HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesJmUUB ADJ'aJ:IBD ICllTllG or m CITY CcmlCIL or TD CI'l'Y or DGLIWOOD, catollADO
mtl MCllDAT SI 27th DAT al OC!OBD, A. D. 1952.
llaJGr Pro-!•, Colbert •· Culh1zic, called the Meeting to Order and asked for Boll Call:
Bou. CALL: !odan, Present
Cuminc, Present
Davis, Present
l'rantz, Absent
Parker, Absent
lapp, Abeent
llobbins, Preaent
Veigam, Absent
Wright, Present
PDSD'l'a 11ve · ABSD'l': J'our
!he Clerk rea4 letter troa J'. M. Da7, President of Metropolitsn Area Municipal Aaan. an4
acknovle4C911.nt ot annual budget b7 Colorado '.rax Commiaaion (Letters in file.).
Joe P. Own• caa• 'before the Council and requested that a retum. be ma.de to th• Comnmi t7
MethocUat Church for the Vster Tap teea tor the new Church. Va1 1ntome4 that no
exception• are 1184.e. ·
Chief ll. Geo. Voo4• came bef"1'e the Council re£8l'ding the removal of the practice tower.
&obbin•, Davi•• and Weigand v~re appointed as a Committee to investigate the matter.
and mtlke recammen4ation to Council at next meetine.
Cl t7 Manager presented request b;r Leonard llo7 to purcMse 'Olonset Htit. Request tabled an4
C 1ty llan:;.ger 1natructed to report at next ceet1ne the current market Talue of same.
Cit;r ICanager preaented letter !rom Kiles Lantz ~"ld Co., Architect, regardinc fire sub-station
to be built at South Pearl Street an<l Sa.st Quincy Avena. City Manager 1n•tructed to
contact the Allen Conatruction Co. and rep,,rt to the Council at the next regular meetinc.
Clerk read Iet ter froa Id. bra.r7 Board., as foll ova, to-wit:
Honorable Mr. J'lint and City Council
Snglevood., Colo.
October lS, 1952
'1'he Library Joa.rt recommend the appoint of the follovinc to the Joar4a
Mrs. Grover c. Norris, 4497 So. Lincoln, a teacher, to fill the
unup1re4 tera of Mrs. Hovard Long, who has reeigned. Tenure: October 1, 1952
to Dec•ber Jl, 1954·
llr1. frank B. Anderson, 3432 lo. Clark•on, a former lzecut1v .. 1ecre'81'7
to Child Veltare for three yea.rs in Boulder, nov lx.-Sec7. to llr. D. •· Jacham
of the Beckethorn Mfg. Co., also a leader tor the .American Keri tage 4i•cua•1oa
~oup. !eDUrel October 1, 1952 to Deccber :31, 19SS.
Mrs. lthel Altenbach, 4901 lo. Huron, a retired teacher, at present
e11plo7ed in ltn te Library. Thia ia a reappointaent. !envea October 1, 1952
to Dec .. ber Jl, 1955.
!he rea!'on tor ov~rlapping the three year term is the Board. moved. to
have fiscal Tear en4 Dec•ber 31st instead of September JOth u baa been the
cue tom.
(Signed) Della !. Valton
Secretary to LibrRJ"7 loard
Council.JDanllobbine, Moved )
Wright, Seconded): That the &J>pointments to the Library Board aa
recommended in the above and toregoiJIC letter
be made. · · ·
Jodan, Aye
Culhing, qe
Davi•, Aye
ADSI 1ive
J'rant z, Abeent
Parker, Abe ent
llapp, Absent
Bobbin•, A79
Ve1gu4, A'baent
Wri&bt, AT•
l'IATS: none A!Sll'l': J'aur IU!m PBO...DK IO OUR•.
Couno11-n Bodan introduced the tollovint; lleeolution, which vas read• .~vita
correct prior lle•olutlia• 4••1gnat1nc
clar1t1cat1on reason1,
mw, fHC•ErmJ, D IT DIOLTED that the tollovinc naaecl banking in1titut1on•,
!he fir~t lational Jank of Knglevood, Knglevoo4, Colora4o
!he Knclevoo4 State knk, lnclewood, Colora4o
are her•'b7 d.estgnate4 aa d.9P01i torte• tor funds of the City of lnclew oc1 vi thout liai tatiou
as to sis• ot d.9P0ait, provided. all •aunt s deposited in BD7 w.ch d..,oalto17 abne the ftllc
of !en thousand Dollars be HCUJ'ed b7 the maid bank through the depos1 tine ot VD1 tecl ltat••
OoTernamt •eeuritiea of a Y~ue equivalent to the amount of the d91>0elt above ta 'lhov.8anl
Dollars, or other securities designated as pro ~er by ColorNlo Statute• of a 'YB.lue equ1Yaleat
to one and oJWP.halt t1ae9 the amount of the depo s it in excess of fen thou.an« Dollars, vl'1l
a banlcing in•t1 tution approved. b7 the Clcr~Tre as urer or the Ci t7 ot lnglevood., Colora4o. ·
All lleeolutione concern1 nc depoai torie s heretofore passed are herebJ cancelled an4 voided..
