HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-02-27 (Regular) Meeting Minutes588 REGULAR AD.TWRRED MEETI1'G OP' 'ft!E CITY CaJNCIL OP' THE CITY OP' ENGUWOCD, COLORADO 'mlS 14otn>AY THE 2'1th DAY OP' FEBRUARY, A. D. 1950. a yor Charles R. Allen Called the Meeting to order asn asked tor Roll Call; ROLL CALL: Boda, Preaent Maddox, Preaent, Alde nnan Mi ll1g1111 , Buchanan, Present Milligan, Absent SeYen Present Cushing, Present Oliner, Present Absent One. Coming in took seat with Council. RESOLUTIOK. ---------- 1"rantz, Preaent Woodman, Preaent '!'HAT WHERB.AS, on the 10th day ot December, A. D. 1949, EDWARD mRS Mt DOROTHY O. EVJ!JIS executed a Quit Claim Deed intending thereby to convey property to the City at Ellglnool tor all.9r pUl'poMa, ad IHERIAS, aaid Deed erroneoualy described the property, and IB!REAS, on January 23, 1950, said Deed was recorded erroneoual.y and said Deed deaorUteamthe entire property ot Edward Evera am Dorothy o. EYera, and IHERIAS, the City ot Englewood at no time intended to own said property end baa paid no consideration therefor, JK>W, TBEREFOR!, BE IT RESOLVED that Charles R. Allen Be, and he is hereby, appointed a• ICllllliasioner to execute a Quit Claia Deed in t nvor of Edward Evers and Dorothy o. !Tera and tberebf conYef the •i ot si at 8'fi-ot SJt or mt. locally known as 3255 South Cherokee, Arapahoe County, and inYest ~ere'b1 in aaid Edward Ever• and DorothJ O. Evers, any and all right, title and interest ot ne City ot Englewood in ad to the property deacribed in the Quit Claim Deed recorded in Book 6e2 at Page 375 ot the record• ot the Clerk and Recorder or the County ot Arapahoe, State ot Colorado. Mayor City Clerk. Aldenl&D Maddox, MoTed ) Cuahing, Seconded ~U. CALL: That the above and foregoing Reaolution be Paased and Adopted. Bodan, Aye Maddox, A:,·e Buchanan, Ay e Milligan, Aye Eight Ayes Ma y or Cushing, Oliner, Nays None so urdered. rrantz, Woodman, Mr. W. L. Forry, Cl!lllle before the Council, presenting a Plat known as Park Addition. to the City ot Englewood, tor ac eptance by t he City Council. atter Discussion. Alderam Buchanan, Moved ) Cuabing, Seopnded ) That Pl.at known as Park Addition • be accepted alao the MBJor be author- ized to Si gn aaid Plat and Clerk Atteat. ROLL Cil.L: Bodm A.ye Maddox, Aye Buchanan, Aye Mill1g1111, Aye Eight Ayes Nays Me.yor so Cushing, Oliner, Kobe Ordered. City Engineer Dale h . Rea. presented drawing and engineer's eatimate, on aa Ext. I I tor area bounded by w. Floyd and w. Ea•tman Ave•a., So. Cherokee at a Tot•l am ount ot 3,093.02. being a Total Coat per Lot ot t '15.00 each. ildeman Ollner, Moved ) Frantz , A:Te WoodJnan, .17e Sanitary sewer Extension lda09n and So. Delaware Streeta. at•er d1aou .. 1cm. Buchanan, Seconded ROLL CALL: That the Engineers estimate be accepted, and work proceed. Boclan, Maddox, Aye Aye Buchana n, Aye Milligan, Aye Eight Ay e s Naf'a Mayor so ordered. Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye None Frantz, 17• loodlllan, Aye Ald e~n Oline r, Moved ) Frantz, Seconded ) 'l'hat the Water De artment be authorized to lay $'ewer, and lilanholea com- plete. in Sanitary Sewer Extension known as Ext II I. ROIJ. CALL: PftlTI011: Boda, Maddox, Aye Aye Buch an en , Aye Milligan, A.ye Eigbt Ayes Mayor Cushing, Oliner, Nays Kone so Ordered. Aye Aye Frantz, Aye Woodm1111 , A,Je I I I A Petiticm bearing 'l'wo Signature•, waa presented , tor the inveatigaticm and poaaibilitJ ot installing Sanitary Sewer Extension. i n and along adjacent said real propertf, All ot lota 10 thru 46 inc. and Eaat i I ot 4'1 thru 50 inc. Blk. 18 ETanston Bdwq. Add·. also s. t ot Lot 4, and all or lots 5 thru 19, inc. and all ot Lota 26 th.ru 41 inc. Blk. 19 Eva nston J road•&J Add. after discussion. ' Aldermm Oliner, Moved ) Buchanan, Seconded ) 'ftlat the Petition be received and filed, and City Engineer be inatructed to make preliminary Survey and Estimate of Cost. BOLL CUL: Bodal'J, Maddox, Ay e Aye Buchanan, Aye Milligan , Aye Eight Ayes Mayor Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye Nays None ao Ordered. P'rantz, Woodman, Alderman Woodman, spoke with Re: to obtaining certain Federal Aid. in the eatablisbing Official Grade• ot all Streets and Avenue• withing the City of Englewood, also to the laying ot certain Storm Sewers. aaldng the Ci ty Engineer to giv e explanation of ways and means of obtaining said Aid. atter discusaion th e M19Tor Dterred the matter to a future mpeeting. Aldennan Buchanan, Moved ) Maddox, Seconded ) That the additional Surety Bond at the City Treasurer, having been approv- ed by the City Attorne1 aa to Form. be received and filed. ROLL CW.: Boden, Mtlddm, Aye Aye Buchanan , Aye Milligan , Aye Eight A.yea Mayor so Cushing, Oliner, Nays None ordered~ Aye A.ye J'rantz, Woodman, A.ye A.ye Clerk read letter trom t he dl•~·· ·2lanMt .. i Oimaiasion. the same being received and tiled. ( aee tiles tor letter. ) ildenam Cush ing, Dr. ot Purchase and Supplies Comn. raised the question ot the City purchasing Two new Dwlp Tl'Ucka tor the Street Department. at'ter discussion. Alderaan Cu sh ing, MOTed ) P'rant z , Seconded ) That the Clerk prepare lfotice to Bidders, and have Jublisbed in the Engle- wood Enterprise, and Englewood Presa tor Two iaauea. aetting the .. te tor opening ot Bids on March 13th, U~50 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. ( also prepare ap e citicationa) R>LL CALL: 1.1.d e rman ROLL CAIL: Bodan, Maddox, Aye Aye Buchanan, Woodman, Moved ) S econded ) Bodan, llacldox, Aye Aye Buchamn, Aye Milligan, A:;e Eight A.yea M91or ao Cushing, Oliner, Naya None Ordered. Council Adjourn. Buebanan, A.ye Milligen, Aye Eight A.yea, Ll e;yor Cushing, Oliner, Kaya Kone so ordered. A.ye Aye Aye Aye Frantz, A.ye Woodman, Aye P'rmtz, Woodman, Aye Aye 'l'he Minute• ot Regular Adjourned Me e ting or the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado. 'hi• onday February 27th A. D. 1950. atand approved as read , this Monday the 13th day ot arch A. D. 1950. 589