HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-09-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREOCJLlR ADJ'OORNED ME!:l'IlfG OF THE CITY CCXTNCIL OF 'lF.E CITY OF EJIDLE Vi COD, COLORADO THIS 'l'OIBDll' ml 5th DAY OF SEPTnmm, A. D. 1950. Mayor Charle• R. A.llen,Called the ~eting to order and asked tor Roll Call; BOLL CW.a Bodan, Absent Maddox, Present Cushing, Abs ent )41.lligan, Present FiTe Present Absent Frantz, Present, Oliner, Present Three l aaan, Preaent loodman, A.bent The matter ot awarding or Contract tor Treated Water Transmission Conduit, tor tbe City ot Englewood •aa brought up betore the Council, and upon reTiewing of all Did• presented. and diaouaaiOD. llderman Maddox, UOTed ) l'rantz, Seconded ) That the Contract be awarted to the Thompson Pipe and Steel Canpan7, on So-edulea 1, and 2, tor Steel Pipe. and all other Bids be rejected on all abhedulea, and Clerk instructed to return all Bid Bonda and Checa. ll>LL CALL: Bodan, Absent Maddox , AJ'e Cushing, Absent Frantz, Aye Milligan, Aye Ollner, Aye ll'iTe A.yea Nays None Absent Three Mayor so ordered. R E S 0 LU T I 0 N. ---------- Jansaen, J.79 Wooclmn, Abaeat IBKREAS, the City or Englewood, Colorado is in the process of construction ot a Municipal Water Work.a _.._, pur8Uant to vote or the qualified electors ot said City, and IBIRIAS, in accordance with the 1'9Cluirements of Section 100, Chapter 163, 1936 c.s.A. aa 11119D4e4, the CitJ' at Englewood adTertiaed tor bide tor the supplying or material and inatallation ot treated water trana- miaaion conduit, said bid• to be aubmitted to the City at Englewood on Auguat 28, l~O, u apeott1e4 in the 1DT1tation to bidders and in accordance with the apeciticationa ot the City Engineer, and WBIRBAS, following atudy or bid• submitted, the bid we.a duly awarded to the Thompson Pipe and St*el Ca11pan7, lowest bidder, and IBBRKAS, oertain reaidenta or the County or Arapahoe have petitioned the County Court ot the County ot Arapahoe to incorporate the "Town ot Greenwood Village" surrounding the area being condemed b7 the City ot Englewood u the site tor the storage at treated water, and llllSRE.AS, said inoorporation or territory will go to a vote or the resident• ot the area on September 8, 1950, and IHIREAS, said incorporation ia being attempted tor the express and deliberate purpose ot delaying the City ot Englewood in the installation at its system by intertering with the uae by the CitJ' at Englewood at ~he atreeta to be included in said Town of Greenwood Village, and flflRX•s, although the City or Englewood could condem the rigb ~ to use aaid atreeta, the resultant dela7 would jeopardize planned contractual relationsblps between the City at ~lewood and the Board at ••er Ccm- aiaaionera ot the City and County of Denver, aDl WJU:RXAS, the vote or the resident• or the propose• Town or Greenwood Village may canplete incorporation at the aame on September 8 and c~uae the within s~ted delay, and IBKREAS, all the hereiabove at8*ed tacts create an emergency situation requiring illlecl1ate ocPRrnoe- ment at the installation ot the treated water transmission conduit in South Clarkson Street South ot Belle- Yiew Avenue and neceaaitate the commencement of said work before September 8, 1950, .and IBER!AS, the City baa made demand upon the Thompson Pipe and Steel C~any tor immediate del1Yer7 ot •terial, md aaid Company baa advised the City that the only pipe which can be turniahed u dmrMed, ia 3/16 inch coal tar en•el ateel pipe at a price ot i4 .50 per toot on 18" diameter pipe; t5.88 per toot Oil Mt• di-'er pipe; te.72 per toot on 27" diameter pipe, and t inch coal tar enamel ateel pipe _, a price ot te.13 per toot OD 30" dimaeter ptpe, and ~. 