HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-03-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesR!CDI.l• .lDJUJRJrnD MF.F.I'ING OF TH 1'~ CIT'.r COUNCIL CF THF CIT Y OF Fl:GLFfOOD, COLORADO. '!'HIS MONDAY TH! 27th DAY OF MARCH A~ D. 1950/ Mayor Charles H. Allen, called the meeting to order and aaked for Roll Call: ROLL CALL: Boehm, Ab s ent Maddox, Present Buchanan, •resent Milligan, Pres nt Seven Present Cushing, Present Olind', Present Absent One Frantz, Present Woodman, ·Preaent In .. corclance with Notice to Bidders, published in the Englewood Enterpriae for the opening ot Bide on " Sewer out tall for )he Littleton Sewage Disposal Plant" as of thia date. Mayor asked it there being Bids Filed. Clark st atetl that three Bids had been tiled. Uayor asked Clerk to open and read the Bide. Being read aa tollowa to-wit: Total Bid Price. Winslow and MoMillon $ 15,698.25 Mann Construction Co. 15,669.25 ll'ranhart and Wyatt 25 ,414. 75 atter diacuaaian Alderman Milligan, Moved ) Maddox, Sec ended ) before 10 daya. That the Bids be received and the awarding or Contract be made on or Bodan, Absent Maddox, Aye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, A.ye Seven Ayes Mayor Cushing, Aye Oliner, A.ye Nays None Absent so ordered. One Frantz, Woodman, Aye Aye Purcbaaing COllllittee reported on having reviewed the Bids on Two 2 ton trucks tor the atreet and Bridge Department. and, 1.1.derman Cu bing, Moved ) Frantz, Seconded ) '!'hat the Bid or the Burt Chevrolet Inc. be acc,pted. at Bid price of .. ,212.60 tor Two canplete units as per specifications. ROU. CALL: Boden, lladdox, Absent Aye Alderman Cushing, Moved ) Buchanan, Aye Cushing, Aye Milligan, Aye Oliner, Bay Six Ayes Nays One Absent One ~ayer so ordered. Frantz, Aye Woodman, Aye Oliner, Seconded ) That the City purchase from th e Burt Chevrolet Inc. a 1946 Chevrolet 2 Dr. tor 1,000.00 to be used by the building Inspector for th e City. R>LL CALL: Bode, Ab sent lladdox, Aye Buchan.an, AYe Mil llgan, A.ye Seven Ayes Cullb i ng, A.ye Oliner, Aye Nays None Absent Mey or ao ordered. One Frantz, Woodman, Aye Aye Water SUpt. r. J'oe A. McCall, came before the Council stating that the Water Department being in need or a beaTJ duty truck. atter discussion. Alderman Cushing, UC>Yed ) Milligan, Seconded ) That the City purchase fran the Burt CheWrolet Inc. one 2 ton 178" wheelbase Cab over Engine Chevrolet Truck. Total net price '2,431.66 and paid tram the Water Fund. ROLL CW.: Bodan, lladdox, Absent Aye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Aye Seven Aye a Mayor so Cushing, Aye Oliner, A.ye Bays None Absent ordered. One. Frantz, Woodmen, A7e A.ye Alderman Boden, coming in took saat with Council. lil'. A.B. Raymond, came before the Council, representing the Darbers within the City, and presented a petition. bearing 21 aignaturea, to enact an Ordinance regarding days and hour• or owner• and operatora ot barber abopa within the City. after discussion • Alderman Cushing, Moved ) Maddox, Seconded t That the petition be received and referred to the Ordinance Committee. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, Aye A.ye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, A.ye Eight Ayes l layor ao Cullbing, Olin er, Nays None ordered. Aye A.ye Frantz, Aye Woodman , Aye Alderman Buchan in, presented a Plat to the Council known aa Park Addition 2nd Filing. atter- diacusaion. Alderman Buchanan, Moved ) Woodman, Sec anded ) ot certain portion• tor streets be authorized to sign aaid Plat ROLL CALL: Bode, Maddox, Aye A.ye Al.de 1'llUlll Cuab ing, MoTed ) That the Plat to be kn09n as Park Addition 2nd Filing ahowing dedication and alleys tor perp~ual use or the Public, be accepted, also the Mayor and Clerk attest. Bue h anan, Aye Milligan, A.ye Eight A.yea Mayor so Cushing, Oliner, Nays None ordered. Aye Aye Frantz, Woodman, Aye Aye Buchanan, Seconded ) That the Colorado National Guard be allowed to atteh a deacriptiTe piece ot property uaed aa a Motor Pool on West Floyd Avenue, exteta4ed. to the Sanitary sewer upon the payment of one hundred fifty Dollars {.tl.50.00) aa the aeme not being in the original Sanitary Sewer district. ROLL CA.LL: Bodan, Aye Maddox , Aye Bue h an an , Aye Milligan, Aye Eight Ayes Mayor so Cushing, Oliner, Nays None ordered. A.ye A.ye Frantz, Woodman, 593 •• 594 , Uayor Allen raised the question or invitation to Bidders tor the sale ot the City Hall property, atter discussion. Ude.man Frantz, llOYed Cuabing, Seconded ) That the City Attorney prepare inYitation to Bidders on a negotiated baaia tor the sale ot the City Hall property, the date of opening of Bida to be on the 8th day ot May, at 8:00 o'clock~ M. the same to be published in the Englewood Enterprise the legal numberof timea. