HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-25 (Regular) Meeting Minutesset AD.TOORIID REGULAR MEE'l'IlfG OF TH E Cl'l'Y COUNCIL OF TH •, CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. THIS FR IDAY THE 25th DAY OF MARCH A. D. 1949. a.JOr Charle• R. Allen, Called the meetin ~rder and asked for Roll Call: BOLL CALL: Buchanan, Ollner, Prese nt Present Maddox , Absent 141 lli e an, Present Cuah ing, Prement Woodman, Ab sent The bide forth. for materials after discussion ildermm Oliner, A-oved Four Present 'l'Wo Absent. on the Englewoai Sanitar " Water System were reTiewed aa to the 3 schedules the question of awarding of contracts be derered to a future meeting. Cush in , Sec and ed adjourn to me t 9g9in onday arch ROIJ. CALL: That there being nothing further to come before the Council, 28th 194 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Council Buchanan, Oliner, Aye Ay e Maddox, A•eent Milligan, A.ye Four Ayes Two Absent May or so ordered. Cuahing, Woodman, Aye A.beent t. inutea or the Adjourned Re gu lar Meeting or the City Council or the City or Englewood, Thia Friday the 2 5 th Day or March A. D. 1949 stand approved as read thi• 11th day of April, A. :D. 1949. MCJIM• llDTDQ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IHE CITY OF DGlaOOD, THIS MOlfDAY TB! 28th DAY OF MARCH A. D. 1949. Mayor Pro-Tem C. E. Cushing , called the me eting to order and aaked far Roll Call: R>LL CALL: Buchanan, Oliner, Present Present Six Maddox, Present Milli g an, Present Preaent Absent None Cushing, Present Woodman, Preeent Kr. Sinnamon, City Forreeter for the City and Countyy or D nver came before the Council aetting torth the aeriouaneas or the Elm Bark Beetle which is infesting the tree• in thi• area, Stating tile City ot DeDTer having a project now in progreas to remove infested trees, and the purpose ot his presence was to try and intereat the surrounding comnunitiea to take part in this programe or taking out the inteeted trees. atter diacuseion the natter was defered to a future date. Clem r e ad the following& Denver, Colorado. March 28th 194 9 To The Honorabel Mayor and City "ounci 1, Englewood, Co l orado. Gent lemea: Estenaion Ko. 6 of Sanilary Sewer Disrict No. 1, Englew ood Coloradobae been canpleted in accordance with tbe lpeciricationa and Contract Documents. A Comnittee composed of repreeentatives of the City of Englewo od, met with t.be Engineer and ins ected Extenaion Ko. 6. It is recommended the above described sewer extension be accepted by the City ot Englewood with the following provisions; F irst, all un-puddled sewer trenches shall be maintained by or at, the expense or the c ontract ·r until such trenches, by normal settlement or otherwise, have reached a degree or ccmpaction equiTalnnt to pu d ling. Liability of the contractor under this provision shall not in any event extend beyond Sept. 1, 1949. Second; Acceptance of the sewer extension by the City of Englemod will in no way effect financial payment• to the contractor either as to amo unt or time of paymEllt. Dale H. "ea Da ~ H~ • .;;;H"'e-a--En-" _g_i_n_e_e_r-.-- The above •eacribed sewer extension is acc,pted by the City of Englewood, Colorado, in ac c ordance with the t e rma or t he Oontract Documents an d suj e ct to the additional agreement, dated December 16, 1948, between th e Cit :/ of En l~wood , .;olor 1do and the Contractor, Winslow em Mollillon. Approved Date Attest: ------------------·-------- ilde:rman i l lig an, Buachanan. Moved ) Seconded ) th~• th e above and fore geine acc eptance be adopted and approved. 507 .. 508 Roll Call: Buchanan, Oliner Aye Aye Ma ddox, Aye MilligM, &ye Six :,1 ea N ays 1~o ne MRy o r "ro.,.Tem ·• ao ..! .ordered. Cushing, Woodman, Aye , Aye, r. A. R. rady, of 4630 South P e arl St. came before t h e Cc uncil with reflSrd to the condition of the pro- p e rty used es a nursery s ·i les lot on South ll ashingtbn Stre et in the 4&oo Block. Being auoh as to hinder the •ale or peoperty nearby. after discussion the matter was r e ·fered ot the Building Inspector. BIDS: Upon the furt er reviewin ~ of the Bids tor Ma terials on the F.nglewood Sanitary Water Syatem. ilderman Milli r·sn , Mo ved ) Oliner , Seconded ) That the /l ater Wo rks S al.ea Com o any be awarded the Conract to furnish P~pe aa per Schedule Wo. On e , for the amount or Sixty four t h ousand eight hundred aeventy-seven Do l lars and Seventy-two Centa. ( ~64,877.72/) Roll Call: BucbMan, Oliner, Aye , Aye Alderman Oliner , Moved ) Mad d ox, Ay e t.11 lltgan, Aye S ix Ay es W8'11 None Mayor Pro-Tem so ordered. Cushing, 'IVoodmim, Aye Aye Milligan, Seconded ) That the Thompson Pipe and ~teel Company be awarded the Contract In the amount or One thousand