HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes402 RFDUL&R AD.X>URRBD MIETDG OF THE CITY COUICU. or THE crrY or ENGLlllJOD, COUIWJO, THIS 171:h DlI 01 JUD 19SJ. Ml_Jor Robert r. Frants called t.he ••ting to order and asked tor roll call. ROU. CAI.Lt BodUl, Pre•nt Cubing, Ab8ent. Dana 1 Absent :rrants, PreHDt Parker, Present Rapp, Present Robbiu, Preaent Weipnd, PreHDt Wrigbt, Preaent PRISINTa Senn ABSJal'ra Two . I.Mlie 1. lthitt.ore, Public Accountant, preMnted the audit report ot the Cit7 of lnglnood tor the 1'-.z' ot 19$2. The Cit7 coUDOil authoriMd •tt.ornq M.o. ShiTera, Jr. to prepare an A•nt'Arnt to Ordinance Roel) ~ ot USJ, Cbanginl the Whittaker Prope1"t7 to an R-1-A Zone. Couac1l•n Boden preaented a Bill tor an Ordimnce, "Entilted " Al ORDINJHCE TO cmTRACT AH D1JBBT'ilMISS OB BIRAII OF THI CITY OF ENGLD«>OD, COLORAOO, AND UPClf THE CREDIT IBQQ BY ISSUDll I C. 8IID Gift D TD PRDCIPAL SUM" 1150.000 FOO 'nfE lMPRORIBllT AND BITllfSICll OF ITS WAna. WORKS S?STIM, PRISCRIBDG ml FORM or SAID BONill, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY Cl Till& TO PAY '1'111 Bcllm Alm ml D IBR&iT THIRIDI I AlfD DP£LARIIO JN DmROlllCI• VHBRUS, the cit7 ot laglnood hu conetructed and now owna, operate• and •intaim a 117ata ot wterwork• tor t.he purpose of euppqing t.he Cit7 and it• inhabitant• with wter tor tire and dmeetic purpoH•J and 11111R11:J 1 it 1a neo••8&17 to inc~ t.be wter supp]¥ and .._. and illpro'f9 u1cl •terwork• 11711ta in order to nppq the .. id Cit.7 and the inhabitants -....Ot vitb a - and act.quate nppq ot vaterJ and . 1lllRIAS1 there are not sufficient tund8 in the treasury ot aiad Cit7 to proride tor .. 1d w.ter auppq and the necesAJ7 extenaiona and illprovwnts to said wterworb qne., and tbe Cit7 Council de.-it a~ble and neo••Al7 to issue negotiable bonds of Kid Cit7 tor that parpo881 THERBrORE, BE IT ORDAIHED BY 'nfE crrY COUNCU. OF THE CITY OF llfo:r.JID)D, D THE COUITI or ARAPAHOE, COIDIWJO I Section 1. 'lhat tor the purpose ot prortding tunda tor supplying •ter and the at.mi. md illproTwnt ot the -lnood wterworks 97stem, the Cit.7 ahall issue maotiable c oo.-'bond9 in the principal 8Ull ot 11.SO,ooo, dated June 1, 19.SJ, pqable la lawtal .,_,. ot the United State. ot Amrioa, conaiating ot 150 bonds in the denmd.nation of 111 IOO each, nmbered 1 to }Sp, incluaift, bearing interest pqable am-annually on the lat dq of June and the lat dq ot Decrber each JU.ri u erldenced b7 intereat coupons attachedto said bondae Said bonda shall bear date June 1 1 19S3, and shall •ture on December lat, as toll.ona AIUJIT 115,000 16,ooo 18,ooo is,ooo 12,000 10,000 a,ooo 6,000 s,ooo 4,000 MATURITY 1954 and 1955 1956 and 19.S7 19S8 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 to 1966, inclusive 1967 Bond• •turinl in the JU.r• 19S4 to 19601_incluaive, shall bear interest at the rate ot 3% per ann• and bond8 •turing in the 7Kt"• 1961. to 1967, incluaive, ahall bear intereat. at. the rate ot ~per ann•, intereat being pqable June lat and Deceaber lat each 79ar. Said boDda and t.be covpona t.bereto attach .... ,, be pqable at the ottice ot the Cit7 Clerk and Bx-otticio Cit.7 Tnuurer in Bnclnooct, Colorado, shall be signed b7 the Mqor ot said Cit7 and attested and coatenigned b7 the Cit7 Clerk and k-otticio Cit7 Treasurer, under t.be official seal ot •id