HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-07 (Regular) Meeting Minutes- RmULAR MDTllfG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ ENGL»IOOD, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JDmAI DECEMBER 71 19S3•• 1fa1or Robert F. Frants called the •eting to order and ask tor Roll Callus ROU. ClLL11 Bodan, Present. CUhing, Present Darla, Present hants, Present Parker, Present Rapp, Present Robbina, Pl"e•ent Ve1pnd1 ·~ Wright, Jlm•m PRF.SINT 11 Eight ABSENT11 ~e Council•» Weigand enteNCI and vaa seated with the Council. Clerk read the ldnut.ea ot th• Regular Meeting ot lovuber 2nd and the Adjourned Meting of Wot" 11 her 16th• Counc1lwn Cuahin&, lbnd) Robbim, Seconded) That the Minutes be approved as read. ROLL C.&LL1 Bodan, A79 Cuh1ng, qe Darta, '7• AIIS1 line Franta, qe Parkw, A7e Rapp, qe RAIS1 None MlY<Jl SO CEDERED1 I Robbina. -- We1pnd, .. Wright, qe ABSENT I lone Barlna actnrtiaed tor hearing to be held on this date, the MQ'or amd it th_.. wre UST proteata on the c01U1truction ot Sanit.arT Sewer District I 1 1 Extenaima Ro. 2r. There being no protest.a. llaTing aclnrtiHd tor a hearing to be held at this tim for Re-zoning ot lota 21 to 2k incluain, Block 73 1 Harl•• The Mayor aaked if there vas 8ll70D8 pruat who wiabed to proteat. There vas no protest.. There upon the Clerk read the foll.ov1nc Billt BILL l'Cll a ORDIDHCE .AMBRDllfG ORDIHAICI 10. J, SERm OF 1940, OF THE CITY (JI EIOLIWOCI>, COLCIW>O, BRTITIED1 •AR CRDDAICI FOR ZClfDfO Tfl: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, TO RmULl!I Tiii LOC&TIC9 1 APAWWICB, SIZI, CBAR&CTIR, AID USE OF BUILD~ HEREU!E lllCSD Cll ALTIRID, AID J'OR SAm PURPCBBS TO DIVIDS THI CITI INTO DlSTRICTS, PRBSCRIBI PBllL!DB 1Cll Tiii VIOl.ltnll or ITS JlllOVlSICllS, ARD TO JIROVIDI rat ITS INFCllCEHmi an A IQllD ~ .&D.JUS'•tm ...... IT, SUCH lllJULlTI<ll Blllll tm:ISSIRI FOR THI GllllRAL WELFARE at THI C<lllJII'lT', BY ClfdQDIJ THI Z<lfDI) DIPCBID 1llCll LO!S 21 to 2Ji DCUBIVI, BLOCK 73, HlRLlll, FROM A •c-1• DDM DJSTRICT TO J C-2• CCllllRCllL DJSTllICT. S.Otima le That pursuant to Section 16 1 Ordinmce No. 31 Series ot 191'0 u abcmt entitlid, &Dd Cbapt.er 26, Sectiona 19 and 20, 19.lG C .S .A., as Amended, the propert7 cleecribed U I Lot.a ll to 24 incluaive, Block 73 1 HarleaJ ~ ,., .. "$d/3cit '"1 be, and it is hereb7, removed tram the use, height and area regulations ot a •c-1• Business District as set forth in Section 7 of Ordinance Ro. 31 Seriee of 1940, and that said propertJ' be, and it is hereb71 daeipated as a "C-2tt Co•1rc1al DieWict, subject to the uae, height and aru replatiou set forth in Section 8 ot said 0rd1unce lo. 31 Series ot 1940 as above entitled • • tion 2. Tbat the "Buildin& ZOne Map" attached to and a part of M1cl Ol-diDanoe Bo. J,~ of l.940, be, and it 11 bezoeb71 wndld to show the propert7 deaoribed in Section 1 bereot, as •c-2 Comnercial District" for uae, height and area regulations. Section 3{ That all requiremnte concerning notice and hearina baTe been acccap11a1*1 Ua accoraance th statute. Section 4. The Cit7 Council herebJ t1nda 1 determines and declare• that this Ordinanoe 1a neo•AJ7 for the 1-diate preserntion of the public