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, A.ye Aye Buchan mi, Aye Milligan, Aye Eight A.yea Mayor Cushing, Oliner, Nays 1f one ao ordered. Aye Aye Frantz, Woodman, Aye qe Alderman Oliner, presented a petition bearing 53 aignatures, for the installation ot Sanitary Sewers in and along the following blocka to-wit: Block 20, 21, 22, and 23 Evanston Bdway. Addition • ...r.er discussion. Alderman Oliner, MoYed ) Buchanan, Seconded That the petition be receiYed and referred to the City .....-9er to prepare plan• and eatimated coat of the construction of Sanitary Sewer extension in the abo..e described area. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, Aye Aye Buchanan, Aye Cushing , Milligan, Aye Oliner, Eight A.yea Nays None Mayor so ordered. Aye Aye Frantz, Woodman, Aye A.ye Alderman Milligan,, Asked to be excused having to make a profeaaional Call, M•or excused Alderman Milligan. WH!RR ASi pursuant to an election of the tax payers of the City of Englewood, Colorado, said City ha• entered into a program tor the construction or a Municipal Water ilorka System under a combination general and revenue bond issue plan or financing, and WHEREAS, Bonda in the amount at Seven hundred nine thousand Dollar• (t709,000.00 ) haYe been hereto- tore iaaued and additional tuncla are now required to ctntinue the progrm, KOi, THERD'OR!, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City or Englewood, acting bJ and through it• dulJ authorized officer•, issue on or before April, 3, 1950, additional bonds, as authorized by the tax payer• ot the City, in the amount or tIDo,000.00 • Mayor Ci tyb Clerk. Alderman Oliner, Moved Woodman, Sec onded That the above and foregoing Resolution be pasaed aDi adopted. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, Aye Aye Buchanan, AYe Milligan, Absent Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye Seven Ayes Mayer Nays Bone Abaeat One. so ordered. Frantz, Woodman, Aye Aye Alderman Olin er, MoTed ) Frantz, Seconded That the City Engineer prepare invjtati on to Bidders for the pui11g at alley Between So. Broadway and So. Lincoln Streets, in the 3400 block as per petition ft led inl949. The date ot opening ot Bids to be April, 24th 1950 at the City Hall, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. same to be published :bx 3 time• in the Englewood Enterprise. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Aye Maddox, A.ye Buchan'lD , Aye Cu ahi ng, AYe Milligan, Absent Oliner, Aye Seven Ayes Nays Rone Absent One. Mayor so ordered. Frantz , Aye Woodman, Aye CitJ Engineer Dale H. Rea, came before the Council Re: the Englewood Water works syatea, as to cer- tain detail• on Yarious aights and construction. after 4iscusaion the matter was deterred at this time. Alderman Cushing, lloYed ) Woodman, Seconded ) That the 8treet Dept. take charge in lowel'tllg ot the Sanitar7 sewer in the 3900 Block between so. Penn.Street and So. Pearl titreet. for a distance or 200 teet and construct one llan hole. mnount to be charged to the So. Englewood Sewer extension. ROLL CALL: Bodsn, Aye Maddox, Aye Alder.-n Cushing, Woodman, ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, Moved ) Seconded ) Aye Aye BucUman, Aye •11 lligan , Ab amit Seven Ayes Cush i ng, Aye Oliner, Aye Nays Rone Absent One so Ordered. Mayor Cou nci 1 Adjourn. Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Absent seven Ayes Nays Bone Mayor ao Ordered. Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye Absent One. Frantz, A.Je Woodman, AJe Frantz, Aye Woodman, A.ye Minutea at Regular Adjourned Meeting of the City Council ot the City ot Englewocd, Colorado. thia llondaJ the 27th Da.v ot March, A. D. 1950 atand approyed aa read , thia Monday the loth ~ ~ April, A. D. 1950. p City Clel'k. I I I I ..