HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-09-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes43t) RIDULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY r:6 ENGLDtwOOD, ENGLOOOD, COWRAOO, THIS TUESDAY THE 8th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1953. Mayor Robert Pe Frantz, called the meeting to order and uked £Gr Roll C&ll11 Roll Callt Bodan, Present Cwshing, Absent Davis, Absent Frantz, ,tJresent Parker 1 Present Rapp, Absent Robbins, Present Weigand, Absent Wright, Present PRESENT t .t"ive AOOENTt Four ColD'lcilman, Weigand entered and was seated with the council. Clerk read the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August .3rd, the Special Call Meeting ot August 10th, an:i the Regular Adjourned meeting ot August 17the ColDlCil.Mn Robbins, Mc>Yed) Weigand, Secomed) That the Minutes be approved as Reade Roll Callt Bodan, Aye Cuahing, Absent Davis 1 Absent AYF.St Six Frantz, Aye Parker! Aye Rapp, bsent NAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDERED111 Robbins, Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABSENTa Three Chamber of Uonnerce President, Fred Frat&ier presented a p~ whereby Employee parking could be obtained from the Ambrose Williams Parking Lot. Mr. Chu. Dolseal of the inglewood Public Schools, presented plans tor the uae or rebuilt Anv Barracks ror"'temporary use at three of the schools. Councilman Rapp and Davis entered and was seated with the co\lllcil. Clerk read a Resolution for the execution of a License between the City of i'Gglewood and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Canpany 1 relating to Water Line Crossing ot Right of Way ot Railway Company. RES OLLTIOU be authorized and empowered to execute on behalf of the City ot F.ngl.e1ioodfnColorado. such license, COJ>7 of which is hereto at~hed, and the same be recoraid the RlDUtes ot the City Commission at the root or this resolution. STATE OF Colorado ~ SS COUNTY OF Arapahoe 1 1 J. L. Barron , City Secretary, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the City Connission of said City in regular session on September 8, 19$3 1 as the smne appeara or record in Book '"'1nutes 1 Pa ge 430 1 , Minutes of said City Colllnission. IN TESTIK>NY WHER EOF, Witness my hand and the Seal of said City this 8th - day or Sept•ber, 1953. Cfty Secretary ii - I I ,, I \. Counci.lJnan, Rapp, Moved) Bodan, Seconded) 'J.'hat the Mayor be author:laed to sign the above Resolution and the Clerk to attest same and a Warrant be drawn on the Disposal Plant Fund tor tlo.oo License Feee· Roll Calls Bodan 1 Aye Cushing, Absent Davis, Aye AYESr Eight Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSa None MAYOR SO ORDEREDr:: Robbins, A.ye Weigand,. Aye Wright, Aye ABSENTr One Clerk read Resolution fort he excution of a license between the City ot Englewood and the Atchison1 Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, relating to a Sewer line crossing or the Hight or Way of the Railway Company. ,-,.~o LTION BE IT KNOWN that on this the ~-8_t_h day or leptember, 1953, at a regular meeting ot the governing body or the City or Englewood, Colorado , there came on to be oonsidere d the matter of the execution or a license between the said City ot Englewood, Colorado 1 and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, relating to a sewer line across property and under tracks of the Atchinson, Topeka md Santa Fe Railway Company· at Mile Post 730 plws 2S22.7 feet which location is1 1 in said City of l!nglewod, Whereup-rt,he tollowing proceedings were hadr It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that Robert •• Frants, Mayor, be authorised and empowe red to execute on b ehalf of the City or F:ngle1110od , Colorado~ such l icense, copy of which is hereto attached, and the same be recorded in the Minutes of the City Co111nission at the foot of this resolution. STATE OF Colorado ) -) SS COUNTY OF Arapahoe ) I, J. L. Barron 1 City Se cretary, do hereby certif7 that the above and fore going is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the Cit7 cOl'llllission, ot the said City in regular session on September 8, 1953 1 as the same appears of record in Book Minutes said City Commission. , Page 4.31 1 Minutes ot IN TESTIMONY WH EREOF, Wi tness my han d aid the Seal of said City This 8th day of September 1953. SEAL1 C-fty-Secretary Councilman Weigand , Moved) Roll Calli Robbins, ~conded) That the Mayor be authorised to sign the above Resolutio:1 m d the Clerk to Att£st ":i!'le Bodan 1 Aye Cushing, Absent Davis , Aye AYES1 Eight same.