peace, health, aatet7 and COllTm"Jienoee Seoti~· In the opinion ot the Cit7 Council an emergenc7 exiat•J therefore, this Ordinance a take ettect and be in force from and atter its final passage and publication. Pund on '1r1t Read.inc b7 the Cit7 Council or the Cit7 of Englawood, Colorado• thia 7th dq ot Dec1 her~ A.D. 19~3 1 and orct.red published in the !'Inglewood Bnterpriae. Mayor AT1'!ST1 C1t7 cien I I ·I I Councilan Rapp, 11oTed) Wright, Seconded) That. tbe Bill just :lntrocl11Ded and read, be passed on First Reading and ordered pabl.18hed ill the lngl.nood !nterpriH. ROLL CALLI Bodan, qe CWlh1ng1 qe Darta, A.79 A!IS1 line Franta, Aye Parker, A79 Rapp, Aye IAJS1 None lllICR so CJUJERKlh I Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, kle ABSERTt lone llr • .lnd9racm ot the Ruplen Hill.a Delnopmnt Conq:>any, cw before the Council at thia t.S. to +.bank tbe Council tor the splendid cooperation thq bad giv• tda aDll wished to nate that the Coancil should be given a great deal of credit tor the thinp the7 bad aocc:,..>liahede . Clerk read a letter tram the Western Utility Construction co., dated lfovellber 2S, 19S3, u toll.on1 Cit.7 Coancil of tile Cit.7 of lnalewood. . Ve are asking that an extension ot tble be granted us due to the late delinr,y of 27" tile and t.he atra vork im'Olnd in the West Hampden Crossing. SJiipeent an the 27• tile 1a upected the week of the 1st ot Decaber and work v1ll be rea• tel u aoon aa tile ia delivered. The West Hampden Avenue crossing will be completed bf Dec uahtr Sth. We t .. l tbat tbeae tvo ite.. are beyond the control of the Contractor. Sincerely yours, Vern Ne Hagll.Uld1 Pres. 6CJID'1 lwn Robb:lna 1 Jlned) -Weiaand, Seconded) That the Western Utility Construe..,_ be granted an utenaion of time ot lS daTa• ROLL cw,; • Bodan 1 qe Cuhina, 1.79 Doia, q. AD81 line Frant-a, 1.79 Parker, A7e Rapp, 49 llAISI None MAYOR SO CllDIREDu Robbina, qe Weigand, A7e Wright, A-,. ABSJmTt lam OJ.t rea4 a liter tram the Western Utilit7 Constructors Coapav, dated Deowt.r S, 19SJ, a• toll•• lt'e •u Bard9 Ci-.. inMr 1181.nood, Colo. Dear Sirr Ja ..atiamd prertoualT tq 70u and Ml-. Flint, the City Manager, we would appreciate ,our br1Dl1nl before the Cit.7 ~oancU t.be tact. that 2S% is being wit.held traa oar mnthq .. u..tea. Thia creatu a hardship on us since 75% or the estimate doM not ·•et the ..... ot .this job. . . lie w1l1d lilDI this ammt vitheld to be redaced to l~ it poaaible, as it is ill nearq all otib9r c•tnota. -_. o~ct vUl be o~let.ed, and w alao want 70u to know it baa been a pl.u.nre 1laft ritll JR uad tor t.be Cit.7 ot lnll.noocle Should other job• cam ap in 'be rn_.., w trwt w oan gin JOU the ... a81"Yice w have tried to giT.e on tbia. TMnk JOU tor oanaidltr&t.ion ot the abon •tt.er. Sincerely ;yours, Kenneth Richard.a, !:ngin..