HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-14 (Special) Meeting Minutes119CUL au.i. MDTIIO or 'I'D CI'l't CCIJWOU. or TD CI!! or JmWOCI), OGl.olHDO ma tu:ISDAT !Bl 14th DAT or ~. A. D. 19S2 at 71)0 0 1 aloalc P ••• ._,,,r lobert r. JTants called the meeting to order and asked for Boll Calli BOLL CALLI Jo4an, .A.beent Ouahinc. Absent DaT1 e, Pre sent rrantz, Present Parker, Present Itapp, Present lobbin•• IT••-' Weigand, .A.beent Vrl4bt, Preaent ~r aeb4 Clerk to read the Call. Clerk read Call a1 follovel IO!ICI or RCL&J. CALL JCllTIBO 01 m CITt COtllCU. or DI Oift OJ m.POCI>. oounr 01 o8AD. l'l'AD or OOM11 mo. !Oa Va. Jodan, Jr. o. z. Culhiac !. L Dane ll. r. lrant.1 Chalmeree Parker J. J). 1la.pp J. c. Bobbin• JI. G. VeipnA :a. :a. Wrlpt the 11114-relc-41 th• Mayor all4 tbr•• .. bere ot the Olt7 Ocnmoil of 'h• Olt7 of ._evoo4. Oouat7 of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, here'b7 ciTe IO!JQI that a IPIOIAI. GAU. llll!ISG OP 911 OI'l'!' COUICIL or SAID Cift 01 •ar.wom. OOMllADO 1• aalle4 a4 "111 be held ln the 01 ty Kall of ea1d 01t7 on '-•4&7• ~ 14th 4&7 of Oo\ob•, A. D. 1952 at the ha11r of SeTm--!hirt7 o 1 clock, P.M. of ..S.4 4&7· You are fm'ther notlfte4 that u.14 lleetlnc 1• called tor the parpoee of oou14er1nc .. ttere pertalnln« to the erect.ion of th• hclewoo4 levap Dispo-1 179'•· •4 the annul. tu 1-1•• for the 7ear 19S2. Jllclewo4, Colorado, October 11, 19S2 (IS.pc) Bobert r. rrant1, -.r . Oh&llleree A. Parle•, Couno11-, Wlll'Cl 3 Jame• D. Bapp, Ooanoil.mn, .•arct 3 Jack o. Robbin•• CCN11Cllllaa, Var4 2 !he 1Ul4ereigne4 Oouncilmn of ·the Ci t.y of Kngl.evoo4, Count7 of Arapahoe, State of Oolorlll.o, here'b7 cert1f7 that ve an~ each of ua receive •otioe of the abcn-e Alli forecoiq lpecial. Call Meeting of the City Council of u!.4 Oit7, to be hel.4 on tueAar, OctobG' 14, 1952 at the ..hour of 7:30 o 1 cllck P.M. of ea14 cl8f' at the Olt7 Ball la -14 Olt7. ld.4 l'ottce hc.ving been received at least tvent~four houre before the elate of 81114 meet.inc. (lipe4) •• r. rrants lack C. llobbiu Cbalaer .. Parker !rm8ll I. DaTla :a. :a. VriF' laaee D. Bapp I. V. lcott., Presl4ct of the louth Inglewood San! tA-tion District l'o. Counatl ant 41ecuaee4 an Agreement between the City and the Dietrict. Ao" .... nt, ae follow, to-vi ts \,:,; J '' ~iilllllll 1 caae before the !he Clerk read. tm !hie J.cr .... nt made 1n duplicate thin 14th day of October, 1952, by an4 beW.. the 01 t:v of ~evoo4, hereinafter callee!. the •ct ty• an4 louth lnglevoo4 lani t.atlca Dletriot •o. 1, herelnat,er called the "D1str1ct•, WHMIAI, the Olt7 l• a llUD1o1pal corporation of the MCOllA olae• orpnlsel ..a mdstinc 'b7 Tlrtue of \he Statute• of the State of Oolora4o ae aad.e4 -4 la coo- atructlnc a eeva«• 411poaal plant, and . wa+us, th• Dtetrict le a qu.e1-mn1c1pal corporation orpnlse4 