· ~rantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp 1 Aye NAYS1 No ne MAYOR SO ORDEREDr:r Robbins, qe Weigand, Aye Wright, A7e ABSENTr One 431 32 City Manager read a letter from Mr. Sternberg in regards to the Zoning ot .the City or F.nglewood, Englewood, Coloe , , Clerk read and there was introduced a Bill for an Ordinance BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHDJ G PRECINCT NUMBERS AND BOUNDAHI&5 FOR ALL CITY ELECTIONS HELD FROM .AND AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DAT E OF, THIS ORDINANCE DE FilUNG THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ELECTION PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF E NG LEWOOD, COLORADO, STATING THE WARD IN WHICH EACH PRE C:LTCT JS LCC ATE D AND REPFllJNG ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES Ill CONFLICT HElmiITH • • WHEREAS• since t he last preceding municipal election in the City of Englewood, Coloradl. large areas ha• been annexed to s aid City and the population thereof has been increased b y said annexation~, and WHEREAS 1 territories so annexed have been by ordinance designated as a part of warU abutting said territories at the time of annexation, and WHEREAS, the increase in population necessit a~ JS the change in existing boundaries of election precincts within said City f•, avoid inconvenience to qualified electors who may desi.re to vote in succeeding mun i cipal elections• NCJi, THER EFO RE, BE IT ORDIINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, OLORAD01 Section la fhat pursuant to Section S, Chapter 185, 1947 Session of Laws cf Colorado, precinct boundaries with i n the city limits of the City of Englewood, Colo.:'ado, are tixed and defined as hereinafter set forth, each precinct bearing the number accompanying said boundary definition. Section 21 lhat the precincts in Ward No. 1 be, and they are hereby, numbered · ~ and defined:B follow:J , to wits A. Precinct No. le Beginning a.t the intereection of the center line ot West '1" \,! Avenue with the a.enter line of South Broadway StreetJ_thence West along the center line or West Yale Avenue ~o the center line of South jl.a.ti StreetJ thence louth along the center line or South (La.ti Streeet to the center H.ne or West Bates AvenueJ thence West along the center line of West Bates Avenue to the West city limits of th~ City of F.nglewoodJ thence Southerly along the West city limit line of the City of ~levood, to its point or intersection with the center line of West Vartmouth Avenue; thence Bltat along the c,enter line of West ~artmouth Avenue to the center line of South BroadvaT Street; thence North along the center line of South Broadway to the center line ot West Yale Avenue, the point or beginning. Be Precinct No. 2. Beginning at the intersection of the center line et South Broadwa:Y With the center line of East Yale AvenueJ thence East along the center line or East Yale Avenue to the center line of South Logan StreetJ thence south Ill ong the center line of South w gan Street to the center line of East Dartm outh AyenueJ thence West along the center line of East Dartmouth Avenue to the center line ot ~outh Broaclwa¥J thence North along the center line t;t South Broadway to the center line ot East Yale Avenue, the point of beginning. Section ). 'I'bat the precincts in War d No. 2 be, and they are hereby, numbered and defined as tallows, to wits &. Precinct No. 4. Beginning at t he intersection of the . center line or South Broadwaj with the center line of East Dartmouth AvenueJ t!lence .&:.,_st along the center line or Ea.at Dart.mouth Avenue to ithe center line of South Clarkson street) thence South along the center 1 jne of S o u t ~ Gl.