-. CcMma1lwn Parker, lloYec:l) Boda, Secanclecl) That th• amount vitheld be reduced to J.S• and a warrant be iaaued tor the dif!er.ence. ROLL CAI.Lt AIBSt line Franta, ATe Parker, Aye Rapp, A¥• RAYS1 None MAYOR SO ORDEREDs 1 RobMu, 1.79 Weipn41 "79 Wriab', qe ABSIRTt lone ... .. • • Colorado a .al Pa.r requuted pendsaion tor right ot ..,. tor a pole liM alone •tobn Court, (contract 1n tile). Coancilmn Weigand, lined) · Darla, Seoonded) That the perllit be granted. ~ CALL11 BodUl, qe Cumina, A7e Dana, qe A11S1 line Frants, A79 Parker, 1.79 Rapp, 1.79 IA?S1 Rone Ml !Cit SO CllDIRED I I I : Robbina, qe Weigand, A19 Wright, ,.,. ABSll'l' I lloae Cit7 lllnapr stated that an qrewnt ahould be •de with Public Serrtce Coe tor the 1natallatian of a gaa a1n on W.at Bate• An • ., Weat of Santa Fe Orin to MrN the 8-1• D1spoeal Plant. There wu read and PNMJlt,ed the f ol.lowina Resolution. LUTI VRIRllS, the operation ot the lqlevood Sewa ge Disposal Plant requ1rea the inat.all•tica mid use ot natural 1aa tor Tariou purpo•••1 and • VRIRllS 1 there is no gu •in nailable at present to nppq said S-p Dispo-.1 Plant md aA>llcation bu been •de to the Public Service COlllP8D7 ot Colorado requ.eatiDI the installation ot a gas m.in on Veat Bate• .lvenue West ot Sllnta :re Drin 1 aacl WHERIAS, the PublJ.e Service C0111p&.12Y ot Colorado will make such iaatellatian -11' mder it. standard polla7 tor 1Dclaatr1al or o~rcial users and bu nbld.tted a contract to be UBCuted b7 the Cit.7 ot 1Gglevood1 Colorado, in accordance with Kid pollo71 act reqdrfag a ct.poait on cwtructj.on of t748.oo, . lf(lf1 THIRIPOR!1 BE IT RESOLVED that the MQm-ot tbe Cit.7 ot ~-eod "9 1 aD4 be 18 hereb71 authorised and direoted to ewate Aid contract 1n behalf et tile Cit.7' and the Clark ot the Cit7 ot Englewood be, md he is hereb71 autharhed and cU.Noted to at.tut the.-, and · BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that t.be CitJ' Manager and the Cit.7 TreanNr be, and the7 are bereb71 authorised to deposit with the Public SerrlDe Conp.111' of Colorado, the am of 17118.00 aa required b7 the herein deacribed contract, COJ'7 ot which ia 1n the Cl.es'• tu.. Mi70r A'f"l'ETI vn.7-----cra Passed and Adopted b y the Cit7 Council of the City ot Englwood, Colorado, this ?Ml dq ot December, i.n. 19S3. w1111aw Bodan, Jr. Colbert !. CUhing Trumn 1. Daria Robert F. Frants ROLL CALL1 B. B. Wright . Cba1-rH '· Parker J-s Rapp Jack Ro*- JlaM7 0. V.1 pnd • I, J. L. BARRCll, Cit7 Clerk ot the Cit7 of 6n&lnood1 Colorado, do herebT oertit7 tbat the toregoing DSOLUTIClf 18 a true and correct COJ'7 of a Re•olution ~ and replarJi' adopted and approYed b7 th• Cit7 Council am the Mayor of tihe Cit7 ot -.1nooc1, Colorado, on the 7th da7 of Dec111ber, A. D. 19SJ. Cft.7 Clil'k Counc1l•n Wright, Jlc>ftd) ROLL CALLI Cubing, Secanded) That the above Resolution be passed and an agre1a1M; '-•iped Uld a warrant be issued tor t.he lhrlldtac .t Bodan, AJ9 Cushing, '78 Daria, qe Atma Rine the -.1.n. . Frants, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye RA1S1 None MlICE so ORDDIDar Robbine 1 J;re Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSDT1 lom I I - C1t7 Manager stated an aoe•s ot appropriated funds in some departments and a lack ot .tunda 1n other ct.partEnts and asked that the following resolution be adopted. RF.sOLUT I ON ' RISOLUTICll !UTHORIZJJI) THE TRANSnR or m APPROPRIATED FOR CERTAII DIPARTMF.ftS or m OllllRAL P'URD II llCISS OF THE AJl)tJNTS NEEDED DURING THE CURRERT FISCAL ma, TO Ol'lllR DIPlRTllOTS or THI GINBRAL l"UID LACKING SUFFICDJfT FUNDS