HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-02-01 (Regular) Meeting MinutesSP!nUL CALL llBITIIG or THE Cl'rY COUIC n. 01" 1ilE CITY OF EBGLFWOOD, COLORADO. THIS W:tmlU'BD&.Y 'Im! lat. Dll al n:.BRUARY, A. D. 19'K>. Mayor Cbarlea R. Allen, Called the Ueetine to order and asked tor Roll Call: ROLL CA.LL: Bodan, Preaent lladdox, Preaent Buchanan, Preaent Milligan, Absent Six Preaent Cushing, A.best Oliner, Present Absent Two. Frantz, Preaent Woodman, Preaent May or aaked Olerk to read the Call. To. Clerk read the Call tor tbe Special Meeting a• tolla.a. WOTIC! OF SP~ CALL MEETIIG OF THE CIT Y COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF EBGLEWOOD, OOUl'l'Y or ARAPAHO!, SftTB or COLORADO. Wm. Bodan Jr. c. L. Maddox R. u. Buchman G. C. Milligan C. !!. Cushing Herman Oliner :a. F. Frantz L. J. Woodam The underaigned, 'l'be Mayor ed Three Mmibera ot the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, County ot Ar9P.tloe, State ot Colorado. hereby give •otice that a Special Call Meeting ot the City Council ot •aid CitJ, i• oal.l.84 and will be be ld in the City Hall or said City on ••d.Jl••d.&7, the let Day ot rebruary, A.. D. 1950. at tbe hour ot l!:igbt o'clock P. M. ot said Day. You are turther notified t~at said Meeting is called for the purpose or Authorizing by Resolution the •1.aDing ot a settlement agreement between the City or Englewood, and the Farmer• ReserToir and Irrigation Coape7, Burlington Ditch, ReserToir and Land Canpany, ed the Henrylyn Irrigation District. R. M. Buchanan. ilde rmm Ward •o. l. Chas. B. Allen. Mayor Hermm Olin er,_ A.lderiiian Ward Wo. 2 Englewood , Colorado. Jmuary 31st 1Q50. G. C. Millig•. Alderman Ward •o. 3 The underaigned Alderman ot the City ot Englewood, County ot A.ra.Uoe, State ot Colorado. herebJ certit7 ~at each ot ua received Wotioe or the above and foregoing me ntioned Special Call Meeting ot the City Council ot aaid CitJ, to be held on Wedneaday February J,et, 1950 at the hour ot Eight OIClock P. II. ot ea14 DBJ' at tile City Ball in said CitJ. Said •otice having been aerTed at least Twenty-tour hours betorethe .. te ot •aid Meeting. C. L. 11*1clox Willi• Bodan Jr. L. J. Wooclllan Berman OUner. R. P'. Frantz R. M. Buchanan 581 !'be matter ot mtborizing b7 Resolution the signing or a settlement agreement between tbe City ot Englewood and the Parmea• ReaerToir and Irrigation Compey, Burlinaton Ditch Reservoir and Lind CompaDJ', and the Benl"J- lJn Irrigatiae District. was diacutMd and the tollowing Besoluti an preaentecl. RF.sOLUTI01'. lllBRKAS, !lllRI IS PDDIIG II 'lH •; District Court in and tor the County ot Douglas, State ot Colorado, CiTil Action •o. 1706, wherein the Cit~· or Englewood, aa petitioner, is applying to the Court tor a change ot point ot diTeraion ot o r•ain water right claimed by said City tran the appropriations or the Nevada Ditch and the Platte Canon Canal, .. deacribed in the Petit! n in said action, aaid water rights to be used after said change tor llllllioipal pupo .. a, ancl IBKRIAS, auob change in ppint or diversion and Dllnicipal use might reault in injury to appropriation• ot the 1'U"991'• Re•rToir and Irrigation Cc:Jq»any, The Burlington Ditch ReeerToir and Lmd Company and the Hem'J'- lyn Irrigaticm Diatrict, unleas conditions and limitation• tor the protection or right• ot said named ccmapani•• are .. de a part ot any decree allowing the change in point ot diTersion as re,ueated by the City ot Englswood, -· IHIRB&S, b7 mutual -sremaent reduced to writing the conditions and liaitation• necessary to tullJ' protect the mppropriationa ot tbe said companiea have been determined, and llDRIAS, it la neceaaary to authorize the Mayor or the City or Englewood to execute and the City Clerk