--r ''m '~ l'.'h:,,..,,.,t. t ('\ the center line ot East uira.rd ~J t theiloe We•t along the center ·line of ;Ea•t Girard ·Aven\19 to the ' olftt.er lide ~:.i&t South ~J thance North along the center line of South Broadvq to 'the oenier•line of East 1Jartm6uth Avenue, the point or beginning • ... Be Precinct No. 5. Beginning at the point of intersection or the center line ot West Daftmouth Avenue and the center line or South Broadway; thence West along the center line or West Dartmouth Avenue tot he West city limit line ot the City ot BnglewoodJ thence Southerly along the West city limit line of the City or &lglewood to its point or intersection with the center line of West Lehigh AvenueJ thence lut along the center line or West Lehigh Avenue to tt.:i center line ot South BroadwayJ thence North along the center line of South Broadway to the center line of West Dartmouth Avenue, the point of }>eginning. Ce Precinct No. 6. Beginning at the point or intersection ot the center line of East birard Avenue with the center line of South BroadwayJ thence East along the center line or East Girard Avenue to trn center line of South Clarkson StreetJ thence South along the center line or South Clarkson street to the center line ot East Manatield AvenueJ thence West along the center line of East Mansfield AvenueJ tothe center line or South BroadwayJ thence Rorth along the center line of South Broadway to the center line of East Girard Avenue~ the point of beginning. Section 4. 1'hat the precincts in Ward No. 3 be,, and they are hereby, n'Ulllbered and defined as follows, to-witt I • I I I • I • Hoteuu Precinct Noe 7 follows lo. 8 B. Precinct Ncr. 8e Beginning at the point of intersection ot the center 11.iMt or West-Leh!gh Avenue Witfi the center line of South BroadwayJ thence West along the center line or West Lehigh Avenue tot he West city limit line or the City ot Englewood, thence Southerly along the West city lilllit line of the City of Englewood to its point ot intereection with the center line of West Oxf'ord AvenueJ thence F.ast along the l!.ast along the center line of West Oxford Avenue to its point or intersection with the center line of the alley between South Kalamath Street and South Jason Street extendedJ thence North along the extended center line of said alley to its point .ot intersection with the center line or West Mansfield Avenue; thence East along the center line of West Mansfield Avenue to the center line or the City DitchJ thence Southerly along the city limit line of the City of Englewood to its point ot intersection with the center line of West Nas sauAvenueJ thence West along the center line or West Nassau Avenue to the cente~ line of South Huron StreetJ thence South aloD& the center line of South Huron Street to the North line of ·west Oxtord Avenlie J thence East along the North line of West Oxf'ord Avenue to the City DitchJ thence Southerly along the City Ditch to its point of intersection with the center line of South Huron StreetJ thence South along the center line f o South Huron street to the center line of West Quincy AvenueJ thence East along the center line or ~est Quincy Avenue to the center line of South BroadwayJ thence North along the center line ot the South Broadway to the center line of West J.ehi ch Avenue, the point of beginning • .&.. Precinct No. 7• Beginning at the point of intersection ot the center line of East Maliirield lvenue and the cen t.er line of South Broa~J thtinoe East along the center line or East Manafi~ld Avenue to the c8'lter line of South Clarkson StreetJ tnence South along the o.nter line of South Clarkson Street to the center line ot Eaat Quincy AvenueJ thence West along the center line or Ea.st Quincy Avenue tothe center line or South BroadwayJ thence North along the center line or ·south Broadway to the center line of East Yiansfield Avenue, the point or beginning. Ce Precinct No ... 9. Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of East QU!ncy Avenue witli the center line or South Broadway) ~hence East along the center line of East Quincy Avenue to tho center line of South ~larkdon StreetJ thence South along ~e center line or South Clarkson Street to the center line of Eaat Union AvenueJ thence West along the center line or East Union Avenwi to the center line ~ South BroadwqJ thence North along the center line of South Broadwq to the center line of East Quincy Avenue, .. the point of be ginning. • De Precinct No. 10. Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line ot East Uriion Avenue With the center line or South BroadwayJ thence East along the center line of East Union Avenueto the center line of South Clarkson StreetJ thence South along the center line or South Clarkmn Street to the center line ot East Bellerlev AvenueJ thence West along the center line of East Belleview Avenue to the center line of South Bro..a.