TO COMPLITS Tiii FlSCAL ll&R. VlllRUS, an ace•a ot appropriated flmda remain in certain departmnts ot the Oeneral hncl and WHIRl&S, other d~ta lack sufficient funds to properl.7 function darinc the rea1ndm' ot the tiwl 1NJ"1 11(111 THllmFCltl Bl TI' RJ!S 'J LVID that the following su11111 to be transferred froa the tol.l.old.ng depe.rtlBnkl appropriations, to-wits . llmapr and Gonrning Board Fimnce Depart.mt General Garernmnt Expenae EncinMring Department Park Departmnt Sanitation Depart•nt • 900.00 900.00 2,400.00 1,900.00 soo.oo ),000.00 9,&10.00 And further that the •aid sua of line Thousand Six Hundred ~llar• Cl 9 1·600.00) be tranaterred and diatributed to the following departments 1 to-wit r . To the Fire Departmnt To the Public Library "!'o the Street Departmnt • 1,200.00 .300.00 8,100.00 9,600.00 The toreaoin& tranafer doe8 not cr•te ~ upenditure in excess ot the total appropriated tor the t1acal 1U1' and 18 •d9 panuant to Ordinance Ho. 17, Series of 19S2. NSSID AND APPROVED cm tbia 7th dq ot December, 1953. Mayor AffiSI r "1t7 Ciarlc Counc1 l Mft ftobbina I lfoftd) Rapp, Second9d) That the above Resolution be passed. ROLL CALLI Bodan, Aye Cu.bing, qe Darla, !19 AY!SI .. , ' Frantz, Aye Parter, Aye Rapp, Aye NA!SI None MAYOR SO ORDERED1111 Robbins, A.7e Weigand, qe Wright, A78 ABSEIT 1 1lone CDatc read 0rcUmnoe loe m£ Serie• ot 19S , Entitled a 1 "AH CRDIMARCI VAClTIIG VIST DY AVDOI PRmt TRI utd WET RmHT oJi"VIY LIME OF SOUTH ELlTI STRIET TO THE UST lllDllT "Vil LID or THI ATCHlSCll, TOPIO AND SANTA FE RAILROlD Rmfft' OF WAI D COLIABORA!Im 1f1Tll TRI CITY C OUJrCIL rl THI Cll'Y Iii D COUIT! Cl WV:tk DD THE Ba&Rm r:. COOITY OBIDSJXlll'I C1I WPAHOI COUITI JID THI COONtl or DDVIR." Coanc11 wn Boda, MoYed) Robbina, SecondM) That C>rd1.nance No._, Series ot 19$_, Just r•d, be introduced, -iassed on its aeccaded reading•• Ordimnce Ro. 23 1 Serie• ot 19Sl, and be published 1n the &lglewood &lterpria•• ROLL ClLLt Bodm, qe Culbing, '79 nan., q. ADS1 Eight Frants, Aye Parker 1 !eJ ~ Rapp, qi IAYS1 b MAYOR SO CIUJERED 111 Robbins, "7• Weipnd1 qe Wright, qe ABSBRTt lom Cit7 llmager presented apprOYed ola1• on the General Fund, totaling t21,o62.70. eounc11wn Robbins, Mand) Rapp, Second9c:l) That the above approved claim be paid. ROLL CALLI Bodan1 '7e CW1b1ng 1 qe Daria, A7e AIBS1 line Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye HAYS1 None MAICE SO ORDERED I 11 Robbiu, '78 Weigand, qe Wright, qe ABSERT 1 lone City wnager presented approved claims on the Sewage Disposal Plant Totalinc 161,199.91. Councilman Rapp, Moved) Robbiml, Seconded) That the above approved claims be paid. ROLL CALLI Bodan1 qe Culhing, qe Darla, A7e ADS1 11Jla - Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Raw, A7e IAYS1 lone lflY(J{ so ORDERED I u Robbina, qe Weipnd, qe Wright, '79 ABSaT1 lam City Jlmager presented approved claims on the Water Fund, totaling ll071 33Se22 • . Counc:U•n Rapp 1 llDYed) • Vrigbt, Seoaad9d) That the approved claim on tbe Water Fund be paid. ROLL CALLI Bctdan, 1.19 Cubing, Aye Darl.8, Aye AYES I tfinee ''rants, A19 Parlcar, Aye Rapp, A.78 HAYSI None MAYOR SO CRDERED 1111 Robbiu, A7e Weipnd1 A7e Wright, .,. ABSERT1 loM City