HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-17 (Special) Meeting MinutesSP :·c U. CALL !.!!.F.TINC Ol1 THF. CITY COU . IL 0 ,. '!'HF. CITY OF iil'TCLE '.'/OOD, COLORADO, HELD
OWDlY .ranuarr 17th ~9.
97or Charle• R. Al»n. Cal.led the me .ting to order and asked tor Roll Gall:
I.lay or
utecl Clerk read the Call;
t.taddox, Pre•ent,
?:.i lligim, Pre•ent,
Preaent Absent lfone.
Clerk read the Call tor the Special Ll eeting aa tollar•:
'l'o: R. L~. Buchanan, c. L. Maddox, c. E . Cu•hing, Henaan Oliner,
G. C. mlligan, and L. J. Woodman.
fte un4er•1gned, The :i.l ayor alld Three 1'1embera of the City Cowie il ot the City ot Englewood, County ot
4r'91»1boe. State ot Colorado, hereby g iTe notice that a Special Call Meeting ot the City Council ot •aid
CitT, i• Called and •111 be held in the City Hall or said City on tlonday, the 17th day ot January, A. D.
l.M9. at the hour ot Eight o•olock P. M. ot ea.id Day.
You ue tunher notitied that said 1eeting is called tor the purpoee ot considering the PUJ'Oha•e ot
BeTada Dltoh Sbarea.
Englewood Colorado, J'enuary 15, 1949
Chae. ii. Allen -·-----r.:ayor
R. ~-. 3ucbanan. G. C. ,:i lllg an ,. __ _
Alde°i•n~ vJard No. 8
-~·~ Woo_,,...r;..;.•-"'..1--•------
Aldermaa, ward No. 3 ildeman , Sard 1'o. l
'l'he undersigned, Counc ilman ot the City of Engle ·:1 001 , County of Ai-epahoe, State at Colorado.
hereby oertity thst we and each or ua reoeiTed notice ot the above and foregoing mentioned Speoial Call
eeting or '1le Cit:r Council or said City, to be held on Monday January 17th, l94g at the hour ot Eight
o•clcck P •. :. ot said day at th City Hell in sAid City.
Said Kotioe haTing been aer...ed at least Twenty-tour hours
R. ~. uchar811, c. E. Cushing
c. L. • acldox H. Oliner
before the date ot said IB8'ing.
G. C. Milligan
L. J'. '1oodaan
&:REAS, Rict.ard H. Heckendorf ia the Olrner of tirteen (15) •baree of capital stock or tile
nada D1 teh Holding Campf!ID7 aJll i• deairoua ot selling said capital ••ock to the City at Englewooi up-
on tbe tema 8Dcl conclitioaa aet tortb in a copy ot the contract ot sale herein contained, and
ilHIRKAS, the aaid City ot _..nglewood ha• inTeetigated the water right• .represented by said titteen
(15) aharea ot oapital •took and 1• deairou• ot purcha sing the a311le, am baa ottered eaid Richard H. Heok-
endort the •um ot 'l'Wo thousand dollars (.J&OOO.OO)per •hare tor .aid capital ati>ok upon the terma and oon-
ditioaa in •aid agreement herein contained, and it 1• the opinion ot the City Council that said capital 8tock
a4 the water right• repre•ented thereby are necees&l"J' to the deTelopment or a municipal water eystem tor the
City ot Englewood,
1'0 ~'1 , THEREP'ORE, BE rr RESOLVJm by the City Council at the City ot'Engl.ewooci:
1. 'l'hat the tollDlriDG contract or aale be entered into by tbe City ot ~glewood with aaid Richard
H. Beckendort and that the l.l91 or and City Clerk be instructe1 to execute eaid contract torthwi th tor and on
be~alt ot the City, to-witi
'l'b1• contract or •ale made and entered into this 17th day ot January, 1949, at Englewood, Colorado,
bJ SD4 between Riobard B. Bee kendort, herein "lft er called Hee kendorr, ot Litt le ton, Coloralo, and the City
at ?!nglewood , a mmioipal corporation ot the second cla .. , orgBnized am exiating under the ~· at the
State ~ Colara~, hereinatter call.eel City,
itne•8"h: that Keokendort i• the owner of fifte en (15) eh res at eapital stock or 'l'he J'eTacla Ditch
Bol41Dg Oe .. 97, and the City 1• de•irou• ot purchasing aaid capital stock and the water rights repre-
.... ecl tllenb1 1D '1!e t~herance at the developmnt at it• municipal water s:ptem, and eaid City baa ottered
to p97 Heotendort tbe •um ot 'l'wo tbouasnd doll.are per share tor aaid capital stock or a total sum ot 'l'hiny
tbouaam dollar• aubJect to the ternia and condition• ot this agreement,
Oi1 , 'l!l!RWOR , Uf CONSI DF-RAT ION ot the premises it is promised and agreed a• tollowa:
l. Heokemort bereby Mils, tranatera and conveys all his right, t1 tle and interest in and to titteen
(~) aMr•• ~ tbe oapital •tock at '!'be J'eftda Ditch Holding Company u evidenced by Stock Certiticae
Bo. l52 dated ~•l' 1, 1937, to the City which hereby purchases and agree• to pay theretor the aum ot
ThirtJ tbouad dollar• (330 ,000.00 ) •
a. Heokmdort hereby ooTenanta that he ia lawfully poaaeseed at said oapital atock and that '1le
1• tf'ee and el.ear ~ all liena, claima, demand•, encumbrance• or aaeeeamente, except 'tme weamnent ot
'!'be 1'nada Ditoh Holdin g Ca:ipany tor the year 1948, payable in lg49, which the City a•"umea and agree•
to pay, ant aaid Beokendort hereby warrants and detend• the sale o f° said capital stock to the City.
