HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-15 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR d.T URRFJ> MEETING OF 'nIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF nfGL f WOOD, COLORADO, '!HIS mOW.lY
'ftm' 15th DAY OP' JUNE .l. D. 1950 , AT 7 : 30 o' clock P • M.
ll91or Charle• R. Allen, being absent, Mayor Pro-Tem c. E. Cushing, Ca~d ~e Meeting to crder ad
uked tor Roll Call;
Buchanan, Present
MilligRn, Present
Six Present Absent
ll'rantz, A.baent
Woodman, Preaent
!Xl:>.!X~xkx¥x~xfx~x!_xx Englewood, Colorado.
June J.¥ 1950
4 *1 1 iil) r. WIIO .tift6'8 DC., A Colorado Corporat1cn, Mting and through its dul.3' elected
and qualified Preaident, Paul D. Ambrose and lta duly elected and qualified Secretary, c. D. Willima,
tbe 8WD ot ft&ttf THOOSAKD and NoflOO (120,000.00) OOUJlRS, deposit on account ot the purchase price atthe
toll.owing deacribed real property •i tuate in the City ot Englewood, County ~ Arapahoe and st ate ot Colo-
rado, to-wit:
Beginning at a ppint 330 rt. South and 50ft. West ot Wortheaat corner ot Sit-19i-Seo.
34, 'l'Wp. 4 S., R. ea., thence S 89° 40' W. tor 132t rt., thence due •orth tor 138.3 tt., thence
South 89° 40' W. tor lG5t tt., tbenoe due South for 442 ft., thence •ortb 8~o 40' Eu• 818 tt.,
thence due Kor~ tor 100 tt., thence North 89° 40' East tor 80 tt., tiaenoe due Korth tor 209.7
rt. to point or beginning.
The entire price to be paid is the aum or 'NO HUNDRED THCUSAND and 110/100 (taoo,000.00) DOLLARS, at
•hioh tha •ount paid herewith ia a part and the balance ia to be paid aa tollowa: One Hundred ft1rty
Tbouaand and no/100 (Jl.30,000.00 Dollars on or before Ninety (90) days tram date hereot, and Flty Tboaeand
and no/100 ( 50,000.00) Dollars on or before November 15, 1950.
A good and autticient Warranty Deed to the within described property OODYeJing the auae to Shopping
Center•, Ina., its auccesaora and assigns, shall be delivered to the purchuer on or betore K1Dtt7 (90)
daya trca the date hereof and upon ~e payment ot the One Hundred Thirty Tbouaand and no/100 ($130,000.00)
Dollar• hereinaboYe set torth.
Poaaeaaion ot all ot the described property except the large building and aoceae thereto tram South
Aocaa ~reet tor tire and police vehicle•, shall be given the purchaser at ~e tl.ae at the deliYer7 ot the
arrant y Deed and the payment or One Hundred Thirty Thousand and no/100 (tl.30,000.00) Dollar• u herein-
betore set torth.
Poaaeaaion or the large building and relinquishment or the right or •81 to Acoma Street tor tire and
police Yehiclea ahall be given the purchaser on or before Kovember 15, A. D. 1950 and when ~e balance at
P'ltty Tboualllld ad no/100 ( $50 ,000. 00) Dollar• aa hereinbti'or ~ aet forth llhall be paid by the purchaeer.
Permiaaion la hereby granted to the purchaeer to immediately place and adYertiaing aign upon the premi-
aea herein deecribed on the Broadway frontage thereof.
It it understood that the real property to be sold under thi• ~-•t OOYera tbe Eaat halt ot Acc:ma
Street between West Girard Girard Street and Greenwood Parkway, and it 1• lllJ"•e4 between tbe partiea u one ldx
at the conaideration• tor this Agreement that the Purchaaer •ill dedicate th• !aat balt ot •aid Aocma Street
between West Girard Street and Greenwood Parkway tor use aa a public atreet.
It i• -sreed that the Seller will keep autticient insurance in force upon tile llllprove .. nta upon aaid
property to protect the parties tram any loaa in event ot tire or other cataatropbe until poa .. aaima 1•
deliYerecl to Purchaaer. After posaeaaion la deliYered to the Purchaaer at any parcel or parcel• ot real es-
tate being Mld under tbia ~reement, then thereafter the Purohaaer will •11•ta1n aald inauraoe.
