASr.s rl 6000 SQUARE FEET AND A MINIMUM SITI ll'dTAGE or Jo FEET. BB IT ORDlDED BI THE CITY COOICD. OF THE CITY OF ENOUl«>OD, COLOIW>Oa Section le That purauant to Section 161 0rd1narx:e Ho. J, Series ot 19la0 u *''• entit.led, ~ 26, Sectiona 19 and 20, 19S.3 C .S • A., u amended, the pl'OJ19rty de8Cr1.bed aa 1 . Paroel 1. !be terr1t.ol7 bounded on the Borth b7 West Qu1Dc7 .lTen•1 OD the But b.r Scnatb Bi'Oa .. , on 1:be So11tb br Weit ~D Avenue• and on the Weit by the .Al.la betw1m Sout.h Acam s~ md So1lt.h ~ 1 as ~ •c-1• DiatrictJ be, md it 1a bereb.r CS.Clared a •c-i• Diat.riotj nbject to the uae, height and ar• replatiom tor ROh diat.rict meter Ordimnce o. 31 Series ot 19&01 'and the BuildiJll Zom llap 11h1cb ii a part tbereot. P Parcal.J!. 'lh• territo17 bo1111ded on the Horth by West Radclitr Avenue, oD the But b7 the center and at.end9d ced.er lim or the alley between South Galapap Street and South rox Street, oD th• South b7 Weit I.qt.on Aftnue and on the West by South Huron Street• .. an •a-1~· Diatrict, with ainimm dvalling area ot not less than eso square feet wnred on the out.aide wl.11, acluain ot garage or other attached c:1we111ng1 •• and it ii herel1'71 declared an •R-1~ D11trict, subject to the ue, height and area replatiom tor such district under Ordinlnce lo. 31 Series of 1940, and the Bu1ld1q 1.om Mllp 11h1ob 18 a part thereof. Parcel.Jc;; The reainder ~ the territor;y lying between South Broa~ and South Huron St.Net:i West Quincy Aftnue to Weat Lqton .lTenue aa an "8-1• Diatr1ot1 with a ain1aum dlfdl1nc area of eso square teet, ucluaive of garage er other attached lndlcliDc, a w1n1•m lad area per taail.¥ ot 7200 square feet, and a m:in1aua frontage ot 60 feet, uaept that aaid land area re1triction abel J not appq to propert7 oaecl b7 a sin&l• 1 wr ot a leaser 1i• at the tllle or the passage ot this ordinan: e, it being aprual.7 prottcled that there lluat 1 howYW, be a m1.n1ll1a land area in such caaea or 6000 aqpare tMt and a a1n1Jl\a aite of ~ ot SO teetJ be, and 18 18 berb7 1 declared an "R-1• District, subject to the uae, beigbt and area . replationa tor such d11tr1ot under Ordinlnce Ho. 31 Series or 1940 1 and the Buildina Zom lllp 11bicb 11 a pmot thereof. I I • I i' ~: I • Section 2. That the "Building Zone Map" attached to and a part of said OrdJalnce Ho. 3 1 series of I9401 be1 and it ia hereby, made to show the properQ aa described ·aa Parcel 1 in Section 1 hereof as bein& all black, desianatUI& said area u a itc-1• Diatrin tor UM 1 height 111d area regulations. That the •Building Zone Map" attached to and a part or said Ordinance Ro. 31 Serie• ot 19401 be, and it is h•r•b71 sde to show the property u desipated u Parcel 3 in Section 1 hereof• being all white, designating said area as an •a-1• District tor me, height md area regulations. Section 3. That all requirements concerning notice and hearing have been acc011Pllihid In accordance with statute. Section 4. That the City CouDoil hereb7 tinda, determine• and declares that thil OrdlDiiiCe 11 neceaaary tor t he immediate presenation or the public peace, health, aatet7 and connnienc•• Section S. In the opinion ot the City Council an emergency exiataJ therefore, this Ordiiianc• ihitl take effect and be in force troa and atter it.a final passage and publication. PjSSED on First Reading by the City Council ot the Cit7 or Englewood, Co1oftlllo 1 this .3th dq of Mq, A.D. 19S.3, and ordered published in the lnalewood Enterprise. ' AT'l'BST1 MQor City Clerk Councilan Bodan 1 Moftd) . Weigand, Seconded) '!'hat the Bill just introduced and read, be pu•d on First