to atte•t •aid agreement, •Clltl 'J!BREl"<Jm, BE IT RBSOLVED, 'l'bat the Mayor or the City ot Englnood be, and he i• mreb7, euthoriaed md directed to execute, in bebalt ot aaid City or Englewood, the Agreemat dated the 16th day ot January, A.D. 1950, between the City ot Englewood, First Party, and the Fm-mera Reservoir and Irrigation Compa117, The Burling- ton Ditch ReaerToir and Land Ccmpany and the Henrylyn Irrigation Di•triot, Second Parties, cop7 ot which A.gree- .. nt 1• in the tilea ot the Clerk ot the City ot Englewood, and by reference i• made a part bereot, and tbe Clerk ot the City ot Englewood ia hereby authorized and directed to atteat the aignature ot the Mayor tbereaa. ti8tEST: !. E. AnderS>n City Clerk. Ch~a. R. Allen lle,yor Aldeiwan Oliner, llo•ed ) Woodllan, Seconded ROLL CALL: 'l'bat the abOYe and foregoing Resolution be paeaed and adopted. Boden, A.ye Maddox, qe Buchaneri, A.ye Cuahi~, Absent 1.Ii lligan, Ab sent Oliner, Aye Six A.yea Ways Bone Absent Two. Mayor ao Ordered. AGR!!:lll .!1'T --------- rrantz. J,Je Woodman, AJ• !HIS AGRDM!ft • llade and entered in to this 16th day or January, A. D. 1950, b7 and between the Cit7 at Bnglewood, a llllllicipal corporation ot the second claas and duly organised and existing under tbe Statute• ot the State ot Colorado, .P'irst Party, and The Farmer• Reserv o ir and Irrigation Caapan7, a Colorado oorporaticm, 582 ~e Burlington Ditch ReaerToir and Land Canpan7, a Colorado corporation, and The Henryl.yn Irri•atioa District, an irrigation district duly organized and existing under the laws ot the State ot Colorado, Secoa4 Partiea: REC I'l'ALS. A. Fil"at Party repreaenta that it baa purchaaed and ia the owner ot 88t aharea oat ot a total ot llO aharea otxttu \be capital •took ot the BrTMa Ditch Holding Company a Colorado corporation, and that b7 Titrue ot aaoll purchaae and 09Derabip, it i• the 09Der ot the right to uae aai/aeoth• ot the water prioritiea ot the •eTa4a Ditch u here- tatore adjudicated and decreed to said Ditch tor direct irrigation purpoaea in Water District Bumber 8, Water DiT1aion Wwaber l ot the State ot Colorado, aggregating ea.3 cubic teet per aeooad, ad that u a reault ot auch purchaae and ownerahip, it ha• the right to tile u .. ot the tollowing quantitiea ot water out ot the ditterent de- creed pr'Pritiea or aaid Nevada Ditch: a.ea cubic teet ot water per aecond ot time out ot priorit7 4ate4 &Dg- uat 30, 1861, and 10.88 cubic teet ot water out ot priority dated December 30, 186D. Pirat Party turther represents that it baa purchaaed, and 1• now the owner ot, one cubic toot ot water per aecODd ot time ot the December 30, 1863 priority heretotore decreed tor ai~~trrigation purpoaea in aaid Water Diatrict Bumber 8 to the Platte Canon Ditch. Said water ao claimed b7 P'irat Part7 baa heretotore been d1Ter1ied out ot the South Platte R1Ter 1D part at the headgate ot the •eTada Ditch which i• located at or near the northweat bank a( tbe South Platte RiTer iD the northeaat corner ot Section l, Tosnahip 6 South, Range 68 West ot the 6th P. M., Jetteraon Count7, Colorado, in ater Diatrict Bullber 8, and in part at the headgate ot the Platte Canon Ditch, wbioh 1• located at a poiDt on the nor1ih bank ot tbe South Platte RiTer in Jetteraon County, whence the east quarter ot Section 34, 'l'Olrllabip a south, Range 69 Weat ot the 6th P. M., beara approximately South 86 degreea, 30 ainutea eaat 2 ,14'0 teet. 'l'be water •Tidenced by the water rigbta •o purchased by First Party baa heretofore been uaed in pan tor the irrigatiOll or that oertain land aituate in Jetteraon County, Colorado, now owned b7 Firat Party, knOlnl aa and berelnatter reterred to aa the "Atchison Ranch," which land, containing 2508.4 aorea, more or leaa, 1• cleaoribecl in that oerta1n Warrant7 Deed tram iltred P. Atchison and Ida Mae Atchiaon to the Clt7 ot 1Dglewoo4, elated 1anu&rJ ~. 