3/16 inch pipe and t inch pipe are below prior required bid apP-airicationa, but the urgeDOJ' ot the situation neceasitatea acceptance t.hereor, IOW, 'l'BERD'ORI!!, BB IT Rl".SOLVED that an emergene7 exists and that pursuant to Article 3 ot the Contraot wew•• heretatore •arcled the 'l'hompson Pipe and Steel Campany and Sectionll of the apecif'ication• UDcler n1eh aaid Calpanf made bid, that the Thompson Pipe and Steel Canpany be, and they are hereby, authorized to ncluce the thiclmeaa ot the ateel pipe to be furnished under tbt contract uarded September 5, ~50, to a neel thlok- neaa ot 3/16 inch OD all pipe except that portion ot the contract reterring to 30" dimeter pipe, ill which oa• the thickness at the ateel in the pipe may be reduced tot inch. All other apecificationa mall re:.l&in u bid and like amounts at the new pipe ahall be furnished, and BE IT FUM'HER RESOLCED that the price to be paid for said pipe shall t.•s ~.50 per f'oot on l8" diameter pipe; tD.88 per toot on 24" diameter pipe; ~6.32 per root on 27" dimeter pipe, and $9.18 per toot on i inch thick 30" diameter pipe; and the Mayor ot the City or Englewood is h_..bJ authorized all 4.1.reote4 to exeoute, and the Clerk ot the City ot Englewood is authorized to attest a Contract with the 'ftlC111Paon Pipe and. 8'eel Ccmp11D7 in accordanoe with the te.rma or thia Resoluticm. · A.14eman Oliner, Moved ) W.lligan, Seconded ) That the above end foregoing Resolution be Paaaed an4 A4opted. BOLL CALL: Bod.an, Absent Maddox, A.ye C~ng, A.b sent :rrantz , A.ye Milligan, Aye Oliner, Aye :rour A.yea Nays None A.baent ~e One not ?Jayor declared the Motion carried. Aldel"llmi Woodman, caning in took seat wi tb Counc 11. Aldeman Ollne r , MOTed ) 1anaaen, aot Toting Woodan, a-t Toting. ) 'l'o reconsider the ·vote taken on the aboYe Besolutioa. •bioh ~11111 u toll.ow•• Bod.an, Absent Cuabing, Abaeat Fl'llntz, Aye l•-·.,. Maddox, Aye Milligan, A.79 Ollntr, Aye Six Ayee Nays None .lbsent Two Thereupon the :tJayor declared the Motion carried. Woodmen, AJ9. A.Plat know aa Bobay Subdivision, was presented for acceptaace by the City Council, atter diaouaeion. Alderman Janaaen, t.IoTed ) 141.lligan, Seconded ) That the Plat known as Bobay Subdirtaion 6h01ring dedication ~ oenaua portion• ot Street and A.lleJ• tor perpetual use or the Public, be accepted, alao the Mayor mithor1ae4_ to Sign aaid Plat and Clerk Atteet. BOLL CALL: Bodm, Absent Maddox, Aye CWlb ing, A"eent Frantz, Aye Milligan, Aye Oliner, Aye Six Ayes Nays None Absent 'l'Wo. Mayor ao ordered. J'uuen, ~ Wooctam, ...,_. A.lde.iman Oliner, Chr. Water and Sewer Committee, Reported that the Sewer CCllllllittee,along •lth the City Engineer Dale H. Rea, Having made tinal Inspection ot the Sanitary Sewer Exteneion, knOWD ., bta- aion Bo. 10. located