reading and published in the Inglewood ROLL CALLI Bodan, qe Cushing, Abaent Frants, AT• !IF.Sa Seven Enterpri••• Davia, Absent Parker, qe Rapp, Aye NAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, AT• ABSENTa Two Councilaan Robbina, Introduced and there was read the following bill. A BILL : . FOR Al ORDINANCE ENTITLED• "AN ORDINANCE REVOKING, CANCELLllfG AND vomma ALL PEDDLIRS' OR HAWKERS' LICENSES HERETOFORE ISSUED UNDER SECTIC* 11 ORDIIANCI NO. 9, SERDS '6 J.92S, AS AMBNDBD 1 POR THE BUSINFSS, TR.ADI, OCCUPATIC!f, ENTERPRISE CE OPBRATIOR or SILLDfO AID DISTRIBUTING, OR OFFERING FCR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION, FROZEN MILK, FROZIN DAIRY OR ICI CONFECTION PRODOCTS, OR CANDI, GUM OR CYrHER COIHiUTIOI PRODUCTS, FROM VBHicms <II THI STREBTS, ATJ.US, RIGHTS OF WAY CR PUBLIC WAYS, IN THE CITY Cl E!llLDl>CI>• COLmlDOa DICL&RDG SUCH BUSIH&5SES, TRADES, OPERATIONS, ENTERPRISES OR OPBRATICllS TO Bl IUSUICll AND TOIB CONTRARY TO 1 AID AS CREATING A HAL.ARD TO, PUBLIC HFAL'lH, SAFITt ill> WIIIAllf PROHIBITING THE SALE, DISTRlBUTIClf OR mE 0 FERING FOR SALE, or JIY OF SAm HIRlll DESCRIBED PRODUCTS FROM VEHICIES ON THE STREE:l'S, ALLEYS 1 RIDHTS OF Wil OR PUBLIC WilS D THE crrY OF ENGL!WOOD, EXCEPT FOR FROZEN MILK OR DAIRY PRODUCTS OR COD'BCTI<lfS DILIVDID IN RESP aNSE TO PRIOR ORDER OF THE OCCUPANT OF A DWELLING AID PROVIDDG roR A PmLT! FOO ml VIOLATION HEREOF" DECLARATION OF POLICY 394 WWU1 1 said businesses, trades, operationa, enterpriaes and operations.have been conducted in such a •mer as to illpede trattic and to conatitute a basard, and WHSRUS, the products sold, distributed or ottered for sale and distribution in said trades, occ1')&tiona, mterpriaes, buainessea or operations, are especial.]¥ attractive to minors ot f/Yeey age• and tbe per80D enp19" in •id trades, buaineasea; oocupationa, enterprises or operationa eepeciallT conduct the --., aa to attract auch ainor trade or attention, and said persona 11> enaaged -.ke -ettort to be attractift to llinora, and 1111RUS 1 Mid llinor• trequentl.7 are or 10 imature an a1e aa to. be incapable of deterw1nina the danpr in entering a public atreet, alley, right or wa;y or public WT1 and are incapable of a~idinc other fthicul&r traffic in order to aYoid •jor injury or death, and . WIERIAS, llinora entering into the atreeta, high_,-., alle;ys and public VQ'll within the City et •aJ.-oct in following tbe attraction or said trades, buaine1ae1, occupations, enterprillea, or operationa, haft created hasardoua conditiona and prohibition i• neceaaar;y to control inj\11'1'1 death or accidents, and WHBRF.AS, such probition baa been requested b;y petition of the citisena or the Oity of Inglewood and bu been rec~nct.d by t.he Police Depart.nt ot said Cit7 following inYeatiption, and ' llllRUS, all licenaes heretofore granted for said trades, occupations, buaineasea, enterpri- or operationa were granted pursuant to the Police poveta ot the City or Englewood for control purpoHa and not for the purpo• of creating rennue, and no such license to uae the streeta, higbw.J'a, ri&bta ot 97, allqa ar public vq8 uy be granted '•• a permanent or vested right to &D7 printe buainaas or enterpriae but uy be granted only u a temporary license revocable at the will ot the City Council ot the Cit;y of Inglewood, and WHEREAS, the use of the streets, highways, alleys and public ways of the City ot lnll•ood is subject to replation and to the prohibition or certain uses in the exercise or police power tor the protection or public health, aatety, welfare and convenience, HOW, 'ftfEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BI mE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLD«>OD, COIDIWX:h SBCTnll 1. Tbat &JJT and all licenaes heretofore granted pursuant to the pronsiona ot Section ~ce lo. 91 Serie• ot 192S aa uended, to aey and all peddlers or bavkera tor the buaineae, trade, occupation, enterpriee or operation or selling or distributing, or ottering tor Nle or diltribution, trosen ailk, troMn dair7 or ice confection products, or cand.1 1 l1a or other confection product•, f!'Oll fthicl•• on the streets, highw.ya, alle;ys, right ot ~ or other public ~ in the City ot ln&lewood, Colorado 1 be and they are hereby, revoked, cancelled and wided fl'Oll and after the ettectin date ot thi• Ordinance, except that this OrdiDaDc• aball not attect the d91.iver;y ot any ot Mid product• to a dwelling as a reault of a prior order herefor Mcie by the occupant of N1d ct.llin&. nor lhall it atrect the licensed deliver;y Yebiolaa of licemed ailk vendor• or dairies Mk1ng deliYerJ upon order to the occupants or ct.111.q within tbe Cit7. SICTIDI 2. The tract.,. buaine11, oooupatton, enterprile or operation ot ••llinl and diatnWMna or ott.r!Di tar iiL or diatribution, troMD ailk1 trosen dair7 or ice conteotion prodacta, or ~. am or *'her oontection products trm fthicl.e• on the streete, higbwayB, allep, rtpta of WT or pablio ~ ill the Cit7 or inslnood i• hereby declared unlawful and is prohibted tnm and after the ettectift date of thia Ordinance. SICTICll ). 'lbe trade, bU8ine1s, occupation, enterprise or operation ot Mlling and cliat.ribdlii, orOlteria& tor aale or d11tribution, trosen llilk, trosen dair;y or ice confection product., or canct.J 1 pa, or other confection product• fro• Yehicle• on the streets, hilbWqs, al.l.qa1 ri,pt.8 ot WT or public WT• in the City ot ln&lnood are herb7 upressl1' declared to be nuiMncea and contr&J7 to the pablio health, l&fet.71 welfare and convenience and as being ,b&Urdoua to lite, liJlb and aatev to re1ident• or the City ot Inglewood. sail":&Lm 4.· 'The tera ltnhicl•" a s uaed herin, lhall include ever;y cleri.oe in, upon, or by which an;y-pir80D ar 'J>ropert7 i• or .q be tramported or drawn upon the 1treet1, higbvqa, rigbt.8 ot WT1 aU..79 or public ~ of the City of Bnalnood, irrespective ot 1:he source troa which the - to propel aaid fth i cle ~ o~, and irreapectift of the mmber of wheels of aaid Yehiclee SICTD S. 1he 1IH of belli, 11hi1ltea, 1irenl, auaic, horna or &IJ7 other noiM-aakina dnice tor the pwpow of att.ractilll •1Mren or ldnor• to &Jl7 fthicle upon the atreeta, higtiwqa, ricbta ot ..,-, •11919 or public ~ or t.he Cit7 of lnclnood, tor the purpose ot selling or diatributin& or giviq ..,. UfT product 11bataoner to Mid llinor1, ia herebJ' declared to be a publio mdMnce ud buard and 1a upzeaaq prohibited and ahall be un1avf'ul. troa and after the effective date of tbill Ord1Dance 1 uc91»ting RCh actintie• carried on •• a pm-t of d.ul7 authoriMd public parade or ~••ion· SICTim 6. AJJ7 per80n1 firll, corporation, association or partnership violatinc 8117 ot the term or pr0;1.10m ot t.hia Ord1mnoe ahall1 upon connction, be tined in a -not to uoeed IJOO.OO or • illlprt.oDMDt or a period not to meed 90 days. !be per8Gll• tirll, ueooiation or corporation llball be liable tor t.he acta ot .., of iu or t.heir apat.a or lllllploJM1 and lhall be nbject to the MM penalties tor violationa ccmmitted by Mid apnt.a or lllllploJM•• I I I I SICTICll 7• ill Ordinances or parts or OrdiNmcea ot the Cit7 ot laalnood direct]¥ in conn1ct herewith are hereb7 repeal.eel. llCTJlll &• Should any