Jtmager, Mr. Flint 1an a report on Sanitary Sewer lstenaion lo. 2b. Jtter &oussion. Ccnmcd l wn Weigand, MoYed) Darla, Seconded) That the City Manager accept the io.at and beat bid and start construction. ROLL CALLI Bodan, J.79 Cub1ng, .qe nm., A19 ADS1 line Franta, Aye Parker, Aye Rsppi Aye BAlS1 None MAY<Jl so CRDERED I : 11 Robbina I qe Weipnd1 qe Wright, q. ABSIHTI lam The Cballber ot Conmeroe asked tor assistance on Street Lighting. Counc 11.an Rapp, Moved) Parker, Seconded) That the City give 1100.00 ten.rd Street li&btillle ROLL CALLI Bodan, 179 Cuh1ng, A7e Daria, A7e ilESI Nine Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS: None MAYOR SO CIU>ERED 1111 RobbiM, Q9 Weigand• Q9 Wriglat, qe ABSEHT1 lone CouncU•n Cushing read and presented the following Reaolution. RES OLUTION VBIRDS, 111.rk ShiTera bas served the Council as its attorney well during the put •ix 19ar•, and WBIR!AS, llark Shinr• bu played a •jor role in the develoi-nt of the now .. tabli.W •tw ~ ot the cit)", and I I I WHEU&S, Mark Shivers has devoted an incalulable amount ot tme and eftort be7cmd the llOall ot dut7• on behalf of the Cit7 of Inglewood. Jf(lf 1 THIRIFClll BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council goes on record expreaaing its gratefUl and sincere appreciation tor the excellent way in which Mr. Shinra bu U8011tecl h1a dutiM u Cit7Attorne7 during the )"ears of 1948-19.53. AT'l'IST thia anmth dq ot Dec8111ber, 19.53. NSSID and ADOP1BD b7 the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 of Dlglewood, Colorado, th11 7th Alir ot n.o111>er, A. D. US.3. ATT!S?1 C:li-;t CliJlk WILLIAM BODAH 1 JR• COLBIRT E. COSHDIJ TRUMlR E . DA VlS RCllBRT P • FRANTZ ROLL CALL B. B. WRIDHT Jla10r al.lUBml '. P1RllR JAMl:S RAPP JACK ROBBD8 HARRY G. WBIDARD I, J. L. Barrcm, Cit7 Clerk ot the Cit.7 ot &lglewood, Colorado, do hereb7 cert1ty that tbe toregoing RISOLUTI<JI 1a a true and correct cop7 of a Resolution duq and regularq adapted and approncl by the Cit7 Comlcil and the Mayor ot the Cit7 ot laglevood1 Colorado, on the 7th dq ot December, A. D. 19$). Ci t7---cli-rlt Counc1lwn Cushing, MoTed) Robbin8 1 Seconded) That the above Resolution be adopted. ROLL OALL1 Lct.n, A79 Cushing, .119 Davie, qe AYES: line Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, qe KAYS: None MAY<Jt SO ORDERED: n Robbin8 1 qe Weigand, qe Wright, AT• .&BSElft'~ lam There beina no mre bueinesa to come bet ore the Come il. Counc1lwn Cuah1JW1 Mand) Parker, Seconded) '!'hat the Council adjourn Sien-die. RCLL CALLI ~odan, A19 Cushing, qe Darla, '79 • AI!S1 R~e Frantz, Aye Parker, ATe Rapp, Aye NAl51 None Robbiu, '7• Weipnd, qe Wright, '19 ABSENT I lone MAYCJl SO ORDERED 111 !be Minut. ot the Regular Meeting of the City Council ot the Cit7 of Bn&l.wooci, Colorado, thS.. lbwtq the 1t:h dq ::k,J' A. D. 19SJ. Stand apprOYed aa per llotim dul1' •de and at.and aDDl'Oftd a• thia 4th dq ot Januaey, A. D. 19Sbe o~ /Ji!-or..--rHT CliJlt Retirine Mayor , Robert F. Frantz , as ke d the newly elected Councilmen to come forward. Councilman Ch a lme r se A. Pa rke r at Lar ge , Harry G. Wei gand and B. B. Wright from Ward No. 1, Co l ber t E. Cu s hing and Leo nard A. Robohm fro ~ Ward.No . 