HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-24 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI • mJUR AD.TOURIED 14l".!!'l'IIC (I '?HB om coowcn., OF 'l'HE Ol'l'Y' OJI DGU:WOOD, •OIDOOD, OOimW>O. mu llOtlDAY 1'HB Hth DAY ~ MARCH, A. D, 19158. ~r Bd»ert r. J'rata, Calle4 th• ?J eeting to order and uJra4 tor loll Calls BOLL CALL: Bo4m, P"aent GftCCll'J, Pre-t Wr1gb t. PreMDt Oulllalag, Preaent R•P• Preaent D•i•, Preaent Robbiu, Pre•n Eight PreNnt Abaent One t.~111or ao ordered. rr•tz, i-...n ...... J.bMBt Cit7 l.!an&pr, aubm1tte4 the matter ot th• City Ccunoil purohaaing a PioJmp Automobile, tor u• b7 the engineering department. .rter diaouaaica Council authorized tile Manager to obta111 Bida. Clerk re-4 applloatlon ot Gocltrer c. rreno, 4ba. Pau•-An-Eet a 1001 East Hampden A.Tnue, t or a Beer, Wille an4 Spirituoua Lt~ Ltoen•. att er diaouuiOll. Couno ilam Ouabing, i.:on4 ) Robb1Da, SeoOD4e4) '!'bat the 1pplloation be reoeiTecl, reterN4 to the Pollo• Depanma•, -4 Propert7 Pone4 •oor41ng to i... •1th date ot Ptattlio Bearinc to be ll•M April, 81, lltSI. ROLL CALL: Bo4a, 1.7• GftCOJ7. "7• 'r!Pt, '7• cueing, AJ9 a..,, _. Davia, A:fe Robblna, A.19 ltilbt 1:te• 1'81• Jrone Abaent One ll.VCll' ao ordered. l'rmtz, J.19 .veigaD&'t., a..n Comaoilam Bo4an, 1ntro4uoe4 an4 there ••• read the tolloWillg Reaolut1on. to-wits R ESOLU'l'IOW. ---------- 11111RBAS, lld4it1onal tun4• are requ1re 4 tor the aoqu1ait1on ot a mn1o1pa1~ owned •deftorb qnem tor the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, and it• inhabitant•; 'DllRD'ORI, BB IT RDOLlm BY 'ftl!! crrr OOU1'CIL OF !BE OI'l'Y f1I !J'GLDOOD, ARAPAHO!! OWl'f'rI. COUit~: '!bat tla• '1117or and C1t7 Clerk be m4 tbe1 are bereb7 mthor1ze4 to a .. ute •4 .. 11Tel' twe ifne Boneta ot aai4 City, dated I>eoember 1, 1951, in the pr1no1pal momat ot tl00,000 ••la, _. to 4el1Ter the •-to the purohaaer• thereof on l"eOeipt ot the puroha•• priee. Tbd aaid Mayor and Clerk are alao authorized to exeoute taoo,000 at Retundiq Water Bm4• ot .. id Oit1, dded Dec•ber l, 19,l, numbered and maturing u toll••s atcmrr llATURl'l'Y tnlmElll •<mrr UllU81ft 5-ll t e,ooo 18DS am-1• tll,000 lMI 1'-85 9,000 19M 174.-188 10,000 lH& Sl-m e,ooo 195, l•-201 10,000 lNI M· 58 9,000 ~· aio-ao ~.ooo ... 58-., 10,000 1957 119-819 U,000 ... M-. 9,000 1918 84.9-859 11,000 llm -98 10,000 1809 819-179 l~,000 lHI lOl-ll6 10,000 1980 889-300 1-,000 ... lll-1250 9,000 1961 310-811 ~.ooo 1191 119-1'' 10,000 19• 331-MO e,ooo lift sa14 ottioiala are further mtbariae4 to nohange aa1d Rdv.ndiag late Borad.• tor aa14 Id• Bon4a. Upoa .U aohl!DP •aid later BODCl• 8hall be cancelled and de.troy .... Sa14 Refunding Water Bcmcla llball be aigne4 bJ th• Mayor, Male4 •itll the CltJ aeal, dtefte4 m4 eomneraipe4 bJ tile C1t7 Cl.erk, a-ottioio CitJ Treasurer, ad tbe ooupoaa attaohe4 to aait bcmcla 8ba11 be a1gne4 •1th the t111aim1l• algnature ot the 01ty Clerk, es-attloio CitJ '179..arer. AD<P1'ED DD APPROVED Thia 24.th dsy ot l 1arch, 1952. ) -City C-1.erk Camc1lman Boclan, Mcwe4 ) Robbin•, seconde4) 14.ror 'l'bat the abOY e and torr golag Reaolution lte Adopte4 an4 Appro'f'el. 244 ll>LL OW.: Bo4an, Aye OftgOZ'J, Aye Wript, J,:/e Comaollun RIPP, UOTe4 ) Wrigbt, seooa4•4) BOLL CALL: Boda, Aye GregorJ, qe Wr1gbt, AJe Ouah1ng, A.Je RllPPt Aye DaT1•, qe Robbin•, Aye Kigbt Are• 1'aY• 1'one Ab•ent One t~arar •o ordered.. Council jdjourn. Ouab1ng, A,e RllPPt J,:/e Da'Y18, A.ye Robbina, A:/9 Eight A1•• 1'11• Wone Abaent One ~.vor 90 orclere4. Prams, qe We1g11114, AlaNd J'NJltz' A"#9 Weigand, a-t ft• Minute• ot the Regular A4Journe4 l!eeting ot the City Council, ot the 01tJ ot -1•oo4, bgl.ftoo4, Coloraido. 'l'bia Condq the 2ttb DaJ ot March, A. D. 1958. nad 91tpronl U th1a '1th Dq ot April, A. D. 1981. ~ . .) ,;1:11:. ...