proriaion ot this Ordinance or ita application to &111' peraon, tinl, pil"tiiirahfP, uaociation or corporation or circ\lllatanoe be held innlid, such 1nnlid1t7 aball not atteot the other proTi.aiona or applications or this ordinance. The Cit7 Cowil berebT dMlare• that in this record the prortaions or thia ordinance are senrable. SBCTICll 9. The Cit7 Council herbJ finds, determine• and declare• that thi• Ord1naoe i• nece•UJ7 tor the 1·1d1•te pre•nation ot the public peace, health, aatet7 and ooDY81lieDoe. SICTiml 10. In the opinion ot the Cit7 Council an -rpno7 exi8UJ therefore, tbt. CJrdtnanijj ihii1 take ettect and be in tore• from and after u.s tin&l pu .... and publioatiaa. P.•IQD on Fi.rat Read1nc b7 the Ciq Council of the Cit7 ot lllll.nood, Colorado, thi8 lat dq ot Jane, A.D. 19S3 and ordered publiahed in the Bnslnood lnterpri.M. ~ ATTISTt C!t7 Cleric Councilan Robbina, Moved) ROLL CAU.t Rapp, Seconded ) That the Bill jut introchacecl and r•d be puaecl on Pirat reading an publiahed in the ~ lnterpriN. Bodan, Nq Cuabin1 1 AbMnt Daria, .lbnnt Al!S1 Six Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, A7e lllSt One MAYOR SO ORDERED1 Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, '7e ABSDT1 '!'wt Cow1l•n Wri&bt introduced and there vu read the following resolution, To-Vita RESO LUTION a WHBRUS, it appeara that a certain street or certain street• 11ithill tbe corporate l.Ud.u ot t.he Cit7 ot lngl.nood, Colorado, toraing a necesaaey or conYenient link tor careying St&e Hi&hWT lo. 70 through aaid Cit7 and th• Count7 or Arapahoe, and WHEREAS, it 1a the autual desire or the orticiala ot said Cit7 and tbe official• ot tile Colorado Department or Hi8hW711, that Aid connecting link be declared and -de a part ot the State HighWT S19teae lfClf 1 THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED that Weat Hapden AYenue, beginning at Santa re Drift mid utendina lut to the intenection ot l&id West Hampden AYeDue with South Bannock Street, all within the corporate 11Jlit• ot the Cit7 ot Inglewood be, and it i• h•reb71 declared a part et State HigbwT Ho. 70 u lhavn on the aket.cb hereto attached, and Bl IT ruRTHUR RISOLVID that the Cit7 t£ Inglewood herb7 &IN• tbat it 111.ll. neither authori• nor pendt the imt.allation ot &JV •icm1 a..aphorea or a1pal• which nu .p:n te uir local street intenecting uid Weat Hillpd• AYenu a atatu outrankin& t-h• State BicbWir -.m declarecl, md 1:bat t.be Cit7 will not autbori• or perait any conatruction or enol"O&ObMllt .-t.laa ricbt ot VQ" ot Nid Weat Hupden Aftmle1 nor allow the construction or establi81ment ot ar oun u.,.. or curbinc along uid hi&hWT with a diatance betwen aaid curb line• ot la• tllaD •feet on either lane ot said Highvq'1 and BB IT FUR'DIUR RBSOLVID that the Cit7 ot lnalewood will not, without tint aecurina 1ilae appl'Oftl. ot tb• Colorado o.part..nt ot Hi&lnfaT9 1 pa•• aey OrdiDanc• or replation oontrollillg the speed of Yehiclea or trattic on aaid Highvq, and BB IT FURTHUR RESOLYBD that between the hours ot 7J 00 A.M. and 9t00 A.M., parking ahall be prohibited on the lastbound lane of said West Hapden Avenue, and betVHD the houn of 4100 P.11. 