.Aft'.ES'l': Kqor
City Cle:-Jc
Oouncilmo.n Jo4an, Moved )
Vri Ill t, Secon4ed.) : That the above and foregoing lleaolution be Pae1ecl u4
Adopted. · ·
BOLL CAI.La Jlo4an, .A.ye
Ou9hing, .A.ye
De.Ti I , .A.ye
ADS 1 J'i ve
Caancllman Dan a, llo'Yed )
Vrl gbt, Seconded):
J'rnntz, Absent
Parker, Absent
Rapp, Absent
llo bbin1, AJe
Weigand, .A.baent
Vr1pt, qe
KATS: Bone ilSD!: !hree
Mayor Pro-Tem ao ordered
. .,.,. ....•
!bat the Vater Department be authorized to lq a fo1JJ' inah water line on ICM'1a
In°" Street from Vest Hampden Avenue to Ithica Avenue.
llOU. CALL: lodan, qe
Cushing, Aye
Do. 'Yi a, Aye
A~S& J'i ve
1rontz, Abaent
Parker, Ab1ent
Rapp, Absent
NAYS: llone AISll!:
llobbln•' .A.7•
Ve1gan4, Absent
Vricht, "'7•
'!hree -0'1'·'~' .. ·~•·-~•red.
!he Clerk ree4 the follovlne letter from Colorado Department of 11ghvaye, to-wit&
October J, 1952
!o the ~or and City Council
City of Jnt:lewood
Inglewood, Colorado
In the agreeoment dated August 27, 1952, the Clt7 of ~evood a&l"eecl to
mpen4 $3(),000. 00, now aTallable; tor right of V8.7 for proJect 11-tJO OOZ-2
(22), Unit Wo. 1, Hr.mpden Ayenue, J:nglewood. In con1ideration ot thl1
agree•nt thi a DepartMnt agreed to advance to the 01 ty ot ~ewoo4 the
nec••9&1'7 additional funds, not to exceed $60,000.00, a1 needed :tor rigbt
of •7 pureha.s~. which sum ls to be repaid in accorc!ance with the tera•
of the aa.id aereement. Said money ls to be ad.vence4 by p&J11•t1 4ireot17
to the property owners at time of purchnse of right ot ~7•
!o prevent account problems lt is desirable for both parties to the
~••ent thAt the Clt7 deposit to its account with the Department for
rit.:ht of vay purchases the December 1, 1952 balruice ot the Clt71 1 1952
appropriation for right ot way.
It 1e understood. that said depos1 t will not be cone1dere4 ae a part o:t
the $60,000.00 to be r.epaid to the Department umer the agre•ent of
Au.gut 27, 1952.
I 1' 7ou are in accord vi th the terms ot this letter, pleo.•• show 7oor
A«!'•••nt b7 elgning an4 returning to this otflce one cow of thi1 letter.
Very truly your a,
(Siened) ICP.rlc t1. Vatrou
Ch1 et Ing! neer
'l'D CI'l'f OJ' lmt3'1'00D
Councilmen llobbins, Moved )
Dnvis, Seconded): T'bnt the request as set forth 1n the &bo'Ye aa4.
foregoing letter be complied vi.th and the Jl&Jor
is hereb7 authorized to •1t;n copy of .al4 letter.
ROLL CALL: lodan, Aye J"rmitz, Absent Robbins, A.ye
Cushing, Aye Parker, Absent Ve1gan4, .A.baent
Davis, Aye Ro,pp, Absent Wright, Ar•
ATIS: AJSll!z !Jane
City Manager 1re1ented req_uegt of Mountain States Telephone 8114 Telegraph C~ :tor
permission to cut pavement on Vest Hampden .A.Yeime tor in1tallation ot lines &IMl
condu1 t. '!'here being no objection, Mayor Pro-tea declared. perJllpion granted.
Councilman. Dav11, Moved )
Vri ght, Seconded):
That the May or be instructed to alp ln bCalt ot the 01'7
the following letter, t~vlts
Under Distributor's Contrn..ct lJo. l, entered into between the 01'7 llDI.