Civ, and lball be recorded in a book to be kept b7 said Cit.7 Clerk tor that purpose, All co11pCJM mall bear t.he tacaildle aignature or the Cit.7 Clerk and Ex-officio Civ Treasurer ot .. id City. Sect.ion 2. Tbat the Mid bonds and the coupona attached thereto llhall be in aubatantialq ·tibe tol.l.ovinl form t UIITBD STATBS OF AMIRICA STATBS OF COIDRADO COUNTY OF ARAPAHOI CITY or llGLBMX>D WATIR llTINSIClf BC»m ~ 11,000 I l .r: " I I ' ., ;'. ........... - The Cit7 ot lagl.ewood, in the Co1111t.7 ot Arapahoe and St.ate ot Colorado, aclmowl.edau it.it indebted md hereb7 praai••• t.o pq t.o the bearer herot the am ot Clll 'nlOUSAND DOLLARS on the let. daT ot December, A.D. lg. ., with intere•t thereon at the rate ot · Bia• percent.• (~) ThrH and one•quarter per centwn (~) per annm, pqable -1-.nmaall.J on the let dq ot June and the lat dq ot n.o..-. eaoll ~' both prinoipal and intere•t being pqable in 1-lul. moD81' ot the United St.ate• of Amrioa, at. the office ot the Citr Cl.erk md Ix-officio Cit7 Treasurer in a!J]1wo11J, Colorado. Thi• bond i• i8•ued b7 the Cit.7 Council ot the Cit7 ot F.ng.lveod, Colll"&do, tor tile purpoee ot suppl.7inl tbe Cit7 and it.• inbabitants with water and extend1DI and iljproTiDI :lta wter110rk• q8ta under tbe authorit7 ot and in full cont'ol'llit7 with the Comtitution ot tbe State of Colorado, the prori81om ot Chapter 16.3, Colorado Statute• Annotate•, 193.S &Dd all otb8r lava tbereunto enabling, and pur•mnt to an ordinance of said C:lt.7 dulT adopted, publillbed and •de a law ot aid Cit.7 prior to the 18suance ot tbi8 bond. It 1• herbT certified md recited that all the requir-nt• ot law haft been ful.q C011Plied with b7 the proper officer• or said Cit7 1n the issuance of thi• bondJ that the total ctmt. of the Cit7, including that or thi• bond, <bes not exceed aey lilllit of t.lebt1dm•• prew'ibed· bT tbe Constitution or lava ot the State ot Colorado, and that prort11on ha• been .ade fer tibe the l9V7 and collection or an annual tax sufficient to pq the interest on and prinoipel ot tbia bond when the -becom• due• · The faith and credit or the Cit7 of Englewood, Colorado• are he•bT pledged tor the punctual pQMDt ot the principal of and interest on this bond. D TISTIMClfI WHIRBOF 1 the Cit.J Council or tbe Cit7 of Englewood, Colorado, has caued thi• bond to be e1pect b7 the MQor of •aid Cit7, Haled with the seal ot the Cit7, atteaW ad counter•iped b7 tbe Cit7 Clerk and Ix-officio Cit7 Treuurer, and the coupom hereto attllobe«' to be signed vit.h t.h• feD•1*'1• •ipautre or the Cit7 Clerk and Bx-otticio Cit.Y TreanNI', u ot the l.t dq ot Jam, A.D. 19S3e 1fi1or w.oo --.... ----16.2s <Xf the tir•t dq ot June, (Deoellber), A.D. 19_, the Cit7 ot Englewood, ot Arapahoe 111d State ot Colorado, will pq to bearer Fitteen-------·Dollar• Sizteen and 2S/100 Dollars ill latal mnq ot the United Stat.a of America, at the office ot the Cit7 Clerk ad 18 ettic:lo Cltf Treasurer in ID&lnood1 Colorado, being six month• interest in ita wter atemioa boa4 dated .rm. l, 19S3, bMrinl lo--(Fac•1aile Signature) Cit7 Clerk and lx-ottioio Cit7 Treasurer Seotion 3• When Mid bond8 h&Te been dulJr executed, the Cit7 Olerk 18 here~ dineted to dallTW eaid bond8 to the p11l'Ohuera thereof on receipt ot th• agreed purobue price. !be proceeda ot •id bond8 ™'' be ued tor the purpoH ot auppqing t.be Cit.7 with •t. and extenct1ng and 1llprorinl the wtermrk• qstem ot Hid Cit71 and tor no otb• P•JIO• matnv, but neither the pw1:-... ot aid bonda nor the •ube~ ho1der ot UT et tillla mall be reapcmaibla tor the application or c:limpoaal b7 the Cit71 or UT ot ita ettic..