8lld 6130 PJI., parking shall be prohibited on the Westbound lane of said Weat Bapden A'1,9DU9 1 and that at all times, all parking along said highRT shall be parallel .to the side ot the right of RT ot aaid High_, I and . . Bl IT P'URTHUR RESOLVED that the vrittm 9pproftl of thi• Resolution u indicated b7 the 11.gnature ot the Cheit Engineer of Highways upon a certified COP7 herot, 1bell conatitute an an agrewsnt bet11981l the Cit7 or Englewood, Colorado, and the Colorado ~ ot Rigbwp, and shall be bincH ng '1p0n the 8UCessorl of both partie8/ e MIYOR ATT!STJ Cit7 Cler~ PASSID and ADOPTED b7 the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado thia 1 dq or Jum A.D. 19S2e - I, J. L. Barron, Cit7 Clerk ot the Cit7 91 !:nglevood, Colorado, do herb7 certit;r that the toregoina RBSOLUTICJR 1a a true and correct cop7 of a Resolution dul.7 and regularl.7 adopted and approncl b7 the Cit7 Council and the MQor ot the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, on the l da7 ot June ___ , A.D. 19$2. - ~ Colorado ~ ot H~ liihtiDt Bi~ ---..Ciwr Colorado Departllent or Higtivqa Cit7 CI.erk APPROVBD thia dq ot A.D ., 19$2 Chlil" Engineer Colorado Department of High~• Council.an Wr1gbt 1 Mond) Robbins, Seconct.d) 'ftlat the above and foregoing resolution be passed and adopted. ROU. CAI.La Bodan, A7e CubiDg, Absent DI.vii, Abaent AIIS1 SeTen Frants, A7e Parker, 1.79 Rapp, A7e KAYSa None MAYCB SO ORDEREDa Cit7 Clerk presented the follcnd.ng Contract To-Wita CON TRA CT Robbina, qe Weipnd, qe Wright, '7e &ISEna Tm 1b1a Contraot.1 mde and entered :1MiO t.bia lat dq ot June 19S31 bJ' and betv- the ™ ot !ti;noodlngColarado, pu-'7 of tile Plnt. jliili hereinafter c•11J lie •Cit7"• and Dale H. a., diM tliii &er, 0......1 Colol"adf, heriinatter called "Engineer•, part7 •I tbe- aecODd parts I I ,, ~- I I I ,, Vl'l'lmSETH I 'nlat the Cit7 and the ~er, tor the conaideration hereinafter named, agree as tollovea ARTICUt I For and in consideratio or a total tee ot tive ($) per cent ot the actual net conatructecl oo•t1 it constructed, or eatiated net construction cost, if not constructed, as the cue mar be, tb• Bng1neer shall turniah the City proteasional engineering service• tor complete pl.am, de•i&M 1 and specifications suit.able tor securing bida tor construction ot an earth reservoir on th• Bel.181.e Property north or the tilter plant, together witb an inlet structure, drainaae structure, o.u.R, structure, and pmping at&tion to the tilter pl.at~ The tee •hall not cOTer alJl' inapection or superviaion or construction or the aboft project. dTICLE II For and in consideration of a tee ot Six Hundred Dollar• (l600.00) per month the 91g5mR shall turniah such professional engineering service for ce111plete inapection, staking.out the wort, and nperrtaion ot construction or all projects listed in Article I. Thia inapection tee sb•lJ •tart upon notice to proceed with construction and shall end upon final inspection and approTal.1 and ·accept&nce by City Council, City ot Englewood, Colorado, aa determined b;y Plana and Specificationa adopted. It construction i• suspended tor a period or thirty (.30) or more conaecutiTe dq8 1 the inspection tee shall be wived tor said period and until conatruction ia ream.de Rovner, it Conaturction be auapended tor a period ot lee• than thirty (.30) conaectun clq'8 the 1.napeOtion tee shall remain in lull force and effect. ARTICLE III ll9t Construction Co•t . lbe net conatuction coat u indicated in Article 1 shall include the tol.l.ov1ng it.at 1. The coat of all materials, including transportation, labor, and equi~ turniabed b;y the City or by the contra ctor tor the construction of &DT ot the project• lined in Article I. . 2. The cost of all underground exploration work, such as boring•, test pits, etc. l• The cost of specialised labor work, such as soil Mchanics, concrete teating, chaical analyses, etc • . The net construction coat as used in Article I shall not include the following iteua 1. 'ftle cost or acquiring rights or way. 2. 