19'9, and reoorcled January 10, 1949, in Book 683 at Page 263 ot the record• in the otrioe ot the Clerk aacl Re- oorcler ot Jettereon County, Colorado, which deaeription in aaid Deed by tbia reterenoe i• hereb7 incorporated herein • •• Fil"at Party baa heretotore instituted a prooeedin entitled "In the Matter ot Prioritiea ot Water Right• in Water Diatr i ct Wumber 8 1 State or Colorado--Upon Application ot the City ot Englewood. to Change the Ppint at D1- Teraion or a portion ot the Irrigation Priorities Awarded to the WeTada Ditch and to Platte Canon Canal,• in the D1atriot CC>UM within and tor the County ot Douglas, Colorado, •hicb said proceeding bear• Docket Buaber 170& and i• now pending in said District Court. Firat Part7 1 b7 the proceeding hereinabove mentioned, propoaea to change the point ot diyeraion ot the water nos caliaed b7 it. ao that aaid water will hereafter be diverted out ot the South Platte River at the headgate ot the Peteraburg Ditch which take• ita water trom the South Platte RiTer at a point on the weat ti.cl• ot the tOSD ot Littleton on the east bank or the South Platte BiTer in the northwest corner or the aouthweat quarter ot Section Q, T09Dabip 5 South, Range 68 We at ot the 6th P. M. , Arapahoe County, Colorado, at or near the interaeotion ot the South Platte RiTer •1th County Road Rumber 1. Firat Party. it aaid change ot point ot diversion ot said water i• granted in said proceeding, propoaea to uae aaid water tor it• 11Unicipla purpoaea throughout the year. c. Tbe Fa.rmera ReaerToir and Irrigation Campany ia the OWDer ot the following irrigation worka and appropriaticma ot water aituated in Water District Jrumber 2, Water DiTiaion Bumber l, state ot Colorado, which are more apeciti- cal)7 deacribed in the adjudication decreed therefor; a. Enlargement ot Barr Lake and it• etorme;e appropriation trom the South Platee RiTer through •he O'Brien Canal tor 33,0ll aore teet as or January 13, 190Q. with refiling rigbta. b. Milton Lake and ita atorage eppropriation trom the South Platte RiTer through the 'latte Valle7 Canal tor 43,147 acre teet (including eonditional decree) •• of May 29, l90Q. o. Certain other smaller reaerYoir• aituate north and east ot Barr Lake with atorage right• aa ot the Tarioua priority datea granted or which may be granted in adjudication decree• theretor. amt tbe Burlington Ditch ReaerToir and Land Company is the °"1ler ot the tollowing irrigation worka and appropria- tion• ot water in said Water District llumber 21 a. Original Barr Lake and Oasis Reaervoir and their ato.,-se appropriations trom the South Platte Rinr througb the Burlington Ditch tor approximately 11,000 acre reet as ot December l, 1885; and the HenrJlyn IrrigatiOll District is the owner ot the rollowing irrigation worka and appropriation• ot water in aaid later District Wumber 8: a. Proapect ReaerToir and ita atorage appr•priationa from the South Platte River through the Denver- Hudaoa Canal tDD approximately 5.sno acre ~eet as or November 21, 1910, in addition to it• conditional decree. b. Borae Creek ReaerToir and ita storage appropriations trom the South Platte RiTer through the DenTer- Hudaoa Canal ot 17,000 acre teet aa of •rch 17, 1911, in addition to it• conditional decree. o. Certain other amaller reaervoirs situate below and east ot Barr Lake •1th atorage rigbta aa ot the Tariou• priority date• granted or which may be granted in adjudication decree• therefor. TbeO) •Brian Canal, the Burlington Ditch and the Denver Hutaon Canal aboTe mentioned, baTe a colllllOll headgate on the east bank or the South Platte RiTer near