u4 al•tbj .'b7 Tirtu of Chapter 1)8, Colorado St a.tut.es Amlota'e4 a• -11494, u4 l• ooaet,,...... ll&ln an4 lateral eani taJ'7 aewer line• and appurtenance• in l te Dletrlot aa DOV -"- tuted. &114-. a4d. additional area• upon proper petition an4 aooeptll8M '7 "'9 Dletnet, u4 w••1a• • the par'iee hereto desire to enter in\o u acr•••t oonoerld• a. prooe•diw ..,_ Aiapo•!ll of the •enc• to be oollecte4 b7 the Dtetrlct ta th• •ax• 41apoeal p?aa' te 1Ht ooaetncte4 'b7 th• Ci t7. JIOW, !1El1POll, lt le mv.tuall7 agreed. between tbe l>"rti•• her•h thats 1. the Dietrict. 11&7 connect. it• proposed main or 01lttall tftlllr liu to a trunk 11• \o be oonatructed b7 the 01 t:y on the quarter eMtloa 11• at Vee\ .... a.it ATmu u4 South Santa re Drive on the Vest e14• of South luk fe. DriTe at a 4•• aot 1••• than eight (8) feet. - 2. '!'hat th• Cl t.y vill provide capaci t.7 for, acc91>t, take, tr•t Mil 41•• •.I all euch •ev&«• fro• the District's eighteen (18) inch outfall liu. ). 'l'hat. each user of 81l7 connection to 1anita.ry ewer llaee of the Dietrlc\, Ae conet1tute4 or as it mq be constituted by 1ncluaion, or contrac' VS.th cS.t7 ...,.ow.1, eball ptq to the Ci t7 the 981le charge tor proce••iDC and 41epo•iltC of aevap a1 l• -4• aDllnet all other e1m1lar user1 outside the Dietrict but within the OS.tr J.Urlh, aD4 the Dietrlct shall notify the Ci t;y of all nn conmctiou vi thln '• (10) a.,. et nch connection. !hie proTieS.on shall not constitute a l1altat1cm on uere out1U. both the Ctt:r an4 the Diet.rtct am the City shall be fr•• to enter lato contrac•• vlth mch users on av.ch terae ae it eeee nt. . .4. !he Di 1trict eball r.etain Bl.l it• authori t7 a1 prOTi4ecl ""7 lav to tlz, 1"7 &4 oou.ot U7 an4 all tazee or other charges other than .. marp1 mpeolflel in parao-llph three ab<We tro• all users vithin its District a• con1,l'1l'e4 or aa lt 97 be comtitute4 'b7 lnclution, aD4 to increaae or deoreaee IQah tm• or other._. ... aa it• Boar4 of Director~ ehall direct an4 the Dietrict mall retain the rt.pt M ple4p U7 or all au.ch rneme trcm taze~ or other cbArges tor the r.,.,_at of llllel»t-elne•• of the J>t atrict, an4 the right to approTe or re.1ect auq an4 all 001mectlca1, tape or new li••· 5. !bat the Diatrlct ahal.l retain its ata.tutor7 authorit~ \o oheap lt• boalari•• ADA that 8111' a44i tional a.rea.11 inclu4e4 in 9814 D11trin *-11 'be aenll cm the ... 'baeit aa the Diatrict aa nov conati tutecl. Ari --tllat 4e1l2'e1 ..... 