'nle amount paid to the F.ngineer as compensation. 3. ottice upenae and iupection expense incurred by the Cit7 in the construction ot UJT ot the project• listed in Article I. ARTICLE I.V Thee tee shall include the following serricesa A. The services to be furnished tor Article I shall includes le Field SurY878 tor prelilllinary investigations. 2. :lsaaination ot sites. ). Preliainary inYestigationa. 4. Collection of data. s. lconollic atudiea. 6. .Conferences. 7. Costs eatmtea and report•• a. Field aurn79 tor prel1.ainar7 and final design. 9. Preparation ot Contract Specifications and Dra1D&•• 10. Estimate of Contract quantities and cost. u. . Assist in securing, analysing and awarding bids• 12. Checking Contractor's working drawings and shop drawings. lJ. Furnishing reproductiona of DrawinM Plana and Specifications. 14. Appl"Oftl ot •terials and sub-contracts. is. Rnieving progress eatiatea. 16. Reaaonaite nwaber of viaita to the site for consulation and advice. 17. Setting up and making trial run. 18. Final inspection and acceptance. B. Inspection .and Supervision of Construction 1. Furnish tully qualified, full-time inspector until job completion or other termination of thia contract. 2. Staking out the work tor construction. 3• Sq>errlaion ot the inspector by the Engineer. 4. Montb17 progress eat:Uaate1. Se A•siat in tune-up and teat of equipment. 6. Final iupection b7 inspector. c. ;timer I I Eatiate I l.lMt:id co.t or earth reserYOir and appurtenant structures. 2. Eetiate coat or indiYidual units of coMtruction. D. .i!!°n and Maintnenanoe s le co1ti. 2. Cb-.ical cost.a. J. !taini-nce. 4. Personnel. I. Litigation le Appearance u a vitnee• tor the Cit.Y in all legal proceeding• resultant from leg1.t1ate claim alleged u due to errors, deticienceie, omissions, or other imperfect t•turu ot plana, apeciticatiou or 1.D8pection. ARTICLE V SERVIC§ ROT COVERED BY THIS CONTRACTa The toll.owing services are not included in this contracts 1. Cost tor adYertising bids. 2. Appearance in litigations in behalf of the City except as set forth in Article IV (B). J. TraYel outside ot the limit ot the En gineer's office and the site ot the project. 4. Special test and research, mill and shop inspection or materials and equipment. S. Foundation exploration, such as borings, test pits, soil mechanics, laboratoey investigations. 6. Chemical analyses and concrete laboratory tests. 7 • Re-design atter acceptance of Plans & Specification by the City. Minor changes in plane or change orders dur i ng construction are included in the specified S% fee. - ARTICLE VI Prosecution ot works The prosecution of the work has alread;y begun, and shall be continued · and completed as empeditioualy as reasonably possible in a first class and engimering-like manner. The i'Gcineer shall be responsible tor &JV claw .or damage to the City resulting troll the negligeDCe of hiuelt or his emplo7ees, including but not limited to error1, omissions, or deficieJWiea in the Plana, Specifications~ and inspection resulting troa nch negligence. ARTICLE VII P!,p!nt to the Engineers Upon deliver;y ot Plana and Specifications the Engineer shall receiY Sevent)"-tive (75) per cent ot the total encineering tee as '1eterm1ned by bids or b7 the engineer'• estimate. 