-., et _, ot the tund8 derind from the •al• thereor. Section 4. The interest due on said bonda on Dec•ber 1 1 19S31 shall be dr1n11d bGa UJ7 tund in the Cit.7 aTailable thereof. For the purpoH ot re1abur•in& llUOh tund and -'111& the interest accruing on aaid bonds prompt]¥ and as the --llll II daa• and tor t.he pwpaH ot prori.dinl tor t.he ultiate pQMDt and redemption pl aid bond8 1 1ibere llb•ll be lnied oa all the taxable propert7 in •id Cit7, in addition to all other taxe•1 direct annual taa• 1a wb. ot the J-.r 19S3 to 1966 1 incluain, ntticient to make such re1ahw1 'Q' ud pq nob ilatere•t and principal a• the AM become• due and pqable, reapectiTeq. Said taa•1 11h• ooll.ecW, aball be ct.po•ited in a special fund to be known as •Cit7 ot lnglemod Water Bond ft: t,• ad nch tund 8ball be applied 80le]¥ to the purpo1e of the pqmnt ot the ~nat on and primipal ot said bond8 1 and tor no other purpose llhatever until the indebtednea• 80 contracted .... tb1a Ordimnce, both prinoipal and interelt1 shall ban been tullT paid, uti.n.l md diaollaJiled, but noth1.na herin contained •ball be eo construed• to prnent •id Cit7 tn. appq:lDc _, other t1IDd8 or rn11D119• that M7 be in tbe Cit7 TNUm7 and aT&ilabl.e tor that purpa•1 te tbe pQmnt ot aid int.ere1t er principal, u the ... reepectinq •ture, md upon arq nlla pQment.81 the Jav or lni•• herein prodded mq thereupon to that atent be d1•1n18be4. !be ... herein proY:lded to •et the 1.Dtere•t on .. 1d bonda ad to d1.Mteerp the pr1Doip91 ........, 11hm cm., are bm"eb7 apropriated tor ~at purpose, and said amunta tor eaoh 7Mr ab&ll ai.o be includM in tbe amual bqet and the appropriation bill• to be adopt.eel and passed b7 1iM Cit7 Comcil ot Aid Cit71 in the .,..,., reepeotiT•lT• Seotion s. It shall be the dut.7 or the Cit7 Council or said Cit7, annually, at tA• tme and in the manner prorlded b7 law tor leTJ'ing other Cit7 taxes, it nch action 8hall be ••11•a•an to etrectuate the prort1icm8 of thi• Ordinance, to ratifT and c&r17 out the pron.. I L with reference to the lft71.nl and collection or taxe•J and said Cit7 8b•ll lev, oertifT and ,403 con.ct auch tun 1n the manner prnict.d b7 law tor th• purpoae or creating a fund tor the J>81mnt ot 1:118 principal ot said bonda and 1ntere•t thereon, md such taxe•, Wien collected, shall be kept tor and appllecl onq to the wnmst ot the 1ntere1t on and principal ot said bona, u hereinabon 8J>90itied. Section 61 ill Ordinance• or part• t.hereot, in conflict with this 0rd1•me, are hereby repealed. Section 7• After aaid bonda are iaemd, tbi• Ordinance shall :be and r 1n irrepeel•ble until Aid bonda and the intere8t t.hereon aahll haYe been fully paid,. sat1atied and cl18charged. Section 81 Tbi.8 Ord:imnce, 1-ediate~ on it• pa•eap, shall be recorded 1n the Book of C>rd1Duloea lc..,t tor t.bat. purpoee, authenticated b7 the •ignaturea ot the llQ'or and Clerk, and Mall be publiabecl•u required b7 law. Section 9• BT reuon ot the tact that Mid ~-nt• and utenaiona an illperatiftll' ••dad 1n ordilr that the Cit7 and it1 