&yJ thence North along the center line of South BroadWT to the center line of East Union Avenue, the point of beginning. E. Precinct Ro. lle Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of West Q\iiDCy Avenue With the center line of South BroadwayJ thence Vest along the center line of West Quincy Avenue to the center line of South Huron StreetJ thence South along the cam.er line or South Huron Street to the center 14ne ot West Union AvenueJ thence West along the center line of West Union Avenue to the center line of South JCal.alath StreetJ thence South along the center line or South JC.al-th strMt to the center line of West ~yton AvenueJ thence West along the center line ot West Layton to the cent.er line and extended center line of South Lipan StreetJ thence South along the center line and extended center line or South Lipan Street to the center line and extended center line of West Chenango AvenueJ thence West along the center line and extencbld c enter line of West Chenango Aven•·to the East right of wq line ot the City DitchJ thence lorthly along the East right ot vq line ot the City Ditch to the center line or West ~ton AvenueJ thence West along the center line of West Leyton Avenue to the center line of South i'ecos StreetJ thence South along the cmter line of South Pecos Street to the point at which the city limit line ot the City ot F.nglewood tn-averses to the F.ast and SouthJ thence East, Southeast]¥ and South along the city 11mit line of the City of Englewood to its p01nt of intersection with the center line of West Bellmew AvenueJ thence East along the center line ot West Belleview ~nue to the center line of South Bannock StreetJ thence North along the center line of South Bannock Street tothe cent.er line of West &rand AvenueJ thence East along the center line of West Grand Avenue to the center line or South .A.com. StreetJ .thence North along the center line of South Acoma Street to the center line of West ~enango avenueJ thence East along the center line of West Chenango Avenue to the center line of South ~oadwayJ thence North along the center line ot South Broadwq to the center line of West Quincy Avenue, the point of beginning. Section S. That the precincts in Ward No. 4 be, and they are hereby, numbered and defined as follows, to-wit11 A. Precinct No. ). Beginning at the point of intersection or the center line or South LOgan Street With the center line of F.ast Yale AvenueJ thence East along the center line of East Yale Avenue to the center line ot South ~owning Street J theme South along the center line of South Downing Street to the center line ot ._t Amherst AvenueJ thence East along the center line of East Amherst avenue to the center line or South Franklin Street; thence South along the center line of South Franklin Street to 1he center line of East Dartmouth Avenue; thence West along the center l:lm ot But Dertmuth Annue to the center line of South Logan StreetJ thence Horth along the center line of South Logan Street to the center line of East Yale Avenue, the point ot lleginning. B. Precinct Ro. 22. Beginning at the point of intersection ot the center l1na ot South Ci&rkaon Street with the center line of East Dartmouth AvenueJ thence But along the center line or East Dartmouth Avenue to the center line and extended center line ot South Vine StreetJ thence North along said center line ane extended center line ot South Vine Street to the Horth City limit line of the City ot EnglewoodJ thence East along the North city limit line of the City of Englewood to its point of intersection with the West line of South University .t:SoulevardJ thence South along the West line or South University Boulevard to the center line ot F.ast Floyd AvenueJ thence West along the center line of East Floyd Avenue to the center line of South Latqwtte Street). thence South along the center line of South .Le.tqette Street to the center line ot East Jefferson AvenueJ thence West along the center line ot East Jetferson Avenue to the centerline of South Clarkson StreetJ thence ~along the center line ot South ll.arkson St:tteet to the center line of East Dartmouth Ave. tba po1*t of beg~. Section 6. 