three hundred ninety-six Dol-to furniah F ire Hydrants as er Schedule No. 2, lara an fifty cents 'J 1,396.50 ) ROLL CALL : Buchanan, Oliner, Aye Aye ayor Cha•. R . Allen , Alderman lin e r, Mo v e d S ix Maddox, Milli g an, Ayes NN s Ma yor P ro-Tern Aye Aye None so ordered. Caaing t.n . t;ook uac . wi ta.. Coum1 l Cushing, Wo odJpam, A.ye Aye Woodm an, seconded ) That the p r1 cific S tates Cast Iron Pipe Company be awarded the Contract to furnish Valves and Covera as per Schedule No. 2 for t he an o unt f Eight thousand one hundred twen- ty-f ive dollars and thtrty cents ROLLC CAL L: ish ( Buchanan, Olin r r, .:..ye Ay e lde rman oodn8 n, Mo ved ) Mad dox, Seconded ) pumps an motors as per Sch edule 5,085 .00 ) ROLL CALL: Buchanan, Olin r, Alderman Olin e r fl oved ye Ay e (~ 8,125.30 ) Ma ddox, Aye Milligan , Aye Six ~e• Xay s None Ua yo r so ordered. That No. 3, the Econonomy for the ~um of Mad ..! ox, A:,re Pumps Inc. F ive th c,usand ?J illigam, Ay e S ix Aye s Nays None Mayor so Ordetied. Cuming, Woo~n, A.ye Aye be awarded the Contract to rur- ei g bty five and no. 1/00 Dollars Cushing, Aye ioodme n, Aye Cushing , Seconded That t he I 'i a y or and Cit " Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract& awarded. also that the Clerk return all certified cbeks an4 Bid -:-bon4a to all Bidder• not awarded Contract a. ROLL CALL : Buchanan, Olin e r, Ay e Aye Six Maddox, t.lilligan, Ayea, Mayor •o RESOUJT ION • Aye Aye Nays None Ordered. Cuahing , Woodman, Aye Aye WBXREAS : The followin g descr ibed property, Lo ta 11, and 12, linquent in the p~ent od sp e cial T xes over a period of years. Block and 58 South BroadwaJ' Hts. are de- WHEREAS: the owner t hereof Anna Hiett, bas o f'f ered to pay tre amount of the said delinquent install- ments a• represented by Tax Certificatef # 34605 tog ether with interest on the &Ellle at the rate or six per- c nt (6 ) and the Counc i l believes it to be in the best i n t e re st of t he City to accept such ofter. 'IF.ERTi'FORE B., IT fi!cSOLVED : amount ot Tax ~e rtific q te # 34605 , certificate to said owner. Alderman iooddn , Oliner, ROLL CALL: Moved ) Seconded ) Buchanan, Olin er , A.ye Aye The City Treasurer be authorized to accept aa payment in full the face tog ether with interest at the rate of six per ccent (~) ;'and aasign That the above and foregoing resolution be approved md adopted. Maddox, A.ye Mi l li g an, J.ye Six Ay es Nays None Ma ;or so Ordered. Cuahing, Aye Woo<inan, A.ye I I I I ·509 The matter or drawin Alderman Oliner,Moted ) Woodman, Seconded at the next regular meeting, K>LL ClLL: a resolution on the unappropriated funds in the amount Ot i2,500.oo for Recreation. Council. ) That the City Attorn e y be instructed to draw a reaolution and present Buobmian , Aye Oliner, A.ye Maddox, Aye Milligan, Aye Six Ayes Nays None ?ll ayor ao Ordered. Cuahing, Aye Woodman, Aye Clerk read Petition ·pre a e nted by Mr. A. L. Guthner, a certai n ar a from a n R-2 district to nn R-3 district. r. A.. L. Guthner, the same not be inf, in proper form. b aring 19 Signaturea. rep,a 1·ding the re-Zoning or after discussion the petition was retered back to ild man Oliner, ~ oved Cushing, Second e d ) Th at there being nothing further to come before the Council, Ccuncil Adj ourn to meet again Thursday March 31st at 8:00 o'clock P. M. RCLL CALL: Buc hanan, Aye Oliner, Aye Maddox, Aye 1111 llige.n, Aye Six Ayes Nays None Mayor so Ordered. Cushing, Woodman, A.ye Aye inutea or the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City ot Englewood, Thia Mon- d81' the 28th Day of ~arch A. D. 1949 stand approved as read this 11th Day or April, A. D. 1949. AD.TCURN ID REGUIAR MEE TING OF 'IEE CITY COUNCIL OF 'lHE CIT '' N' F~TGLB ~'/ OD, CO L RA.00. mrs '?'HURSDAY THE 31.et DAY OF MARCH A. D. 1949. ayor Charle• R. Allen , ROLL CALL: 3uc b anan, Oliner, a l led the Leeting to order' and asked tor Roll all: Present Present, Six Maddox, Present, Milli g an, Pre s ent Pres c ~t. Abaent None Cullb111g, Woodmm, Pre s ent J'resent City Attorney M. o. Shivers Jr. reported that the option date or Richard C. Oppenlander and amie H. Oppenlander on ce rt ain water right a and lan d expires as of April lat 1949. and that Council should t a ke some action. at this time. No l\otion being made to take up the Option • "-4 J.'llllln Olin er, JJ oved ) Cuahiwg, Seconded ) Council Adjourn. ROU. CAU.: Buch anan , Oliner, Aye Aye Maddox, A.y e Mi l~igen, A.ye Six A.yea Nays Noae Mayor ao Ordered. Cuahing, Woodaan, A,ye Aye. inutes ot Adjourn e d He ,ular hle ting of the Cit• v ouncil of the City ot Englewood, Colorado. this Th ursday the 31 s t day of March, A. u. t 949. stand approved as read this 11th Day of April, A.ti. 1949.