the boundary line between the City and County ot DenTer and the Count1 ot Ad ... , and occupy a caaaon channel tor approximately the first 5.43 mile• ot their course. Ia a4d1 t ion to the abOTe-reterred-to storage deoreea, the HTeral part iea ot the Second Part or cme or More ot thea are the owner• or water appropriation• with priorities decreed in aaid Water District !lumber I tor direct lrrigatiOll tor a number ot irrigation ditcbeA. including the Burlington Ditch, the O•Brian Canal, ETana Ditch Bu~ ber a I Platte Ta1le7 Canal and Denver-Hudson Canal. Said ditch•• and reaerToira and the water appropriation• and prioriti•• deoreecl thereto are u .. d, and haTe tor a long nuaber ot 7eara been used, tor the irrigation ot a large acreage ot land aituate in Adame and Weld Countiea, Colorado. D. I I I SeoOlld Partiea and each ot them are apprebenaiTe that it •trat Party ahall aucoee4 in having the change or point ot diTeraioa ot the water in Recital A referred to grRnted, diTeraion ot water on all orone or more ot the I prioritiea decreed, or which may be decreed, to the ditches and reaerToir• or Second Parties will be intertered •t with and prejudiced, and becauae thereof, Second Parties have indicated to Firat Party their intenaion to become partiea to aaid change or ppint ot diversion proceeding and to eaJ•ct to and protest against the said requested change ot point ot diTeraion by the First Party. First Pasty recongnizea and admit• the poaaibilit7 or probabil- it7 that aaid change in point or d1Yeraion so requested by it, unless reatricted and limited, •ill or maJ prejudi- olall1 attect th• water rights 90 decreed to the ditches and reaervoira ot the Second Parties or one or aore ot tbea. •or, ftmRD'ORE, in consideration or the premiaea and the mutual coTenanta and agreement• ot the partiea .. _..., it la -*'tbJ agreed by and betwe<'n the parties hereto as tollowa, it being expreaaly understood and agreed that each and all ot the cOTenanta and agreements of First Party are made to and •itb the Second Partiea jointly and aeparate)7 and can be relied upon and entorced by the Second Parties Jointly or aeperatelyi point of 1. P'irat Party agreea to permanently •ithdr• and eliminate trca :.1-• petition tor ohange ot/diTer- aicm ot •aid water all claia ~ ot right or plan to diTert aaid water it said change ot point ot diTeraion aball be grated througb the Mana ot a pwmping plant trca a aystem or wells aa now referred to in i ta petition tor oh.age ot point ot diTeraioa, and turtber agreea, it aaid ohange ot point ot diTeraion allall be grantecl to diTert on aaid 4eoreea onlJ aurtaoe water in aaid riTer and only through a aurtace diTeraion and not through a117 other -41ua or 4nice. Pirat Party asre•• to haTe inconorated in any decree granting the reciueatecl change ot poiat ot 4iTeraion a prOTiaicm in accordance herewith. a. Pi.rat Party doea hereb1 oOTenant and agree in behalt ot itaelt, it• aucceaaora and uaipa, it aa14 requ eate4 cbage in point ot diTeraion aball be grmted, that the luda bereiaabOTe deaoribed u the .ltchi- -Rmoh ab all at ao time hereafter be irrigated through the mean• ot any water di•ea.d ~aa .-*lae &oath Pl.Ute ltt•er or any ot it• tributariea tor direct irrigation purpoaea, whether or not 1 ... •re...._illll9edlettl......e181"181la1l •llN•Uln-IMsMJu4icatecl and decreed; and Pir•t Party, in behal:t or itaelt, it• aucoeaaora and uaipa, 4oea pe~ ••ntlJ abm4on ad U•laim all the direct irrigation water right• out ot the South Platte RiYer and it• tri- batariea tor the irrigation ot aaid land•. The coTenanta in thia paragraph contained are and ahall be cOTenanta to be d .... d to be rwming with aaid land and the title thereto, and mall be binding apoa the Pirn Party ad all tuture 01r11er• ot •aid lad. rirat Part1 further coTenata and agree in •127 deed or omne1anoe, I 111 ar other banrt•rn relating to the title or uae ot aaid land, to incorporate therein the aubatence ot tbe p 1st_,.