'lbat 'all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and they are hereby, repealed. . ... Section 7e The City Council hereby finds, determines and delcares that this Ordinance is necessary for the inlllediate preserv~tion of the public peace, health, satety and c onvenience. Section 8. In the opinion ot the City Council an emergency exiataJ therefore, this "rdinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its final pasHge and publication. Pused on First Reading by the City Council 01' the Cit.Y ot ing18'10od1 Colorado, this 8th day ot September, A.O. 195.3, and ordered published in the iftglwood Enterpriae. ATTESTt Maio.r . . City Clerlc ColmCU•n Cubine entered and was seated with the Council. Cleric presented and there was read the followin0 agreement with the Denver Water Board ot Water Commissioners. AG REIM: NT THlS A ~RE EMFllT 1 Made and entered into as of the 2nd day of September, J.9S.3 1 by and between the CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, acting by and through its BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONE!tS 1 hereinafter sometimes called "Board, 11 and the CM OF E?«lLEJiOCl>1 hereinafter sometimes called "Englewood," both being municipal corporations ot the State ot Colorado, ~SETHI WHIRUS 1 Under practices of the office of the State Engineer ot Colorado, strt bed resenoirs are not charged with liability or credited on aooount of 8l17 gain or loss respecting seepage or ··napora tion losses or gains therefrmu WHEREAS, The Board tor many years owned and operated Cheesman, Eleven Mile and Antero Resenoirs am other smaller impounding basins upon natural stream bed8 1 in accordance with the above mentioned practice, except as the practice has been modUied in comection with an agreement dated Ma,y 1, 1940 and recorded in the public records ot the City and County or Denver in Book 5407 at page 17S. WHEREAS, 'nle above -mentioned reservoirs and also the 'l'wo Fork• Reservoir ot the Board V9re award9d decrees in an adj~cation in the District Court of Park I --.. I "" I •r CountT in case Ho. 3286 on March 24, 1953, and whereas objections made by ~lewood in said adjudication proceeding• were withdrawn upon the consideration that an agreemm t such as this should be entered into. HOW, THEREFORE, For and in consideration of Englewood's withdrawal of objections as heretofore referred to and in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, it ia a greed as follows, toMwi t 1 1. 'J.'he Board will operate ,t;leven Mile Canon Reservoir by masuring the fiow ot water into said reservoir through a measuring device approved b7 the State lblineer and by measuring the water flowing out of such reservoir by such a measuring device, to assure that the same amount of water shall leave said reservoir u to the amount : ot water entering the same, at all times when the Board is not 1-dully storing water therein, it being the intent and purpose of such measurement to assure that the natural t1ov or the stream, except to the extent that the Board is lavtul.17 storing, shall 'ta interterred with .as little as possible by the presence of said reservoir, Charts as to both the inflow into said resetvior and the outflow therefrom shall be made b,y said measuring devic es which are to be constructed, maintained and operated by the Board at its expense and under the supervision and direction ot the State En gineer who shall be furnished with and shall keep and preserve all such charts as a part of the official records in his office. 2. The Board will, at Two Forks Reservoir, at time of construction thereof, include the facilities for measuring as hereinafter set forth and will operate said Two Forks Reservoir by measuring the flow of water into said RP-~ervoir through measuring devices on both North and South Forks of the South Platte RiYe;", approved by the State Engineer and by measuring the wate~ fiowing out r f' su ch reservoir by such a measuring device, to assure that the same amount of water shall leave said reserYOir as the amount ot water entering the same,. a t all times when first party is not lawtull.y storing water thereinJ it being the intent and purpose of such measurement to assure that the natural flow ot the stream, except to the extent thtat the Board 1a lavtul.17 storing, shall be interterred