in the area between South Clarllaon and South Corona Street•, in the 3100 .W .. Blocka. att er diacuaaion. Al.del!!Dlln Oliner, MoTed ) Prantz, Seconded ) '!'bat the Report of the Committee be received, and the Sanitary, Sewer Bzteuioa known aa Extension No. 10. be accepted by the City. ll>LL CALL: Boan, A.baent Maddox, A.baent Cueh ing, A.beent Frantz, Afe Milligan, A.ye Oliner, A.1e Fift .lyee Nays None Abaent 'l'hree. ~.,or ao ordered. J'anseen, · J.79 Woodm 11, J.79 CitJ Enginee• Dale H. Rea, preaented the totll p,.,.,ment Certiticate tor Extension •o. 10 or 1be Ban1tar1 Sewer Dinriot Bo. l. ot Englewood, Colorado. after diacuaaian. (See tile• tor Certificate.) Alderman Oliner, 110Te4 ) J'nnt z, Seo anded ) That the Certiticate be received and the Contrwatar•, Winalo• • -.u. be paid the to*ll amount ot ,tll,639.38 · · ROU. CALL: Bodan, Al»aeat Oulb1J38, .lladdm , A.b•ent Alie man :r llllSMD t MOTed ) A.bast ll'rantz, J,ye W. lligail, A.ye Oliner, A.ye •i•e A.yea Nays None Absent Three Mayor ao ordered. .Ta•MD, Wooclmm, A.19 Maddox, Seoonded ) That Mr. Nye T. Sovine, of 3821 So. Bannook St. be appointed to Mne ma tile Zoning Board tor the unexpired term ot lw'ira. Lula H. Lunlberg, who having reaigned. .&.180 D. x.naoe K. Guilford ot 2'110 So. Ogden St. be appointed to serve on the Planning CODllli••ion tor the unexpire4 tttJlll at Yr• Lula H. Lundberg, who having resigned. BOLL CALL: Bod.an, Abaent Maddox, A.ye Cuahing, Absent Frantz, A.1e Milligan, A.ye Oliner, Aye Six A.yea Nays None A.bamt 'l'Wo a.t91or ., ordered. J'anaaen, &re Woodmen , "9 A.ldeman Oliner, Chr. Water & Irrigation C~. Stated A .Kr. C. I. Franzen ot 1018 Eut J'i.,t. Aft.• inquired Re: to connecting taia property with the Englewood Sanitary Sewer. atter diaouaaion. A.ldeDllllD Ollner, 140...ed ) FraDtz, Seconded ) That ~. c. w. Franzen be allowed to attach the toll.owing deacribe4 pro- pertf to-wit: the Eut eat teet ot Lota, l, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Block 42, Evuaton BcllrQ. &44. kncma .. 1018 IMt J'loyd A.Te., Upon the payment of One hundred eight-seven and 50/100 (118'1.:50) Dollar• to the-C1t7 at Englewood. ROLL CAI.Ls Bod.an, lbaent Maddm, A.ye ildel'lllm Oliner, MoTed ) llilligan, Seooil4e4 ) the 1951 Budget, alao tb Audit ceed ieoo.oo ROLL CALL: Bodm, Absent Maddox , 1.Je Cuahing, Abaent Milligan, Aye Six A1ea Nays None Mayor so ordered. l'r ant z, A:le Oliner, A.ye Abaent 'l'Wo. :raaaaen, •• Wood.ma, .A.Je That llr. Dale H. Holben, or Denver Colo. be retained a• Auditor to ~ue the Books ~;,,the City ~ EngleS> od for the 1ear 19SO. the •OWlt aot to ex- Cu8hing, Absent Frantz, A.ye Milligan, A.ye Oliner, J,ye Six A.yea Nays None Absent 'l'Wo. M91or eo ordered. :r ....... A-7• I t>od•D' J:le Al.de Imm lladdox , l10Ted ) Oliner, Seconded ) ROU. CALL: Council Adjourn. Bodm, A.baent Maddox, A.ye Cushing, Absent ll'rantz, ~ Mi lli gan , Aye O liner , A.ye Six A.7es Nays None A.baent Two Mayor ao ordered. J'•--· A-,e 'I oodmall , A.,e The Minutes ot Regular Adjourned Meeting ot the City Council of the City at Engl•oo4, Col.Cll'aclo thia Tueaday the 5th Day at September, A. D. U~50. stand approTed u reall th1• ll<m41t7 the 11th Day ot Septent>er, A. D. 1950. ----~""" Z'7 Clti Cler~~ I ; ' I I I