J.. J. Voodaan lnTe~tment Comps.iv. Inc., dated June 1, 1951• 7CJU are pre•ent17
enti tlecl to lq aain1 in the port!~n of the Distributor' a area known. aa lellevoo4,
at wbat.ver the actunl. co!t of l~ng the same may be a• chargecl you b7 vhatner
contractor you cplo7 to make t.'1.e installation. !he onl.7 restriction• at th11
tla• b•ln« that all mnlna ao laid mu.st meet Ci t7 specifications a.n4 inmpection,
an4 that 7ou mat tmoniah plane and specificatlona prepared b7 an engineer to
the Ci t7 before l~n& &DJ such ma1na.
It nov &r.P«U"• thnt the territor7 for which 7ou hold JH.atr1butor 1 1
Oontract ia abOllt to be annexed to the City. In consideration of 7aar relea1ing
;your entire Dletributor•a Contrnct at the time ~•n annexation 1• ccmrplete an4
relea1tnc all of' your ri~ts thereunder, the Ci t7 vill thereafter allow 7011 to
continue the •BM practice of' l.qing your ovn lines b7 priTBte cantract under Cl'1'
91>eciflCAtiona and ln9J>ection an4 tap to 1nld llnec, homea con1tructed in Belle-
wood vi thont p~nt of UT charge to the Ci t7 tor •o dolnc.
It l1 to be understood, however, that 1ubject to the teraa of the pr•Mthac
panci-llph, all ex11Unc ma1n1 lAid b7 you vlll become Cit7 propert7 at th• tlu
the anne-.t1on of t!w tern to17 becOlllet complete, an4 thoae laid b;y 7ou follOvinc
completion of annezation Vill become City propert7 when inatallecl, Vithout IUa1'
relabur1-nt to you for mid lines by the C1 t7•
!he aen4lng of this letter to 7ou h~s been authorized b;y Tote of the Ci t7
Council of the City of lCnglet·ood, nr.d your signature hereunder contlrming the
teraa hereof, shall constitute a contract between you and the Oit7.
Vary truly ;youra,
llobert r. 1rnntz. Ka¥or
The tena1 and cond.1 t1ons of the vi thin letter are hereb7 ratified,
confirmed and accepted.
sometir.ies known as J.. J. WOODMAS
IIUS'l'MllT CCl4PAIY. 11rc.
BY.--~----------------------------L •. J. Wo~dman, President
J.ucille T. Woodman, lecretarT
an4 the tel'llt of the above and foregoing lette::-are acceptable to the Cit7.
IGLL CAU.1 Jot&n, 1.78
Outhiq, Aye
Darts, A7•
1rnntz, Ab~ent
Parker, Ab1ent
la.pp, Ab tent
ADI: Jive IATSI lone
llqor PrO-!• so ordered.
Council.llan Jlapp caae in an4 took seat vi th Council.
Jlobbin1, AT•
Veip.D4, Abemt
Vript, Preaent
A.ISllf I 'fhrH
Councilaan Bobblna, lloTecl)
llapp, lecondecl) That the Council approve plans and apec1!1catlona nbait\ecl b7
Dale B. Ilea for the Sevac• treatment plant, •ubJect \o cheok
ot the &Bile b7 the City Man~er and Ci t7 :lngineer, ad tollovtne
auch 'check the Mayor be hereby authorized to al,;n the dravlnp
and in ad.di ti on llotice to Bidder• be publiahed requ'!tlnc 9111»-
miasion of bids in accord3.nce with aaid lotlce SOY•ber 10, 1952.
BQtL CALL& !oda.~. kr&
Cushinc, Aye
Davis, Aye
Frantz, Absent
Parker, Absent
B.app, Aye
A.BS& Six lTAYS: Bone
Couneilaan :BodtlZl, )loyed, )
llapp, Seconded): That the meeting Adjourn.
BOU. CALL& :Bod.an• qe
Cuahing, A¥•
Dans, A.7•
J'rantz, Absent
Parker, Absent
llapp. A.7•
Jlobbina, Ap
Veigam, Absent
Vript, '7•
llobbin1, qe
Wtigam, Abaent
Wright, qe
ADS: Six BA.Tia None A.BSD!: !vo
Mayor Pro-Tem so ordered.
!be JU.nut•• of the llegular A4Journecl Meeting of the Cl ty Council of the Cit7 of ~1evoo4,
Colorado \Ilia lloDd.q, \he 27th ~ ot October, A.D. 1952 stBZMt npproved ... __ _.r ... •_...t ___ _
thl• llon4q the Jrd. da7 of Sovem'ber A. D. 1952.