3. Heckendorf promiaea and agree• to rorthwi th 11taeign and tr nater aaid stock 8ertitiaate lfo. 152
unto the City and to execute any and all other in•trumllt• and do any and all otber act• neo••Mr1 to com-
plete tile tran.ter ot aaid capital stock to the City and on the book• ot the corporation. '!'he City pl'OID1••
a4 agree• to forthwith cause a warrant to be iuued in the amount of Thirty thousand dollar• (130,000.00)
41"D'D OD the proper fund in favor of Heckendort to be deliYeftd to him in the usual oourae ot buaine••·
"· Hec kendorf hereby reaerYea the right to the po•aeaaion, uae and other inoidenta or owner8hip ot
t he water right• repreaented b y •aid capital nook her eby aold, and without charge by the City, until auch
tim u the City uall tranater the uae ot aaid water rieht•, directly or indirectly, by court deon• or I
oth...S.M, to ad tor municipal purpo•ea; proride4, howeYer, that thi• reaenation •hall expire ma ad bl no
998Bt continue beyond the 15th day or September , 1950.
!5. 'l'he City prcmi.aea ad agreea that Heolmndort uall ha•e the exclu•1•e and prior right at the optima
or He ctendort to repurchaa or to leaae the water right• represented by said capital •tock upon tile •-te.ma
a d oon4it1aaa upcm which tbe City 8hall be willing to •ell pr leue •aid water right• to any third peraon;
and the City J"*1Me aa· 8grfte aot ~to :·Mll -V etllft.:e M•s.ei&4 W&t•·**ta to &DJ' "111rd peP8011 male••
ad until the City, tor a period ot •ixty (80) day• shall tirat otfer in writing to •ell or leue or oon-••1 •aid water right• to Heokendort at the ame price and upon the aame tel'IU and oon4itiou u in oue ot
Roh other sale, oonyeyance or leaae or said water right• to any third P••on•
6. 'l'he tenu ad condition• hereot alall inure to and be binding upon the heirs, legal repreaentatifta,
eueoe•80r• or .. aign• ot the parties hereto.
m ·, I TN !ia.5 WHER IDF the partie• have executed thi• a gr e ement the d81' and year tirst hereinabo•e
Riobard H. Heckendort
Richard H. Heokendort.
E. E. Anderson By Chas. R. .l.ljen
City Clerk :Mayor
a. Be it f urth er r e aolyed that in payment or the purchase price tor the titte• ( 15) 8harea
ot oapital •tock ot 'l'he Ne•ada Ditoh Holding Company as e•idenoe4 by stock oertificate lfo. 152, dated
ay 1, lS>37 1 the prop er otticer• be, and they are hereby ordered, to draw a warrmt in the amount ot 'l'hirty
thou•and dollar• (. 30,000.00 ) on the water taond account in t'aYor ot Richard H. Heokendort, purauant to the
tezma ot the f oregoing contract ot sale, and that said war ·ant be del1Yered to •aid Richard H . Heokandort
ooaoUJ'rently •1th the transfer and J el1Tery ot s a id capital stock •ert1ticate to the CityJ
3. Be it turther reaolYed that the proper ot'tice.re at the City 41'1111 a warrant in tayor to The
Jfeyada Ditch Holding CmpaDJ' in the mount or 81x hundred f'ive dollar• ( ;teoo.oo ) on the watu bond
ac count in taYor ot 'l'he Be•ada D1toh Holding Canpany, and that aaid warrant be dellwred to the •ai4 The •••ad• Ditob ·olding Compen1 in paJllleDt tor the capital stock aaaeesmant ot said company ~or the year
~8 payab l e ln 1949 , pursuan t to th e te.rma ot the toregoing contract ot sale.
Adopted bJ the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, thi• 17th day ot Januarr, A.. D.
19'g , at a 91>eo1al meeting pursuant to call by the t.l ayor and City Council in accordance •1th the require-
ment• ot the ordtllace in auoh caae made and provided.
City Clerk.
ildeman Cus hing l.1 oye d, )
Buchanan, Sec ondecl) That the aboYe and foreg o ing reeolut ion be paaaed and acloptd.
Alclerman Cushing ?. oYed )
Millig an,
Six 1.7ea
1I ayor
Nay• 11'one
Buchanan, Seconded ) 'l.'here being no further busineas to cane betore 'Ule Council, OOUDOil
.&.dJOU'D to meet again on Monday the 24th Day of January ; 1949.
Ay e
Six A.yea
M ~or
A:ye Cushing ,
Aye Woodman , •91• lfane.
ao ordered.
J.11.nute• of the Special Call Mee ting ot the Ci ty Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, 1.'hi•
tq, Jmuary 14 th A. D. 19-69, at and approYed ea thia 14th dq ot February, A. D.