• ~ tbl• •&NP'IPh ad to require the purohuer, leaaee or other uaer ot •aid land to 00Te1umt and ~ -.ot to 41- 583 "" 97 clireot 1rrign1cm water tram ~ South Platte R1Ter or anJ ot lt• tributaiea tor the irrigdioa ot •aid laa4a, -4 to otberwiH oOTenant and agree in eacord.anoe with the proTi•ion• ot thi• paragraph. Pir~LPJrlY tur.i-. -r a tiler •bal •• aaid land. 1aolu4ecl in •aid A.tchlacm Ranch to the juriadiction ot the District Coun in/tll b~J ot Daaglaa, Color-40, in tbe ohange ot point ot diTeraion proceeding hereinaboTe mentioned, ad -.ree• to requeat t .l:i a t t tbn •mre be incorporated in anJ ohange ot point or diversion d.eoree entered. ill said proceeding, bJ inJuottTe orcler or otherwi•, a pel"llAJlent prohibiticm againat the uae ot aDJ direct irrigation water• out of the South Platte 81Ter or 8DJ ot it• tributariea tor the irrigation or the land• included in tbe .&.tohiaon Ranch and to otherwiae 1Dolll4• in aaid 4eoree the other prOYiaiona ot thia paragraph. •otbiq ooataiaed in tbi• faragraph a •hall be conatnacl4 aa a prohibition againat the uae ot ator..-water or tran1110UJ1tain water from the Colorado RiTer or it• tributarlea on aaid land. s. ~ •aid ohange in point ot diTeraion aa requeated by 1'1rat Part)' in aaid proceeding aha1l be grant- ... rlrat Part1 -sree• Mftl' at &Q tiae to diTert aaid water• in a 11111mer or at a tiae which aball preJud1o1all7 atteot tbe right ot Second. Partiea or any ot th• to d1Tert water• heretotore decreed, or hereatter tinall7 or oon41t1caal.17 decreed. on appropriation claima mtedating tbia agreement tor storage purpoaea to their rea8*Yo1r• or aDJ of tbea. , l lthout lJaiting or aftecting the generality ot the foregoing. 8irat Part)' apeo1t1oal17 ~and expreaalJ -sree•, exoept •• in thia paragraph hereinafter proTided, not to diTert and not to oall tor •aid water \at aaid ohagecl point ot d1Tera1on at any t1-•hen there 1• running in the South Platte River at the head.gate iot the Bur- liJlgtcm-O•Brian-DeDTer-Budaon Ditchea aTailable to be diTerted on the storage appropriation• ot Seocmcl Partiea or aDJ ot tbea. or at the beadgate or the Platte ValleJ Canal, it at aaid time there ahall not be auttioient water at said beadgatea or either ot them to aatiaty the atorage demmda ot the Second Parties or any ot th•. ll'irn PartJ further agreea to cease diTerting aaid water through aaid changed point ot diveraion at all tiaea to the ex- t.at tabt auoh turtber d1Tera1on thereof ahall prevent Second Partiea or &DJ' ot them trca diTertina •aid water tor their atorage purpoaea, it at auch tiM or time• aaid water it not diTerted by ll'irat PartJ would be aTailable tor 41Tera1aa bJ Second Partiea or any of thea on their •aid atorage decree•. It is underatood ad 9gl'ee4, b•- ••er, that the prOTialoaa ot thi• paragraph ahall not preTent tbe Firat Party from diTertina aaid water at aaid. •hanged point ot d1Tera1on except at such time• that auch water, lt not diTerted by First Party, would be &Yail- able tor d1Teraicm by Seccmd Partiea or one ot them on their atorage appropriationa and shall at auob time• be MOeaaary to Htiaty an7 untilled oalla or the Second. Partie• or any of them on 8ll1' ot their storage 91>proprta- tloaa. It at any time while Pirat Party i• diTentng said water at auoh cbanged point ot d1Teraicm, the Second Part i •• or &Jl7 ot th• ahall notify the 1'1rat Party, througb notice, Terbal or written, to it• lla7or, other ot- fioial or 911plo1ee in charge ot it• water diTeraicma that said water ao being d1Terted 1• neoe••.rJ to aatiatJ _,. Ulltllled oall on the atorage appropriation• ot any or the Second Partiea, then 1'1~arty agzieea forthwith to oe ... it• d.1Teraion ao long aa the aaid water would be aTailable tor diTeraion bJ the Second Parti•• or _, at tbea to aatiat7 a7 unatiatied aterage call. Tb• proTiaioa• ot thia Paragraph 3 ahall not apply to diTeraiaD• ot .. 