1'he Bngjneer lhall receive as additional fifteen (15) per cent of the toal tee p&7&ble oa montbll' estblatea during construction. Upon beginning construction, the Engineer shall receiYe mn~ J>8¥MDt8 as defined in Article II. The Engineer shall .receiYe the remaining ten (10) per cent ot the total engineering tee upon final inspection and approftl. b)" the City -Council ot the City of Englewood, Colorado, as detendned by PlaU and Specificatiom adopted. AlfT adjut.ent in t.he Engineer'• .fee auat be concluded on or before one (1) )"ear from t.he date ot this ContractJ provided that it construction has not been completed, the Engineer shall be ent.it.l.ed to t.hat portion or his fee as the amount or work then cmaplet.ed by the EngiMer bear• to the total work the Engineer would haw performed had construction been cOJ1pletede · TERMINATION r Tbe Cit7 ot Englewod reserYes the right to terminate this contract and dispenae with the aerrlcee ot the Engineer upon fourteen (14) day's' notice in writing to t.he Engineer, -whereupon the Engineer shall be entitled to final pqaent of .his tee computed on the basis or the aoaat ot work then c<>11pleted to ach date by the Engineer bears to the total which the Engineer would haft bad to pertora bad he been empl07ed lD'ltil the complition of construction. <If wrrn:ss WHBREOF, the City ot l'.ngl.ewood, Colorado, has caused this Contract to be •W.Cribed by the MaTor and sealed and attested by its City Clerk -in its behalt, and the Engineer, second part.7, has signed this Contract the dq and year first mentioned ....... Thia Contract is aecuted in triplicate counter-parts• THE CITY CF ENGmwoe>D, COIDRADO. PY ATTFST1 Ma,' or r. i;. Barran, Mt;t-uien Dile H • Rea, -EnjiJliir I I I I Councfl•n Robbins, Moved) Weigand, Seconded) That the Mayor sign said Contract on beb•lt of the City or Engle wood and the Clerk attest .-. ROLL CAI.La · Bodan, Aye Cushing, abeent Davis, Absent AY&SI Senn Frants, Aye Parker_ Aye Rapp, Aye HAYSI None MAYOR SO CEDERED Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSINT1 Two Cit7 Manager, Mr. Flint presented approved claims on the General Fund totaling 12$1 367.lJa Councilaan Robbins, Moved) Weigand, Seconded) ROLL CALL1 Bodan, Aye CW!lh 1ng ,. Absent Davis, Absent AYESr Seven Frantz, Aye Parker, A1f8 Rapp, Aye NAYSr None , MAYCR SO ORDERED Robbina1 .qe Weigand, qe Wright, Aye .ABSENT1 ho CitJ' Manger presented approved claims on the Sewer Disposal Plant, totaling 127,818.29. Council.Mn Robbins, Moved) . Weigand, Seconded) That all claima read and apprond be paid. ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cushing, Absent Darts, Absent AYE.51 Seven . Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAlSl None MlYCR SO ORDF.RED Robbin8, Aye Weigand, qe Wright•, 1.79 ABSENT1 Two City Manger presented approved claims on the Water Dept. Fund, totaling I 121 37.3•88• Council Robbins, Moved) Wright, Seconded) That the Water Fund ~laims read a d approt.d be paid. ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cush 1ng1 Absent Davis, Absent AYES1 Seven Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS1 None Robbins, Aye Weigand, qe Wright, A7• ABSENT1 Two MAYOR SO ORDERED Council.Jlan Rapp 1 Moved) Bodan, Seconded) Ttlat there being no further busineaa to come before the Coucnll, Council to adjourn to Jfcmda71 J\Ule 1$th, at 8100PM. ROLL CALLI Bodan, A79 CU8hinl 1 Absent Davis, Abse*t AIE.51 Seven Frants, A79 Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSr None Robbina, qe Weigand, Aye Wright, 1.79 AEDT1 Two 'ftle minutea' of t.he Regular Meeting ot the Cit7 Council of the City' flt lnglnood, Colorado, held llondl1' the lat day of June 195.3. Stand apprOYed as corrected thia Mondl1' the 6th clQ' of Jul.7 19SJ. ~~-. -~n, C1\i Clirk --.. • RIDULlR ADJOURtfED llEBTING OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COUllADO, THlS lSth DlY OF JUNE I A.D., 19SJ • MQor Pro T• Colbert