inhabitant• •7 be p1.,1r~ and adequatel.T npplied vitb •ter, it 1• hereby declared that an -r1eDC7 a18t1, that this Ordinance is MOHIU'J' to the 1msd1•te pre11rwation of the public peace, health and aatety, and it shall be 1n tull force and effect t1Ye _. after it.a t1nal publioation. SF.AL ATTIST1 SUL ATTIST1 Introduced thia 17th dl7 of June, A.D. 19SJ. ~ '1.ml17 adopted and apprOYed t.hi1 dq ot A.D., 19SJ. Jfa7or Cit7 Clark '1.rst publloationa Jme 2s, 19S3 Last publloationa Juq 21 19SJ F1anl Publioation JuJ.y 13, 19SJ. Counc1l•n V.1pnd1 Moftd) Robbina, Seconded) That t.h• Bill jut read be pu1ed on Fir8t Readina and publ.iabecl 1n th• Inglewood lnterpria•• ROLL CAI.Lr Bodan, A7• Cullb1ng, Absent DaY18 1 abHnt AIESa Snu Frants, qe Parker, A7e Rapp, A7e IAIS1 None lflIOR SO ORDIRID Rfbbim, q. Weiland, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 ho The City 111.napr 1tated that the Colorado Interstate Gu CalpaD7 110uld rmDft the high pre1•ve IU line which ruu through the propo•ed new re•ervoir tor t6SOO.oo Counc1l•n Bodan1 MOYed) Wright, Secondld) that the City pq the Colorado Interstate Gu ec..,a,., 16SOO.oo tor the rmon.l ot gu line. ROLL CALI.a Boda, q. Cubing, J.bHnt DaY18 1 Abaent illS I Seftll Frants, Abaent Parker, qe Rapp, A7e IAISa None MAI<R SO ORDERED Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT a Two I I :.: ~I I ' ' ; ·, I Cit.7 ••1er, Mr. ntnt aued tor md -11ven permission t.o ~-a 4• W.t.ttr line from lle"ll'"'- to Girard to increue the pre•sure and •upplT on both Lincoln Street in the 3400 block and Oil lut Girard. Die Colorado Central Po.r Compe'V reque•ted permission to build a pole line aero•• Cit7 --.. 1:w in orc:t.r to ••rn the Cool87 Graftl Plant. CouncU•n Rapp, Mored) Robbin8 1 Seconded) That the City give the Colorado Central Power 0, c•'V' permiasion to build a pole line to serve the CoolAlr Gravel Plant. ROU CAIJ.1 Jtodan, "7e Cubine,~ Dart•, Abaent ·ADS1 Snen Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye JIAIS1 None MAYOR SO-ORDERED Robbim, '7e Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSllT I Tllo Tbe Council directed the Cit7 lteapr to see it he could arrange a CClllJ>rold.M betVMD Mr. Schuck uid Mr•• Johuon in reference to oOlllp!aint tiled tor non-cOlltondnc occup&DC7 and 1a cue a compro-1 M oan not be G'NllPdi • \be building inspeotor is to notif7 Mra. Johuon to redme the occ11p&DC7 to two tuUie• in c~liance v'ith the Zoning Ordinance. Tbe Clerk preaented BrocbUN8 on a Tood Chock-Si~r, which would cost $290.00 ~ with aignature plate, additional plate to coat 127·.SO/ Council.-n Wright, Moftd) Bodan1 Seconded) 'ftlat the Cit7 purchase the check writer• ADS1 Snen Frants, A7e Parker, Aye Rapp, 4e NAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED Robbina, 1.79 Weigand, qe Wright, qe .lBSENTt i- lounc:Uwn Bodan, lloYed) Wright, Seconded) 'ftlat the Council adjo~ to Mondq June 29th, l9S3, at 8100 P.M. ROLL CALLI lodan, qe Cubing, Abaent Dart•, Absent AIESI SeYen Frants, '7• Parker, Aye Rapp, AT• llAIS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED Robbw, '78 Weigand, '1e Wright, qe ABSENT1 Two 'ftle M1nute1 of the Regular Adjourned ••ting ot the City Council ot the City ot lnglevoocl, Colorado1 t.hi8 Wedne~ the 17th dq ot June 19.S.3· Stand approved as corrected thia 6th dq ot JuJ.7 19SJ. A.D. ~&~ ~rk