1e"1ce an4 •atl require the collection eyetem of th• D11triot fff' 4111P0-.1 of it• awace an4 can uae a mtmna lepl gradient ll&7 petition for laoluian vit.hla salt J>i•trict aaa upon faTorable action by .the Board of Directore,lbal.1 be lac111ie4 in '11.e Di•trict. . I 6. !hat the Cit7 J187 use due process of lav for the oollectton of 4e11nq119D91 .. ln the pqamt of ••"1.ce cbnrt••· 7. ht the Diatric~ aball tile vi th the Cit7 a plat or plats lhorinc the locati"I! ot all lateral and main lines and all appurtenance• 1nc1114lag wmol••· lmpholes an4 8D7 .uten•i on1 or add i ti one thereto aad ehall no\ allow 8fl7 other Dt.etnot, 01t7 or uaer out•i4e the Di!tr1ct as nov constituted or as it~ later 'be conetltatll 'b7 incluaion to connect to so.id lines vi thout the approTal of the Bm.rd of Direeton of ..S.4 Di •trict an4 the City of J:nglewood. 8. !he uecution of th1 s contract mall constitute acc91>tance 'b7 tbe Cit,. ot tile oollectlon 171te• of the District am the City agree1 to proceet all 1evace tl.owlllC fro• the eighteen (18) inch outf~ll line of the D1atrict under the teraa herein IJ*d.-n.a. 9. Jt le &«r .. 4 that the City eha.11 let a contract tor construction of the 4iapol&l plant before Dec•ber 1, 1952. and be in a poaition to accept •ewe• trcm· 11&1.t outfall llne troa the Di1trict on or before J&nUAJ'7 1, 1954. mb.1ect 'to .r, etrlke, act of God or interTenti~n of a Governmental AgeJ1C7 or other delqa du te ca••• 'bqaD4 the control of the City or i ta contractor &114 that the J>1atrlct 1ball baTe lt• collectinn 17et• canatructe4 and re~ for tap1 b7 the .. e date, 8U'b.1Mt to th• ea• con41 ti one and eXC9]>tion1, and thnt the Diatrtct will pua a order r .. qulrlnc all pr•leee to which it• collection tacllltl•• are aTailalale to connect '9 it• lines VS.thin a rea•onable ti•• after the Dietrict•a collection faclli\l•• are ao11pletecl and. the D11trtct ahall immediate~ all v U7 or all nab pr..S.••• to ocmnr' upon 4u notice troa the !ri-C°'1Dt7 Health Department an4 all D8W 1t1'11.Cture1 111L1\ connect vith the D1str1ct 1 s collection ay1tem 1ilhen 1&id.17at .. le &Tailable. 10. !hat the term of th1 s contra.ct lhall be tor a perlo4 of tvent7-fiTe 7ear1 trom the date hereof and mhall automatiCAl.ly be renevecl tor an a4di tio-1 tventJ'-flT• 19v~ unlea• either party serTes notice in vritine; of it• election to tend.nate tlae contract, such notice in vr1 ting to be served on the other part7 at lea.at two 7ears prior to it• expiration. IW VJSlll VlmmOJ', the parties have hereunto affixed their eeal.a to duplicate copies h.reof the da7 o.n4 7esr first above written, the Olt7 acting purnant to • OrcUunce authorizing the same b7 the City Council and the District acting purnaat to a .. eolutlon of it• Boa.rd of Directors authorizing the same, dul.7 passed at a •••tlng thereof, regule.rly called and attended by a quorum. CITY 01 lmGLIVOOD (I I A la) !Y.------------------------~-llo be rt r. 1rantz, llqor A!TSSTs, ______________ ~~----~ J. ~. ~on. City Clerk SMH DGLEWOCI> SABI'l'ATIOJr DISDIC!' IO. 1 ( I I A J.) BY.---------------------------------z. V. Scott, Preel49nt Amfta Vtl1cm I. lloColl•, Secretar7 COWIOil.Mn Da•i•, lloYe4 ) a &obbln•• Seconded) ~ CA.LL& Boclan, Absent OuhiD£, Absent J>aT18e 1t.7e ~t the Mayor and Clerk be authorise4 to ezecu\e the · u.ta · acr· .... n.