HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-08-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRPDULlR ADJOURHED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COIDRADO THIS MONDAY THE 17th DAY OF AUGUST A.D. 19531 Mayor Pro-T•, Colbert Cushing, called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Calle ROLL CALLI ~odan, Present Cushing, Present Darl.8 1 Absent L Frantz, Absent Parker, Absent Rapp, Absent Robbin8 1 Preaent We1.gud 1 Pre..t. Wright, Pre•ent ~!NTs J'iYe ABSmTa Four MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDEREDa Mr. Tm York ~ before the Council regarding parking on so. Cherokee, between Ithioa and Jetfenon only o,..,.lt ot this street being dedicated and open. After ducnweion it _. decided the Council would imeetigate. Counc11Mn Dari.a and Parker entered and were seated with the ColD'lCil. Mr. T. w. Ander80D prennted a letter regarding easment or right ot Wiil' tor water line• running llorth and South through property owned by Kent School. -beinl •ianed b7 lent Schools Inc. and T. W • Ander•one Counc1lun Robb1m 1 iat.roduced and there waa read the following Resolution, to-vitJ RF.SOLUTION WHEREAS, the owner or l~ or the .Property and area herinatter deecribed) have tiled a Petition to ama to the Cit7 of ~lewod, the said territo17 •ituate in the Cot1Dt1' ot Arapahoe, State of Colorado, described as toll.ova, to-wits ' The North 4r; feet ot the Southeast Quarter ot the Southeut Quarter (SE 4 SEi ) o! Section Thirty-five (JS), Township tour (4) -Mutla, Railc• S~7-4ight (68) WestJ EXCEPl' the lorth JO feet alrea«V dedicated tar road purposes and subject to a right of 1'a1" tor ut111t1ea on the South 10 feet of said parcel consisting ot approximately 513 1 280 square feet. WHEREAS, aaid Petition rultulls all the requirements or Chapter .314, Colorado iession Lava of 1947J Ha.1 1 THBREP'ORE, BE IT ~OLVED, That said Petition be accepted and that Hotice ot Acceptance be publiahed in the Englewood Enterprise for three (3) suceseive weeks be&innina August 27 1 19Sle Mqor ATTFST1 c-1i7 l:lerk PASSED AND AOOPTBD by the City Council or the City or 4lgl8110od 1 Colorado, this 17th dq ot Augut, A.D. 19SJ. WILLIAM BODAH, JR• COLBBRT E. CUSHOO TRUJWf le lllVIS RCEERT F. FRANTZ ROLL CALL1 B.B. WRIGHT CHAlliERSE A. PARKER JAMES RAPP JACK ROBBINS · HARRY G. WEIGAND I, J • .L. Barron, Cit7 Clerk of the Cit7 of &l&lewood, Colorado, llo hereby certif7 that the foregoing RESOLUTION ia a true and correct copy of a Resolution dulT and regul.arl.J adopted and apprond by the Cit7 Council and the MB_yor of the City ot lngl.wmod, Colorado, on the 17tlb dq of' August, A.D. 1953. lJ:{ty Clirt· .• Counc11wn Weigand, Moved) Wright, Seconded) That the above and foregoing resolution be: paaaed am ROLL ClLL1 Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davie, Aye adopted. AYES• Seven i''rantz, Absent Parker, Aye Rapp, Absent NAYSs None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED1 Rob bins, A7e Weigand, qe Wright, Aye ABSENT1 Two Mr. Neil Barm, Citi lngineer, made a report on Sewer Trunk Line Bids which wr• received on Monday evein1.ng uguat 10th. Arter discussion. ~ouncil.llan Kobbina, Moved) Weigand, Seconded) That the Contract be awarded to Western Utilit7 ROLL CALL1 Bodan,Nq Cushing; qe Davia, Aye AYES1 Four · Conatructore Company. Frantz, Absent Parker, Nay Rapp, Absent NAYSs Three Robbine, qe Weigand, q. Wright, lq ABSENTa Two MAYOR PRO-TEM SO CRDERED1 • Cit7 Manager, Mr. nint, asked tor an approval for a release or Bond tor tonier "1.ectrical Inapector, R. L. Cunningham. Council Mn . Bodan, Moved) Wright, Seconded) That the Bond of R.L. Cunningham be r•l-ede ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye 0.Yiat '78 AYES• Seven Frantz, Absent Parker, Aye Rapp, Absent NAYSs None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERE01 Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 Two City Manager, J. W. nint, asked for the approval of Bond for Mr. V. E. Scrivner, 11.ectrical Impector. Councilaan l\obbina, Moved) Weigand, Seconded) That the Bond of Mr. V. E. Scrivner be a~proved. ROLL CALLI Bodan, qe Cushing, Aye Davia, ATe AIES1 Seven Frantz., Absent Parker, Ayes Rapp, Absent NAYSs None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED Robbins, Aye Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSEITa Two City Manger, J. W. Flint, presented an approved claim on the General Fund to the Board ot Commissioners ot Arapahoe County for Pre-mix used by the Street Department 4uring the month ot July, 19531 for $S.349.SO · Council.man Davis, Moved) Robbins, Seconded) That the above approved claims .be paid. ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cushing , Aye Davis, Aye AYES• Seven 1rantz1 Apsent Parker, Aye Rapp, Absent NAYS1 None MAYCE PRO-TEM SO ORDERED. Robbins,, Aye Weigand~ qe Wright, Aye ABSDTa Two City Manager, J. W. Flint, presented an approved claim on the Water Fund to Santa Fe Railroad tor $780.)0 for freight on 30" Cast Iron Pipe. ~ouncilman Davis, Moved) Robbins, Seconded) That the above approved claim be paid. ROLL CALLJ Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davis, Aye AYESs Seven Frantz, Absent Parker, Aye Rapp, Absent NAYSs None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDEREDs Robbins. '7• Weigand, '7• Wright, Aye ABSENT I Two I I I I Councilman Rapp entered and was seated with the Coun:: u. There being no more business to come before the Council. Sounc ilman .Uavia 1 Moved) Bodan, Seoonded) That the CoWlcil adjourn. ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davis, Aye AYESa ~ight ii ·rantz, Absent Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSa None MAYOR PRO-TEM SO ORDERED: Robbins, qe Weigand, '7e 'Wright, Aye ABSENT1 One The Minutes ot the Regular Adjo\Jrn Meeting of the City Council of ~e City ot Englewood, Englewood, Colorado held August 17th, 1953. Stand approved· as • & _ thia 8th dq of September 19531 A.D. ' 9~~ AA' J <lf=~ \