Tbe Seller 1• the owner or the pro perty that lies between Bannock act .locma Street• and Greenwood
ParlarQ and eat Girard Streets, Engle• ood, and the said Seller agree• u one ot the oonaiderationa tor tilia
Agr>eement that said parcel or land, except the Southwest corner thereof, •hiob 1• a parcel ot laDcl 125 tt
x 12~ tt., ahall be preaerved aa a public parking lot for motor vehiclea. That the Mthod tor preaening
or dedicating aaid land aa a public parking lot shall be Jointly determ1~4 by the attorneya and aouneel-
ora at the Sellar •nd Purohaaer, aublect to approval ~ Council.
Ir a .. rohantable title be not ahown by the Abatract and cannot be llh09n •ltbln One Hundred Twenty
(120) daya, the amount received aa evidenced by this receipt, is to be refunded, but it a clear title be
ahown and it payment la not made or tendered by the Purchaser aa herelnabove aet torth, then ~e money here-
by receipted tor la to be held aa liquidated damages. and in either caae, both Purobaaer and Seller are
releued tram all turtber obligations hereunder.
In tbe event a quitt title action is neceaaary, the time tor payment ot the OM Hundred Thirty 'l'hoa-
aand and no/100 ( 130,000.00 ) Dollars hereinbetore set f orth shall, at the option ot the Purohaaer, be
extended to the da'e ot entry ot decree in said quiet title action, aald time in no e-.ent, to exoeecl
One Hundred T1rent7 (120) days from date ot notice of detect, and the tat• ot delivery at poaae~alon ot
the large building and right or way to the Purchases shall be extended tor a like period ot time.
City Clerk.
C. D. Williama
Secretar y.
By Colbert E. Cuahlnge
Mayor Pro-Tem.
a Colorado Corporation
By Paul D. Ambro ..
WHERUS, the people ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, by ballot eleote4 to ••11 the portion ot
City Propert1 now occupied by the City Hall, bounded by South Broadway on the laat, South Acoma on the
eat, Weat Greenwood on the No rth and eat Girard on th e South at a price ot no' l••• than Two HUD4rect
Thouaand and •o/100 ( 200,000.00) DollRra and
WHEREAS, inYatation to bidders baa been duly publaihed, said bid• to be aubmitted to the City on
or betcntei June 5, lg50, and
tnmREAS, E. l!:. Ambrose an Sona aa ag nts for Shopp•ng Center•, Ina., a Colorado Corporation, aub-
llitted the only bid tor said property and it ia necessary to execute an Agreement tor sal and Purohaae
with Shopping Centera, Inc., in accordance wi~ negotiations carried on u •et torth in said notiae,
WOW, IJBEIU!!rOR!, BE I'r RF.BOLVED, that the Mayor Pro-Tem ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be, ad
he i• hereby, authorized to execute, and the Clerk ot said City be, and be i• hereby, authorized and
directed to atteat a Contract tor Sale and Purchase with the buyer or Shopping Cente!'8, Ina., a Colorado
Corporation, •bicb contract has been approved this date by the Englewood City Council and •op1 ot which
ha• been placed on thi• date in the office of the Clerk of the City ot Engle11> od, Colorado.
City Clerk.
ilderman Oliner, Mo'Yed )
Milligan, Seconded
Colbert E.Cuahing
Mayor Pro-Tem.
That tte abo'Ye and foregoing Resolution be paaae4 an& adopted.
Buchanan, Aye Cuahing, Aye
MillleJl.D, Aye Oliner, A.ye
Sis A.yea Nays None Absent TWo
Mayor Pro-Tem so ordered.