Cuahin& called the Meting to order and asked tor roll callJ ROLL CAI.La Bodan, Present Cushing, PreHnt Darts, Absent PRISENT1 Frants, Absent Parker, Present Rapp 1 Absent. Five Robbinl, Present Weigand, Absent Wright, Present AmENTI Four Mr. Schuck, 307S So. J.co_, came before the council protesting the building being done by Mrs. Jobmcm mxt door to h:ia. The Cit7 Coucnil decidad to appoint a comdttee to investigate Mr. Schuck'• problea. Mr. Work of HUlpclen Hille Iln'elpomnt Co. appeared before the Council in regarda • fencu being built after discussion it _. decided they submit agreements from thtir neighbors and pt pend.ta. Ccnmc1l•n Weigand and Rapp entered and were seated vi th the Council. Mr. Daft. Spencer ot the rt.. Logm o-before the Council regardinl the Vet.ram Housing Project at rt.. Logan, Colorado. After diaoua1ion it .. ct.cided the City or Englewood had no author1t7 to handle the project u it •s outside the Cit.7 L1llita. Cit7 llanapr1 J. W. nint aa directed to giw written notice to J. A. McCall that his 1111ploJaent with tbe CitT ot Bnglewood, Colorado, wuld be tendnated thirty (.30) dqa after the receipt of Aid notice. Councilwn Robbina, Mond) ~' Seconded) Tbat Cit.7 Manager, Mr. n1n\ lift written notice to J. A. ROLL CAI.La Bodan, 1.79 Cubing~ 1.79 Dan.1 Abnnt il'ISI Snu McCall that after .30 dql hi• mploJaent vit.h the Cit7 ot lnll.nood1 wuld be terminated. Franta, Abemt Parker, I.Te bpp, q. IAISI None MAYOR PRO•TIM at DERED Robbinl, qe Weipnd1 qe Wri&bt, 1.79 AB9NT1 'l'1IO Counc1l•n Robbina, Moved) Rapp, leooDde4' •) That City Attorney, M. o. ShiYers1 Jr. prepare notice ROLL CALLI Boden, q. Cwlhina, q. DaT18 1 Abeent A~a Snen to the City ot Denver, Colorado tor out ott ot the Sewer Syet,•1 effective as of December )lth1 19S.3 at h91.ft (12) Midnight, and that the Mqor sign and Cit7 Clerk Atteat ..... Frtpitz, Absent Parker, Ay'e Rapp, Aye HAYSI None MlmR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED Robbim, qe W.ipnd, qe Wright, qe AmDT1 TllO Pl.am were eubaitted. by the Cit.7 Managw tor an 18• sewer Trunk Um in prepu-atioll tor tbe out ott b7 o.mw. Councilan Rapp, Mo'Yed) Bodan1 Seoonded) That the plans preaented b7 the Cit7 ..._._.tor an 18• 5-r Trm* line be accepted and bidm be oaJlecl tore ROLL CAI.La Bodan, 1.79 CuhiDI• 1.79 Dan.1 Abeent J.D:s1 Snen Frants, Abeent Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye KAYS1 None MAYOR PRO-TIM SO ORDERED Robbim, q. We1pn41 qe. Wrigbt, qe ABSllT1 Two I I I I "1 1bera ot the Junior "'•wher ot Cc ere• asked that t-he Cit7 of. qlewood, gin eom f1namia1 aasiatance in putting on a rourth or July Firework• Displq,atter d18cuaion1 CouncilJmn ~arker, Moved) Rapp, Seconded) That the Cit1Y or Englewood lift to 1lae Jmiol" obaher ot Conmerce, One Hundred (100.00) dollar8 tor fire worb and the Cit7 Clerk •• c:lirected to prepare the lfarram . 1-diatel.Y. ROLL CALLI Bodan, qe Culhing, A7e Darts, Absent AYESI Senn Frants, Absent Parlcar, A79 Rapp, A7e HAYSI None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT 1 Tllo Counc1J•n Bodan1 Mond) Robbins, Seconded) That the Cit7 Council adjourn to Wednesdq June 17th, 19S3 at 8100 P.JI• ROLL CAIJ.t Bodan, .l79 Cubing, qe Darts, Absent. AYESt Seven Frants, Absent. Parker, qe Rapp, A7e HAYSI ''one MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED Robbim, qe W.ipnd, qe wnpt, qe ABSBllTt Two The Minutea of t.he Regular Adjourned ••ting ot the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot IDgl.-d, Colorado th18 Mondq the lSth dq of June, stand approved •• read thi8 Mondq Juq 6th, 19S3 .l .D. d . .. ~01