2, Paul C. Jamieson and R. B. McAlister f r om Wa r d No . J a nd Richard L. Banta an d Jack Chaste en f rom Ward No. 4, came forward and were swo rn into Of f i c e by the Hono rab le Judge Ha r o l d H. Da v i es. All hav ing take n and filed t he i r Oath of Of fice with ~City Clerk, Councilman, Cushing, was asked to take the Chair as tempo rary cha i r man, who called the meetin g to order and asked for Roll Call . ROLL CALL : Banta, Present Ch a steen , Pr esent Cushinr , Pr esent J am i es on, Pr esent Mc Alister, Pr esent Pa rker, Pr esent Robohm, Present Weigand, Present Wri ght, Present PRESENT : Ni ne AB S ~T: None WRERF.AS, Mark Shivers ha• devoted an incalulable amount ot tiae and effort "7and the "ciall of dut7" on behalf of the Cit7 of Inglewood. l<Jf 1 THIRll'CBI BE IT R!SOLYID, that the Council goes on record apre1a1n& it.8 p-atelul and sincere appreciation for the excellent vay in which Mr. Shi'Nr• hu mo-.cl bia clut1-u Cit7Attorm7 during t.he years of 1948-19SJ • .l'MIST thie 1nmth dq ot Dec811ber, 19$3. NSSBD and ADOPmD b7 the City Council ot the City or Dlgl.ewood, Colorado, tb18 7Ui ..,. ot D9o1 P41°1 A. D. 19S.3e ATT!'S'l1 City Cla~ WILLIAM BODAH 1 JR• COLBERT ! • CtJSHilll TRUMAR E. DA VIS RCJmRT r • FRANTZ ROLL CALL Be B. WRIDHT MQOr alAumtSI A. P.lRKIR JAJmS RAPP JACK ROBBDS HARRY G. WBlDAJID I, J. L. Barron, Cit.7 Clerk of the Cit,' ot &lglewood, Colorado, do hereb7 certif7 that tbe foregoing RISOLUTI<Jf is a true and correct copy of a Resolution dulT and regular]T adopted and appl'Oftd by' the City Councill and the Mayor ot the City of Inglewood, Colorado, on the 7th dq ot December, A. D. 1953. City Cleft Councilwn Cuahing1 Mand) Robbina 1 Seconded) That the above Resolution be adopted. ROLL CALLt 1Joct.n 1 Aye Cmhing, Q9 Darla, qe AIESs line Frantz, Aye Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye NAYS: None MAY<Jt SO ORDERED 1 u Robbins, qe Weigand, Aye Wright, qe ABSENT1 lone There being no more buainee1 to co• bet ore the Col.Ulc 11. Counc11wn Cua~, Mand) Parker, Seconded) 'J.'hat the Council adjoum Sien-cli.e. ROLL CALLI ~odan, A7e Cuahing, '78 Darla, qe • ADSt Htne Frantz, A7e Parker, Aye Rapp, Aye HAISs None Robbina, qe Weigand, qe Wright, q. ~ENTI Hone MAY<E S 0 ORDERED 111 !be Jtinut. of the Regular Meeting or the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, thia Jllcmdq the ?th dq ot ~' A. D. 19SJ. Stand apprond ••per lloticm dW.1' •de and l'taDd aDDJ"Ond •• /, thill 4th dq ot Januar71 A. D. 19SL • 0~4-...__ -rHT Clil'k Retiring Mayor , Robert F. Frantz, asked the newly elected Councilmen to come forward. Councilman Chalmerse A. Parke r at Large, Harry G. Weigand and B. B. Wright from Ward No. 1 1 Colbert E. Cushing and Leonard A. Robohm from Ward No . 