R E S 0 LU T I 0 N. ----------
J'rant z, Abaent
Woodman, Aye
WHEREAS, on the 13th day or June , A. D. 1949, ERNF.ST RCMANS was employed by the City Council of
the City ot Englewood, Colorado, as City Recreational Director at a aalary ot 'l'bree Hundred (#300.00)
Dollar• per month and baa cont i nued in auch capacity since that date, and
WID!REAS, there rema in• in fund appropriated for said recreational purpoaea the awn ot TWo Thousand
!igbt Hundred ( 2 ,800.00 ) Dollars on this dl!lte, l!llld a Voucher and Warrant wu drawn theretor to the City
Recreational Council and a diapute hu ni•n concerning the issuance ot aaid Warrant, the ••e being
I arrant Wo. A-<>02 & ,
SOW, 'IB!!RFJl'OR!, BE IT RESOLVED that to settle disputes and properly diapenae tunda appropriated to
the Recreational Council, the aaid Ernest Ranaae ahall be paid ae salary the Miil ot Pour Hundred ($400.00)
Dollar• torthwith and Four Hundred ( 400.00) Dollars at the regular City payroll date• in Jul.J, Auguat,
September, October, Kove r:i ber and December ot 1950, and
BE IT ruRTHER RESOLVED that Voucher No. A-<>02& he, and it is hereby, cancelled and 'Yoided.
City Clerk.
UOTed )
ROLL cal.L:
That the above and foregoing Resolution be paaaed and adopted.
Buchanan, Aye Cushing, Aye
Milligan, Aye Olin er, Aye
Six A.yea Na ya None Absent Two.
Mayor Pro-Tem so ordered.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N.
I' rant z, Abaent
I oodman , Aye
WHEREd, SHOPPING CF:"l' ,m,, INC., a Colorado Corporatil.n has executed a oontrl!lct with the City or
Englewood to purchase the property on which the City Hall is located, copy of which Contract ie in the
Clerk' a ti lea, and
( 20,000.00 )
sl!lid Shopping Centers, Inc., has made a down payment or Twenty 'l'bouaand and KoJlOO
Dollar• on s q id Contract, and
IHERJU.S, aaid 20,000.00 and all future payments must be earmarked tor uae in the construction or
a new City Hall,
WO , mEREFORE, BE IT R'ESOLVF.D, That the Treasurer of the City ot Englewood, Colorado, and ahe is
hereby, authorized, instructed and directed to deposit the i20,ooo.oo down payment herein described, and
all tuture payment• *nder the purchase contract in a special account in a deaignated depoaito1'7, aaid
eocount to be called the "City Hall Building Account", and that the money in •aid account llaJ be expend-
ed only tor rel!llty for a City Hall site and/or eosts of designing, constructing and furnishing •~
City Hall, Library, Municipal Building and/ or quarters for City Police and Fire Departmenta, at C .... llta
Alder man
Ci ty Clerk.
MoTed )
Seconded )
Boclan, Aye
Maddox, Absent
'!'hat the above and fore g oing Resolution be p .. eld
Buchanan, Aye Cuab ing, Aye
Milligan, Aye Oliner, Aye
Six A.yea Nays None Absent Two.
Mayor Pro-Tem so Ordered.
and adopted.
lPrmtz, Absent
Woodman, Aye
Alderman Oliner, stated that a Mr. Thomae McGee of 3695 South Delaware Street, asked perllisaion
to attach Lota 15, and l«S, Block 18, Englswood. to the Englewood Sanitary Sewer, same not being in
the origina l Sewer Diatrict. after discussion.
ilde man O Un er , oYed
Buchanan, Seconded That Mr. Thomae McBee, be allowed to attach Lots l5, and 16, 13look
18 Englewood, to S anitary Sewer in So. Delaware Str et, upon the payment ot One hundred and No/100
( 100.00) Dollara to tbe City ot Englewood.
Bodan, Aye
Maddox, Absent
Alderman Bod.an , Moved
Buchanan, Aye Cu ab ing, Aye
Milligan, Aye -011ner, Aye
Six Ayes lays None Absent Two.
Mayor Pro-Tem so ordered.
l"rantz, Absent
Woodman , A:le
Buchanan, Seconded There being no further business to cme before the Council, Council
Adjourn to meet again Monday June 26th A. D. 1950 at eight o'clock P. M.
Boclm, Aye
11-.ldox, Abaent
Six Ayes
Aye Cu S:ling, Aye
Aye Oline r, Aye
Nays None Absent Two
Pro-Tem so ordered.
Frantz, A.baent
loodnan , Aye
Tbe 1nut•• ot •he Regular Adjourned Meeting of the City Council ot the City ot Eng1Bwoo4, Colorado
t h 1a Tburad117 the 15th Day of June, A. 11. 1950 stand approTed aa read , this Monday
the 10th o., of July, A. D. 1950.