14 water at the Peteraburg B•Mc•t•, it ohange ot point ot d1Teraion thereto ahall be granted to Firat Party, at tiaee when water ia being 41nne4 tram tbe South Platte RiTer in Water District lfumber 8, north ot Watertcm, tor direot irrigation ot tar. land.a on adjudicated decree• haTing priority datea not later than December 31, 1885. but nothing herein oolltaine4 ahall be oonatrued. u a •aiTer by Second Partie• or flD1 ot th• ot the rigbt to d.1Tert on my ot their -.propriatioaa in eacor4ace •1th the priority d.atea decreed thereto. 11rat PartJ agreea to hue the substance of thia paragraph incorporated in and •de a part of ..-, Oh&Jl89 ot point ot diTeraion decree in the aboTe change ot point ot diTeraicm proceeding. -&. ftrat Part7 agree• not to request any other proTi•ioaa to be incorporated in an1 change ot point at diftraion decree •bicb a&1 be entered in aaid. prooeedinga which shall prejudioe tbe storage decre .. ot Second Parttea or an1 ot tbea and further agree•, prior to ita entey, to aubmit any proposed 4eoree to be ente:recl in aa14 proo .. dinga to the l• til'll ot ~kolt, Cmpbell, Turnquiat & Shepherd, in DenTer, Colorado, u the aeatgnat- ed attorner• in behalf ot Second. Partiea and each of them, tor their approTal. # 5. Jr ftras Part1, it• auoceaaora and aaaigne, tully and taithtullJ •ClllPlJ •1th each ot J.l'irat Party•• ocwenant a and agreement• herein aet forth, and it any change or point or d1Teraioa decree entered in aaid. pro- Offcling ahall contain eeah and all ot the proviaiona hereinabove proTided to be incorporated therein and ahall not oontaln a117 prOTiaion• detrlmental or prejudicial to the atorage decrees ot Second Partie• or in conflict •1th the proTietona hereof, and it aaid decree ·ahall receiTe the apprOYal aa to form ancl aubatace ot the aald attor- •r• tor the Second. Partiea, then Second Partiea and each ot them haTe no objection to auch a decreed change ot point ot diTerai on and Seccmd Parties and each or them agree that they •ill not thereafter attack the right ot Pirat Party to diTert aaid water in accordance with aucb apprOYed decree at the ohanged point ot d1Teraian. lotbing in thi• agre•ent contained ahall be construed u an entry ot appearance bJ Second. Partiea or an7 ot thea in aaid change ot point or diversion proceeding. Executed by Firat Party, through ita duly authorized otficera, and by Second Partiea, througb their duly aitborizecl otticera, aa ot the day and year tirat hereinabove written. I. I. A.nderaon Ita Clerk. ! • x. Wtll It a Secret arr C 1'1'Y OJ.I' DGLEWOOD THE ll' All4ERS RESERVOIR ilD IRRIG.lTIOR CCllPllfY BJ Prank B. Baporott It• Preai4ent ·584 il'l'ISf: r. K. Saith Ita secretary B. V. Rouff Ita Secretary Alderaan Oliner, lloYed ) Woodman, Seconded) Council Adjourn. ROLL CALL: Boclan, llacldox, Aye Aye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Absent THI! BURLIBC1l'Clf DI'l'CH,RESERVOIR dD LdD COMP.lNY By Bme B. All4rn• Ita Pre .. UDt '!'HE HE1'RYLY1' IRRIGATIOR DISTRICT BJ Bruce B. Andrew• It• PrNident S!COM> PAM'D'B • Cushing, Absent Oliner, Aye Pr antz, qe WoOllJI• , ~e Six Ayea •11• Bone Ab sent '!'Wo. Mayor so Ordered. The lli1111tea ot the Special Call Meeting ot tbe City Council ot tbe City ot Englewood, ColOl"edO 'ftlia We4ne84111 February lat, .l. D. 19 50 stand approyed as read tbia lftlt Day ot February, .l.D.lgo(). ~ bffi;clerk. I I ,._ I I