HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-26 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRBGULAR ~JaJRlfED ll!!E'l'mG OF mE CI't'Y COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF ElfGLEWCOD, COU>RADO, '!HIS M01'Dll THE 2&th DAY OF JU1'fE A.D. 1950. Mayor Charles R. Allen, Called the Meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call; ROLL CALL: Bodan, Absent Uaddox, Pre sent Buchanan, Preaent Milligan, Absent .FiTe Preaent Cuahing, Preaat Ollner, Preaent Abaent ftN• rrant z, Ab aent Woodmm, Present Sewer Thit being the last date to consider the •arding of. Contract tor the oonatruotion ot Smitary Sewer Contract Extension Bo.10 District Ro. 1, as set torth at the Re lar Meeting ot May 8th, li50. Upon the re- #1.0 Tie•ing ot the Bid• received, and atter diacuaeion. Aldel'llm Oliner, litOYed ) Buchanan, Seo0nded ) That Winalow & 14ola ill n, be •arded the Contract tor the Conatruction ot Sanitary Sewer Extenaion Ro. 10, District lo. l, at the Bid price ot tll,i08.CM and to begin work upon 1.0 497 authorizaticm. and the tiling or Pertormance Bond. BOU. CALL: Sota, Maddox, .t.bsent Aye Buchalll n , Aye Cusb ing, Aye Milligm, Absent Oliner, Aye Five Ayes 1'aya None Absent Three 14ayor so ordered. Alderman Milligan, oClling in took seat with Council. rrant z , Abaent Woodman, Aye &14eiwan Oliner, Chr. Wat e r & Sewer Canmittee, Reported that the Sewer Coaaittee,along with City Engineer Dale h . Rea, a Ting made final. Inapection or the Sanitary Sewer Extension, known ae Hawkeye extension located lD .. Al ley between South Delaware Street and South Elati Street in the 3200 Block. atter diacuaaion. Alderman Ollner. MOYed ) Milligan, Seconded That the Report of th e Coamittee be received and the Sanitary Sewer Exten- aion known u Hawkeye extension be accepted by the City. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Absent Maddox, Aye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Aye Six Ayes Nays Mayor so Cushing , Aye Oliner, Aye Rone Absent 'l'Wo. ordered. .Frantz, Absent Woodman, Aye ildeman Woodman, Stated he havi ng contact e d Mr. Harlan E. Rathbun, an Architect Re: the drawing al Plan• tor Wew City Building•. and presented before the Council copies or agreement. at'ter discua•ion. Alderman Wo odmen, lloTed ) Maddox, Seconded ) That the City Council enter into an Agreement tor the City ot Englewood Harlan !. Rathbun, as Architect tor the construction of New City Building•, and the Mayor be authorized to aign aaid Agreement in beh lt of the City or Englewood. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Maddox, Abaent Aye Buchanan, Aye Cushing, Aye Milligan, Aye Oliner, Aye Six Ayes Nays None Absent Two Mayor ao ordered. J'rantz , Absent Woodman, Aye Clerk read application tor Licensed Drug Store License, also I Petitions bearing 290 signatures ot 1ohn I. Lidke and w. H. Arrowamith, dba. Cherrelyn Drug Store at 4303 South Broadway. after discussion. ildensan Buchanan , oved ) addox, Seconded ) Th a t the appl.1c-ati c·n be receiTed, referred to the Police Department, and *be Property Posted according to Law. with date ot Public Hearing to M 1uly 24th. 1950 m>JL CALL: Bodm, Abaent Maddox, Aye Buchanan , Aye Milligan. Absent Five I.yea Bays None Mayor so ordered. Cushing, Aye Ollner, Aye Absent ti*• J.Pran~, Absent Woodlim , A.ye Mr. Phil. J. Kronenberger, r e pres nting the Ei:aglewood Junior Chamber or Coamerce, came before the COGDcil, stating the Chamber was again going to put on a Fourth of July Fireworka Display, and with thought that the City Council contributing to such an event in behalf or the City fl Englewood a• inpast years. after cliacuuion. ildena.m BuchlUllUI, Moved ) Woodman, Seconded ) A donation ot One hundred and no/100 (;t l00.00) Dollar• be •de bJ the CitJ and arrant be dr•n at proper time in taTor ot the Englewood 1unior Ch•ber ot Cc:amerce, tar the purpome ot Pourth at July Celebration. BOLL CALL: Bodan, Abaent Maddox, Aye Buchanan, Aye Cushing, Aye Milligan, Abse nt Oliner, Nay Four Ayes Ways One Absent Three Ma yor ao Ordered. J.Prantz, Absent Woocban, Aye Conmlting Engineer Dale H. Rea, ceme before the Council, Re: the Conatruotion ot Water Works. tor the City ot Englewood, alao presenting a Contract. atter discua•ion. Alderman Wooclllaa, Mewed ) t•••, Seconded ) That the Contract presented by Kr. Dale H. Rea, be accepted, and the Mayor .Al.lthorized to execute auch Contract in behalf or the City ot Englarood. BOLL C'1.L: Bodan, Maddox, .t.baent Aye Bue hanan, A.ye 141111 gen, Aye Six Aye• Ways None Mayor eo ordered. Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye Ab een t 'l'Wo Frantz, Abaent Woodman, Aye 27 WB!REAS, the property deacribed aa Plot 8, (\Uelland Addition, located in the City ot Englewood, County ot A.rapahoe and State ot Colorado, and owned by J. c. Linder and Margaret !. Linder, bearing local Ad- dreN ot g5g !an Dartmouth A.Yenue, was erroneously included in htenaion 1'o. 6 ot the Englewood Sanitary Sewer, and llHKREAS, aaid property abould have been located in Extension So. 10 ot the Englewood SanitarJ' Sewer, ad WHERE.AS, the •aid property owner• haTe executed a promissory note in the amount ot the aaaeaament leYied against aaid ~xtenaion So. 10, IOW, 'l'HJJmll'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the property owned by the •aid 1. C. Linder and Margaret:!. Linder be, and it ia hereby, transferred tran Extension 1'o. 6 or Englewood Sanitary Sewer Syateato Ex- tension 1'o. 10, and upon canpletion ot said Extension Bo. 10, a tap allall be iaaued to the said 1. C. Linder and argaret E. Linder thereon. A.TT!ST: Ma y or City Clerk. A.lderman Oliner, MOYed ) Buchanan, seconded ) That the above and foregoing Resolution be paaaed and adopted. ROLL CA.LL: Bod an, Absent Maddox , A.ye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Aye Six Ayes Nays Mayor so Cullb ing, Aye Oliner, Aye None A.b sent Two ordered. Frantz, Absent Woodman, AJe WHEREAS, The following described property, Lota 35, and 36, Block 58, So. Bdway Heigbta, are de- linquent in the payment or Special Taxes oTer a period of years, and I IHEREIS, '!'he Owner tbereot Anna Hiett, has otf'ered to pay the amount ot tbe said delinquent inatall-I ments aa represented by Tax Certificate # 34617 together •1th interest on the aame at the rate at aix per-- cent (~), and the Council believes it to be the beat interest ot the City to accept auch otter. B0\1 , THJ'.REFORE BE IT RESOLVED: '!'he City Treasurer be authorized to aooept aa p1111D9nt in tull the tace amount ~ Tax Certificate I 34617, together with interest at the rate or •i• percent (~); and a•- •ign Certiricate to said owner. A.ldeDlllln Oliner, Moyed ) Milligan, Seconded ) '!'hat the abOTe and foregoing Resolution be paaaed am adopted. ROLL CALL: Bodan, Absent Maddox, Ay e Buchanan, Aye 1.U lligan, A.ye Six Ayes Raya None ).layor so ordered. Cushing, Aye Oliner, Aye Absent Two R E ! 0 L U T .! .Q 1'. Frantz, Abaent Woodman, J.78 IHEREA.S: It is the desire of the United States Government to drill, bore and dig teat pita and holes on Jropert7 owned •7 the City or Englewood, and WHEREAS: said property is leased to A. P. Atchison, ani said Atchison baa agreed to allow •aid work by the United Statea4 1'0ll THEREFORE BE IT RES OLVED : that the Mayor of the City ot Englewood be, and he is hereby ,author- ized to execute and the Clerk ot said City be, and be is hereby authorized instructed and directed to atteat a Teq,orary Easement Agreement with the United States Governmmt, copy ot •hich is in the Clem• ti lea. Alderman Cushing, Moft d ) Maddox, Seconded ) That the above end foregoing Resolution be paaeed end adopted. ROU. ClLL: Bod.Im , Ab sent Maddox:, A.ye &l.derman Cullbing, Maddox, ROLL CALL: OYed ) Seconded Bodan, Absent Maddox, A.ye Buchanan, Aye Milligan, Aye Six A.yea Nays None Cush ing, Aye Oliner, Aye Absent Two 14ayo r so ordered. Council Adjourn. Buchanan, Aye J.111lig811 , Aye Six Ayes Nays None Mayor so ordered. Cuabing, Aye Oliner, Aye Absent Two. Frantz, Abaent Wood.nan, Aye Frantz, Absent I' oodman , A7e Tbe 1nutea ot Regul sr Adjourned a.teeting ot the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado t h i• onclq the 26th 0 97 ~ June A.. D. 1950 stand approved aa read this MondQ' the 10th D~ ot Ju~, A. D. lg50. I I