2, Paul C. Jamieson and R. B. KcAlister from Ward No. J and Richard L. Banta and Jack Chasteen from Ward No. 4, came forward and were sworn into Office by the Hono rable Judge Ha r old H. Davies. All having taken and filed their Oath of Office with ~City Clerk, Councilman, Cushing, waa asked to take the Chair as temporary chairman, who called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call. ROLL CALL : Banta, Pres ent Chasteen, Pr esent Cushinr, Present Jamies on, Pr es ent McAlister, Present Parke r, Pr esent Robohm, Present Weigand, Present Wright, Present PRE SENT: Nine ABSENT : None ' Chairman Cushing, statinr the fi rst order of business would be the election of the Chairman of the Council , who shall act as Mayor. Councilman Wrirht , Moved) R CALLI Jamieson, Seconded) That Councilman Weigand ue elected Chairman •. There being no other nominations , Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cush iny, Aye AYESa Eight Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohm , Aye Weigand , Wri~ht, Aye ABSENT: D Qne (Weigand not voting.) • Whereupon Chairman Cushing declared Councilman Weigand, Chainnan of the Council and asked him to take the Chair. ayor weir,and stated a Vice Chainnan should be elected . Councilman Cushinp,, Moved) Chasteen, Sec ~nded) That Cou ncilman Parker be elected Vice Chairman, who shall act as Uayor Pro-Tem. ROLL CALL: Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYES : Nine Jamieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohrn, Aye Weigand, Aye Wright, Aye ABSEN T: None avor Weigand stated the next order of business would be the appointment of the City Attorney. .. Councilman Banta, Moved) Robohm, Seconded) That William Bodan, Jr. be appointed City Attorney with the ~tfen that anything pe rtainin g to water or water rights would be handled ROLL CA Banta , Aye Chasteen , Aye Cushing, Aye AYES: IU by Ma rc 0. Shivers, Jr. as special attorney. Jamieson, Aye McAli ster, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS1 None Robohm, Aye WeiP,and , Aye Wri ght, Aye ABS r~NT: None Mavor Wei~and stated that the next order of business would be the appointment of the Police Magistrate. Councilman l.•cAlister, Uoved) rir.ht, Seconded) That Fred Jewell be app o inted as Po lice Magistrate. ROLL CALL: nta, Aye Chas teen, Aye Cushing, Aye AYES: Nine Jwnieson, Aye llcAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS : None Robohm , Aye Weigand , Aye Wr igh t, Aye ABSF:NT : None yor Weigand stated that the next orde r of busine ss would be selection of the Official Paper for the followine: year. Councilman Robohm, Moved) Parker, Seconded) That the En e lew ood Press be designated as the Offical Paper. ROLL CA Banta., Aye Chasteen, Aye Cus h inP'., Nay AYES a Seven Jamieso n, Aye McAlis ter, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: Two Robohm, Aye eigand, Nay Wrieht, Aye ABSENT : None It was agreed by the Council members that the Enrlewood He rald should receive the printing for the City. There bein~ no more business to come befor e the Counc i l: Councilman Cushine, JJoved) ri~ht, Seconded) That the Council a d journ to Monday evening, December 21, 1953. ROLL CALL: Banta, Aye Chasteen, Aye Cushing, Aye ·A YE.5: Nine Janieson, Aye McAlister, Aye Parker, Aye NAYS: None Robohm, Aye Weigand, Aye Wri E?h t, Aye ADSE NT: None I I I I The Minutes of the Repular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this Monday the 7th day o,J December , A. D. 1953. Stand approved as per Moti~uly made and stand approved as /(~ this 4th day of January, A. D. 1954. _U&:::'~~~ 7 'tity Clerk