•·~betnea--·ttw OJ;:ty ·otr~.-oA ·-·~~ .. :•••· Inglewood lanltatlon J>1atr1ct. 1rentz, "7• lo'bblna, A7e · Parker, "7• Ve1pn4, · A'b•en\ llapp, "'79 . . ~ipt. -- ' ADll liz SA!~& l'one MaJor •o order.O.. A.BSD!& !hr• !he Cl•k r-4 S.n Ml the JIS.11 S.ntro4uced by Council.man Dart• at ti. S91>t•ber 22, 1952 ... ,s.q, a• tollowa, to-Vita a Clll>IDSCJ Al1'1'Hcmzmo 1'D IlstWIC3 or SIVa uv•UJ .- or Bl Gift. -J.IVOOJ), COJ.&JIUDO,I• ml PllISCIPAJ. MOOI! or •125,000.00 1118CBDDO - Niii AID JUfDml Jaa PA?Mlft 07 MID BOJIDS AID SJ; IlfW! mDIOI, AID DIC!T.dISG ltS .... 1.• OouncU.118D DaTi s • MO"f'e4 ) Jlapp, Seconded) 1 !hat the 1111 Ju•t read be pa1•e4 on •econd r•a41DC aa Ordinance lo. 14 Seri•• of 19.52 aza4 'be publi1hec1 ln '1ae ~lewoo4 Pr•••· BOLL CALL: lo4an, .Ab1mt · 1rantz, AT• Bobblna, kl• Cuahi11C1 Abeent Parker, A-re V•lpn4, .A.been\ Dani, "7• lapp, A;ye ·~!pt, --ADii llx JIATSI Bone Ab•ent1 !hr•• JeaTor 10 ordere4. Coanoll.111ul P&rker lntro4uced and there vo.a read the tolloving lleaolutton, to-vit: lll~J.lll1QI WWl•I, lt l• the 4u.t7 of the City Council ot the City of Alglewoocl, ColorlMl.o, ad.er the Statute• of the State ot ColorAdo to make the annual tax le"f'7 tor th• 01\7 purposes tor the 7eor 1952, du and pa78ble in 1953. and •H•MI, 1 t ls nec••881'7 tor ad41 tional special le"f'7 to pq interest on water bon41 heretofore itned a1 a general obligation of the 01 t7 of ~ewoo4, Oolora4o, RIW, 91 .. IOll, IS l! USOI.TID that there be, and it 11 here'b7, lniecl for t1ae 79ar A. D. 1952, clv.e am parable &I required b7 1tatute in the 79ar A. D. 195), for ..S.cl pvpotett, a tu of \en ( 10) 11111• on the dollar aDc1 a epeo1a1 ta of 2. 62 11111• OD .. 4ollar for water bolMl lntere1t upon all tazable propert7, nal., p••nal -.& ldn4, w!.thln the llait• of the City of Knglewood, Oount7 of ArapUoe aZl4 State Id Oolora4o, nbJect to a tu in accorclance vi th the lAv1 ot th• State ot Coiora4o. Ccnmcil.man Parker, ICoTecl ) Japp, leconde4): That the aboTe and toregolnc Beeolutlon be pa1M4 and adopted. BOLL CALLI Bod.an, Abeent Ou1h111C, Abtent De.Tie, "1e ADI& IS.x 1rantz, A;ye Parker, f179 Bapp, Aye ti!11 Sone Council.ma Aapp •• llcwecl ) Parker, leoonded)s That Council Adjourn. IGLL CALLI llo4an, Ab•ent Ov.ahing, Absent Dani, A.7• ADS& Sile hantz, A7I Parker, A7e llapp, A;ye DATii lone Bobbin•, '-'• Velpn4, Ab••nt Wr! eh t t • kl• J.1811!1 !hr•• 11&7or •o ort. .... llobbina, qe Velpn4., Abeat Vrlltlt, qe ~& !hrH ·Jlllror ao or48rel.. !he Minute• of the lpeclal Call lleetinc of the City Council ot the Ci t;y of ._levoo4, Oelar114o thla heecla7 the 14th c1q of October, A. D. 1952 •tand approTe4 aa r.a \bi• )rt &ir of •n•ber, A. D. 1952. C~4-....... rpt..--NiTon, Cl ty Clede