with as little as possible by the presence or said reservoir. Charts as to both the inflow into said reservoir and the outfiov therefroa shall be made by said approved measuring devices, to be constructed, uint.ained and operated by the Board, at its expense, and unde r t.he supervision and direction ot the State Engineer who shall be furnished with and sh•JJ keep and preserve all such charts as a part ot the official records in his office. J. The terms ot this agreement shal l not extend to or affect any other stream-bed reservoirs now owned and operated by the Board, except that the Board agrees, in continuing it.8 present operation ol U14 r eservoirs, to interfere ..as little as possible with th• natural tlov or the stream and t o adjust as quickly as reasonably possible, over-storage or under-storage in said oth~r reservoirs. 4. This agreement shall become effective immediately upon execution hereot. s. Should this a ereemen t or a ny part here_of become impossible or performance by' reason or legitilnate and enforcible order of a government agency other than the pa-tie• hereto, t hen and in that event, this entire agreeme11t shall terminate and become null and void and both parties hereto shall be released 0£ any obligation hereunder. Df WITNESS WHFllFX>F, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seal.a and ezpreaal.y represent that prior to affixing the same, they have obtained full and complete authority to execute this agreement and to bind their respectiYe principal.a by such eucution, to each and every tenn hereor. A'rl'EST1 Ed Mosley MGret&rY APPROVED1 H. L. Potts ENGIHEER!Nrr DIVIS I ON Glerm G. Saunders llIL\l; MVlSIOW CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, acting by and through its BOARD OF WATER CCIOUSSIONERS By R. P. Gumlick Vice President CITY OF ENGIEWQ(J)1 CX>LCJWX> BY Robert F • .Frants Mqor ATTF.ST1 J. L . Barron C!tyUerx Councilman, Rapp, Mov ed) Weigand, Seconded) That the Mayor be authorized to sign the above agreement and the Clerk to atte~t the slllllee Roll Cfll 1 Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davia, Aye AYE)r Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSa None MAYOR SO ffi DERED 1 Robbina 1 Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABSENT1 None Clerk introduced and there was read the following Agreement. A GR r~IllENT THIS INDENTURE, .Entered into this 19th day of August, 195.3, by and betvem 'mCJUS J. BELISLE, U>LA H. SCOTT AN D.OONALD W. SCOTT, First Parties, and !BB CITI OF !XILEWOOD, CCiAJ RADO , a Municipal Corporation of the Second Class, Second Part, WITNFSSETHI 1. It is expres s ly agreed b;J' second party that in the purchase ot real estate rrom first parties, tor the purpose of construction or a reservoir ilmlediatel.y adjacent to the home of the first party, Thomas J. Belisle, that second party, in the consideration of s uch purcha s e, c ompensated first parties tor certain additional rights and easements which are hereinafter granted. 2. First parties expressly grant to second party the right to utilise property ovned by first parties lying between South Pecos Street and the Acthison, Topeka and Santa Fe right or way tor the purpose of stock piling earth material and dHposing ot waste material tram t he reservoir now under construction. It is expressly agreed by second party, boweYer, that upon completion of the use of said area, the area shall be left in a wll graded plane sloping gently to the West and l'outhe .3. First parties, in accordance with prior agreement, hereby grant 1.Ulto second party a perpetual ecsement not to exceed 26 feet in width, in a lorth-South .direction, abutting the North property l i ne of the property ownded by second part7 and running the tull distance t he reof from F.ast to West for a portion ot the re .. rYOir dam which vill rest thereupon. Second party expres s ly agrees that first part7 Jlm1' require the initial construction or the dam on this .easement to be on a slope ot 6 to 1 1 or in the alternative, to have the berm extend horizontally tor 6 teet and thence to the North down on a 2 to 1 slope. hnt parties must, however, determine which method ot construction tbe7 desire and and notit,y Dale H. Rea, t:onaulting ~gineer, of their deci8ion prior to the time the con t ractor is rea dy to actue.lly place the portion of the daa here involTed. Df WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto s et out hands and seals the daT and 7ear first abon written. A'rl'!ST1 J. L Barron ---City Clerk Council.m.n Bodan, Moved) THOMAS J. BUISLE OONALD W. SCOTT U>LA H. SCOTI' Frrit l'irtiea THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD 1 OOIDRADO BY Robert F. Frantz MlliOr Wright, Seconded) That the Mayor be authorised to sign the above agreement and the Clerk attest same. ROLL CALLI Bodan 1 Aye Cushing, Aye .Davis, Aye AYE.51 Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSr None MAYOR SO ORDEREDI 11 Robbina, 'Te Weigand, qe Wright, qe .lBSERTI None •••1u, tM Clt7 of Bnglevoo4 ia lqing an 18"Seva '!rail Lim tlm•s* notlr2, ,.._.,_.. Wl'lon aa4 than being t=:ple in "-' ~ t;o o-•' to •-· lt vu 4ew4 a4Y1aabl• .t the C1'7 At--:n: ,i;a,•• a Reeel•tioa wbeN1'J ,outwn nulcle the c1t7 llldu ~lie •••• •ow•t to aw , •...S.••• to be tarniahed at 2~ aboT• 1-1 .. ~. I I I -----._,_ 1· ·I City Manager, llr. Fl.int, presented approved claims on the General Fund, totaling $4S,o6S.18 Councilman Davia, Moved) Robbin8 1 Seconded) That the above claims on the General Fund be paide ROLL CALLI ~' Aye CU8hing1 Aye llavis, Aye AYESI Nine i ' rantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSI None MAY CR SO CRDEREDu Robbins, J.7• Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSENT1 Hone City Manager, Mr. Flint presented approved claims on the Unappropriated Fund tor Civil Del'enae. Totaling $152.73. Councu.an, Robbins, Movwd) Bodan, Seconded ) That the approved claims on the Unappropriated Fund be paid. ROLL CALL11 Bodan, Aye Cu8hing 1 Aye DaYis, Aye . AIES1 Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp 1 Aye t{AYS: None MAY CR SO CllDERED 111 Robbins, J:re Weigand, A7• Wright, qe ABSENT 1 None City Manager, Jtr• Flint presented approved clairus on the Disposal Plant Fund. Totaling t10,,¥1.6S Councilman Robbins, moved) Rapp, Seconded) That the approved claims on the Diapou.l Plant Fund be ROLL CALLI paid. Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davis, Aye A~r Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO ORDERED t : : Robbina, I.Te Weigand, J.7• Wright, A7e ABSEtn' I lone City Manager, Mr. Flint presented approved claims on the Water Fund for llab,$22.67. Councilman Robbins, Moved) Wright, Seconded) 'I'hat the apporved claims on the Water J'und be paide ROLL CALLt Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davis, Aye AYES1 Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSt None Ma¥or so crderedt Robbins, Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABSENTt Hone City •maer, Mr. Flint presented approved cla ims on the Hampden Right ot Wq Jund tor Legal Service & expenses to be paid from the fund being held by the State Highvq Department in the aount ot t1125.04. Councilman Weigand, Moved) Davia, Seconded) That the a b ove a pproved claims on the Hampden Ri&ht of Way Fund be paid. ROLL CALLt Bodan, Aye Cushing, Aye Davis, Aye AYES1 Nine. Frantz, Aye 1arker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYSs None MAYCR SO ORDERED111:1: Robbins, qe Weigand, '7• Wrightt qe ABSENT1 Hone Mr. Ernest Romans, requested that the City of Englewod pay the water bill 1p the tuture tor the Svimllling pool, so that the Lions Club would have more money to spend on the equipting and remodeling'/the pool, After discussion. Councilman Davis, Moved) Parker, Seconded) That the City of Englewood pay tor the water uaed at the Swimm1.ng Poole ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye c:Cuah ing1 Aye Davis, Aye AYES1 N"" Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS1 None Robbins• qe We igand1 qe Wright, A7e ABSENT I Hone MAYOR SO ORDERED rs : There being no more bus~• to come before the Council Councilman, Robbin8 1 Moved) Rapp, Seconded) ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cush 1ng ,_ Aye Davis, Aye AYES J Nine. That the Council Adjourn to Mondq Bvening Sept. 21th, 1953. Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS1 None Robbins, A7e Weigand, '7• Wright, qe ABSENTI Rone The Minutaaot t he Re gular Me eting ot t he City Council of the City ot lagl8'10od1 Colora~al.4,!ue sday the 8th day of September 1 1953.. Stand approved as ~ thia ~ October 51 1953, A .D • --..-..~-.... - ~·- ~